LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 134 Private customized life insurance (please subscribe)

[Qing Gang Shadow Camille] has undergone a high degree of human body modification and has an artificial Hex heart made of precious native Hex crystals.

This Hex heart not only gave her extraordinary strength, but also allowed her to gain "immortality" in a sense as a half-human, half-machine modified human.

Stevan, on the other hand, is in stark contrast to his powerful and elegant sister.

He has been frail and sick since he was a child, and as he aged, his legs became paralyzed and he became a disabled person.

So he envied, no, envied his sister.

Unfortunately, the genius technician who invented Hex's heart modification has died, and Hex's heart technology has also been lost.

The Hex heart in Camille's body is the last Hex heart in the world, and it is the only hope for Stevan to continue his fragile life.

"So you want to kill Camille and take her Hex heart."

Levi learned from Kaya that Stevan had been sentenced to death by the doctor and had less than two months left to live.

He had no time to wait any longer.

He must have had this plan now.


Stevan's first reaction after hearing this was not anger or denial, but raising his eyes with chills and instinctively scanning in the direction of the windows and doors.

"Don't worry." Levi smiled: "I have already used magic to create an invisible vacuum soundproof air cover. No one can hear our conversation."

Stevan couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Because his instinctive reaction just now had exposed his dirty and ugly true thoughts.

"It seems that you are not only jealous of your sister, you are also afraid of her."

Levi said very rudely.

However, he could understand Stevan's timidity.

Because the power structure of the Philos family seemed to Li Wei to be inherently dangerous.

In each generation, Feros will select one person among his direct descendants to be the head of the family, and one person to be the chief spy in charge of the family's intelligence and armed forces.

So if you compare Stevan, the head of the family, to the emperor of the Philos family.

Camille was the governor of the Chinese and foreign military forces, the commander of the imperial army and the commander of the royal guards, the general of Tiance and the prince of the same name.

And this "General Tiance" who was in charge of all the armed forces of the family was not only a direct descendant of the clan with legal inheritance rights, but he was also unparalleled in combat power and could fight thieves on horseback.

In this case, it would be better if the head of the family and the chief spy were a kind father and a filial son, and brothers and sisters were respectful;

If the head of the house and the chief spy are secretly at odds, can the head of the house sleep well at night?

Of course I couldn't sleep well.

Because even the intelligence power was completely controlled by Camille, he would be so fearful and cautious when speaking in his own home.

"You..." Stevan was angry and frightened, with a complicated expression.

There seems to be no point in denying it.

He felt that he had been completely seen through by Levi.

"How do you know all these things?" Stevan's face was gloomy.

"The goddess knows everything." The blue bird cried dissatisfiedly, but Levi still put the pot on her head with a natural expression.

"So what do you want to do?" Stevan gained momentum and asked, "Are you threatening me with this matter?"

"Give up! Even if you want to reveal my plan to Camille, I will never compromise with you."

"The artificial Hex gem synthesis technology is the treasure of the Feros family. If I sell it to you, then I will be the sinner of the Feros family!"

What he said was righteous.

Levi knew as soon as he heard this that Stevan was urging him to make a quotation.

The threat of reporting and the mere benefit of 2 years of life were obviously not enough to make Stevan decide to cut off this piece of fat and become a traitor.

Need to pay more.

But Levi didn't plan to increase the price.

He knew that the so-called head of the Philos family in front of him was nothing more than a paper tiger.

"Mr. Stevan, I advise you to wake up and speak to our leader from a position of strength."

"Think about it for yourself. With your current situation, are you still qualified to negotiate terms with us?"

Levi choked Stevan hard.

He asked angrily: "President Levi, are you threatening me?"

"No, I'm not threatening you."

"I can assure you here that I will never tell Mrs. Camille - she is not a person who will betray the family, and there is no possibility of cooperation with the leader."

"It would do neither you nor me any good to let her know about this."

Stevan: "..."

Camille is not someone who would betray her family, but is he?


"Don't be so quick to curse." Levi said, "Mr. Stevan, you have to think carefully first. Can your stupid plan of killing your sister and taking her heart really succeed?"

"She is the Steel Shadow, the Gray Lady of Piltover."

"What will happen if the minions you recruited cannot kill her?"

Stevan was silent for a while.

Then he asked: "President Levi, do you think that my death is certain?"

"Yes." Li Wei looked at him the same way he looked at Yuan Shu: "Without us, you would be dead."

Stevan's breathing quietly increased.

In fact, even with the plan of killing his sister and seizing her heart, he felt guilty.

Camille is so powerful, if not counting the legendary goddess Janna, she is almost the most powerful sister in the Twin Cities.

