LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 143 Belief Testing Ceremony (please subscribe)

Leading supply and marketing supermarket group, first quarter cadres’ belief determination ceremony.

Hilko could understand these sentences separately, but together, he couldn't understand them.

First of all, what is a "supermarket"?


The most commercially developed area in Runeterra is Piltover. But even Piltover has never had a business model like a "supermarket" before.

Hilko took Sevika with some concern and walked closer to observe carefully.

They didn't even need to go in. They just stood outside the supermarket and looked in. They instantly understood what a "supermarket" was:

I saw that in the open and empty supermarket, a dazzling array of products were neatly placed on the endless shelves like soldiers waiting for inspection, and were displayed in front of customers under bright lights.

Compared with those small shops with narrow spaces, this place is very high-end at first glance.

However, what is sold on the shelves are all medium and low-end products such as food, daily necessities, fresh fruits, etc. It is obviously a people-friendly approach of small profits but quick turnover.

Those Picheng people who are particular about style but have limited spending power will definitely like this supermarket.

"A good business idea." Hilko commented in a low voice.

"Yes." Sevika also sighed: "These leaders are really good at business."

"..." Hilko was slightly startled when he heard this.

He suddenly realized why he had been wary of this Leader Association.

Not only because of the connection between the leaders and the Piltover plutocrats, but also because these leaders are so good at doing business.

Their business acumen is more flexible than any businessman's, and their ability to control money is even better than that of the elders of Piltover.

This made Hilko feel...very inconsistent.

And this involves the second part of the slogan that Hilko couldn't understand:

"Didn't you say that we should eliminate exploitation?"

"How come there's even a 'group' involved?"

Hilko didn't understand the difference between the "group" run by the Leader and the private enterprise run by the Pirates.

Hilko, who also had some knowledge of "Janna Thought", couldn't help but stepped forward and called out to a person who looked like a leader of the leader:

"Hello, I am also a fan of Janna's theory. Forgive me for interrupting, I have some questions to ask you - what is the 'nature' of your leading supply and marketing supermarket group?"

"What's the difference between it and a store run by a Piltover guy?"

Hilko simply expressed his doubts.

He originally thought that the leading cadre would be embarrassed by this tricky question, and even drive him away in anger.

Unexpectedly, the cadre's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he even came over to shake hands with him enthusiastically:

"You can actually ask such a profound question——"

"It seems that you must be our comrade, sir!"

"Comrade..." Hilko was slightly startled.

Of course there is no Chinese language in Runeterra, and there is no word gay.

Levi used free translation, using Noxian vocabulary as the "comrade" used by the leader.

The original meaning of this word in the Noxian language refers to "friends who share weal and woe", especially "comrades-in-arms".

"Will the leader and I be comrades in arms?"

Hilko asked himself in his mind.

The answer to this question, to a certain extent, depends on the cadre in front of him and his answer to his previous question.

At this time, I just listened to the leader cadre’s explanation:

"Our leading supply and marketing supermarket group, by nature... should be called 'semi-Ghanaism'."

"On the one hand, our group is a state-owned economy established on the basis of private ownership and in a market environment. It is not a complete Janna-ism."

"On the other hand, our group is different from private sectarianism. Its purpose is not to exploit and make money."

"Market environment." Hilko couldn't help teasing.

The market environment is such that it is impossible to start a company without pursuing profits.

Since you want to make money, don’t you also have to exploit?

"You are right." The cadre replied: "Although our purpose is not this, the exploitation of surplus value still objectively exists in our business process."

Without a harmonious society, exploitation will always exist. It's just a difference between more and less.

What the leaders are trying to do now is to greatly reduce human exploitation rather than eliminate it.

"But this is the option that is most in line with the actual situation - after all, with the current situation of the Leaders Association, we are still far from being able to get rid of our dependence on market order."

The leader now does not even have a serious base of its own, nor is it even a political entity. Of course, it is impossible to escape from the market order that firmly dominates the world.

If leaders want to develop, they have to spend money and make money.

If you want to make money, you have to open a company and exploit the surplus value.

"Since there is a need to pursue profits and there is still exploitation, what is the difference between this and private enterprises in Piltover?" Hilko asked aggressively.

