.Before , at a police department meeting .

.He has made plans to sort out the traffic .

.Among them , the first thing to do is to solve these unscrupulous people who park indiscriminately .

.If the problem of random parking is not solved , the road will still be blocked .

.soon .

.Duan Debiao led people to the front intersection of Jiucai Avenue .

.It was originally a four-lane + double pedestrian street .

.But now , Duan Debiao looked this way and almost didn’t laugh out loud .

.I saw Shuang Pedestrian Street full of all kinds of private cars .

.The pedestrian streets on both sides were blocked tightly .

.It’s not over yet .

.The pedestrian street was full of parked cars , and the two side roads of the four-lane were also full of all kinds of cars .

.The four-lane was instantly transformed into a two-lane .

.No wonder it’s so crowded here .

.Duan Debiao coughed , and then instructed the dozen trafficmen and soldiers behind him in a righteous manner :

.” Everyone act immediately , the action must be fast and precise , if you miss a hit , immediately escape and find the next target !”

.” Also , this captain emphasizes once again :

.” Let’s enforce the law in accordance with the law , I would rather be fined ten yuan more than a lot of fines of one point !”

.” Do you understand everything ?”

.The traffic officers and soldiers shouted : ” Understood , sir !”

.” Okay , act now , 14 Don’t give the trolls any chance to move the car !”

.” Yes , sir !”

.Traffic officers and soldiers took action one after another .

.They are holding a pocket of fines in their hands , and press a fine for private cars that illegally park .

.soon .

.The private cars parked on the side of Jiucai Avenue were all posted with glittering lists .

.” Close the team !” Duan Debiao ordered in his headset .

.More than a dozen trafficmen and soldiers were ordered , and they rushed over to meet and form a phalanx .

.It looks imposing !

.Next .

.Several trafficmen moved three loud speakers and placed them in the front , middle and rear of Jiucai Avenue .

.After turning on the power .

.The three loud speakers suddenly sounded a familiar shout , which seemed to be the voice of the city lord Fang Da .

.Just listen to :

.” Attention , the citizens are paying attention !”

.” From now on , traffic regulations will be implemented immediately !”

.” Anyone who still parks randomly on the side of the road after the implementation will be fined 10 city dollars !”

.” I’m repeating …”

.After all, it is a loud sound , and the sound is simply earth-shattering , like the roar of a lion in Hedong .

.At this moment .

.More than a dozen customers who were eating dumplings in the dumpling restaurant suddenly changed their faces when they heard this voice , and their faces were about to turn green :

.” Fuck , it’s implemented so soon !”

.” Gan ! I haven’t finished my dumplings yet !”

.” Hey ! My car is still parked outside !”

.” Come on , hurry up , move the car !”

.In a sound of curses , the dozen or so customers quickly put down their bowls and rushed out the door one after another .

.However , when they got to their car, they found that there was already a ticket in the car .

.” Fuck , it’s so fast !” The car owners were so angry that their faces were swollen :

.” Made , don’t talk about martial arts !”

.”I ‘ll remind you when it ‘s finished !”

.” Nima , is this still human ?”

.These unscrupulous people don’t even think about it, if it weren’t for you parking indiscriminately .

.Affects the overall situation of Fangda City Lord’s upgrade to ” City ” .

.How could you do such a detrimental thing ?

.cough cough .

.A trickster looked at the fine , his eyes flickered , revealing a sly look .

.I saw that he suddenly privately issued a fine , and he was about to put it in his mouth , trying to ” death without evidence ” .

.” Brother , do n’t eat it . It’s clearly written on the list : If you eat the fine , once verified , you will be fined ten times !”

.A driver next to him exhorted in time .

.When the trickster who wanted to get a ticket heard this , his hands froze instantly , the muscles on his face were about to twist into one piece , and his face was full of grief and anger :

.” Gan , that’s all I’ve thought of !”

.With that said , his arm holding the ticket fell weakly .

.The fine is ten times , which is one hundred city coins !

.He can’t hurt !

