Wang Nan finished coding these words and did not release them immediately.

He felt that it was necessary to use this incident as video material for his next episode.

Thinking like this, Wang Nan felt very funny.

So, he opened the screen recording software and started to record the screen.

It was only after he started recording that he began to post this long comment.


When he finished posting, not only did he not convince these netizens, but he was angered.

“Holy shit!!I see you’re also a big UP master, why are you so shameless??”

“It’s all capitalists, it’s all about the platform???”

“Say the capitalists didn’t give them five minutes??”

“You know, these delivery riders are paid tens of thousands of dollars a month!!”

“With such a high salary, they didn’t work their own?”

“Besides, aren’t these orders picked up by the delivery riders themselves?”

“If they don’t want to earn tens of thousands of dollars a month, they don’t have to work so hard. ”

“I made the money myself, and in turn scolded other people’s platforms, I really called my mother when I ate, put down the bowl and scolded my mother!!”

“Shameless Wang Nan, a person like you is not worthy of being an UP master!!”


Seeing such a reply, Wang Nan’s expression was as uncomfortable as eating.

These people have not seen the whole incident at all, nor have they understood the ins and outs of the incident, but have only replaced the existing facts with the facts they have imagined in their own minds.

Do you also say that the riders take the orders themselves??

Don’t they really know that all riders’ orders are now assigned by the system itself?

The only delivery rider terminal that can mobilize the number of orders on the riders is not to reduce the burden on them, but to increase the burden on them!

A small delivery rider, when they are at their peak, can have up to 26 orders on one person!

26 orders, in three hours.

They have to complete the pick-up, as well as the delivery, and wait for the customer to pick up the food.

These three steps will not work without one.

Other than that!

If they run out of time and get a bad review, they won’t be penalized for it!

Fines can range from $50 to hundreds of dollars.

These fines almost cost the life of the delivery rider.


Within three hours!

They have to speed up!!speed up!!speed up again!!

Can they not accelerate?

If you don’t speed up, you’ll be fined!

Thinking of this, Wang Nan’s heart was even more uncomfortable.

It is because of such people who are led astray and easy to be led by others to follow the trend, and when they are full, they will squeeze the delivery riders more and more.

Now that the matter has been exposed, the conflict has shifted between the customer and the delivery rider.

It has nothing to do with the platform where he is full.

I made my own money.

Dirty water has nothing to do with him.


Customers are used by you as shields??

The anger in Wang Nan’s heart was almost like a volcano, about to erupt.

Also at this time.

He finally saw a couple of comments in support of him.

“The platform has such a high commission, and there is a limit to the time when the rider can deliver a penalty, but the result is that the consumer compromises himself. The capitalists have once again succeeded in transferring the contradiction between the user and the platform to the rider, hehe. Sure enough, the world is as black as a crow!”

“The urine of capitalists is shameless. ”

“An industry that can be entered without any threshold, a profession that can be paid well by working more, and a profession where time can be self-distributed, how can it become a weakness? Why do you have to make consumers pay?”

“Then I bought the punctual insurance, which evil capitalist did I subsidize!?”

“I can give 5 more minutes, but everyone is tolerant for 5 minutes, based on 45 minutes of a meal, the platform will fire one-ninth of the employees, and then the takeaway guys will continue to run red lights and continue to have accidents. ”

“Where is the problem of user criticism, it is clear that the platform employs too few people, desperately squeezing the surplus value of each little brother! The takeaway brother is afraid of the company, and we are not afraid, we should stop the takeaway, unless the platform hires more brothers!”

“No, no, these five minutes are the five minutes that should have been. ”

“I’ll give you an example, the original delivery time is 35 minutes, the platform is pressed to 20 minutes, and then the event is launched, add five more minutes, almost, don’t give you these five minutes more, this is obviously the time you should have!!!”

“You obviously passed by, but you didn’t send it to me because you had an earlier order. ”

“It’s overtime, half of the rider’s money will be deducted, but the platform won’t give this money to customers, and you can earn hundreds of millions of dollars a year by relying on this!!”


Seeing such comments, Wang Nan was a little relieved.

He thought, “There are still people who can think for themselves…”


They are all users of “Su’s Critics”!!

Don’t ask him how he knows, just ask, underneath their reply, there are words like this.

