Let you print cards, not let you kill gods

Chapter 365 The birthplace of the Twilight Saint

The birthplace of Vivian.


This seems to be the place Shen Sui asked Alice to look for in the first place.

But Vivian herself is a forbidden word in this era of Dawn Continent. Although the Church of God of War tried to deify her, it tacitly chose to delete many of Vivian's deeds.

Everything about this city has been deleted by many churches.

Human beings are the easiest to forget history.

As long as the truth is erased from textbooks, no one will know the truth of history in a few generations.

As a result, Bumble City has gradually been washed away from all its characteristics in the course of more than a thousand years of history, and has become an ordinary city. Only the extraordinary families who still retain their own inheritance can retain the truth of the past. .

They don't want their descendants to foolishly provoke some people they shouldn't, so some records that should be kept must still be kept.

Nowadays, Bumble City is just an ordinary city on the surface, located at the junction of the Baishi and Luo Lin Empires. Although it can be regarded as an important border town, there must be a big problem in being deliberately placed in the Pope Trial.

So, the Bumble City in this mission most likely exists as the birthplace of Vivian.

But, what does the Lord of Thunder want to do in this city?

Because he had found Vivian, even though it was just a candlelight phantom, Shen Sui no longer had the obsession to find this city in a hurry, so he didn't mention it to Alice for a long time.

But he never said there was no need to look for it.

Therefore, when Alice learned about this, she was particularly excited. After bidding farewell to Ekaterina, she excitedly started calling Shen Sui.

Shen Sui naturally responded to her call.

["Let's go to Bumble City!" Alice's eyes sparkled, not only for Claude, but she herself was also a fan of Vivian. 】

[In Luo Lin Magic Academy, there are countless legends about Vivian. 】

["Aren't you going to complete the mission of the Dragon God Order first?" you said. 】

["No, just because the agent is in a hurry to do their thing, it makes me look cheap. I won't be able to ask for a higher price by then.\

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