Lin Shilang Gu

Chapter 70:

There is chaos in the nursing home.

Mrs. Gao is very old, and it is not a trivial matter to fall.

Fortunately, both of them were calm enough. Lin Yuewei stepped forward to check on the old lady's injury, and Gu Yanqiu went to the front to call someone to take him to the hospital.

Old Mrs. Gao fell from the wheelchair and was not unconscious. She grabbed her hands on the ground in vain, and then suddenly fixed her eyes on Lin Yuewei's face, jumped forward, and grabbed her ankle.

The word repeated in his mouth: ""

Lin Yuewei pressed close to her ear: "Mom, what did you say?"

"" Old Mrs. Gao burst into tears, crying bitterly.

Lin Yuewei was heartbroken, and only listened to her stubbornly repeating those words. She didn't raise her hand to wipe her eyes until the people from the front yard came over. The wife was taken to the car and taken to the hospital.

Gu Yanqiu was also taken aback, holding Lin Yuewei's hand along the way, and the two followed the car to the hospital.


"There are two fractures, and the others are fine. The old lady is lucky and didn't break her head. Let her stay in the hospital for a while, and take a good rest. However, the bones of the elderly are not as good as those of the young, and they may need to lie down for a long time. Also, the situation in the future will probably be worse, this is uncertain, it depends on the subsequent recovery."

"Thank you doctor."

"you are welcome."

Gu Yanqiu finally relaxed after hanging on for a long time, his limbs let go, and he took a step back. Lin Yuewei, who was beside her, hugged her shoulders and let her lean against his arms.

The ward was filled with the smell of disinfectant. Old Mrs. Gao had water hanging from her arm. All kinds of vital signs testing instruments were running normally. The scene that happened a few hours ago lingered in her mind for a long time.

"Don't disturb grandma's rest, let's go outside." Lin Yuewei helped her out, pushed her shoulders with both hands, and let her sit on the bench outside.

Gu Yanqiu bent down slightly, lowered his head, rested his elbows on his knees, his mind was a mess, and he couldn't make up his mind.

A bottle of mineral water suddenly appeared in his sight, Gu Yanqiu raised his head, Lin Yuewei handed her the water that had been unscrewed, and said, "Drink some water, your lips are dry."

Gu Yanqiu took it, moistened her lips with a sip, and asked her, "Do you know what happened just now?"

Gu Yanqiu asked why Mrs. Gao fell down.

Lin Yuewei sat down beside her, opened another bottle of water, shook his head and said, "No."

She was like Gu Yanqiu, both of them happened to be facing the old lady Gao at the time. Besides, they only had each other in their eyes at that time. There was no room for the old lady Gao. When she reacted, the old lady was already on the ground. .

Lin Yuewei: "But after my grandma fell, she said something, I don't know what it meant."

"what did you say?"

Lin Yuewei relayed the broken words.

"No, in, no, Dad?"


"The last word should refer to my grandfather." Gu Yanqiu said after pondering for a while.

"What do the first three represent? These should be the words in the middle of a complete sentence."

"I don't know." Gu Yanqiu lowered his head, pressed his **** to his temple, and said to himself, "I don't know."

Lin Yuewei raised her hand to comfort her.

Gu Yanqiu whispered, "Do you think I'm worth it?"

"What's worth it?" Lin Yuewei's hand stopped in midair.

"My grandmother is so old, and I have to open up her scars again and again to make her what she is now. The past has long since passed, why are you so persistent in finding an answer? My father kept it from me, Did you already know that this matter is very involved, stop the loss in time, and everything is for my own good?"

"I don't know." Lin Yuewei paused and replied.

Gu Yanqiu lowered his eyes and smiled bitterly. The joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same [Note], why she can't find the answer for herself, why should she ask for affirmation from others.

Lin Yuewei said, "But..."

Gu Yanqiu raised his eyes to look at her, his lips were pale, and his eyes had never been more fragile.

Lin Yuewei curled her fingers slightly, almost couldn't help trying to make her lips look better. She lowered her eyes and said sternly: "I have only one criterion for my attitude towards doing or not doing this kind of thing. If I don't do it, will I regret it? If the answer is yes, then I will do it without hesitation. Consequences. Just for your reference."

