.Mr. Ma was full of surprise :

.” It really is a paradise , a pure land on earth !

.”The environment is elegant and the cultural atmosphere is strong , which completely agrees with my pursuit of elegance !”

.Ma Bangde is the CEO and director of a film and television company .

.He is often troubled by his lack of ” elegance ” in his temperament .

.He often goes to various occasions in pursuit of ” elegance ” .

.In order to be ” elegant “, Mr. Ma was even willing to pay a high price to invite ” people of civil elegance ” to exchange blood for himself .

.In his words :

.” My humble and vulgar temperament can only be completely washed away with the blood of an elegant person . ”

.Since that blood exchange .

.Ma Bunde finally felt a little ” elegant ” .

.Earlier , a master had reminded him :

.If you want to maintain ” elegance ” all the time, you must stay in an elegant environment .

� � � Flowers � �

.At this moment , Ma Bunde has already determined from the bottom of his heart that Jiucai Community is the ” elegant place ” he dreams of .

.” Whether it is the environment of the community or the name of the community , it is full of a strong sense of elegance !”

.Mabangde applauded with satisfaction :

.” Nine colors , nine colors ! Good name !”

.” Nine different styles , combined with nine different colors , imply ninety-nine Dashun , ninety-nine supreme , ninety-nine unforgettable !”

.( Monologue complaining : After you are trapped by Fang Yuan , of course you will not be able to forget it for a long time )

.Hearing this , the vice president next to him flattered and said :

.” Mr. Ma , Jiu was called a pole in ancient times !”

.”The superposition of the two , that is the extreme of the extreme , is to surpass the limit !”

.” The other side beyond the limit is the elegant realm that we all dream of !”

…… ……

.” Only an elegant person like you, Mr. Ma , is worthy of living in such an elegant place !”

.This rainbow fart , Ma Bang De is refreshing and pleasing to the eye, with a spring breeze on his face .

.”That ‘s it , I’m going to settle in Taoyuan and enjoy elegance !”

.” No , I want my son to cultivate an elegant temperament from an early age !

.In addition to Ma Bangde , hundreds of other wealthy people in San Di’an City also visited the Jiucai Community in Taoyuan City .

.They all made up their minds to live in Taoyuan City .

.Hundreds of rich people went there .

.Facing the phenomenon of rich people ” fleeing ” to settle in Taoyuan City .

.The city lord of Holy Land An was so furious that his nose was almost crooked :

.” It’s unreasonable , the small city of Zuoer is so arrogant , digging the wall and digging the head of the city lord !”

.You know , the rich are the top priority in an urban economyxi .

.Sometimes , the economic underdevelopment of a city is not measured by GDP, but by the number of rich people .

.The more wealthy people , the more developed the city economy .

.Conversely , the fewer the rich , the poorer and more backward the city will be .

.Now , someone has actually fooled his rich man away .

.For the city lord of Holy Land An, this is no less than poaching his girlfriend in person.

.No , it was equivalent to robbing his wife .

.The city lord of Holy Land was very angry , and the consequences were serious .


.( Brothers , the monsters in the book review area will automatically swallow the comments , delete the comments , sorry ) inch .

Chapter 97 _

.Generally speaking , in the ” City ” game, the struggle between cities ,

.mostly stay at the economic level ,

.Few city lords will use military force .

.Because this creates negative fears for the citizens of the city , leading to an exodus of people .

.But now , with the rise of Taoyuan City ,

.It made the city lord of Holy Land’an City feel such a pinch of crisis .

.He decided to use the military force of a division to destroy the city .

.” Wait , Lord City Lord think twice !”

.The master of the staff hurriedly persuaded the enraged city lord .

.The Lord of the City asked angrily : ” Are you a spy sent by the City Lord of Taoyuan City ?”

.Master vomits blood , what kind of brain circuit is this ?

.He quickly stated his reasons :

.” Lord City Lord , now we are going all out to fight the economic war with the city of Zaan to the east .

.” If you use the power of a teacher , the consequences will be disastrous !”

.The economic war between the five and eighty cities can be said to be killing people without blood .

