Chapter 43 _

.And the other way around .

.The increase of industrial area will generate demand for employment .

.The increase of commercial areas will not only generate demand for employment , but also promote consumption by citizens .


.If only blindly expand residential areas , do not plan for new industrial areas and commerce .

.Then , the attracted foreign population ,

.In the absence of a large number of vacant jobs in the city ,

.It will inevitably lead to a ” jobless tide ” .

.More unemployed people will increase the crime rate in the city .

.The consequence of the soaring crime rate in the city is to spark fires , trigger fears among citizens , relocate factories , and close down shops .

.This eventually led to the Great Depression of the city’s economy .


.The same goes for others .

.Whether it is to blindly expand only the industrial area , or blindly only expand the commercial area , it will lead to the Great Depression of the city .

.Therefore , the development of any urban area should not be overheated and blindly expand .

.It is necessary to deeply understand and prescribe the right medicine .

.And this is why , Fang Yuan will always pay attention to the comprehensive demands of the citizens .

.Because the comprehensive demands of the citizens will directly reflect on him .

.Comparing the comprehensive demands of citizens , we can intuitively see the problems of a city .

.Just like now .

.Tricksters despise ” business withered ” .

.In fact, it is telling you , hurry up and expand the business district with confidence and boldness , their pockets have been opened for you .


.City Hall .

.The 3D mini-unreal model of Fangyuan Town is constantly being enlarged on the sand table !

.The residential area in Hedong District and the industrial area in Hexi District have begun to take shape .

.And Fangyuan is now going to continue to ” development and construction ” eastward in Hedong District .

.At the same time , it is necessary to expand the Hexi Industrial Zone .

.” Then , at the intersection of Hedong District and Hexi District , it has become the focus of this planning !”

.Fang Yuan is a great player in the ” City ” game .

.The relationship between residential , commercial , and industrial areas is very clear .

.How to use the relationship between the three districts to leverage the economy of the entire town , he already had a prototype in his mind .

.I saw that he made a few gestures with his left hand .

.Just at the intersection of the middle and lower reaches of Hexi District and Hedong District , a ” Central Business District ” is delineated!

.in the far-flung plan .

.”The central business district will be the current consumption center of Fangyuan Town . ”

.”The west is connected to the industrial area of Hexi District , which will supply finished goods to the commercial area . ”

.”The east side is connected to a residential area to be planned and a small commercial street . Provide commercial services for the bad guys ”

.If the Hexi District and Hedong District are compared to food .

.Then , the central business district planned by Fangyuan ,

.It will be the two iron tongs that have been crabs , firmly holding the Hexi and Hedong in the bowl .

.Realize the true economic cycle !

.I believe , once the central business district planning is completed .

.It is bound to attract a crazy influx of foreign businessmen .

.Moreover , Fangyuan has given a lot of preferential treatment in terms of land policy in commercial districts .

.No longer as strict as before .

.In this way , it can attract large shopping malls , entertainment clubs , large restaurants , hotels, etc. to settle in .

.In addition , there is a layer .

.In Fangyuan’s future plans .

.Around the central business district , various gardens , amusement parks and other buildings will be added to increase land prices .

.If it is near the central business district , expand residential areas , office buildings, etc.

.Can promote the real estate industry .

.Overall .

.This major expansion will greatly increase the city’s financial revenue , increase the city’s commercial development , and enhance the city’s attractiveness .

.By the way , you can also upgrade the city to unlock new buildings .

.For a step-by-step plan to accumulate wealth , to pave the way !

.This is the big picture of Fang Yuan !


.It has to be said that the operation of Fang Yuan’s high-end urban planning is completely incomprehensible to ordinary people .

.Nor do they understand what it means .

.However , the beautiful and concise urban planning map shocked the audience in the live broadcast room .

.” Fuck , what a beautiful city !”

.” Mad , I want to move there !”

.”The pinnacle of art !”

.” Brilliant !”


.Exclamation finished .

.The audience also began to ” reflect ” .

.Why do they look at Fang Yuan’s urban planning as if they were appreciating an art .

.Instead, watching other players is like watching a bad domestic movie .

.Fang Yuan’s planning area is beautiful , chic , and looks extremely comfortable .

.Other players plan urban areas ,

.Left one lump , another lump , like shit ,

.Simply out of order ,

.No aesthetics at all .

.That’s called a hot eye .

.Especially the little fresh meat players . .

Chapter 44 _

.The planned urban area is even uglier than shit .

.The industrial area is mixed with the commercial area , and next to the commercial area is the residential area .

.Skip the residential area and become the commercial area .

.The skipped commercial area is again an industrial area .

.It’s so simple !

.What about the nesting doll ?

.The unscrupulous people in the small fresh meat city are numb .


.The Dakang contestant is not bad , the urban planning is square , like Tianzige .

.A large industrial area is a large industrial area , a large commercial area is a large commercial area , and a large residential area is a large residential area .

.There are small commercial streets in the residential area, and small residential areas in the large commercial area .

.The division is clear and clear .

.Although it is not as beautiful as Fang Yuan’s player , at least it can make the audience’s eyes comfortable .

.But here is Professor Luo San .

.The capital of law has been designed to be the capital of twists and turns .

.No. _

.That’s not called saffron .

.That’s called the result .

.The complexity of the road and the dense planning make the scalp tingling .

.If you meet the slums in Feizhou , you have to say a word of expertise .

.I’m not afraid of your jokes , the unscrupulous people in the legal capital may get lost when they go to work .

.If you commit a crime , you may not find your own crime den .

.The audience’s eyes were briefly blinded !


.cough cough .

.How to say something .

.It’s called : Phase is born from the heart .

.Player 006 , a soldier was born .

.As I said before , he was a major in the army .

.Other people’s cities can be considered a city if you don’t say much .

.Available in Major Runner’s City .

.It’s not called a city anymore .

.Should be called a military base .

.Have you ever seen a player use a dirt road as a transportation network ?

.You will see it today !

.Except for the ” highway ” and ” two-lane green belt ” that were initially connected .

.Major city’s main traffic lines and branch lines are almost all ” dirt roads ” .

.The major contestant euphemistically called it : cultivating the spirit of eating soil among the citizens .

.Of course , the major player chose to use the ” dirt road ” .

.The main reason is that if there are ” tanks ” entering the city in the future , the roads built will be unbearable .

.Since the road can’t bear it , it is so expensive to die .

.So he decided to switch all to cheaper dirt roads .

.he thought ,

.In the future, the dirt road may also be changed into ” helipads for gunships “, ” tank repair shops ” and ” artillery factories ” .

.result .

.His idea of this military management plan was to transform the citizens of Major City into a group of militiamen who ” come upon call , fight upon arrival , and win upon battle ” .

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