Let you print cards, not let you kill gods

Chapter 446 Alice travels across the wilderness (please subscribe! Please vote!)

【Ding! You get the spell card: Dragon BBQ]

【Ding! You get a permanent spell card: Protect Loli]

【Ding! You get the spell card: Wilderness Trek]

These dragon-like creatures cannot escape the clutches of the devil after all.

The reason why they were able to escape Alice's pursuit before was purely due to the super high speed of the dragon-like creatures, but now they are in the charging stage towards the food and cannot resist Alice's attack at all.

If they could be a little more rational, they might be able to spot Alice behind these lolita.

It can only be said that the shadow Alice cast on them yesterday was too great, making them anxious to find the pleasure of revenge.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that Alice is only at the ninth level. In the eyes of these dragon creatures, the ninth-level dragon queen is not a threat at all. Who would have thought that Alice, the killer of dragon-like creatures, would actually be at the ninth level? I took a group of children out for an outing the next day.

Dragon-like creatures are also one of the main food sources in this world.

Therefore, this time Alice controlled the fire very carefully, so that when the corpses of these dragon creatures fell to the ground, the fire was just right.

The energy contained in the dragon creatures is very conducive to the improvement of the abilities of the dragon queens, not to mention that the dragon creatures in this valley are all powerful and top-notch beings.

Under Alice's hospitality, the lolita had a hearty meal, and their strength even improved a lot because they ate the meat of high-level dragon creatures.

So, after Alice gave Shen Sui eight follower cards of Loli Longji, Shen Sui's duel instrument sounded a series of beeps again.

Bai Ye was already mentally sensitive to the life-card-boosting sounds that Shen Sui made from time to time. This time, eight consecutive beeps almost made her heart skip a beat.

It's like when you are happily playing games, your classmates in the same dormitory have already started studying.

No! In Shen Sui's situation, he should have been recommended.

How jealous!

Bai Ye carefully distinguished the types of sounds.

This is a very special tone and also very rare.

At least Bai Ye had never heard a similar sound in his duel instrument after it was upgraded.

This sound is the sound of getting a different picture card.

Exactly eight tones.

"Holy shit!" Bai Ye's eyes suddenly widened, "Have all the eight new dragon ladies led by Alice been promoted?"

Shen Sui looked at Bai Ye strangely: "Yes, is there anything strange about this?"

"Is this weird?!" Bai Ye covered her chest, Versailles, I felt a kind of Versailles pressure, "Do you know how difficult it is for a dragon girl to grow up and be promoted? My Cheryl It took me more than a year to go from being a freshman to the current ninth level! Not counting my acceleration time, it also took her ten years to reach her current strength!"

Shen Sui blinked and commented truthfully: "Oh, then there are some dishes."

Hearing Shen Sui's words, Bai Ye almost vomited blood.

Got some dishes?

Cheryl is a well-known genius in Arc City!

"Hurry up." As he spoke, Bai Ye had climbed onto the table without any regard for appearance, climbed in front of Shen Sui, and stared straight at Shen Sui, "How did your Alice do it? Can you make it happen?" Long Ji was promoted so quickly."

Shen Sui smiled and said, "It's very simple. Just let them eat the meat of dragon creatures."

"What you said is easy." Bai Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "How can the meat of dragon creatures, especially the high-level dragon creatures that can promote Long Ji, be so easy to kill?"

"But this is the fact." Shen Sui spread his hands and said, "Alice just cleared the Extinguishing Valley and obtained a large amount of high-level dragon creature meat."

"Extinguish the Valley. Wait! Extinguish the Valley?"


"Omri's Valley of Extinction?!" Bai Ye's eyes widened in disbelief.

That is the dangerous place closest to Central City! It is filled with a large number of powerful and terrifying dragon-like creatures.

"You said Alice wiped out the Valley of Extinguishment?"

"Yes." Shen Sui said.

"Impossible! This is simply impossible!" Bai Ye said in disbelief, "Omri is a very powerful dragon-like creature!"

"Well, Omri seems to be the first to die." Shen Sui scratched his cheek.

There was a brief silence in the living room.

