.” My dear , the temple is an industrially polluted area . If you smoke here , you must not contribute medical expenses to Fang Dahei !”

.”I feel bad for the traitor !”

.” Tiao people : What’s the matter , after paying the incense money , people went to the hospital before they started smoking !”

.” Some people are smoking , not only the wallet is gone , but the person is gone !”


.Yuan Fang , who was on the technical jury seat, twitched the corners of his mouth .

.What’s more , you should n’t trust Fang Yuan’s conscience !

.He actually deceived everyone !

.” Why is this man so dark !”

.Sister Fairy’s delicate facial features were all wrinkled , and she only felt that her young mind was once again affected by Fang Da’s black heart .

.In the commentary seat , Sun Liancheng had a strange expression and looked stunned .

.Obviously did not expect this to happen .

.Before , when he came to the program group , he also praised Fangyuan’s urban construction technology .

.But now , he feels that his three views are about to be overturned .

.The player Fang Yuan ,

.Not only is the urban construction technology excellent , but also the ability to scrape the ground is not small .

.It’s almost time for Heshen !

.No !

.Seeing Heshen , he must sigh !

.backstage .

.The director and director had a wonderful look on their faces .

.They all felt hot on their faces .

.It was as if he was woken up by Fang Yuan’s slap .

.” Damn !” The director vomited blood .

.” It’s over , this TV station is not guaranteed for the evening !” The station director sighed , feeling very aggrieved .

.Guard against everything , but you can’t guard against it .

.It’s coming , it’s coming !


.Fangyuan Town .

.The development of a city is always accompanied by ” spear and shield ” and ” love and hate ” .

.The sharp increase in the number of smokers has made the city smoky , and people’s grievances are boiling .

.An aspiring person, Ms. An Tian , on behalf of the citizens , suggested to the city owner to implement a smoking ban .

.The great city lord was wise and martial , and adopted Ms. An Tian’s advice .

.Decided to implement the whole city : Smoking ban !

.In front of the TV at home , or in front of the computer at work .

.Every citizen is paying close attention to the trend of the smoking ban .

.The town center , the press conference site .

.Fangda City Lord began to announce the smoking ban under the expectations of the people .

.”The smoking ban states :

.” No citizen shall smoke in public !”

.” Once discovered , a fine will be imposed !”

.The smoking ban has only just been issued .

.The citizens of Fangyuan Town were shocked :

.” What ? The city lord actually wants to ban smoking ?”

.”The sky is falling ! Can I only smoke at home ?”

.For those citizens who are often persecuted by second-hand smoke , this news is hardly overwhelming .

.The emergence of the smoking ban has prevented them from inhaling secondhand smoke .

.If you don’t smoke second-hand smoke , you do n’t have to go to the clinic and pay expensive medical fees !

.In this regard , some citizens cheered loudly and expressed their sincere support for the smoking ban :

.” Great , the city owner finally wants to stop smoking !”

.” It ‘s been a long time since the people who smoked were unhappy , and now the Lord of the City finally wants to rectify these smokers !”

.However .

.Some people are happy , some people are unhappy .

.For those who smoke regularly ,

.The emergence of the smoking ban , like a thunderbolt , made all smokers feel uncomfortable :

.” Why does the city lord believe Ms. An Tian’s nonsense ?”

.Smokers complained :

.” We smokers not only contributed money for incense and cigarettes to the city , but also contributed most of the medical expenses !”

.Some smokers cried bitterly :

.” I waited for the smokers , and I bleed and shed tears for the city ! Why don’t we let us smoke in public ?”

.” Yes ! City Lord !”

.Another smoker said :

.” No matter how hard and tired I am, the smokers are willing to contribute to the clinics and temples in the city . But now , when the smoking ban comes out , how can I wait for the smokers to serve the court , and how to add luster to the city’s finances and increase the Add bricks to bricks ?”

.Excited smokers even made trouble to the town center .

.The conscientious city owner cordially received representatives of smokers from all walks of life , and the two sides exchanged their opinions in depth .

.Fangda City Lord hereby promulgates the second policy .

.” Under the enthusiasm of the general public ,

.” Also for the happiness of the citizens smoking life ,

.” It is hereby provided that :

.” Smokers are allowed to smoke inside the temple !”

.” Allow smokers to pay incense money and buy cigarettes remotely through the post office ! ”


.As soon as the new policy is released .

.Smokers are a little disappointed though .

.But compared with the smoking ban , their mentality is somewhat better .

.Coupled with the establishment of ” Yanmin No. 01 Tram Line ” ,

.Make it easier to get to the temple and save on expensive taxi fares .

.Moreover , even if you don’t have time to go to the temple to buy cigarettes , you can also buy them through the post office !

.If so .

.The smokers finally stopped .

.The rejection of the smoking ban is not so strong ! .

Chapter 69 _

.” Exactly , go to the temple to buy cigarettes and smoke one-stop ! Lord City Lord really understands the hearts of our smokers !”

.” Indeed . It’s much easier to buy cigarettes now than it used to be !”

.” If you can’t buy it , you can still buy it through the post office !”

.”The city owner is so conscientious , we citizens , we should fully support his smoking ban policy !”

.And the only ones injured were those black car drivers .

.The driver of the black car vomited blood , and collectively cried and fainted in the toilet .

.Grandma’s .

.It’s hard to find a shortcut to making a fortune .

.It ended up being ruined by a tram line !

.They scolded the city lord for being too impersonal .

.You have to fight them for even this little money !


.Fang Yuan’s combination punched .

.Obedient to the uniforms of the smokers .

.After the smoking ban was issued , most smokers

.All began to gradually consciously reduce the frequency of smoking in public places !

.After all , if you are caught smoking , a fine of more than 500 city dollars will be charged . For the vast majority of citizens who are on the poverty line , this is two months’ wages .


.And with the joint law enforcement of the Ministry of Police and the Ministry of Security .

.Patrol the crowded places , such as shopping malls, etc.

.Smoking in public places has dropped significantly .

.The sickness rate of citizens who passively absorb second-hand smoke has also plummeted .

.The clinic system , which was on the verge of collapse , finally breathed a sigh of relief .

.Citizens are no longer sick in large areas , and the operations of factories and shopping malls have also normalized .

.Working overtime , shopping , picking up girls , eating , drinking and having fun have become the norm for current urban citizens .

.Citizens no longer have to worry about secondhand smoke .

.Revitalization of business and industry .

.Take the city’s economy to a new level again .

.Fangyuan Town’s annual estimated net financial income increase is from the previous 10,000 raised to 70,000 !

.rounded up .

.That’s close to one hundred thousand !

.The situation is great !


.However , although the implementation of the smoking ban has gradually achieved results .

.However, there are still some unscrupulous people who turn a deaf ear to the smoking ban and turn a blind eye .

.He repeatedly smoked on certain occasions to avoid being searched by police officers and soldiers .

.seriously affect the safety of others .

.Seriously challenged the majesty of the Lord of the City !

.For this .

.The Lord of the City was extremely angry , and made three orders to the Minister of Police, Duan Debiao :

.” Be sure to increase the punishment for some bad people !”

.” We must deepen and normalize to increase the frequency of fines and fines !”

.” Be sure to let the unrepentant scoundrels deepen their legal awareness !”

.” Let them know the law ! Understand the law ! Abide by the law !”

.Only in this way can we contribute to the city’s fiscal revenue !

.The Minister of Police, Duan Debiao, felt very ashamed . After hearing the reprimand from the Lord of the City , he immediately stated :

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