Chapter 81 _

.name town .

.Since Mr. Dakang made his own judgment on the first .

.It can be described as smug , arrogant , and full of energy .

.At the meeting in the nominal town , Mr. Dakang announced that he would ” attract business and investment ” .

.The so-called investment attraction is actually expanding the commercial and industrial areas and attracting more businessmen and factories .

.In the thinking of Mr. Dakang .

.The most important thing in a city is commerce and industry first , and population second .

.The reasons for his urban construction ideas are also easy to understand .

.In reality , if an officer wants to achieve results , he will always ” attract investment “!

.There are more merchants’ factories , which will attract a large number of foreigners to join and increase the employment rate of the city .

.The prosperity of commercial factories represents economic development .

.A developed economy can attract more merchants and factories to move into the city .

.In this way, a closed loop of urban development can be formed .

.Realize the economic take-off of the city .

.However , he ignored the operating rules of the game ” City ” .

.Indeed, the more prosperous the city , the more it can attract merchants and foreigners .

.But .

.You also have to see what level of city you are ! !

.Low-level villages and towns , their commercial areas are low-density commercial areas .

.It can only attract low-level merchants such as hotels , bath centers , and small shopping malls .

.Say something that hurts your self-esteem :

.Those big companies and big merchants , why do they go to your poor mountain to set up shop ? You are so stinky !

.The reason is simple .

.Large merchants look at the population of the city and eat the dividends of population consumption .

.There are thousands of bad people in your name town , and you can have a fart consumption level .

.And big factories are even more picky .

.People look at the cultural level of your population .

.The unruly people in your name town can’t even write a word , and have never attended elementary school. What can you do when you enter a big factory ?

.Can you understand automation equipment ?

.Can you play the device operating system ?

.Stop being funny .

.Some things can not be learned through training .

.Mr. Dakang confidently developed a ” Guangming New District ” .

.Attempts to increase fiscal revenue .

.The merchants and factories in Guangming New District are full !

.Not a single big factory or big merchant .

.Here comes the problem .

.There are only 3,000 people in your town .

.Seventy percent of them already have their own jobs .

.The arrival of new merchants and factories is not very cold .

.And when there are more merchants , there will be more demand for recruitment .

.The more factories there are , the more people will be recruited .

.As a result, some of the 3,000-odd people who did not have jobs were scrapped by factories and merchants .

.Originally , only 30 percent of people were unemployed .

.But you got a bunch of merchants and factories .

.It only meets the labor needs of a part of the Gongmer factories .

.Most of the other new merchant factories are ignored .

.No staff .

.Most businesses cannot operate , most factories cannot operate ,

.They are all idle and panic , and every day they give advice to the City Lord’s Mansion , and let the Dakang players expand the residential area to attract more outsiders .

.What Dakang players originally expected was :

.As long as there are factories and merchants , fake prosperity can be created , attracting a steady stream of outsiders to join .

.But now , he was dumbfounded .

.The plot is wrong !

.The outside population has not increased , and the merchants and factories are still in a state of shortage !

.He took another look at his city’s finances .

.As a result , instead of increasing, it decreased .

.What made him even more bald was that on the familiar panel of the famous town, the following line appeared :

[ Your citizens are being affected by the ” historic leader ” , their hearts are floating , and they are leaving the city , please deal with it immediately ]

.The Dakang contestant was stunned for a moment : ” Sect Master ? What is it ?”

.Wait for him to turn around .

.Nima .

.Just also the population of 3658 .

.Now suddenly it becomes 3456!

.Two hundred people left in the blink of an eye .

.Is this leader a black hole ?

.Why is it so attractive ?

.Dakang athlete vomited blood .

.You must know that half of the people who left are ordinary citizens , and half are ” businessmen and factory owners ” who have worked so hard to attract investment .

.Now Dakang can’t wait to arrest that ” leader ” and imprison him in a small black room to serve him .

.special grandma .

.Robbery actually grabbed his head .

.Dakang opened the public comprehensive complaint ball .

.He would like to see from the talk of the citizens , who was the guy who stole his population ?

[ Citizen Lu rate : Have you heard ? The leader is engaged in large-scale development , and Taoyuan Town is attracting talents from all over the world . Land is free , household entry is fast , and business is prosperous . ?

[ Citizen Wangwang : Of course I heard it . The leader of the old man once said : If you want to be successful , you must work hard first , and you must move forward with a simple mind . As long as your mind doesn’t slip , Taoyuan can help you earn more . I am now planning to go to Taoyuan Town to settle in ]

[ Factory owner Goudan : Your news has been delayed , and the leader and his old man have begun to announce to the public : to build a first-class international migrant worker community in Taoyuan , so that workers do not need to waste time on the journey to and from work . ?

.This sentence stirred up a thousand waves .

.The unscrupulous people in Mingming Town were shocked :

[ Citizen Three Dogs : What ? Is there such a good place ? Easy and fast to work ? And it’s a free homestead ! ! No , I’m going to Taoyuan too ! ?

.see this .

.Dakang’s face turned green .

.Bishop !

.Are you putting it on hold to spread xiao ?

.Also free homestead !

.Also internationalize the community of migrant workers !

.What an international community of workers .

.Isn’t it a community animal area !

.Dakang was a little angry .

.This priest is so bad .

.Get some rumors and come to wash nao for his people .

.No wonder these scumbags want to run to Taoyuan !

.He found a citizen and asked him face to face :

.” This citizen , I live and work in peace and contentment in my name , and the business is prosperous . Why did you leave ?”

.Citizen Ergouzi squinted and looked at Dakang with contempt :

.” Mr. City Lord , your town now has more merchants and factories than people .

.” You call this commercial development ?”

.Dakang’s face was sinking like water , and he retained it with an apologetic tone :

.” I’m sorry , this is my mistake . I will definitely correct my mistake , firmly take the principle of public service as the criterion , and improve my management level …”

.Wang Ergou shook his head :

.” Compared to the leader of Taoyuan Town , you are too far behind . ”

.” I heard that Taoyuan towns outside Wanli have started to operate trams , and established post offices , temples , traffic lights , gardens , schools , bookstores …

� � � Flowers � �

.” Excuse me , do you have it ?”

.When Dakang heard this , he was shocked , and a storm surged in his heart .

.what ?

.Beyond Wanli ?

.Wait !

.Wouldn’t this be another player’s city ?

.You must know that in this game , the city of NPC will only send population to the player , how can it in turn attract the player’s people .

.Unless , this is not an NPC city .

.It’s the player’s city !

.” Could it be that this is the top player city ? I’m not number one !”

.Dakang’s pupils shrank slightly, and a strong sense of disappointment suddenly surged in his heart .

.Dakang figured it out .

.No wonder only the last one was announced .

.No first place was announced .

.It turned out that this first place was very strong , for fear of affecting their mentality .

.Dakang’s heart trembled :

.” Trams , traffic lights , post offices , this kind of building is probably a building that can only be unlocked at a higher city level !”

.” My city level is now a big town !

�? �

.”I don’t know what level the first city is !”

.” Think about it, the gap should be huge !”

.The more Dakang thought about it, the more shocked , his face was full of admiration .

.The other party can attract his population from outside Wanli .

.Even if it uses a little slogan used to spread xiao .

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