Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 795 Arriving in the Sahara (two in one)

Chapter 795 Arriving in the Sahara (two in one)

The ropes were removed and replaced with ties to the bow.

Bi Fang stepped on the sand with bare feet, dragged the boat ashore, stretched the rope, and tied it to a big tree on the shore.

The sun had already set, but there was still residual warmth from the sun on the sands, dispelling a bit of the coldness of the autumn night.

Rubbing the soles of the feet on the sand brought an indescribable sense of solidity.

The rain will eventually fall to the earth, and the traveler will eventually return.

This is a challenge that is difficult to complete, and it is also a challenge that human beings face the limit.

For most people, the shortest distance to Point Nemo is probably to pick up a map or globe, or open the map software, and enter such a mysterious coordinate: [4552.6S, 12323.6W]

That piece of uninhabited mysterious sea may allow people to really let go of all the current pressure and relax themselves.

But first, you have to make sure you can get there and survive.

Bi Fang did it and succeeded.

"Hair grows a bit."

Bi Fang stroked his hair, he didn't know what to say or do for a moment, his chapped lips collided for a long time, and suddenly these words popped out.

[It is a little bit. 】

【Is Fang Shen a little confused】

【how do you feel? 】

"Feeling. Hmm." Bi Fang pondered for a while, and finally laughed, "The feeling must be satisfied, but if I were asked to do it again, I wouldn't want to do it that much."

Storms, volcanoes, typhoons.

The monstrous waves, the strong wind that broke the mast, the scalding steam, the corrosive sea water, the ultraviolet rays that almost took off a layer of skin, the leaky boat, and the dilemma of no water and no food.

The skin that had just come out of the polar night in the Arctic turned darker, and the muscles were sore and weak. It made people feel that what was flowing in the blood vessels was no longer blood, but lactic acid.

The body is so tired and worn out.

But only the spirit has become stronger again.

95% see obstacles, while the minority of 4% and 1% see goals.

Similarly, 95% of the people in the world are living a mediocre life, only 4% of them are at a higher level, and the other 1% are at a different level.

Little people painstakingly describe the obstacles that hinder their development and narrow their horizons, while strong people with direction have the confidence and determination to put obstacles under their feet.

Cowards never start, the weak die on the way, only the strong get through.

Bi Fang looked up at the starry sky. Thousands of years ago, there were also a group of people who drifted with him on the vast ocean.

Generation after generation of human beings, just like that, stepped into canoes, with hooks and lines, with bananas, cassava, coconuts and other fruits, with their chickens, pigs and dogs, and with tools made of obsidian , bid farewell to his homeland and sailed to the vast sea without hesitation.

Every time a new island is discovered, it temporarily stops its development, and when the time is right, it will be used as a base to embark on a new journey.

"We don't know how many people were swallowed by the stormy sea, how many people did not reach the other shore after exhausting their last food and water, how many people were killed by ferocious shark attacks ... but what is certain is that , Man has never yielded, man has never stopped."

"This is the story of us—human beings. We should never forget that we are fragile and small, but we are strong and great."

"I'm Bi Fang. The next time we meet, we will be in the Sahara."

[Fang is amazing! ! ! 】

"There is no doubt that this is the Amundsen, Dias, Magellan of the twenty-first century." - Herald.

"If life is a game, how do you choose to spend your life? Do you follow the rules and follow the rules? Or make bold breakthroughs and take risks?

In the years you have experienced, what is the most adventurous thing you think you have done? What kind of experience and feelings did this incident bring to you, and did it bring different changes to your life? "- Le Monde.

"Human beings who live mediocrely can only watch the people with melted wings fall from the highest point of the arc like the indifferent horses and farmers by the river, and watch the passion finally turn into a tragedy, which we regard as A futile act, and only a true hero can appreciate the gap in the heart that yearns for something hidden and great." - The Sun.