If he hadn't been so old that he was about to die, Stevan would never have dared to take the risk of planning this.

"President Levi." After a long silence, he suddenly said: "I agree to cooperate with you."

"But there is one condition - you must help me complete the plan and ensure that I get my sister's Hex heart."

"After getting the Hex heart, I will naturally give you the technical information of the Hex gem."

"Haha." Levi only smiled coldly.

If he delivers the goods first and pays later, doesn't this make him a fool?

Levi knew very well what kind of thing Stevan was.

If he really helped him kill Camille and handed Hex's heart into his hands, this bastard would definitely turn his back on him.

And Levi didn't want Camille to die so soon.

Because in fact, the existence of Camille, a common enemy, is the basis for Stevan and Wind Leader to cooperate.

Once she dies and Stevan gets the heart as he wishes, there will be no possibility of peaceful coexistence between the Philos family and the Windleader Association.

Don't tell me that Stevan won't pay his bills honestly.

Even if he does hand over the technical information, he will definitely backstab the leader after the transaction and try to get the information back.

By then, a war is destined to break out.

"Mr. Stevan, we, the Leader, are not an assassin's guild, and we will not help you kill people."

"But I can sell you something else - insurance."

"Insurance?" Stevan thought thoughtfully.

"Yes, 'life insurance'." Levi explained with a smile: "If your plan fails and Mrs. Camille is not dead and comes back to seek revenge on you -"

"Then we can come forward to ensure your personal safety."

"Not only can we protect your safety, but we can also extend your life for two years as agreed before."

"When the time comes, all you need to do is give us back the technical data of artificial gemstones. If the time comes in the future, we can also win the Hex Heart for you."

Stevan is just selfish, but not stupid.

Levi refused to help him kill Camille, but promised to save his life. Saying that he can kill his sister to win her heart for him, but then saying that he has to wait until the time is right - isn't this just trying to make a big deal?

Keep both sides, what do you want to do?

"You want to control me?!" Stevan's expression turned extremely ugly.

Of course he could see that once his plan failed, Camille would completely break up with him and become his mortal enemy.

If he still wants to survive then, he can only seek the protection of the Wind Leader.

And if even one's life and fortune depended on human hands, wouldn't he and the Philos family under his control become puppets easily manipulated by Levi?

"I'm not forcing you." Levi spread his hands: "You have a choice."

As long as Stevan's plan to kill his sister and steal her heart succeeds, he won't need to buy Windleader's insurance, and he won't need Janna to extend his life.

In other words, after the plan failed, if he could face death calmly in order to protect the interests of the family, then Levi couldn't kill him.

But the problem is...

"Mr. Stevan." Levi smiled: "Do you have the strength and determination?"


After a long time, the door to the living room opened.

Levi left gracefully in the farewell of the family owner Stevan.

Before parting, the two parties shook hands in a friendly manner, creating a harmonious atmosphere where the host and guest were enjoying themselves.

It’s hard to imagine that this is the scene where the leader’s president meets the Da Ziben family.

"Grandpa~" Kaya came forward worriedly and held Stevan's wheelchair: "What did that bad guy talk to you about? He doesn't have the big mouth like a lion and asks you for a price, right?"

"Haha." Stevan smiled kindly: "Don't worry about grandpa when it comes to business. Grandpa won't suffer in an arm wrestling match with such a stupid young man."

"We have agreed to use Levi's magic treatment in exchange for a batch of artificial Hex gems."

This was indeed the business that Levi had negotiated with him this time - on the surface.

Stevan did pay a large amount of artificial hex gems as a deposit.

But Levi hasn't given him any treatment yet.

Levi simply sold him a "life insurance policy."

Of course, Stevan would not tell his granddaughter these details:

"Sorry, Kaya."

"Grandpa can't stand up for you this time."

"It's okay." Kaya nodded sensibly.

When she knew that Levi's magic could help her grandfather extend his life, she no longer cared about her kidnapping.

No matter how bad the leader is, for the sake of her grandfather's health, she must put aside her hatred and cooperate with Levi.

"As long as your illness can be cured, grandpa, that's fine."

"Kaya..." Stevan's eyes were a little complicated.

He gently touched his granddaughter's hair and asked, "Do you want grandpa to live?"

"Of course!" Kaya nodded seriously.

"But what if the medicine to treat grandpa's illness will cost the family a lot of money?"

"No matter how much money you have, you have to give it!" Kaya said without hesitation: "As long as grandpa can survive, it is worth any price!"

"Well..." Stevan's eyes gradually became firm.

He touched his granddaughter's head again and said with a smile, "My child, I will survive."


The second one will be later_(:з ∠)_

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