Live Broadcast: I Am A Lord In Another World

081 Intercom! Cavalry! Selling With People Leading? (2) Ask For Subscription

Hearing Mia's words, Richard felt that he could give it a try.

Naturally, the bigger the territory, the better.

To expand the territory, you can buy it, or after you have made some military exploits, the king will reward you with a new territory after you promote the title.

Richard had no interest in fighting for the king of this world right now.

He had never even seen the king's face.

As for the purchase, the price of the territory of Yindi is not generally high.

Territories on the border are usually not too cheap.

However, this year happened to be plagued by locusts, and there were horse thieves everywhere. Many aristocrats on the frontier may have the idea of ​​selling their territories and going to inland cities when their territories are being gnawed by locusts and their lives are threatened by thieves.

And, the price is not too expensive.

He summoned four clerks.

These four clerks still have some ink in their stomachs, and some of them came with the refugees.

"You take a few people to the territories of the four barons, and convey my intentions to them."

After Richard explained the mission of this trip, he said to the four clerks.

"Yes, my lord."

The four clerks said respectfully.

The four clerks each rode off with a party of five.

These clerks were originally 15 years old and could not ride horses. However, at Richard's request, these clerks spent a little time every day learning how to ride horses.

Richard's territory is not small, if these guys rely on their feet to walk everything, they don't know how much time is wasted.

"Would you like to buy some walkie-talkies?"

Richard thought.

As long as there is something on a certain treasure, Ji can realize it

Mobile phones, computers and the like... Richard can buy them all.

However, apart from his own mobile phone, there is no way to use other mobile phones.

There are no satellites, no signal towers, nothing in this world, how to use it?

However, walkie-talkies and the like can be bought.

The operation of the walkie-talkie is quite simple.

And the best part is that the walkie-talkie is point-to-point, there is no need for signal towers or the like.

In other words, walkie-talkies do not require any communication network.

Two or more walkie-talkies can be tuned to the same frequency band, and the conversation can be realized.

In another world, walkie-talkies don't have any technical content at all.

Because this thing was invented nearly 100 years ago before Richard traveled.

The price is not expensive, there are a lot of more than 100 yuan on a certain treasure, and it is claimed that the communication distance can reach 30 kilometers.

However, even with Richard’s pre-traveling technology, ordinary walkie-talkies can barely reach 30 kilometers in an open place, and the average is only about 5 kilometers, and the ones with higher power will go a little further, reaching more than ten kilometers.

But this distance is already very far!

And Richard can also buy some walkie-talkie repeaters to achieve a longer coverage distance.

The importance of communication, Richard, who has traveled through time, naturally knows that the inconvenient communication in this world has also brought a lot of troubles.

"Buy them here first, let the store fully charge, then buy some large-capacity batteries to charge them, and when the power station is built, there will be enough electricity to use.

Richard thought.

In addition to the hundreds of coolie horse thieves currently repairing the power station, Richard sent more than a thousand workers to repair it.

After all, there is no large-scale machinery, and manual repairs will take a little time.

Of course, there is everything you need on a certain treasure. In fact, you can also buy small excavators, but one is that you can’t buy oil, and the other is that no one can drive it, so Richard is not sure.

After a few clerks left, Richard took advantage of today's Internet time to buy dozens of walkie-talkies and some large batteries, the kind of square batteries used in cars.

These storage batteries, Richard asked the store to fully charge them.

Naturally, Dianjia has concerns, because it is dangerous to transport with a full charge, but after Richard raised the price and let the other party not have to worry about the transportation problem, the store helped

Then Richard came to the barracks and broadcast live at will.

Now there are more and more people in Richard's live broadcast room. Richard just broadcasts anything, and the number of people who watch it every day exceeds two million.

Of course, many people are still coaxing Richard to make some big moves.

"How about cavalry training?"

Richard asked Legion Commander Jim.

"My lord, there are currently more than a hundred people who have passed the initial stage. After training, they are already able to conduct preliminary combat on horseback, but their actual combat ability is still relatively weak.

Reported by Jim Hui.

Richard said: "Increasing actual combat exercises is really not enough, to find a small group of robbers and let them attack.

Jim said: "Yes, my lord."

Cavalry is much more difficult to train than infantry.

On the one hand, it is necessary to train horseback riding.

On the other hand, it is necessary to train to ride and fight.

Richard now has hundreds of horses, and now these horses are only used to transport some clerks, or to be used by some scouts and messengers, and they don't need many horses at all.

The grass that these horses eat every day costs nearly 10,000 yuan. If you spend so much money to raise them, if you don't train a cavalry, you might as well kill these horses and eat them.

After the live broadcast in the barracks, Richard ended the day's live broadcast and went to see the progress of other projects.

For example, the progress of satellite towns and greenhouses.

After reading it, just as Richard returned to the castle to rest, a clerk came to report on his work.

"How is the situation, is there any lord who intends to sell it?"

Richard asked.

The clerk said: "My lord, Baron Fred in the northwest is willing to sell, but he wants to take a look at the territory, so I brought him here."

Richard asked, "Where is he?"

"He's looking around," said the clerk.

Speaking of this, the clerk leaned forward and whispered to Richard: "My lord, Baron Fred's territory seems to have been robbed by a horse thief last night. I heard that his wife committed suicide because of the horse thief's insult/humiliation." Yes, but his daughter escaped unharmed."

"Are there any more horse thieves coming?"

Richard said.

The clerk said: "I'm afraid it is, from what Baron Fred said, those horse thieves seem to know that the lord's territory is a bit tricky, and they seem to be planning to unite to make a big move.

Richard pondered for a moment, and said, "Go and call Baron Fred."

"Yes, my lord.

said the clerk.

The clerk went down.

A few minutes later, a man in his fifties followed the clerk into the living room, followed by a small number of people.

"Baron, this is our lord, Your Excellency Richard."

The clerk introduced.

Baron Fred had many scars on his face, blood on his body, and looked very tired. Hearing what the clerk said, he looked at Richard and said:

"Your Excellency Richard, I can sell my territory to you. I don't need money, and I can do things for you in the future, as long as you promise me one thing."

Richard said lightly: "What's the matter?"

A trace of hatred for the horse thief flashed in Baron Fred's eyes, and he said: "They robbed me of everything and forced my wife to death, as long as you help me catch those guys and capture the horse thief leader, Let me kill him with my own hands, and I will give you the territory and do things for you, anyway, I have nowhere to go."

As he spoke, Fred's eyes turned red.

Seeing a baron being forced into such a situation by a horse thief, the clerk was a little moved.

Richard said: "Just some horse thieves is fine, but I don't know what they look like, let alone where they went."

Fred hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, don't worry, I escaped by pretending to be dead last night. I heard from the leader of the horse thieves that there seem to be several groups of horse thieves coming together to attack your territory and rob food. These horse thieves have already noticed the caravans that leave your territory every day, but they didn’t move those caravans, they just didn’t want to startle the enemy, if my prediction is correct, they will launch an attack within a week at most!”

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