LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 100: Zaun's Children (Subscribe

A month later, Zaun.

In an alley full of rubbish, two scruffy Zaun kids who looked like they were only 13 or 4 years old were squatting on the ground without any image, playing with something around a tattered wooden box.

"Hmph! The crow? He will never come back!" The boy proudly pointed to his hero card [Blade Dancer Irelia], and looked at his opponent provocatively:

"Wine, kill by fire—"

"Zeli, haha, you only have one drop of blood left!"

"Why, why!" The girl with the green ponytail was very unconvinced.

Pointing to her [Vengeance Flame Soul Brand], she questioned stubbornly: "I'm playing the fire man! Why is the fire man afraid of being killed by fire?"

"Chuck, I don't play this game very much, don't lie to me!"

Zeli questioned her companion confidently.

The boy named Chuck was silent for a while.

"You want to cheat? If you want to cheat, I won't play with you in the future!"

"Well..." Hearing the voice of "I won't play with you anymore", Zeli finally calmed down reluctantly: "Okay, just one drop of blood..."

"It's my turn, draw cards... Thunder kill!"

"Hey, where did you get the thunder kill?" Chuck was confused: "Isn't this an ordinary kill?"

"But I'm electrifying myself."

Zeli stretched out her slender fingers, and with just a thought, the fingertips blew up with electric lights.

She is a natural thunder elementalist, a magician of lightning.

Although she is still far from being able to freely control this ability, she can still do it with a finger discharge.

"Look, this is killing." Zeli raised [kill] with her left hand.

"This is thunder." The right hand is discharging electricity.

Together: "Thunder kill!"

"I'm Renimo!" Chuck slammed the cards angrily: "I've said it all, this game is not played like this!"

"Zeli, if you don't know how to play, then just admit defeat!"

"Oh..." Zeli complained with a sad face: "Let's play another game, this game is not interesting for two people to play."

"Just, just play that "Gwent Card". I heard that it happens to be played by two people."

"Return the Gwent card?" Chuck glanced at her complainingly: "It would be great if I could pick up such a set of "Three Kingdoms" soaked in sewage from the garbage dump. Come out with a special card?"

"I don't have the money to buy it anyway—do you have any?"

Zeli: "..."

Of course she has no money.

Although her family's conditions in Zaun are already very good, she doesn't have the spare money to spend on meaningless games.

Piltover games are really fun. It's a pity that Zaun's children can't afford it.

If you tie up 10 Zaun children, you may not be able to get a silver wheel out of your body.

And the children of Piltover... I heard that they sold a limited edition [Blue-Eyed White Dragon] to 10 gold hex coins in just one month.

1 game card made of paper, 10 gold hex coins!

Obviously there is only one river across, but the world of Picheng people is so far away, so far away that it is a bit magical.

"Okay, I admit defeat." Zeli sighed helplessly: "That's all for today."

"Then I'd like to bet!" Chuck stretched out his hand and asked her for a bet: "Lend me your walkman for half an hour."

"Well..." Zeli hesitated.

She scoured the garbage in the gutter area for several days, rummaging and collecting parts one by one, before saving up the Walkman.

"You want to play tricks again? Then I really won't play with you!" The boy glared over.

"Okay, okay..." Zeli reluctantly handed over her baby.

Chuck took the crude homemade Walkman, and immediately frowned: "Where's the tape?"

"Here it is." Zeli carefully took out an iron box from her pocket, and slowly opened it.

There are only 2 tapes in the box.

Volume 1 is Symphony No. 5 in C minor.

The boy was disappointed when he saw it: "C minor, and a symphony on a horse? You have the temperament of an uptown lord!"

Who the hell knows how to listen to a symphony except Master Piltover?

Zaun people don't like to hear that. Of course, they generally don't get a chance to hear this either.

"But my mother and my grandma like it very much..." Zeli muttered in a low voice.

In fact, she also prefers rap, rock, and some down-to-earth songs.

