Blanc finished his very long bath and came back only after I was already laying back in bed.

It seemed like he had a great time bathing in crystal clear water infused with various perfumes where he could remain submerged.

[ So there’s a place like this, too. ]

The pleasant bath was another reminder for Blanc’s reason to live.

It’s actually not the big things that urge people to continue living. You just need a little thing to get by, one day at a time.

Delicious food that you get to eat tomorrow, or a pleasant bath today. Perhaps also a conversation with a friend.

I hoped that these small little pockets of joy would slowly pile up for Blanc. So that he wouldn’t regret entering a contract with me.

* * *

The next morning, Mercy visited me with a tray of food. She greeted me by putting the tray on the bed.

“Mercy! Have you finished your work?”

“Haha, of course!”

But unlike her energetic voice, which sounded like the usual, her face was pale.

The last time we saw each other was just yesterday, but what happened in the meantime?

Then I recalled the time Albert came running to me at the prison in an instant.

“Mercy, I didn’t get to explain the situation to the Prince properly…”

“No, it’s alright. It was wrong of me to send you there, Sister. It was my greed, so… Haha. I’m fine.”

But if she really was fine, what’s with the dark circles under her eyes that were much too dark!

Mercy smiled and pushed a bowl of steaming soup in front of me.

“Eat up. I’m also here to deliver the dress you’ll be wearing to see His Royal Highness.”



She took out a dress from the spatial dimension pouch on her waist.

It was like the magic pouch that I used before, the one from Liam’s residence. The dresses upon dresses popped out from the small pouch.

“I didn’t know what style you like, so I brought everything.”

Forgetting to eat the soup, my mouth gawked open. She’s like a walking closet.

“It’s a pity that I couldn’t buy more because I didn’t have time… My standards are quite high, you know.”

I thought that she was just saying this out of courtesy, but it was evident in her expression that she was serious about this. Come to think of it, it’s true that Mercy dressed well.

Her red dress right now was stylistically accessorized with the right jewelry.

I wasn’t able to see it properly because she’s been wearing a robe for most of the time that I saw her, but she might be a much more fashionable person than I thought.

Gulping a little, I looked through the dresses. I think there’s at least twenty.

“Oh my goodness, how did you get all these dresses in just one day…”

“These are newly made ready-to-wear dresses, that’s why. I was supposed to go back to the tower to get some of your clothes, Sister, but His Royal Highness stopped me from going there… Anyway, I’m not sure which one of these will suit you well.”

I don’t know why His Royal Highness wouldn’t let me in. Mercy grumbled as she pressed hard on her temples.

Soon, her gaze turned to the scar on my neck.

“…Well, I did something wrong, so I’m accepting it all without any complaints.”

Hearing that remark, I was appalled.

But not just because of the fact that Mercy was willing to do this. Honestly, she played a really huge part with me and Albert making up. I took her side on this.

“You’re not the only one who did something wrong. And seriously, this shouldn’t even be considered an injury.”

“Thank you for thinking so.”

Mercy grinned. She sat at the edge of the bed, saying that she would wait until I’m finished eating.

Along with the savory cream soup, I was also given warm bread.

It had been a while since I got to eat freshly baked bread! I pinched a piece and brought it to Blanc’s mouth.


Looking blissful, Blanc mumbled while he chewed on the bread.

“I heard that you entered the contract.”

With her chin on the back of her hand, Mercy stared at Blanc as she muttered. I nodded right away.

“How are you going to prepare?”

“I’m going to self-study magic for a month while I’m away from the Prince.”

Actually, I wanted to ask Mercy for help instead of self-studying. Glancing at her furtively, I hinted.

“But I don’t know that much, so I’d be grateful if I can learn from a mage… I’ll be outside the capital for one entire month.”


With a serious expression, Mercy contemplated for a while. Then she clapped her hands together once.

“Should I go?”

“…But you’re the Lord of the Magic Tower?”

Mercy blinked as though it wasn’t a problem at all. How long had it been since the rebellion ended anyway?

“It’ll be in the Prince’s hands, well. If I say that I’ll stay with you, he might even welcome me with open arms.”


“You don’t have to worry at all.”

Seeing the concern apparent on my face, Mercy smiled and explained carefully.

After Albert’s hidden magical abilities had been revealed to the mages, they seemed to respect and follow Albert just as much as they did Mercy, who was the tower lord.

“I think I’ll be alright if I just self-study.”

“It’s not just any ole mage helping you. I’m the Lord of the Magic Tower, you know. I’ve trained beginner mages more than once. Unlike our genius Prince, I’ll be able to customize a study plan for you.”

…Was this what expensive tutoring felt like? I suddenly had a flashback to the time I convinced her in the same way. Instantly, I was enamored by the smooth words she was saying, which sounded like they’d been prepared in advance.

…Wait a darn minute.

This felt rehearsed.

I narrowed my eyes at Mercy, who then flinched.

Mercy’s eyes grew wide as she feigned innocence. Then, she asked.

“Is there a problem?”

“…Mercy, I heard that you met the Prince yesterday.”

“Yes, we met…”

“Did he tell you to come with me?”


Mercy clamped her lips together, as if she was chewing on thick honey. She didn’t seem to think that she’d get caught like this.

She ruffled her hair and messed it up.

“To be exact, His Royal Highness just said that you want to learn magic.”

Mercy sighed and murmured.

“And among the people I know, I’m the one who can teach magic the best.”

