LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 112 The Alchemist u0026 # 183; Singed (Please subscribe

Until those brainwashed slave workers are completely rescued, nothing will happen to Lenata.

So Li Wei temporarily imprisoned Lenata and took the time to find Victor.

Plus Seraphine, the "negotiator."

The three hurriedly flew back to Zaun, looking for Victor's teacher, the alchemist Singed.

"Is this here?"

The three of them flew back to Zaun, a sewage riverside in the Digou District.

An old and dilapidated foreign-style building stands on the riverside. There is a strange smell of alchemical potion all around the building.

"Here..." Seraphine frowned in disgust: "There are some very painful and dark 'sounds'. Just like the alchemy laboratory of Gorask Industry."

"That's where it is." Victor exclaimed, "It seems he hasn't moved."

He has not returned to Zu'an for more than ten years, and has not seen his teacher Xingjid's face.

At first, because the two had different ideas, he chose to go to Piltover to study mechanical science; while Singed stayed dormant in Zaun and went further and further down the road of alchemical science.

"Do you think he will help us develop an antidote?" Levi asked.

Victor is Singed's student after all. He should know the alchemist very well.

"This... I'm afraid it's a little difficult."

Victor recalled the teacher's character and said: "Singed is a very pure, or extreme, person."

"Although this is a bit rude to me, he is a scientific lunatic with no ethical bottom line. I am afraid that the ideas of our leaders will not please him."

Singed is withdrawn and arrogant. He is only willing to do research that he likes. An antidote that is purely used to save people is obviously not the point of interest of this mad scientist.


It’s hard to tell.

After all, the two had not seen each other for more than ten years.

Victor looked at his steel armor:

He has gone from being a weak student back then to becoming a mechanical warrior fighting for his faith at every turn... ahem...

Who knows what will become of Singed?

Victor and Levi tried to knock on the door, and soon a calm voice came from inside: "Please come in, the door is unlocked."

Singed is at home.

The three of them pushed the door open and saw that this ordinary-looking foreign-style building had actually been transformed into an alchemy laboratory filled with all kinds of strange experimental equipment and mechanical pipelines.

Xingid was busy in front of the experimental table at the moment. When he heard that someone was visiting, he turned around slowly.

Completely different from Levi's imagination, this Xinged was not only not a "wobbly" psychotic lunatic, but instead looked... very elegant and calm.

He was wearing a simple laboratory coat, half of his disfigured face was covered by a mask, and his eyes were calm and deep. Although he was in a dark and gloomy alchemy laboratory, he did not look scary at all.

Like a harmless scholar.

"Victor." Singed saw the visitor's face clearly and his tone fluctuated: "You are back."

He looked at the mechanical armor on Victor's body again and couldn't help but chuckle: "It seems that after you went to Piltover, you also created a lot of interesting toys."

As he said that, Singed looked at Levi and Seraphine lightly.

Seraphine, who was dressed like a rich lady from Piltover, was quickly ignored by him.

His eyes were firmly fixed on Levi: "Perhaps, you are...Li Wei?"

"Do you know me?" Levi asked.

"Guess. I know Victor." Singed said: "He is now the vice president of the Piltover Wind Leader Association. This is not a secret in the underground world of Zaun."

Although he devoted himself to research, he was not completely ignorant of the news from the outside world.

"Teacher." Since Singed also knew their origins, Victor said hello and got to the point without any further delay: "We are here to find you this time, hoping that you can help..."

As he spoke, he took out the brainwashing drug sample that Levi had seized from Gorask Industry, as well as a large pile of research materials.

"Renata's mind control potion... Ha. At first, she wanted to 'invite' me to help develop this potion. Unfortunately, I don't like being controlled either."

" came here this time hoping that I would help crack her mind control potion?"

Singed was slightly surprised by what Victor took out, but his tone didn't sound very interested.

"Yes." Victor persuaded patiently: "Teacher, we..."

"Okay." Singed said.

"Huh?" Levi and Victor were both stunned for a moment.

"I said, I agree to help." Unlike the Frankenstein that Victor said was withdrawn and had his own way of doing things, Singed agreed without even thinking.


"I need money." Singed said very frankly: "A lot of money."

Scientific research costs money. Singed has been receiving some unstable and small-scale scientific research orders over the years to provide funding for his alchemical scientific research.

He studied shimmer for Hilko a few years ago, largely because of the reason of raising funds for research.

In the end, he made money, but he was disfigured and injured due to the experimental explosion accident, which delayed the progress of his research.

Moreover, the funds Hilko sponsored Singed were far from enough to support his ambitions.

"So, I need a big order now. As long as you can provide a satisfactory reward, I can meet your request."

Singed's answer made both Levi and Victor very happy.

A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem. For the leader who had just defeated the local tycoon in Lenata, this was no longer a problem.

"But..." Levi asked curiously: "Mr. Singed, hasn't Noxus sent you an invitation to cooperate?"

"No." Xingjid frowned slightly: "Why do you ask?"

Because Levi vaguely remembered that in the background story, Singed would receive a large order from the Noxus Empire to assist the empire in developing an alchemical weapon to deal with the Ionian resistance.

After receiving that order, he was no longer short of money.

But now Singed is still a poor man, and Noxus has not yet started to use alchemical weapons against Ionia, which means:

"It seems that the war in Ionia will not end in a short time."

Although the leader is now just a seedling born in the Twin Cities, Levi's eyes have always been on the entire Rune Land.

The Noxian invasion war currently taking place in Ionia is naturally also on his radar.

But now he just knows:

About a year ago, the Noxian invasion army encountered a head-on attack by the Ionian rebels in Preidion.

Coach Swain violated Ionian territory and was defeated by the Ionian heroine [Blade Dancer Irelia]. Not only did he break an arm, but he also suffered a severe defeat. He was dismissed by the emperor.

From then on, the Noxian offensive in Ionia was forced to slow down, but the war continued intermittently.

Apart from this, Levi never collected any useful information about the Ionian battlefield.

Because there was no Internet in this era, news from Ionia was basically impossible to spread. And Piltover, where Levi is located, happens to be the back garden of the Noxus Empire.

Therefore, the news that Piltover can receive is basically all unilateral news from the Noxus Empire.

Newspapers read "great victory" today and "victorious advance" tomorrow. Thousands and tens of thousands of "Ai bandits" will be successfully annihilated every day.

Not only Ionia, but also the official battle reports sent back by the empire on the three major battlefields of Shurima, Demacia, and Freljord are basically in this style.

Adding up the battle reports from all battlefields, we have almost "annihilated 100 million enemies" in a few years.

So if you only read the news about Piltover, you would think that the Noxus Empire is still thriving.

"Okay." These thoughts flashed through Levi's mind, and his thoughts quickly returned to reality: "Since what Mr. Xingid needs is money, it is not difficult to negotiate our business."


Singed was about to quote an astonishing figure and started bargaining.

But Levi turned back to look at the pink-haired girl who he ignored:

"What do you think..."

"Mr. Singed, how much do you need?"


The code is not good, the second update is late..._(:з」∠)_

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