The news that Bi Fang crossed Nemo Point flew all over the world like a bird with spread wings, and no well-known non-thematic newspaper could choose to ignore this news.

At the same time, reputations such as Magellan and Amundsen in the 21st century have been placed on Bi Fang's head.

Bi Fang was even more ashamed to read some articles.

"In the book "Adventure Against the Sky" compiled by the South African writer William Boleso, a total of 11 top adventurers in human history, including Alexander the Great, were also recorded, and the eleven they created A dizzying moment that takes us inside the exciting lives of these born adventurers.

The eleven world-class top adventurers are Alexander the Great, Casanova, Columbus, Lola Montez, Cagliostro, Charles XII of Sweden, Napoleon I, Catiline, Napoleon III, Isadora Duncan and Woodrow Wilson.

As far as the history is concerned, these eleven adventurers are all important figures who have carved a strong mark in the long history. They may have dominated the world for a short time, but they are challengers against the sky.

But if William Boleso lived in today's twenty-first century and hadn't died in 1930, then I believe that there would no longer be only eleven chapters in the book, but a full twelve chapters!

As the author said: Adventure stories are the most lively part of personal history and social history.

In the 21st century of steel and concrete, when it comes to the most lively part, I don't think anyone will forget that man, a man whose presence is as strong as a shining sun.

At the peak, more than 40 million people watched it, and the site of the submarine volcanic eruption in person, with a total of more than 500 million viewers, which means that almost one out of every fifteen people in the world has witnessed and knows him.

Would this ratio be even higher if the third world was excluded?

one tenth?

or even higher?

Of course, this number is still increasing. I can't imagine the scene when a person walks on the street and almost everyone knows him.

And the root of all this is not because he is a big star, or because he sings well, or acts well, but because of his pioneering risk-taking actions.

Regarding the cognition of adventure, among the adventurous people in history, Columbus’s adventures are the most recognizable. After all, facing the ruthlessness of the sea and the ever-changing sea navigation, Columbus crossed the Atlantic Ocean four times and discovered the New World. It is undoubtedly a thrilling journey.

But because Zheng He went to the West first, Columbus's adventures were not so prominent among this group of top adventurers.

In fact, this group of famous adventurers in history all have similarities, such as the background of their times, the courage to break through the conventional order, the courage to face struggles, the ambition and ability to fight for freedom and power, etc. They may be very fierce. , have different thinking from ordinary people, but the brilliance they forged cannot but be recognized by everyone.

What they pursue is a kind of adventurous individualism and a desire for all new things. As the author said: Everyone has an adventurer in his heart and we must become social people are two incompatible lives.

One is what we crave.

The other is what we have to choose.

Regardless of whether these eleven adventurers pursued freedom or power, they all benefited society in a sense and promoted the development of the historical process.

Without these adventurous people, the world may become dull, and it will also fall into endless primitiveness.

Thanks to the appearance of Mr. Bi Fang, people in the dreary 21st century are reminded of the glory of their ancestors, and once again hear the horn of courage. - Matthew Hall.

Bi Fang looked at the name at the end of the article and thought for a while, and finally found the existence of this person in his memory.

The Globe newspaper reporters who worked together in the ruined city also wrote about the trip of geese and birds earlier.

Looking through this person's previous articles, Bi Fang was surprised to find that this person seems to have become his exclusive news reporter. Almost every live broadcast, there will be an article praising it, sometimes even many articles.

The most important thing is that the number of views of these articles is not low at all.

Perhaps it was because of big data recommendations, the more Bi Fang searched, the more his own news came out all at once.

There are even a few "second-rate dealers" on island B who have become popular because they specialize in making their own videos.

Bi Fang casually clicked on another article and read it with relish on the plane.

This kind of bragging article, the first time I read it, I really felt a little embarrassed, but after I got used to it, I actually felt pretty good.

"To this day, we no longer need to prove the adventurous gene in human nature, but we still cannot generalize an adventurous personality trait.

