Let you print cards, not let you kill gods

Chapter 507 I don’t want to be a magical girl anymore! teacher!

Alice completely sees the efforts of Ye Nana and other magical girls.

After all, after his battle with eight magical girls began to spread to the entire world over time, those monsters that were suppressed by local magical girls in other realms began to move in the direction of Alice and defected. Under the command of the prison dragon witch Alice.

I don't know if the dragon that Alice conquered has any special location of monsters. These monsters can always find Alice's location very accurately.

And because Alice always attends classes in school during the day, the probability and number of monsters appearing in Ye Nainai's school begins to increase.

Magical girl is a practical and idealistic profession.

Alice finally saw this.

They rely on their belief to make breakthroughs in strength, and they rely on the accumulation of combat experience to make breakthroughs in actual combat power.

Alice witnessed Bai Lili transform some of her junior high school and even elementary school students into magical girls.

This ferret girl is really bad. What she is best at is the recruitment process of pretending to be sick and lying down.

First, select targets who can become magical girls in school, and then choose to lie on the road they must pass home when they are out of school. Use the overflowing sympathy of these chosen ones to sneak into the chosen ones, and then continue to The earth is exchanged, awakening the extraordinary characteristics in these chosen ones.

Since extraordinary characteristics appear to monsters like lights in the dark, this means that when these chosen ones activate their extraordinary characteristics, monsters will definitely appear around them.

Therefore, Bai Lili can jump out at the right time when the chosen ones are attacked by monsters, and guide the chosen ones to transform into magical girls.

Of course, this is actually a very old method of recruiting magical girls, and there are also settings such as cute pets and transformers.

Because the city is overrun with monsters, the administration has also begun to pay attention to the issue of the city's magical girls' combat capabilities.

However, the profession of magical girl has very distinct regional characteristics.

Even if magical girls of the same class or even higher rank are assigned, their combat power may not be comparable to that of local magical girls. Therefore, the magical girls sent by the administration are more of just to assist and teach. To truly defeat the legendary Prison Dragon Witch, we still need the growth of local magical girls, namely Ye Nainai and the others.

At the same time, in order to combat the growing number of monsters in the city, the Administration has introduced a new way to recruit magical girls.

In the Internet era, there is nothing that APP cannot solve.

The same goes for the recruitment and transformation of magical girls.

This time, the Administration brought their latest developed technology.

They first send a group text message asking for help to the mobile phones of all girls of appropriate age. When the girls actually click on the link out of sympathy, they will download an APP on their mobile phones.

During the downloading process, the extraordinary qualities of the magical girls in their bodies will be awakened, which will naturally attract the surrounding monsters.

The backend of the administration, after observing the download information, will immediately send nearby magical girls to the place where the girl is to pick up and teach the new magical girls.

And girls who become magical girls in this way naturally do not need any special transformer to transform. The APP has its own transformation function.

When Alice saw this recruitment method, she didn't feel there was anything wrong with it. After all, as a girl from a magical world, she didn't know what telecommunications fraud was.

When Shen Sui looked at this, he no longer knew how to complain.

The Management Bureau's method of recruiting magical girls is full of the beauty of fraud.

Well, it's not just a scam, it also has a bit of a sex appeal.

In Shen Sui's view, this method of recruiting magical girls has gone against the true nature and original intention of the magical girl profession.

Although in the second dimension, magical girls have become a joke for many people, and they even appear more often in comics, butter, and notebooks.

But you have to know that many occupations that can be used by otakus have a sense of justice and sanctity in the thinking of most people.

This is true whether it is a teacher, a nurse, a police officer, a saint, a miko, or a magical girl.

The sense of blasphemy is a very stimulating factor for the senses.

The Minotaur exists because it blasphemes pure love.

Part of the temptation to uniform exists because it desecrates those sacred professions. (Of course, some of the uniforms are due to pure astringency.jpg)

Magical girls have a certain sacredness.

Therefore, a person should not become a magical girl through this stupid method, or even because of death threats.

In early magical girl dramas, the main character became a magical boy mostly to help or save others, and rarely because he was about to be killed, so he chose to become a magical girl.

Fortunately, Chisara, the first generation director of the administration, left not that long ago. Although most of Chisara's comrades in arms have passed away, Chisara still retains her values ​​​​for magical girls.

Therefore, this project is also a controversial project within the administration. Although it has some amazing numbers in terms of recruitment efficiency and success rate, it is always in the experimental stage and has not been used on a large scale.

It is this time, because of Alice, that the number and strength of monsters in this city have begun to approach the level of monsters before the birth of magical girls in ancient times. In order to quickly increase the scale of middle-aged magical girls in this city With combat power, the Administration had no choice but to use this killing weapon.

After all, magical girls are really a profession with strong regional and age characteristics.

The age of sixteen is already at the end of a magical girl career, and most magical girls will choose to retire in high school. In such a short career, they are more willing to fight to protect their hometown.

Of course, the Administration can arrange for magical girls from other cities to come here for business trips, but this is just a business trip after all, and these magical girls will eventually leave.

Therefore, even with combat support, this kind of recruitment must be carried out.

Because the Ye Nana that Alice faced were already very mature magical girls, she observed several new magical girls out of curiosity.

The idealism of magical girls is also a conclusion she came to during this period of observation.

The heart of belief is the core strength of magical girls.

They often have promotion methods that completely baffle Alice.

It was during this observation process that Alice realized that it turned out that Ye Nana and the others' breakthrough through verbal therapy was not an isolated case. This kind of thing was very common among magical girls.

Since confidence can make magical girls stronger.

Then Alice becomes more and more curious about what magical girls will look like if their confidence and dignity are completely shattered.

What a very interesting group of girls.