.This group of unscrupulous car owners took the fine , followed the directions , and soon came to Duan Debiao and others .

.Not only the diners of their dumpling shop , but also the customers and car owners of the nearby shopping malls came to pay the fine .

.as specified .

.Pay the money in one hand and the fine in the other hand .

.Fines are being paid here .

.Next to him , there was a sudden quarrel .

.Some unscrupulous car owners lied that they did not bring cash and wanted to go home to get them , trying to get away with it .

.” Haha , this trick is seconds !” The onlookers couldn’t help but their eyes lit up .

.” Without cash , I don’t believe that their traffic officers can still steal money ?”

.But the next moment .

.Duan Debiao took out his mobile phone and a pos machine , and squinted at the unscrupulous car owner who was trying to default his debts :

.” Online banking transfer , credit card swiping , you choose one !”

.The unscrupulous car owner who tried to default on his debts saw these two things , his face turned green and his whole body trembled , which was annoyed .

.He had never seen such a shameless person !

.You have to bring a pos machine for fines !

.Do you think this is shopping mall consumption ?

.” Gan ! I still carry a pos machine with me, and the fines also support online banking transfers !”

.Citizen car owners who were onlookers were so shocked that their jaws were almost closed , and they couldn’t sit still !

.In the end , the owner of the car who tried to default his bills still used the method of online banking transfer and paid the fine .

.This scene had a great shock to those car owners who were careful .

.Since then , few criminals have dared not to pay the fine .

.And while the owner pays the fine .

.There were swindlers nearby who wanted to sneak away while Duan Debiao was not paying attention .

.” Don’t move !”

.Several soldiers with sharp eyes surrounded the car owner with sharp eyes .

.The trickster looked at the dark muzzles of the guns , and instantly freaked out :

.” I … can’t I pay it back !”

.He was desperate .

.I don’t want to get away with the fine .

.You send soldiers directly to block me ……

.Too cruel !


.After some severe fines .

.Car owners who parked in disorder move their cars one after another !

.Cars parked on walkways and on both sides of the road were gradually cleaned up .

.Jiucai Avenue has once again restored its original appearance as a four-lane + double pedestrian street .

.The vacant double pedestrian streets and two lanes have greatly eased the traffic pressure near Jiucai Avenue .

.Duan Debiao didn’t stop .

.Continue to other streets to punish indiscriminate parking .

.Time passed quickly .

.Duan Debiao’s operation of first posting the list and then playing the audio has gradually become familiar to car owners .

.While cursing , the owner of the car was frightened and swore that he would not dare to park randomly on the road .

.So. _

.The phenomenon of illegal parking in Taoyuan has been effectively curbed .

.There are fewer people parking indiscriminately , and the roads are no longer crowded .

.Traffic then became much smoother .

.The traffic is smooth , and the unscrupulous people can drive without any scruples .

.However , they forgot that when the city owner Fang Da established the traffic rules, he clearly stipulated that the driving speed in the urban area should not exceed 30 miles .

.As a result , the cars of the tricksters drove faster than the other !

.Duan Debiao’s face burst into laughter .

.Just let the traffic patrol cars and armored vehicles go into battle .

.Physically forced to stop those scoundrels .

.At the moment , a car owner is driving at high speed .

.Then , I saw an army green armored vehicle copied from the side .

.Seeing that the armored vehicle forced him to stop , the owner’s expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly stopped .

.You know , this is an armored car !

.The car stopped .

.Several men in military uniforms came down :

.” According to the regulations , you have been speeding , not only speeding but also racing in broad daylight !

.” And running a red light !

.” Now 24 points will be deducted from your driver’s license and a fine of 50 city dollars !”

.50 city coins is equivalent to five hundred in reality .

.For any ordinary car owner, it is a big fine .

.The owner of the car who was forced to stop heard this and was numb on the spot .

.I only drove 80 miles !

.You said I was racing ?

.Still speeding ?

.Duan Debiao saw that he was unconvinced , so he read it according to the traffic rules .

.After listening .

.The owner was speechless for a while .

.He was pissed off .

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