Live Broadcast: I Am A Lord In Another World

026 Magic Again! Kill! (9) Ask For Flowers

"Haha, freak out, my husband can do magic."

"Bandit: I was shocked at the time"

"Looking forward to the anchor casting magic again"



Netizens in the live broadcast room enjoyed it.

More people looked forward to it.


"You bastard, why didn't you say it earlier!"

The bandit leader Harney cursed.

In this world, magicians are relatively rare, and most people may not see a magician in their lifetime.

But everyone knows that magician is synonymous with power.

Harney, the bandit leader, has never seen a magician.

The bandits beside him had also never been seen before.

But this does not prevent them from being in awe of the magician.

"Boss, what should I do?"

"Get out, boss!"


The few robbers next to the bandit leader all wanted to quit.

"Boss, their people are coming!"

At this time, another gangster's voice sounded outside.

Outside the castle, there were also shouts of killing.

"how is this possible!"

The bandit leader had no idea that the 30 men he sent to stop Richard's army and workers failed to stop them!

"Fight, kill this lord, we still have a chance!"

The bandit leader is also a ruthless person, and with the bandits, he rushed towards Richard with a shield on his shield.

Then he saw a flash of red light.

Immediately afterwards, the shields in front of this group of robbers burned violently.


Some robbers were terrified.

Richard's fire control skills are still very rudimentary. If there is a flame burning, it is fine, and he can control the fire.

If fire magic is emitted out of thin air, it can also emit fireballs, but only one can be emitted in a short period of time.

And after sending it out, the mental power will be weak, which will have a considerable impact on the combat effectiveness.

So after these people came in with shields on their backs, Richard didn't use the fire control technique for the first time, because using it would actually affect his subsequent performance.

When he was about to use it, Mia shot again.

Mia's shot had a considerable impact on the situation of the battle. Not only did she kill five robbers, but she also bought Richard some time to recover.


"Fuck! It's magic!"

"This time I finally saw it clearly. It turned out to be the Great Fireball Art that unifies the universe."

"It is estimated that some lemon essence thinks that it has poured gas oil on the wooden board in advance."

"I'm the lemon essence you mentioned. If you don't accept it, come and beat me?"


"Anchor, may I ask how to time travel?"


In the live broadcast room, there was an instant bustle.


"Throw it away!"

And in the small square, seeing the shield burning violently, several robbers threw away the shield in fright.



Richard is back to archery!

This time, he aimed directly at the bandit leader.

The bandit leader was also taken aback by the flames. Seeing that Richard was shot through by an arrow, he swung his knife to block it, but was a beat slower, and was shot directly by the arrow.


Seeing this, the other robbers no longer had the will to fight.

The companions outside were all defeated, and Richard's men were about to come up, and there was no hope of a comeback, and it would be too late if they didn't run.

Just, how could Richard let them run.


Richard shot out another arrow, directly shooting down a robber who rushed into the doorway.


Seeing that the robbers were only concerned with running away, the members of the four patrol teams also chased after them.

Soon, these robbers were dealt with.

The bandit leader also died after being hit by an arrow from Richard and being amended by the patrol team.


PS: Ask for flowers!


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