The key is how we view the fact that people are born to be adventurous, and how to accommodate our adventurous spirit that has no place to rest in the times.

It is undeniable that the spirit of adventure once promoted human progress.

Just like the sequence that Fang Shen would say before the opening of every live broadcast, human ancestors broke through the shackles of primitive nature, great navigators broke through the limitations of geographical conditions, brave aviation and astronauts broke through the limits of human beings... Every adventure brings The great changes in the human world in the future, through the efforts of countless people, have created a modern civilized society.

However, the times are advancing, and the adventurous spirit is retreating.

In the eyes of many people today, the positive meaning of adventure is not as good as the negative meaning it brings, such as blindness and radicality.

But can blind, radical adventures really be called "adventures"?

Is risking such a cheap thing done on a whim?

Take a look at Mr. Bi Fang's resume. He retired from the Special Forces, top ten in the history of Hunter College, has the highest professional hunter certificate, a real martial artist, strong physical fitness, outstanding psychological quality, rich theoretical knowledge, mathematics, geography, biology, Highly proficient in history, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, materials and other subjects.

Swimming, rock climbing, hunting, and trap skills are omnipotent.

Whether it is body or mind, it can be called a powerful sentence. Is there a sharp and essential contrast with those people who are popular on the Internet?

Assuming that the value of adventurousness is only established when it is considered over a relatively long period of time, it is destined to not have many fans.

I think the progress of society is the process of resisting human instincts, the more advanced, the deeper the resistance.

It goes without saying that technology is constantly breaking through the limits of the human body. From the perspective of ideology, people also tend to be instrumental and rational.

It is conceivable that in the environment of information explosion, since we have a higher ability to foresee risks, it is human nature to find ways to avoid them.

Moreover, the ability of most people to bear risks has not been improved with the times, and the price they need to pay is extremely high in their imagination. These people will inevitably become cautious and rational people.

However, human nature is complicated, and people are not allowed to take risks, and sometimes they will explode in a more radical way.

Many young people have experienced to varying degrees being forced to choose schools and majors they don’t like, to work in jobs they don’t like, to get married and have children at the so-called golden age.

No matter where the pressure is generated, it will always be released at a certain time, prompting people to complete a bold "adventure".

The times have not changed human nature, as long as the temptation given is big enough, the human instinct for adventure will always exist.

All in all, the modern adventurous spirit is no longer a kind of heroism facing the unknown, but has become a kind of struggle against one's own instinct.

This is undoubtedly a pity, because it means that some wonderful things will disappear.

I mourn that I was born in this age, because the heroism of the adventurous spirit is about to die.

I am also glad that I was born in this era, because the heroism in the adventurous spirit has not completely disappeared, and there are still Fangshen-like characters sticking to it, injecting a shot of adrenaline into my veins. "

The yellow wind is all over the sky, and the sun is scorching.

The figure of two people and one hunchback slanted on the sandstone.

Two days have passed since Bi Fang landed on the South American island.


Accompanied by the rubbing sound of gravel, a mouthful of white saliva stuck to the stone, and quickly evaporated under the action of high temperature without leaving any trace.

Mu Jialun led a camel, looked at Bi Fang's phone screen, couldn't help spitting: "Is that how they brag about you?"

Bi Fang shook his phone: "Are you envious?"

"No feeling."

Bi Fang didn't continue to talk nonsense: "Then come here, give me the things, and you can leave."

Depressedly, Mugalun unloaded the camel and put it heavily on the ground.

In addition to the common backpack, there is actually a pair of reins!

[Note: The above two are joint missions, with a total time limit of 120 days, and you can choose your own order]

[Note: Assistance can be selected for one of the tasks, only one person or one beast can be selected, and only one task can be selected. 】

Bi Fang kept in mind the two notes given by the system. Before crossing the Sahara, he had to catch a wild camel first!

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