LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 124 Leader Jinx (please subscribe)

The Tin Man ignored Jinx's warning.

He waved the mechanical prosthesis that was twisted, deformed, sparking, and leaking electrolyte, and punched Lina crazily.

"Get out of my way!"

Jinx nimbly jumped in front of Lena, facing the Tin Woodman's fatal punch, and aimed her double-barreled shotgun at the enemy's broken armor waist:

boom! boom!

Two merciless bullets sent the Tin Woodman staggering and flying backwards.

But the tin man's vitality is as tenacious as a cockroach.

Even though half of the mechanical components in his waist were shattered and green electrolyte flowed all over the floor like blood, he still stood up without any pain or fatigue.

"Bang bang... Damn it, if only my bang bang gun and fish bones were here!" Jinx still disliked this shotgun with only 2 rounds of ammunition.

She was changing bullets unaccustomedly, but the Tin Man had already taken advantage of her to change bullets and rushed over with a roar.

"Be careful!" This time it was Lina's turn to cover her.

Lina used the last energy contained in the Hex armor, unfolded the hidden magazine in the arm armor, and fired a miniature rocket at the Tin Man.

There was a loud bang, and the Tin Man staggered and fell to the ground again.

"Lina..." Jinx looked at her in tacit understanding, and then took advantage of the opportunity Lena had fought for her...

He stepped forward, stepped heavily on the Tin Man's chest, and thrust the thick muzzle of the double-barreled shotgun directly into his face.

This is the only part of his body that has not been transformed and is still made of flesh and blood.

"Tin can! Let me open the lid for you~"


The Tin Woodman's head exploded like a watermelon.

Red blood and green electrolyte splashed onto Jinx's face.

Jinx didn't feel sick.

In the years since Vi and Fander's "deaths", she has long been accustomed to the feeling of bathing in blood.

No one cares if a Zaun child has blood on his face. After all, this is the daily routine that the people of Zaun should be used to.


"Let me help you." Suddenly, Lina borrowed a handkerchief from her companion and slapped it on her face without any explanation.

"I..." Jinx dodged subconsciously: "I don't need it."

She wiped it casually with her hand, until her pale face turned blood red, even if it was wiped clean.

"This is dirty." Lena insisted.

"I'm used to it." Jinx didn't care.

"From today on, you don't have to get used to this kind of thing anymore." Lina said.

Jinx: "..."

She calmed down immediately and let Lina gently wipe her cheek with a handkerchief.

"Why are you so nice to me? You don't even know who I am..." Jinx muttered.

"You must be a good boy." Lena said.

"How do you know?" She is not a good child. She is a crazy girl. Jinx thought.

"Because you cried." Lina's fingers just brushed the corners of Jinx's eyes, gently wiping away the crystal tears that had not been shed before.

"Although I don't know what you have gone through - a child who feels so guilty, painful, and self-blame for what he has done must not be that bad."

"Not to mention, you just saved me."

Jinx was speechless.

Although winning Lina's trust was originally her mission goal.

But she didn't even tell her the character story, and the other party trusted her. Just because she cried like crazy.

It was not "Jessica" who gained Lena's trust and care.

But Jinx, the real her.

The mission goal was achieved, but Jinx somehow felt uncomfortable.

" doesn't matter so much!"

Jinx tried hard to get rid of those messy thoughts and let herself return to the crazy girl she usually was.

She is Hilko's spy, the ace agent Miss Jessica.

Since this silly sister believed her so easily, then she could just relax and take advantage of the opportunity to lurk and carry out the mission!

Jinx thought so.

Suddenly, there was a faint roar of a steam motorcycle engine not far away.

This sound was even more shocking than when the Tin Woodman arrived, and the sound was even bigger.

"What?" Everyone looked shocked.

Some dexterous team members immediately climbed to the top of the small building and took advantage of the commanding heights to take a look:

"Prosthetic warriors! More prosthetic warriors are surrounding us!"

It turns out that the dozen or so body-transformed warriors were just outpost troops sent by Takeda Saito.

In order to ensure that Zach, the "terrible monster", can be caught, the subsequent army of reformed warriors is still coming here in a steady stream.

"This..." The atmosphere that had just been relaxed for a long time suddenly fell into despair.

Most of the ammunition was consumed, but the power was still on CD. The Hextech armor was like a new energy vehicle running a long distance. It "ran out of power" halfway.

Everyone knew that they would never be able to defeat a larger group of prosthetic warriors.

And the other party has a large number of people and transportation, so they can't escape.