"You just hesitated when you encountered difficulties. I believe you didn't want to ask for my opinion, but wanted someone to tell you that what you did was right, so that you could continue to investigate." Lin Yuewei looked her eyes intently and said softly, "Well, well, I tell you, you are right. Just as you said that if I kill someone, you will fully respect my wishes, I totally agree with you, no matter what you do."

Gu Yanqiu and her looked at each other for a few seconds, then his brows suddenly lifted easily, he raised his head and filled half a bottle of water in one breath, when he opened the bottle, the smile on the corner of his lips was filled with translucent drops of water: "You are right. ."

Lin Yuewei let his eyes away from the corner of her mouth, touched the mineral water bottle with her, and said with a smile, "Cheers."

Gu Yanqiu said, "I've finished half the bottle, it's your turn."

Lin Yue smiled: "I'm not so thirsty, and I don't have anything to worry about." She took a shallow sip and raised the bottle as a courtesy.

Gu Yanqiu looked at her, and a lot of emotions flashed in his eyes for a while, including relief, joy, and the kind of cherishing and satisfaction that is difficult to know in life. After a long time, she turned her voice, looked at the wall in front of her, and said, "When my grandma is better, I plan to take her to Yanning, where the medical conditions and nursing homes are much better than here, what do you think? Woolen cloth?"

"Hmm." Lin Yuewei uttered a syllable word with unknown meaning.


"Yanning has your father, as well as Gu Feiquan and He Songjun. Your father can say, what if He Songjun's mother and son are not good for your grandma? Who knows where their mother and son's bottom line is."

"I was negligent." Gu Yanqiu's expression became serious, and he dismissed the idea.

"She's going to take care of this fracture for a long time. Why don't you stay here first, please hire a better nurse, and don't let people treat the old man harshly. When the family's affairs are stable in the future, you can take her to Yanning soon."

"This is no problem, I will make a special trip to hire one from Yanning with a high salary."


The two of them shared a bottle of mineral water outside the ward and talked about the beautiful moment of looking at the stars and the moon.

Lin Yuewei asked, "By the way, when you came out, you said you found the photo, where is it?"

"I didn't take the album, I just took all the photos on it." Gu Yanqiu took out his mobile phone and clicked on the mobile phone album. The whole screen on the interface was full of old photos with a sense of age.

The two inadvertently touched their heads, turning over one by one, each other's breaths close at hand.

Gu Yanqiu pointed to one of them and said, "Most of them are from childhood, this is a family of three, and my mother is in the middle."

Lin Yuewei looked at the photo, looked at Gu Yanqiu, and said, "There is a little resemblance in the eyebrows."

Shen Huaiyu's beauty is inherited from her parents. Even if she looks back after decades in the photo, Gu Yanqiu's grandfather is wearing an old-fashioned waistcoat with trousers and leather shoes, and the jade tree is facing the wind. Gao Limei is wearing a cheongsam. As beautiful as flowers, the two are not out of date.

It can be seen that the two of them are a little restrained, and they should not wear such clothes often.

"How was the financial situation of grandma and grandpa before? What did they do?"

Gu Yanqiu shook his head: "I'm still investigating, it's been a decade or two since my grandmother moved here. She came here alone, and she never chats about this, and no one knows where her hometown is, including Cheng Yong, who said he I asked inadvertently before, but my grandma didn't say anything."

Lin Yue frowned slightly.

This means that although Gao Limei was found, the place where Shen Huaiyu was born and grew up is still unclear. If you don't know where Shen Huaiyu's real home is, you can't understand what happened back then.

"So the priority is to find your mother's real hometown."

"Yes, Mr. Liu has already looked for it. The old man's accent is difficult to change. He is starting with the accent that his grandma usually speaks."

Lin Yuewei continued to flip through the next photo.

From these photos of different ages, I can feel that this is a very happy family of three. The young Shen Huaiyu is quite naughty. There are photos of digging bird nests on trees. Very intimate, the love that can't be hidden is in each other's eyes.

When he turned to one of them, Lin Yuewei's hand had already crossed it, and after a moment, he pulled it back: "Wait a minute."

Gu Yanqiu: "What's wrong?"

Lin Yuewei pointed to the background of the photo, behind Shen Huaiyu, who was sitting on the wall smiling happily, and squinted his eyes and said, "Is there a line of small characters here?"