.The winner will swallow the loser’s city .

.The loser will pay for the city built with their own efforts .

.In the economic war , the two sides are not only competing not only for their economic skills , but also for their urban financial strength .

.To dispatch a modern military force , the military expenditure is not a small amount .

.The city lord of Holy Land’s City gradually calmed down when he heard this .

.” What shall we do ?”

.he asked .

.The master replied :

.” Lord City Lord Mingcha , these rich people are just going to settle down , not moving their properties .

.” At most, it will only add a little bit of fiscal revenue to Taoyuan City .

.” It doesn’t affect the overall situation .

.” Now we should focus on winning the economic war with Zaun, not a village of 30,000 ! ”

.Master is very proud , and his words are full of disdain for Taoyuan City .

.Directly describe Taoyuan City as a village .

.( Monologue complaining : If you knew that Fang Yuan had come up with a set of plans in order to squeeze the rich , you wouldn’t say it was a little bit of financial revenue )

.” Master is right !” The city lord of the Holy Land An City nodded slightly :

.” It’s just a small village , let him dance for two days first !”


.Fang Yuan was unaware of his actions and caused trouble .

.However , even if he knew , he didn’t care .

.The NPC city masters are mutually restrained , how can they find trouble with the players in a short period of time .

.Not to mention .

.For Fang Yuan, the Holy Land An city is just a dish .

.If it weren’t for the small size of Taoyuan City , it would be easy to die after eating it .

.He had already launched an economic war against the city of San Diego .

.Closer to home .

.Since a large number of wealthy people from the city of Holy Land have entered the Jiucai community to live .

.In just one month of gaming effort , the vacant houses here were finally sold out .

.Biguiyuan, as the developer of Jiucai Community , can be said to have made a lot of money .

.Doufuslag Engineering Company , as a builder , also earns not bad .

.Both are happy .

.City Lord Fang Da was also happy .

.Jiucai community plan officially started ……


.The sky is clear and cloudless , and the wind is refreshing .

.Jiucai District .

.Strolling in the neighborhood interspersed with the old people and high-rise buildings ,

.quiet road ,

.The elegant long pavilion , the competing magnolias, peach and apricot trees , echo each other and are located in every corner of the community .

.Breathing in the fresh air here makes me feel better .

.Today is the opening date of Jiucai Kindergarten , Jiucai Primary School and Jiucai Middle School .

.The children of the rich gathered in groups , followed by dark servants .

.They were hired to carry backpacks and commute to and from school for the children of the rich .

.After all, they are children of rich families . As early as when they get up , their pockets are stuffed with pocket money of several hundred city coins .

.In reality , it’s a few thousand dollars .

.Ma Bangde’s son, Ma Quode , plans to go to middle school today and receive secondary education .

.Ma Quede was followed by a group of younger brothers .

.In order to let my son enjoy the most extreme school life .

.Ma Bangde spent money to hire a bunch of academic bullies to be friends with Ma Quode .

.In ancient times , this was called ” accompanying learning ” .

.Today is the admission procedure .

.Ma Bunde deliberately took his son to the school district of the community to enroll .

.Seeing that the road is half way through .

.A bookstore suddenly appeared in the middle of the road ahead .

.It says ” Boutique Bookstore ” .

.” Where’s this school ?” Ma Bunde is a fat man who habitually squints when he speaks .

.A student’s parent said :

.”I heard that when you enter this gate , you can see the school !”

.Ma Bangde has a very real heart .

.Hearing this , he hurriedly took his son and companions into the ” boutique bookstore ” .

.The boutique bookstore covers an area of about 300 to 400 square meters …

.Walking in , a strong pulp smell hits the face .

.Taking a closer look , the bookshelves are filled with various test papers and workbooks ……

.Mabangde’s fat face was confused .

.What’s your special school ?

.When the owner of the boutique bookstore saw his group in a daze , he exclaimed :

.” Sir , buy a book ? Or go to school ?”

.Mabangde replied coldly , ” I will take my son to middle school , not buying books !”

.The owner of the boutique bookstore spoke in a loud voice :

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