"Sir, Mrs., and..." Lena looked at Zach's parents and Jinx:

"Jessica, you go first!"

As she said that, she also entrusted her backpack to Jinx:

"Here are the investigation materials collected by our team. Please help me get them."

"Go to Gorask Industries' alchemy potion factory in the ditch area and declare my name and the name of the leader. They will protect you."

"Huh?" Jinx was slightly startled.

When did Lenata's Gorask Industries and the Wind Leader Association continue to cooperate?

Silko was right to send her here, and she gained a huge amount of information as soon as she arrived.

And with Lina's life-saving trust and indirect endorsement, her identity as "Gutter Orphan Jessica" can naturally gain the trust of the Wind Leader Association without any hindrance.

Everything went so smoothly.

Kingsman is off to a good start as soon as it starts production, which is really exciting...

"Why can't you be happy at all?"

Jinx was so anxious that he rubbed the soles of his shoes until he plowed a ditch in the sand under his feet.

Being an agent is obviously a fun thing, why did it suddenly become so boring?

"Come on, Jessica." Lina was still urging in her ears.

She urged Jinx and Zach's parents to leave quickly.

But she, and none of her nine team members wanted to leave.

Jinx was silent for a while, and finally...

So annoying!

What bullshit latent mission, wait and see!

"I'm not leaving." Jinx didn't leave.

Not only did she not take the opportunity to escape from this dangerous place, but she also asked Lina: "Sister Lina, won't you leave?"

"Don't worry, we still have a way." Lina answered the question.

"What solution?" Jinx asked stubbornly.

"Pray to Janna."

Jinx: "???"

She suspected that Lena was crazy too.

Corina is serious:

"Janna can hear the prayers of devout believers. She will immediately convey our distress message to her chosen one, our President Levi, and ask him to fly from Pi City to help."

This is the leader's final trump card, calling for "air fire support."

"Then how long does it take for your President Levi to fly over?" Jinx seemed to have endless questions.

"Two minutes," Lena said. In fact, it will take a little longer.

"Then I have to stay and stay with you for these two minutes." Jinx said in a strange way.

"No, we are enough!" Lina raised her brows anxiously.

But Jinx is not stupid.

She doubted that Levi would be able to fly over within 2 minutes.

Even if President Levi could arrive in time...Jinx didn't think that these average leaders could survive two minutes unharmed in front of the prosthetic warriors.

Even if their entire army is not wiped out, they will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

The leaders themselves also know these things.

"Sister are scared."

"I didn't." Lina's face turned red.

Jinx held her trembling hand and asked, "Why are you trying to be a hero if you are so scared?"

"I am the leader." Lina shook off her hand: "The leader should be a hero."

"Then I also want to be the leader!"

"Being a leader doesn't just happen! You're not one yet!"

"I am!" Jinx was a little anxious: "I have also read Wind Leader's books. I can even memorize the book "The Thoughts of Janna". If you don't believe me, I will recite it to you!"

"Stop making trouble!" The sound of the motorcycle engine became louder and louder. Seeing that the enemy was about to surround her, Lina finally became anxious: "Let's go, Jessica! Don't stay and cause trouble!"

"I..." Jinx's pupils shrank, and he suddenly lost his mind and asked: "Li, sister Lina... do you also think that I am a 'burden'? Because I can't do anything well, I can only give People cause chaos..."

Lina was silent for a moment.

She knew Jinx had something on her mind.

"No, Jessica, you were never a burden. I didn't treat you as a burden, I just treated you as someone I wanted to protect."

"I don't want you to stay, just like you don't want to leave me alone-"

"We feel the same way, don't we?"

Jinx: "..."

The knot in her heart that had been pent up for a long time seemed to be gradually relieved at this moment.

"Okay..." Jinx picked up the backpack: "I listen to you."

"No." Lina shook her head.

She said apologetically: "I was wrong."

Lina realized that she had just said the wrong thing.

She said Jinx was not a leader.

"But..." Janna never relies on membership certificates to determine who is the leader.

"Jessica, when you risk your life and insist on staying, you are already a leader."

“Maybe I shouldn’t take it upon myself to make decisions that I think are ‘for your own good’.”

Lina solemnly extended her hand to Jinx:

"If you think calmly and are still determined to stay, then... let us fight side by side!"

"Yeah." Jinx held her hand: "Sister Lena!"

But Lina didn't call her sister. She used a title that obviously didn't sound as close as sisters, but made people feel inexplicably warm:

"Comrade Jessica!"


The second one will be later_(:з ∠)_

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