Lin Yuewei put the photo to the largest size. Behind Xiao Shen Huaiyu, there was a large stone lying down, with vague handwriting engraved on it. She immediately became energetic and asked excitedly, "Is there any way to re-process this picture? photo?"

Gu Yanqiu didn't know why.

Lin Yuewei said excitedly: "I have seen some movies and documentaries about the countryside before. In some villages, a large stone is placed at the head of the village, and the name of the town and the village is engraved on the stone."

Gu Yanqiu was startled for a moment, and immediately got up and went to the side to call Mr. Liu.

After Lin Yuewei was excited, he calmed down, walked over and said, "But I'm not sure if this stone is also engraved with these, but it's always a clue."

Gu Yanqiu was busy explaining to Mr. Liu the location of the photo album in Gao Limei's room, and the pictures taken by the mobile phone were not always as clear as the real one. She made a gesture to Lin Yuewei, indicating that she knew it.

But her expression already took Lin Yuewei's words as affirmation. She had a strong intuition that the words on it must be the address of her mother's hometown.

Mr. Liu was also very pleasantly surprised when he got this clue. God knows that he has been dealing with things that have no clue for so long. Now that he was dozing off, someone gave him a pillow. He immediately went to Gao Limei's room to get the album.

Director Fang was not too frightened. The old lady was stimulated for two days in a row, and she fell directly into the hospital the next day. Fortunately, it was all right, and she was surrounded by family members. a big one.

After confirming the safety of the old lady at the hospital, Director Fang went back to the nursing home to call Gu Huai and told everything about yesterday and today.

Gu Huai coughed so badly over there, the veins on the back of the hand holding the phone were all sticking out.

"I see." Gu Huai didn't respond and hung up the phone.

There was silence in the office, more and more sense of powerlessness invaded, just like standing on the edge of a cliff watching the ignited wires burn silently towards him, in a dilemma, Gu Huai sat in the large office chair, with his head lowered, Turn yourself into a speechless sculpture.

"Gu Dong." The secretary outside the door called him on the internal line.


"The eldest young master is here."

"Let him in."


"Wait." Gu Huai suddenly said.

The secretary waited patiently.

Gu Huai said, "Don't call the eldest young master in the future, just call your name."

The secretary was shocked, as if he had already learned from his tone of voice the outcome of the "contest for succession" that was rumored in the company. After coming here, Gu Huai had a completely different attitude towards her.

Gu Feiquan was indeed like a younger version of Gu Huai, with high spirits and airy walking, he nodded politely to the secretary, and opened the door of Gu Huai's office with a smile.

"Gu Dong."

"What's the matter?" Gu Huai raised his head from behind the desk with a kind smile.

"I encountered a little problem at work, I want to ask you, won't it bother you too much?"

"No, just ask." Gu Huai put her hand against the edge of the table, moved the office chair back a little, and said gently, "Come here and ask."

Gu Feiquan's calm eyes stirred a little, he walked over restrainedly, stood a foot away from Gu Huai, and spread the folder in his hand in front of him. Gu Huai is a very decent person who pays attention to his image. No matter when he was young or now, he often wears men's perfume on his body. The day's work is coming to an end, and the perfume is also at the end. It's only a little light, but it smells good.

Gu Feiquan smelled the breath on his body, it was very unfamiliar to him, it belonged to his father, and he suddenly felt a little dazed.

Gu Huai said something, he didn't hear it, and asked again: "What did you say? I'm sorry I just lost my mind."

Gu Huai smiled lightly: "Ask if you have a girlfriend."

Gu Feiquan has been asked this question many times by He Songjun, but there has never been such a complex mood as now, happiness, sadness, resentment for the greetings that have been overdue for many years, many, many.

He thought that he didn't care about his father. In the past 28 years, he had lived a good life by himself. His father was just a nightmare that he hoped to get rid of in He Songjun's constant nagging and nightmarish curses.

But why this nightmare tore off his mask, the warmth and kindness radiated from the inside made him want to get closer.


He described the word silently in his heart, and a surging emotion burst out from the bottom of his heart with this sound.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Feiquan was startled and found that he had accidentally shouted out.

Gu Huai flipped through the documents he brought over, and said with a smile, "Your mother told me last night, let me urge you, saying that you are not too young, Yan Qiu is married a few years younger than you, and you are still I have been single all the time. But I think it depends on the timing of getting married. If you meet someone you like, you will naturally want to get married."