But the family could only afford to buy one tape at the moment, and even this tape was only agreed to be bought by Zeli's mother after she made a lot of determination.

She can't ignore her family and buy whatever she likes to hear.

"Actually, this song is quite nice..." Zeli muttered in a low voice, "You'll know it after listening to it."

"I heard that Miss Seraphine made her debut in Piltover's Golden Hall. After the conductor finished playing this piece, the musicians all over Piltover were overjoyed."

"Cut, let them listen to Pi Lao's favorite music! I don't listen to Master Picheng's music!" The boy angrily removed the first tape, and then looked at the second tape under the box. roll of tape.

I saw the words on the cover of the second volume of the tape:

"A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts-Phonetic Learning Course"

"This..." The boy was stunned: "Zeli, are you crazy?"

"A tape is so expensive. If you have the money to buy a few more songs, what kind of learning materials are you using it for?"

"I didn't buy this with money." Zeli explained, "It's a free gift with the song."

"No matter what tape you buy, as long as people from Zaun buy it, Elder Picheng will give you a volume of "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thought" as a gift."

"In addition to the audio tape, there is also a hardcover booklet!"

"Huh?" Chuck was puzzled.

The old man in Picheng would give free things to the people of Zaun?

What are they trying to do?

Just for the people of Zaun to learn this "Janna Thought"?

"I don't think they have any good intentions!" Chuck said angrily.

"Then are you listening or not?" Zeli urged, "If you don't listen, give me back the Walkman!"

The boy was speechless for a moment.

Of course he wants to listen.

Not to mention what kind of symphony the tape was or what learning materials it was, even if it contained a pool of magic swamp frogs croaking and croaking, he could listen to it patiently for half an hour.

Because it's a Walkman, the dream of a Zaun kid these days.

"I listen, I just listen..."

Chuck struggled to choose between the two tapes.

In the end, he put down the volume of "Symphony No. 5 in C Minor" and chose "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts: A Phonetics Learning Course" first.

There is no other reason.

Just because it is stated on the cover of this volume of "Janna Thoughts", the reading and dubbing of this voice course is Seraphine.

Seraphine, that is the most dazzling music idol in the Twin Cities today, a superstar that Zaun's children can't wait to reach.

As long as you can hear her voice, it doesn't matter if you are studying in class.

So Chuck picked up the "Janna Thoughts" tape, carefully inserted it into Zeli's Walkman, pressed the play button, and began to listen carefully.

after a long time...

"What are you talking about?" Chuck looked at Zeli with a confused expression on his face, "Zeli, do you understand?"

"I don't quite understand either..." Zeli took her cognition of the cardamom girl and barely understood the summary: "I guess what they roughly mean is:"

"Goddess Janna is real, and she will come back to help everyone get out of the sea of ​​suffering!"

As a 13 or 4-year-old child, she can only understand this.

"Goddess Janna? Save us from the sea of ​​suffering?" For some reason, Chuck sighed melancholy: "Oh, if only Zaan really had such a kind goddess."

"Huh?" Zeli faintly sensed that her companion's mood was not right.

"Forget it... I'll give you back this Walkman." Chuck returned the Walkman to her without much interest.

Then he patted the dirt on his body and stood up from the ground:

"I'm leaving, Zeli. Thanks for the Walkman."

"From now on, I'm afraid I won't be able to play with you."

"Why?!" Zeli's eyes widened: "I-I'm willing to admit defeat, so I didn't play tricks..."

"It's not because of this." Chuck sighed:

"Zeri, you know why."

There were a group of playmates who were together in the streets and alleys, but now there are only two of them left.

Friends are getting fewer and fewer one by one, because:

"We've all grown up."

Chuck, who is less than 14 years old this year, said in such a natural tone:

"Zeli, I'm going to work in the factory."

-----Off Topic-----

Cough cough...I haven't finished coding yet, I will post it later _(:з」∠)_

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