
Chapter 185: The six-legged toad’s unselective food Chapter 185: The six-legged toad’s unselective food

Chapter 185 The Hungry of the Six-Legged Toad

Wu Jing felt that his intestines and stomach were no longer his own.

This is not how people live.

Has he become so miserable since he came here?

Yang Mi, Reba, Liu Yifei, and Yang Chaoyue wanted to spit out the jaundice water.

What have they experienced? What did you just do?

Now they were vomiting behind Lin Mo, having no time or energy to pay attention to the hexagonal golden toad in front of them.

At this moment, the Six-Pointed Golden Toad looked down at Lin Mo and the others, his eyes seemed to be sizing them up, as if he was thinking.

But these two red lantern-like eyes are so conspicuous that it is difficult to ignore them.

When the netizens in the live broadcast room saw this huge eye, they all gasped, and at this height…

Such a big creature… Or such a big toad…

What is this tomb? Why are the toads so big?

“Holy shit! I’ve never seen such a big toad in my life. I’ve eaten a lot of frogs before. Now that I see this thing, I won’t eat frogs anymore.” ”

Oh my god! This thing can eat people dead.” Growing up? What, is dead human flesh nutritious? Or dead human flesh covered in poisonous snakes is more nutritious?” ”

I will never eat bullfrogs again, and I won’t even eat frogs. This is so fucking true It’s scary. Did I get retribution for eating too many bullfrogs, so I saw such a creature?” ”

Stop talking nonsense. At this time, you should think about what the boss will do?”

“I’m really worried. After this giant toad stuck out its tongue, it involved Mr. Lin Mo and Reba.”

“Stop talking, when I think of the water Reba and the others drank just now, I think of something bad. The picture is full of corpses floating on the surface… It makes me feel sick just thinking about it!”

“Holy shit, shut up, I was feeling better just now, don’t say it, don’t say it, it’s a horrible memory, I won’t I don’t want to listen anymore, so don’t mention it again.”

Netizens watched Reba and Yang Mi vomiting happily, and the feelings they had suppressed just now emerged again.

But Bingbing, Dean Bai and Dean Xu were very surprised after seeing such a scene.

Six-legged toad?

Why is there a six-legged toad here?

This was the first time Bingbing had seen such a big toad, but was the six-legged toad Lin Mo mentioned because he had six legs?

“Dean Bai, this toad Lin Mo calls him a six-legged toad, so does it have six legs?”

Bingbing looked at Dean Bai and asked curiously.

After hearing this, Dean Bai nodded slightly at the end.

“This is indeed a six-legged toad. When Lao Xu and I went to the tomb before, we saw the fossil of a four-legged toad, but the toad was not that big. The four-legged toad was not because of its own limbs, but because of its own limbs. There are four legs on their bellies.” ”

At the time, I thought it was a new species, but later I found out that this creature was raised in captivity using magic and ate only dead people and carrion.” ”

Also, they They like to live underwater best, surrounded by a mild environment.”

“This place is a suitable temperature for them to survive. They can breathe all the time in the water, and there will be no problem even if they lurk for hundreds of years.”

Dean Bai was at that time When the results of the investigation came out, I was equally astonished.

After hearing what Dean Bai said, the expressions of Bingbing and Dean Xu also changed.

This kind of creature is very valuable for current biological research, but…

Bingbing suddenly realized a problem.

“Then if they are eating dead people or carrion, Lin Mo and the others should be safe, right? This is neither dead nor carrion, right?”

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Bingbing explained hurriedly as if she had thought of something.

“No, if the six-legged golden toad has been hungry for many years, it may not care whether the food in front of it is dead or alive.”

Dean Bai’s face also darkened a lot. In this way, they were in danger again.


What will Lin Mo do?


Bingbing’s face didn’t look very good either. Would this make her hungry?

Dean Xu took a deep look at Lin Mo’s face. Seeing that his expression did not change, he felt inexplicably more confident.

Is there any other way that Lin Mo can do it?

Dean Xu sat there and looked at the big screen quietly.

The people on the program team were very surprised and horrified when they saw such a big toad.

Such a big toad, with six legs on its belly…

Everyone was attracted to this toad.

They were even a little worried whether this toad would do something bad.

A picture started to come up in his mind, that is, whether the toad would roll them up with his tongue and eat them.

“Director Lin, will Lin Mo and the others… be eaten?”

“Director Bai also said just now that this toad might be hungry and unselective!”

When the assistant director saw this big toad, he was frightened. His voice trembled.

“I don’t know, how could I know? This is beyond the scope of our knowledge. Now it’s up to Lin Mo. If Lin Mo can solve it, then there’s no need to worry.”

Director Lin looked at the scene in front of him and thought in his heart He immediately tensed up, but still forced himself to remain calm.

He believed in Lin Mo’s ability.

“This Lin Mo always does things in a disgruntled way. I don’t know what he thinks.”

The assistant director looked at the big screen, feeling frustrated.

The professors at the School of Archeology looked at this six-legged toad in surprise.

After the professor from the School of Biology looked at this creature, his eyes reflected light. This kind of creature is rare to see in a thousand years!

“This six-legged toad is bigger than the four-legged one I saw last time. Doesn’t it look very majestic?” ”

How old is it? How many corpses are needed to grow it to such a big size ? “?

” “It’s better to take screenshots or record videos of this thing quickly. We need to put it in textbooks to educate future generations.”

When the professors of the School of Biology saw this hexagonal toad, their eyes were reflecting the light of excitement, and they had even begun to Exciting discussions.

But those at the School of Archeology didn’t think so. They were only concerned about the safety of Lin Mo and Xingxing.

“Can Lin Mo do it?”

one of the professors whispered.

“It should be fine, Lin Mo didn’t panic, it’ll be fine!”

Professor Fang felt that nothing would happen, at least Lin Mo was very calm at the moment, so calm that Lin Mo didn’t seem to take this toad seriously.

Since he is so calm, there is no need to worry.

Inside the tomb at this moment.

Lin Mo didn’t take this toad seriously at all.

His anger instantly froze.

Wu Jing and Yang Mi had stopped vomiting and now looked at the big toad.

“Lin Mo, what should we do?”

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