"Are you and my mother?" Gu Feiquan blurted out, "Then why didn't you marry my mother, but Gu Yanqiu's mother?"

Gu Feiquan had prepared that Gu Huai would be furious. A father, Gu Huai in his imagination, should be moody and would not allow anyone to challenge his majesty. He Songjun told him so, but Gu Huai did not.

Gu Huai stared at him with a look he couldn't understand. After a long time, he stood up and patted his shoulder, then took two steps back and bowed to him seriously: "I'm sorry for you and you. Mother, I'm sorry."

Gu Feiquan's eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes were flushed: "I'm sorry, can you make up for the mistake of abandoning us for 28 years? My 28 years don't matter, who will compensate her for my mother's 28 years?"

Gu Feiquan said word by word, "If it weren't for you, she graduated from college and was a top student. At that time, she could have a very good life. She could find someone she loves and love her, support each other for the rest of her life, and have one or two children. Live a happy life. It's you who made her carry the charge of being pregnant out of wedlock, it's you who made her suffer the blame of others, and it's you who made her live forever under the shadow of Gu Yanqiu's mother." You made my student say no Dad, he had to endure the bullying. When he got home, he was scolded by his mother. The next day, he beat him back with a **** head.

"Take the rest of my life." Gu Huai said.

"My mother wants it, I don't mind." Gu Feiquan picked up the document on the table, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he stepped back step by step.

"Flying Spring—"

Gu Feiquan closed his office door.

He walked back with a frosty face.

"Big boy."

"Big boy."


The passing employees greeted him, but they were all frightened by Gu Feiquan's cold eyes. Gu Feiquan went back to his office and swept all the documents on the table to the ground.

fuck dad.

After Gu Feiquan finished venting, he squatted down and sorted out the documents separately and returned to their original state. He sat behind the desk, covered his face with both hands, and let out a slow breath.

Looking at the time on the table, there was still an hour left before get off work, and he felt a headache.

Sure enough, He Songjun called on time.

"Mom." Gu Feiquan turned on the speakerphone.

"Is there any entertainment tonight?" He Songjun didn't want to drink.

"Yes." Gu Feiquan lied without changing his face.

"Your father goes home for dinner every day without socializing. You are better. You are busier than your father. Are you the chairman or the president. When will the entertainment last?"

"Twelve o'clock at night."

"You kid, why do you have to entertain so late?"

"Talk about business, sing and drink, how can you not play until the middle of the night?" Gu Feiquan tugged at the tie that had been loosened after entering the door, and simply took it off and threw it aside.

During this period of time, He Songjun had arranged and tricked him into going on a blind date for various reasons. Gu Feiquan now has a headache when he sees his mother's caller ID.

"It's okay to drink and sing, but don't touch women, it's not clean, don't learn bad from the men outside."

"Got it."

"So you still have to have a girlfriend, otherwise you won't be able to solve your physical needs." He Songjun went around, no matter how he could get back to the point, she was old, and she was blunt about her own son.

"Don't worry, I still have hands. Self-reliant and well-fed."

"You!" He Songjun was speechless when he blocked him, Gu Feiquan hurriedly took the opportunity to say, "Hang up, I'm busy."

Gu Feiquan breathed a sigh of relief after successfully getting rid of He Songjun.

Gu Feiquan crossed his fingers and put it on his chin, He Songjun's words sounded in his ears:

——Your dad goes home for dinner every day without socializing, but you are better, busier than your dad.

Gu Feiquan has been hiding out for a while to avoid a blind date. He hasn't come home to eat for a while. Gu Huai has only been there a few times, so it's not a coincidence, but he does go home to eat every day, what he said is compensation , part of it is being done.

As Gu Feiquan himself said, he has not had a father for 28 years, and he doesn't care if he has a father in the future. If He Songjun is happy, then he can play a qualified son and let He Songjun enjoy his old age without worry.

It's just that a lot of things can't be investigated deeply. Gu Feiquan is not a brainless person. Anger is angry, and quarrels are quarrels. The doubts in his heart are no less than Gu Yanqiu's.

It was a fact that he abandoned his family and his son, and he didn't want to defend him, but was Gu Huai really that filthy, disgusting, and unbearable? Judging from Gu Feiquan's observations and only understanding of him, it doesn't seem like it. All his impressions of Gu Huai basically came from He Songjun's narration, and how much subjective there is in He Songjun's narration, it can be seen from the slander of Gu Yanqiu's mother who chanted a curse day after day. What kind of person is Gu Huai?