"We are owned by the state." Although the Leader Association cannot be called a "state" at all, for the sake of easier understanding, the cadres still explained it this way:

"All the assets and profits of our group do not belong to any one company, but to the entire Leader Association and all the people who follow the Leader Association."

But this still couldn't convince Hilko.

The daily management and operation of the group are all controlled by the leading cadres. So if the ownership belongs to the public, does it belong to the public?

All the money has gone into the pockets of the Leaders Association, can the public still benefit from it?

"Of course." The cadre replied very calmly: "Except for the profits that our supply and marketing supermarket group earns from the market, except for those needed to maintain operations and expand reproduction, all the rest will be handed over to the association."

"Although the association will not give money directly to everyone, they will use the money in ways that are beneficial to the public."

The Leaders Association is making money, but it is also constantly spreading money for the benefit of the public.

Hospitals cost money, schools cost money, poverty relief costs money, vocational training costs money, community cleaning costs money, public transportation costs money, scientific and technological research and development costs money, and armed construction costs money...

"We can guarantee that every penny we earn will be spent for the benefit of all the people." The cadre explained with sincerity.

"Really?" Hilko was still doubtful.

Profits are taken from the people and used for the people. This sounds great.

But for specific implementation, doesn’t it have to go through cadres and individuals one by one?

Hilko doesn't believe in human nature.

Such a large amount of money passed through the hands of the leader. If the cadres wanted to get it, or even if Li Wei wanted to get it, who could stop it?

And if Levi can make profits for himself as long as he wants, what's the difference between the Windleader Association and Piltover's private companies?

"That's why public supervision is needed!" the cadre said.

"Supervision?" Hilko almost laughed.

This is Rune Land. It is a magical world where people are inherently unequal.

Levi can blow away dozens or hundreds of people in one breath, so how can the public supervise him? Get a gun?

Not to mention Levi, who knows magic.

People in Zu'an have been carrying guns for more than 200 years, and almost everyone is a soldier. After more than 200 years, who can supervise the Alchemist Baron?

Why should the public supervise us?

"That's all." The cadre replied.

As he spoke, he pointed to the slogan on the banner:

"The Ceremony of Determining Cadres' Belief——"

"The main leading cadres of our group need to publicly test their beliefs every quarter under public supervision."

"Faith is the basis for becoming a leader cadre. Only those who are devout enough to pass this threshold are qualified to be selected as leader cadres based on their talents and qualifications."

“But becoming a cadre is not a one-and-done thing.”

"If cadres slack off at work, deteriorate, and their faith fades, then they are no longer qualified to sit in this position and hold this power."

"And this 'cadre belief test ceremony' is a public test of the belief of leading cadres."

This is the third thing Hilko doesn't understand.

"Measurement of faith?" Hilko didn't understand: "How to measure it?"

"Janna will tell us," the officer said.

Hilko: "..."

At the end of the day when it comes to co-authoring, is it still the trick of a magic stick?

He now had even less trust in the leader.

But the cadre just smiled confidently: "The measurement ceremony will begin soon, sir, you will see it."

With that said, he stopped explaining to Hilko.

Hilko and Sevika stepped aside with concern and waited quietly.

After a few minutes, the ceremony began.

Under the watchful eyes of all the staff and onlookers, the leaders of the Leader Supply and Marketing Supermarket Group held hands and shoulder to shoulder, stood on the road and... began to sing:

"Arise, hungry and cold slave."

"Arise, you wretches of the world..."

These devout believers communicated with the goddess Janna through singing and borrowed a bit of the goddess's power.

As a result, "lines" appeared looming on the cadres present, on the staff, and even on the passers-by participating in the supervision.

"This is..." Hilko's eyes widened in shock.

"This is the thread of belief in the goddess." Someone enthusiastically explained: "As long as you are a true Janna believer, you will have such a thread."

Then there was a breeze, and a blue bird quietly came to the world——

This is the external incarnation of the goddess Janna, which means that the goddess "has read".

Supervising them is not only the public, but also an immortal goddess who is absolutely impartial and selfless.

"What?" Hilko couldn't accept it for a moment.

Does the goddess Janna really exist?

Could this be a trick, a mage trick?

Can these so-called threads of faith really reflect the purity of a person's faith?

Hilko had doubts in her heart.

But Sevika looked at him in shock: "Xi, Hilko——"

"You have a 'line' too!"

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