Bai Ye seemed to be stunned and froze there. The way she was lying on the table could be said to be very imageless.

If her fans knew that their idol was lying in front of a man in this posture, they would probably go crazy.

In order to end the embarrassing silence, Shen Sui took the lead and said, "If you need it, can I ask Alice to bring some dragon meat back?"

In fact, after Alice went on a killing spree outside Ornila's city-state, Ornila had already distributed part of the loot to Misha, but thinking about this kind of meat that could be used to increase strength, Bai Ye wouldn't have too much. .

"Yes! Yes!" Sure enough, as soon as Shen Sui said this, Bai Ye woke up and even jumped down from the table quickly, and diligently helped Shen Sui clean up the table that she had messed up.

Bai Ye wiped the table and said, "Thank you, boss!"

The body of this high-level dragon creature is a great tonic for Long Ji, and it is exactly what Bai Ye needs most.

What is dignity in the face of something that can enhance the strength of one's own deck?

Not to mention Shen Sui was Lin Keer's student, even if Shen Sui was her student, she wanted to call Shen Sui her foster father.

"There's no need to be so excited." Shen Sui glanced at the duel instrument and then said, "This thing is not rare anyway."

"Not rare?" Bai Ye shook his head and said, "You don't know how much energy the dragon queens spend every year for the corpses of high-level dragon creatures."

"I don't know how much energy it takes." Shen Sui shrugged and said, "Anyway, Alice just seemed to have entered another gathering place of dragon creatures."

"Again?" Bai Ye was stunned and asked, "Where?"

Shen Sui glanced at the duel instrument: "It seems to be the Gold and Silver Lake."

"Gold and Silver Lake?!"

Bai Ye found that he seemed a little too surprised today.

But no life card master from World No. 16 can remain calm when hearing today's news.

Although the dragon creature group in Jinyin Lake is far inferior to the extinguishing valley in terms of average strength, it is also one of the most ferocious places in the nearby wilderness. Many dragon girls lost their lives during trials in this area.

Regarding Alice's destruction of the Gold and Silver Lake, it is actually inevitable.

Because she held the map backwards, Alice took the lolita on a completely opposite route. Therefore, if she wanted to go to Red Leaf Canyon according to her original plan, the fastest route was through Jinyin Lake.

Speaking of which, the fact that Alice got lost was indeed full of coincidences, but in a sense, even if it happened, it was not an unexpected thing.

Alice is not a native of this world, and the Loli Dragon Girls are all just fledgling children who have never left the city-state. Neither party knew that they were going the wrong way. Without anyone reminding them, , the probability of this happening is indeed very high.

In order to get to Red Leaf Canyon as soon as possible to complete the children's trial, Alice chose the fastest route, and then led a group of loli dragon girls to Jinyin Lake.

Jinyin Lake, as the name suggests, is of course a lake.

If you look at the terrain alone, this is definitely a fire suppression ability.

It's a pity that Alice is an exception. People can set fires arbitrarily on the sea, but why are they afraid of you in a small lake?

Therefore, Alice relied on her absolute restraint on the abilities and attributes of dragon creatures to easily kill through the Gold and Silver Lake.

In fact, Alice had already led the dragon ladies out of the Gold and Silver Lake, but after hearing Shen Sui's words, she ran back again and swept the Gold and Silver Lake back and forth, even the dragon creatures in the lake. Without letting go, she used the bubbles Martina gave her to fight into the water and made all these dragon creatures into fish soup.

After leaving some of them to Shen Sui as supplies for trading with Bai Ye, Alice collected most of the corpses of dragon creatures.

Children have already eaten, and the energy in their bodies has not been fully digested. Letting them eat again will only be harmful rather than beneficial.

Therefore, Alice plans to use these as military rations for her armies in the Dream World and Dawn World. The meat of extraordinary creatures will not only satisfy hunger, but also make the soldiers stronger.

Alice specially separated some corpses with special properties or powerful abilities to make and repair dolls in the future, or to use them to make magic props for Claude or the girl Vivian.

After Treasure Lake, Alice's scavenging behavior in the wilderness is far from over.

It is true that this road is the fastest recently, but it is also the most dangerous.