Alice was thinking as she walked toward the office with her textbook in hand.

Suddenly, a familiar voice called her from behind.

Alice turned around and looked at Ye Nainai in school uniform.

Ye Nainai is a very cute girl, but she is a little too introverted.

If she hadn't known her true identity, Alice would never have been able to imagine that she would be an extraordinary person.

"What's wrong? Classmate Ye Nainai?" Alice had probably guessed that Ye Nainai had come to see her for life counseling again.

After all, if I count the time, today seems to be the time I scheduled to fight them again.

Because of the existence of miniature dolls, the magical girls and even the management team's combat meetings were completely conducted under Alice's eyes.

So Alice knew very well what a luxurious lineup was waiting for her in tonight's battle.

All the elites in the administration were dispatched.

The magical girls vowed to fight to kill themselves, the witch who disrupted the order of the world.

There were three ninth-level magical girls.

As mentioned before, the career of a magical girl is very short. Even if it is such an idealistic profession, it is very difficult to be promoted to the ninth level in such a short period of time.

Almost all ninth-level magical girls in existence are dragon magical girls.

They were originally very powerful magical boys. Under the influence of the residual energy left when Kesara left, they evolved and produced the dragon girl form, which gave them even more powerful power.

This battle at night will definitely be a fierce battle.

However, this did not make Alice have any intention of retreating, but instead made her even more excited.

Since her debut, the battles she has faced have either been the ultimate in cruelty or the ultimate leapfrog, the kind of fifth level facing a god. She has really rarely fought against opponents of the same level.

"Teacher Hozewell?" Ye Nainai's voice woke Alice up from her thoughts.

Alice smiled politely and apologetically: "Sorry, I was just thinking about things at home. Classmate Ye Nainai, is there something wrong?"

Ye Nainai pursed her lips, lowered her head, and said to Alice in a very troubled manner: "Teacher, I have been having some questions in my mind these past few days."

She is actually already a very strong girl.

But the scene that day when she tried her best and was unable to defeat Alice has become a shadow, always echoing in Ye Nainai's mind, always reminding Ye Nainai of the fact that she cannot defeat the witch.

"I have an enemy that I can't defeat, but I must defeat it. I am very confused now. I don't know how to face such an enemy. That feeling of powerlessness makes me feel like there is an abyss deep in my heart with no bottom. I There is never a future in sight of victory over that enemy.”

The Prison Dragon Witch is simply too powerful.

Ye Nainai knew very well that even if she broke through a few more times, she would never be able to defeat such an opponent.

Although the seniors of the Administration continue to encourage them and use various glorious achievements in the past to inspire them.

But for some reason, Ye Nainai is not very confident about tonight's battle.

The strength of the Prison Dragon Witch is not weaker than those S-class super monsters in history according to the rating of the administration.

These super monsters were all called Demon Lords in the era when magical girls were just born.

The administration's battle against the demon kings was no doubt hot-blooded, and the results were brilliant, but Ye Nainai knew very well that without exception, these demon kings died at the hands of the legendary Queen Qisara, the first generation director of the administration.

The most powerful magical girls today, at that time, were just team members who cooperated with Kesara in fighting. The main opponents they faced were not the demon kings, but the commanders under them.

In other words, if we really want to look at history, none of the current group of people is a match for S-class monsters.

"Can you never defeat it?" Alice's eyes wandered, looking at Ye Nainai with a half-smile.

Ye Nainai nodded firmly and said with great certainty: "Yes."

She naturally believed in the potential of magical girls, but she believed in her own talent even more.

She is sixteen years old this year and has reached the end of her career as a magical girl.

According to the experience of her predecessors, after this age, no matter how hard she fights, she can no longer improve her strength.

Many magical girls choose to retire because they cannot become stronger.

"Well, you can try to think outside the box, Ye Nainai." Alice said with a smile.

Think outside the box?

The words most commonly heard by migrant workers are still so high-sounding to the ears of a high school student.

"Human potential is unlimited." Alice raised her head and taught, "If you see the limit, it only means that the path you are taking now has limits. Then why don't you try to find a new path? What about the road? A road with more future, a road that can surpass your enemies."

A completely new path?

Ye Nainai was slightly startled when she heard Alice's words.

In her limited life, magical girls were everything to the extraordinary, and she had no idea that any other extraordinary path existed.


Maybe there is.

Ye Nainai's eyes gradually brightened.

A clear image gradually appeared in her mind.

Prison Dragon Witch!

If you want to protect the city and protect those innocent residents, you need strength, and you need stronger power.

This kind of power can be a magical girl.

But it doesn’t have to be a magical girl.

If the magical girl's power can no longer protect the city.

Then he might have to choose another way to obtain more powerful power.

The existence of the Prison Dragon Witch and so many S-class demon kings in history proves the limits of monster growth.

Maybe, I can get some inspiration from the monster and gain power beyond that of a magical girl.

But it is a monster after all

"What do you seem to be struggling with?" Alice saw Ye Nainai's hesitation.

"What if I take another path, but the path I choose is not so righteous?"

"Then it depends on what your purpose is." Alice raised her hand, rubbed Ye Nainai's head, and said.

Ye Nainai's eyes became brighter and brighter.

She seemed determined.

"You seem to have decided."

"Yes." Ye Nainai nodded.

I don’t want to be a magical girl anymore! teacher!

Shen Sui was speechless.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like Alice is leading a kind-hearted little girl astray.

Alice, you can do whatever you want, after all, I have the bottom line, but I don’t have such a great background.

Ordinary people make one wrong step and another wrong step.

It's like a person's purpose is to make money.

The secret book that some people choose is "The Book of Getting Rich".

The secret book of choice for some is Criminal Law.

Can that be the same?

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