When he was a student, He Songjun took him to see Gu Yanqiu from an aristocratic school. Gu Feiquan met Gu Huai once. Gu Huai was in his thirties at the time, in his prime, tall and handsome, with the face of a TV drama hero, and a Disney's fairytale-like perfect family, surrounded by a kind queen and a beautiful princess.

If he was a bystander, if he wasn't Gu Huai's son, he would definitely think that this was the most beautiful family of three in the world.

There was one thing he kept in his heart. One late at night, he forgot why he came out of his room, went to the living room on the first floor, and found that there was a light in the study on the second floor. He tiptoed over, the study door was not closed tightly, he saw Gu Huai holding a string of Buddha beads in his hand from the gap, staring at it motionlessly, his eyes full of tears.

Gu Yanqiu's mother believed in Buddhism, and Gu Feiquan knew that He Songjun had mentioned to him countless times, saying that the other party was a fake compassionate and hypocritical.

What is it like to lose a beloved wife? What fairy tales don't tell, many years later, what happens when a prince loses his princess? Gu Feiquan learned it from Gu Huai. He felt paradoxically split into two people, one proud of his father being a man of love and righteousness, the other resentful that his father did not love his mother, and his birth was like a joke.

Gu Huai.

Gu Feiquan stopped writing and looked at the well-written name on the paper.

There are three question marks after the name.

Gu Huai was learning to be his father and He Songjun's husband, but he only dared to cry secretly at Gu Yanqiu's mother's belongings in the middle of the night. He didn't need to feel wronged.

Why did he marry He Songjun and welcome himself home, just because of guilt?

Why didn't he feel guilty sooner or later, but he felt guilty after Gu Yanqiu's mother died, and remarried immediately without stopping? There was no wedding. The two of them just got a certificate and gave them a real name. They also brought He Songjun to the banquet. It can be said that apart from the wedding, Mrs. Gu has all the name and reality.

With Gu Huai's status and status, even if he doesn't do this, he won't be blamed by others. He married after the death of his ex-wife, and blew himself up about his romantic past. Except for adding a piece of talk to everyone, and becoming the object of contempt for some people with a strong sense of morality, there is no benefit. If he wants compensation, he can choose other ways. Economically, emotionally, even if he remarries after a while, there will not be such a big public opinion turmoil now. Fortunately, the company did not go public, otherwise his presence would cause fluctuations in the stock price.

Could it be that He Songjun threatened him? Gu Feiquan thought disrespectfully, just as his mother's brain wanted to threaten Gu Huai, the possibility of the sun coming out from the west is higher than this.

Gu Huai is the one who leads all this, and everything starts because of Gu Huai. The past is unclear. What happened 30 years ago was unreal. He and Gu Yanqiu were the most innocent of them.

I heard that Gu Yanqiu has asked for leave for the past two days and has not come to the company. Since he said that to Gu Yanqiu last time, Gu Yanqiu has become more indifferent to him. He used to be able to pretend, but now he is completely ignoring him.

Gu Feiquan also wrote Gu Yanqiu's name on the paper and drew a horizontal line at the bottom.

Gu Yanqiu...

Gu Feiquan tried to analyze something, and after thinking for a long time, he found that his mind was still blank.


It would take some time for Mrs. Gao to wake up, and it was getting dark. Lin Yuewei suggested going out to buy dinner, and Gu Yanqiu readily agreed. As soon as the two got out of the hospital, the phone in Gu Yanqiu's bag rang.

She looked at the caller ID and let the phone ring like that.

Lin Yuewei pulled her away from the road. Seeing that her expression was different, he looked at the screen, and the name flashing on it was clearly: Gu Feiquan.

The ringing continued until it was almost over, and then Gu Yanqiu clicked to answer, slowly put the phone to his ear, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Gu Feiquan's lazy and casual voice came from the receiver:

"Gu Yanqiu? Let's cooperate."

The author has something to say: [Note]: "The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected" - Lu Xun's "Just Collection"

Gu Feiquan: Seemingly calm, but a group of people panicked

The elder brother secretly approached the younger sister...

Congratulations to my brother-in-law for joining us to discover the luxurious dinner of the past ﹁_﹁

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