“Well, after all that is said, I recommend ‘Su Critic’, which is a particularly friendly software. ”

“Everyone must download it and use it to try it, and those who have used it say that it is good. ”

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“Su Da, you know, right? It is Su Da who has won glory for our Xia Kingdom!!This ‘Su Critic’ is made by Su Da, and the quality is guaranteed!!”


Looking at these people, they are all highly recommending “Su Critic”, I don’t know why, Wang Nan suddenly had a strange feeling.

These people…

It can’t be someone who has been taught a lesson by the “Su Critics”, right?

As the saying goes, the best way to transfer pain is to let others experience the same pain as yourself.

In this way, there is no pain …

And what they’re doing now is just that.

Wang Nan couldn’t cry or laugh for a while.

“Su Da, it’s really awesome!!QAQ!!”


Their words did not cause any waves in the comment area.

Their comment, because it was too controversial, was directly hit by the top.

Countless people saw this comment.

They all squirted together.

“Hehe, do you still have a conscience, are these all the faults of being full?”

“What are you talking about capitalists, I’m really drunk, without capital, can you live the life you have now?”

“Although capital has a certain degree of sin, it is undeniable that he has made great contributions to our entire society, and people like you who directly deny the necessity of the existence of capital are simply original sin!”

“Are you too full? ”

“Let me tell you, all the people in this layer who say they are full have been blacklisted by those who are full!!”

“I have to say, you people are ungrateful, you know, are you not full, these delivery riders can earn 10,000 a month?”

“Aren’t they full, most of them are just robots in the factory, and being full gives them a chance to change their lives and change their fate!!”

“I’ve already made more than three million jobs, and with such a big contribution, what qualifications do you have to blame??”

“I just want to say that it’s all caused by the greed of the delivery riders, and if you’re full, you shouldn’t let them make so much money, and directly limit the number of orders they can take, so you’re satisfied, right??”

“Wang Nan, I think you are still a big UP master, I didn’t expect you to be able to say such shameless words, I really misjudged you!!”

“Closed, closed, never to be seen again!”

“The road turns black, your first video in the future, Lao Tzu will report it!!Report you to death!!”


One stone stirs up ten thousand waves.

The entire Internet was boiling because of Wang Nan’s reply.

Originally, it was just a controversy in the comment area, but the war burned directly to Weibo and was forced.

The popularity was topped to the top at that time.


also attracted more people to scold in the comment area of Wang Nan’s video.

“Your conscience has been eaten by dogs. ”

“Why are you so full??”

“Isn’t it fragrant when you’re full? You think it’s your fault that you’re full. ”

“It’s all the delivery riders, their fault!!”


More words, they are full of swear words, and they are automatically blocked by the blocking mechanism of the Polo Polo barrage video website.

At first glance, it was all an asterisk.

This scene made the anger in Wang Nan’s heart swell to the extreme!!

He thought about it and decided that he wanted to fight back!!


“One: If you are full, the platform eats customers in front, merchants in the back, and first-hand delivery riders in the middle. ”

“If you can’t see that no one can eat, you can quickly do something in the middle, eat and wipe it yourself, and pat your buttocks. ”

“Lead the contradiction to the customer and the little brother. ”

“Whoever has a stable and good job will go to deliver takeout, who can eat at home and order takeout, they are all people who want to make a good living, why are they so pitiful. ”

“The platform, to put it bluntly, is an intermediary contact, but it has become an abominable thing that can manipulate merchants, consumers, and delivery people. ”

“Do you have to use the streetlight treatment?”

“Second: Is this to make consumers pay for capital?”

“Isn’t these five minutes set by the company for riders?”

“In order to improve customer satisfaction and occupy more market share, the company gets more hard-earned money. ”

“So why use this question to interrogate us consumers?”

“I paid for the service. ”

“And this service is launched by the company, and the riders are employees of the capital company. ”

“If the rider is not satisfied with the service, he should ask the company!!”

“Why ask the person who bought it?”

“You must know that their wages come from the majority of consumers, and they were intercepted by the company!!”

“There’s a little leftover food for them!!”

“If the riders don’t think the leftovers are good, they should ask the person (company) who made the meal for them. ”

“Rather than interrogating consumers if they are making concessions!!!!


Continue more.

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