On this road from the Extinguishing Valley to the Red Leaf Canyon, there are a lot of dangerous places.

But Alice was not afraid at all, and even stayed in some weaker places to let the little dragon girls fight to digest the energy in her body.

However, in order to rush for time, Alice did not work as intensively as in the Extinguishing Valley and Gold and Silver Lake.

When she encounters a gathering place of dragon creatures, she doesn't stop too long to eliminate all the dragon creatures here before leaving. Instead, she directly leads the dragon girls to kill them through, and then rushes to the next location.

This random intrusion, unstoppable advance and killing left a deep and terrifying impression on the dragon creatures in this wilderness.

In the evening, Alice finally completed the nearly 100-kilometer march with Loli Longji. This was also thanks to the fact that the map Ornila gave Alice was a detailed map. Although it was very large, it did not cover the same range. Not too big. Even if Alice went in the wrong direction, she wasn't too far off. Otherwise, Alice's return might not have been as simple as a day's work.

Alice's behavior this time undoubtedly left a deep mark on the world. Naturally, it also brought a new life card to Shen Sui when she reached her goal.

【Ding! You get the spell card: Wilderness March]

【Ding! You get the event card: Alice Wilderness Hiking Event]

And that's not all. After Alice led the little dragon girls to complete the trial in Red Leaf Canyon, Shen Sui unexpectedly received an environment card.

【Alice's Golden Corridor】.

Shen Sui looked at the card and fell into a brief silence.

The Duel Instrument gives information on how to obtain this card.

After today, the image of Alice's golden devil began to spread in the wilderness.

Many dragon creatures left their original living places and moved to areas outside because of their fear of Alice.

This behavior gradually created a safe corridor free from any dragon creatures in the area between Red Leaf Canyon and Extinguished Valley.

This area, later known as Alice's Golden Corridor, slowly took shape due to the pioneering efforts of Alice and her Dragon Princess Corps.

And this is also the origin of this environment card.

This is a bit outrageous.

Alice can now not only give Shen Sui ordinary life cards, but even environment cards.

And looking at Alice's behavior during this period, this **** really relied on her personal strength to forcefully carve out a safe zone on the map. It's true that the physical body changed the environment.

Of course, Bai Ye heard the notification sounds for obtaining event cards and environment cards very clearly.

But this time, she didn't show any surprise.


Already numb.

I no longer have any feeling for the speed at which Alice obtains life cards.

Don't talk about the environment.

Even if Alice jumped in front of him next moment, Bai Ye wouldn't be surprised at all.

Bai Ye finally knew how important a reliable and powerful soul card was to a life card master.

If it weren't for the support of Alice's large number of life cards, Shen Sui probably wouldn't be able to play so many powerful tactics.

Bai Ye is used to this.

But Ornila was shocked again by Alice's behavior.

What she originally wanted was to let Alice take the new dragon girls to Red Leaf Canyon for a trial, and then judge Alice's character based on the evaluations of these children.

If Alice is a person worth relying on, then it might not be a bad idea to accept the contract herself.

A contract in the hands of a kind and close person like Alice is at least countless times better than in the hands of a cold-blooded and ruthless person like Archduke Grafa.

But to Onila's expectation, Alice not only completed the task, but also received unanimous recognition and admiration from the Loli Dragon Girls. She even had the strength of these Dragon Girls who followed her out for trials to be greatly improved. .

What happened in the middle?

Ornella investigated the incident with a sense of curiosity.

Then Alice's outrageous behavior appeared in Ornila's hands in the form of a report.

This is not only the witness report of the Loli Dragon Girls, but also includes the on-site investigation brought back by the investigating Dragon Girls who went to the scene of the incident.

Countless evidence shows that Alice accomplished an unprecedented achievement during this trial.

Because he got lost and went to the wrong place, he led a group of fledgling students through the extremely dangerous wilderness and reached their destination.

This feeling of starting from the BOSS point and going all the way to the novice village just to complete the novice mission is really full of a sense of absurdity.

And that's exactly what happened.

This girl named Alice is really interesting and cute.

【Ding! You get the follower card: Grafa’s Dragon Girl Onila]

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