There’s a reason I became the tower lord, of course. Mercy continued, her face overflowing with pride.

“And it’s true that I feel apologetic towards His Royal Highness, so I want to redeem myself by doing this. I’ll teach you well. Intensely, too.”

With Mercy vowing like this, I couldn’t possibly say no. In the end, I had no choice but to allow it.

“…I’ll be in your care.”

Mercy grabbed my hand and shook it.

“Me, too!”

Her bright smile was filled with youthful enthusiasm.

“I heard that you’re leaving in about two weeks… Right?”

At Mercy’s question, I nodded.

“That’s right. But before that, Mercy, can you come shopping with me around the capital?”

I wanted to prepare a present before leaving Albert’s side.

I’ve received so much from him until now, and it’s always on the back of my mind that I gave too little back.

As I scanned the styles of the dresses here today, I thought that Mercy would be a great help while I choose a gift.

I wasn’t even thinking of the price. After all, I’m a woman who’s about to own her own fiefdom. Not only did my dream of becoming a landlady get fulfilled, but even the pension that I so want.

Just thinking about all the money I’d be spending thrilled me. At the heart of capitalism, money always makes the world go round.

Wasn’t it an essential human trait to feel cathartic when spending money?


“Whenever you’re free, Mercy. I’ll probably spend most of my time here even after I’m given my title.”

Thinking hard, Mercy furrowed her brows.

“How about next Monday? There’s something I need to do this week.”

“Yes, that’s fine.”

Next week wasn’t too bad. As if she was sorry that she couldn’t go right away, Mercy pouted.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t go with you sooner. I’ve been putting it off for a while now, so I can’t push it back anymore…”

“If it’s something like that, then of course you have to do it.”

Hearing my response, Mercy’s face turned pale.

“Right? I hesitated for a long time, but I need to finish it for real this time. I definitely need to let go of all the pain I’ve been suffering through all this time.”

Mercy smiled crookedly. Seeing her smile like this strangely brought chills down my back.

* * *

After putting on a dress with Mercy’s help, I appeared in front of Albert and the nobles. Then, I was bestowed my title.

Through his testimony and the testimonies of the soldiers around the tower at that time, my merits were proven. In response, the nobles—who seemed to already have first-hand experience of Albert’s might—nodded their heads in agreement.

Some of the people here were also the nobles who laughed and chatted at Rosteratu’s party before.

Even if it’s just a simple event like how I wanted it to be, the peerage bestowal ceremony ended so quickly.

A fleeting thought crossed my mind that Albert might have shortened the process for me.

After I received my title, I left the king’s audience chamber. I was about to follow an attendant back to the palace, but I soon ran into Liam in the hallway.

“I’ve come to talk to you.”

It did seem like he was going to come visit sooner or later. After Liam waved him away, the attendant retreated.

He led me into a room. The moment I sat down, Liam immediately opened his mouth.

“I’ll be honest with you. His Royal Highness knows exactly what we’re trying to do.”


“I know that he’s not the kind of person who’d be fooled, but…”

Liam sighed and looked much more tired today compared to when he was fighting yesterday.

Mercy’s gaunt features from earlier overlapped with Liam’s. Albert was so competent that his vassals were suffering.

Still, this wasn’t surprising at all since I already knew about it. Albert himself told me.

“You’re not surprised.”

“I’ve been expecting it. And the Prince told me.”

While staring at me, Liam continued.

“You were given a title and an estate.”

“Yes, it’s a beautiful estate along with a beach in the south…!”

Thinking about the territorial documents made me a little overwhelmed earlier. But now, it was hitting me. I had an estate of my own.

Not just land, but a fortress, too. Even though Albert’s going to attach a person who’s going to manage it for me.

“The south…”

“It’s far from the capital, yes.”

After I said that, Liam started laughing like a madman. It wasn’t out of genuine glee, but more like a sardonic laugh.

What’s up with him?

I had a growing hunch that he’s actually crazy. Liam had his face covered with both hands, but after a while, he looked up and asked seriously.

“…Do you like snow?”


“It seems like His Highness is trying to get me as far away as possible from you, judging by the territory he granted to me. It’s closer to the capital than the south, but…”

“Is it a cold place?”

“…Not just cold. It’s a beautiful place where snowflakes bloom like flowers all year round.”

So it’s a place even colder than Liam’s already cold ducal estate. The mere thought made my body tremble.

With an ant-sized voice, I asked.

“Can’t it be in the south?”

“…Not anymore.”

Liam answered me firmly. What do you mean, not anymore?! So was it originally possible?

“Most of the population of the south mostly stay in the coastal areas,” Liam explained. “Among the estates there, yours is small, but there’s a constant supply of seafood. It’s a famous place that makes a lot of profit.”


“After taking your post as the new fief lord and showing your face… No matter where you are, His Royal Highness is going to know exactly where you are through rumors—right away.”

After Liam explained with a low voice, I realized what he was saying.

Even if Albert said that he’s going to let me go, he had no intention of doing that at all. Liam’s explanation was a more merciful way of saying that I’d have a difficult time getting away from Albert at all.

In the meantime, I felt a little apologetic towards Liam because I asked his help in trying to get me away from Albert.

Let’s just say that I’ll be experiencing something unusual for a month.

With Mercy’s help, I’ll be improving my magical skills, and regardless of where it is, I’ll go to the Dragon’s Nest and come back.

In the end, after one month, it’s decided that my residence would be at a village located at the northern end.

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