.Fang Yuan blushed , and retorted righteously :

.” Bah !”

.” What’s the use of social animals studying in elementary school ?”

.” Going to work in a factory , do you need the Pythagorean theorem ?”

.” Going to work in a factory , do you need four arithmetic ?

.” Going to work in a factory , do you need to solve a linear equation in one variable ?”

.” Going to work in a factory requires a lot of money ?”

.” I’ll just ask : Does your work have something to do with your elementary school ?”

.Fang Yuan was very sad .

.Why are there always bad people always wanting to climb up ?

.Is it not good to work honestly and be a social animal that keeps yourselves safe ?

.Don’t you smell : It’s cold at the heights !

.My conscience , Fang Da , is heartbroken for the sake of you and other social animals .

.cough cough .

.The reality is this .

.Can’t blame the city lord for being cruel .

.Said it before .

” City ” are both mischievous and pretentious .

.If all the people are educated primary school students ,

.Under the premise that the factory recruits a certain number of educated staff positions ,

.There will be a shortage of grassroots workers in factories .

.There is a shortage of workers to work in the factory , which in turn affects the efficiency of the factory’s operation .

.If it affects the operation of the factory , it affects the city’s fiscal revenue .

.Then here comes the problem !

.Why is it that there are many educated idlers , but the factories cannot find workers ?

.The reason is simple .

.When the trolls become literate , they begin to ” go too far “. They just want to sit in the office and don’t want to go to the factory to do cool work .

.As a result , everyone is idle , but the factory lacks people .

.( Of course , part of the reason is that there are too many black-hearted factories , which have created a psychological shadow for the trolls )

.And in reality it’s the same .

.Many college students have high skills and low skills , and would rather work at home than go to a factory .

.Because they look down on workers’ wages of three or four thousand a month , and instead yearn for a nine-to-five in the office !

.Whoops , off topic !

.Black-hearted factories squeeze the labor of unscrupulous people , which is an inevitable problem in the early stage of urban development .

.It is undeniable that ,

.The black-hearted factory brought more financial revenue to the city by squeezing the mischievous people .

.Fang Yuan, the Lord of Conscience, is not planning to start a war against the Black Heart Factory yet .

.So that the bamboo basket is empty .

.” Of course , the black- hearted factory , indiscriminately using the employment contract , violating the working hours , and squeezing the public’s debt , will still have to be settled in the future !”

.Fang Da Hei Xin had already made a memo for the major black heart factories in Taoyuan Town .

.The factories in the memo will not be able to escape from the future .

.No penalty to bankruptcy , swear not to give up !


.Closer to home .

.soon .

.Under Fang Yuan’s plan .

.The rest of Taoyuan Town is less than 20 square kilometers , almost all of which is full .

.According to Fang Yuan’s estimation ,

.The current planned residential area can accommodate up to 20,000 people !

.In addition , he doubled the industrial area in Hexi District and the central business district in Hezhong District .

.Enough to meet the work needs of the new population .

.Some planning is over .

.It cost 860,000 city coins .

.Fang Yuan took a look at the financial balance :

.410,000 ! _

.Right now , just waiting for the leeks , er , no , it’s the new citizens moving in !


.Live room .

.Facing Fang Yuan’s drastic development of the new area .

.On and off the field , there is a lot of attention .

.At the commentary seat , Sun Liancheng put down the thermos cup in his hand and spoke slowly in a leisurely tone :

.”.~ Player Fang Yuan suddenly went uncharacteristically this time , and directly doubled the size of the city !”

.” Looking at the entire area of 50 square kilometers , almost all of it is a planning area !”

.” If you want to have no concept of area .

.” Then for a comparison , let’s look at a set of data first . ”

.With the director, the actual urban area of each contestant is put on the main screen .

.I just heard Sun Liancheng say slowly :

.” Before planning , the urban area of Fangyuan Town ( Taoyuan Town ) was square kilometers ! ”

.” As Ms. Huateng, who is second only to Fang Yuan in the field ,

.” The actual urban planning area of its commercial town is 17.6 square kilometers !”

.” And a certain town in Dakang is only 16 square kilometers !”

.” Other players , Luo San has only 14 square kilometers , and the major has only 10 square kilometers !”

.” From the above data , it can be seen that a whole 20 square kilometers was planned in one go !

.” Fang Yuan’s ambition is very big , and his ambition is unmatched by other players !”

.( Note that the area of jurisdiction also includes areas such as mountains , water flows , swamps, wetlands , forests , lakes, etc. !)

.Just talking about this , some viewers said strangely :

.” Strangely , Fang Yuan’s new planning area stipulates that the largest residential area should not exceed 20 square meters .

.” And it also stipulates that the residential area near the industrial area cannot exceed 10 square meters !”

.” Mr. Sun , what do you think ?”

.Sun Liancheng glanced at Fang Yuan’s camera .

.Then …

.stunned .

.This familiar fence !

.This familiar lattice planning area !

.This familiar only tramway !

.Isn’t this a remake of the Sweat Worker Community ?

.Sun Liancheng instantly understood Fang Yuan’s operation , and the muscles on his face twitched hard .

.” Cough , what do you think of Yuan ( How is Li ) Fang ?” Sun Liancheng wisely threw the topic to model worker Yuanfang .

.Yuan Fang nodded , and after thinking flashed in his eyes , he began to express his opinion :

.” Actually , I think Fang Yuan has made great progress in not being a human being . ”

.” At least , he has just evolved from [ not being a human ] to [ not being a human ] !”

.With Yuan Fang’s explanation .

.There was silence inside and outside the live broadcast room .

.Everyone is numb :

.”To put it nicely, it’s called the workers’ community , and to put it badly , it’s the community livestock community !”

.” Social Animal Paradise ? You are too impersonal !”

.” Really Cool Heart City Lord ! ”

.” Old capitalist !”

.” Hard work pays off !”

.”You even demolished the road to the school ! Do you want to be a social animal for a lifetime ?”

.”I feel sorry for the social animals who are about to enter the community animal area for three seconds !”

.” It ‘s a dog ! The social animals are so pitiful , they can’t walk to work , and they have to pay for the tram !! Is this a trick that carbon-based creatures came up with ?”

.”The social animal calls you uncle !”


.backstage .

.The director and the director looked at each other , and the veins on their foreheads gradually showed .

.Almost vomited blood .

.special !

.Can we be good people ?

.No. _

.Ask for less .

.Can we be individuals .

.Forget those poor NPCs, okay ?

.” It seems that this wave of thorns is big enough ! ”

.I thought that only announcing the last one would stab the competition of the players .

.Results !

.The other players didn’t respond .

.On the contrary, the first place Fang Yuan was stabbed and broken !

.” It seems that this list will be released step by step !”

.said the headmaster .

.The director nodded tearfully .


Chapter 80 _

.Taoyuan Town ( Fangyuan Town ) .

.Since the conscientious city lord , he has carried out some expansion .

.Residential , industrial, and commercial areas have doubled in size .

.A large number of vacant residential areas , industrial areas , and commercial areas have attracted the attention of the outside world .

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