LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 145 Jinx’s new diary (please subscribe)

This is Jinx’s second week with the Leaders.

If she could keep a diary, her life in the past week would be like this:

Monday, sunny.

Lena knows that I am not Jessica, but Jinx. But she still wanted me to stay.

But I can't betray Hilko.

Hilko is my father and I cannot let him down.

What, Fander is not dead?

Is that silly pet wolf really him?

Oh my god...there are dads on both sides, where do I leave this?

Tuesday, sunny.

Sorry, Hilko...I can't go back.

Although you are also very good, just like my father.

But here in Piltover, I have a father and two sisters.

1 father + 2 sisters \u003e 1 father.

I can only stay here, alas.

Wednesday, cloudy.

It has been two days since I met Fandel.

But in the past two days, I have actually been avoiding him...because I was afraid.

If I hadn't foolishly thrown away the Hex Crystal, Milo and Clegg might not have died, and Fandel wouldn't have been seriously injured and kidnapped by that madman named Singed.

What happened to him these years was all caused by me...I was very afraid to see him. I...don't know how to face this dad.

Thursday, rain.

Sister Lina comforted me and told me not to run away from the past.

I finally plucked up the courage to meet Vi and Fander.

Fandel said he didn't blame me and I cried in his arms.

In fact, I still hope that Fandel can give me a good beating, so that I may feel better.

I am no longer Bao Bao, nor the Jinx I used to be. If Wei scolds me again and calls me a "burden" and a "disaster", I think I can accept it.

After all, it was me who did the wrong thing, not Wei.

Also...after Fandel turned into a wolf, he seemed to be much more comfortable to hold than before.

Friday, cloudy.

Under Vi's insistence, I moved out of Sister Lina's dormitory and moved in with her and Fandel.

Wei also wanted to sleep in the same room as me, like she did when she was little.

I bother!

You'd better sleep with your rich Picheng girl in your arms!

By the way, it would be great if sister Lina could move here and live with me. She is also my sister, no worse than Wei.

Saturday, sunny.

I don’t know why these days, but my religious devotion has been skyrocketing.

Sister Lina said that I am already qualified to officially join the Leader - and she is also willing to be my introduction.

However, leaders do not raise idlers either.

Now that I have decided to join the Leader, it is time to decide what I will do after joining the Leader.

Vi wanted me to join the patrol and be a guard for her bullshit company commander.

Haha, I won’t go. Do you think I don't know? That chick named Caitlin was the company instructor. When I go there, I have to listen to this Picheng girl giving orders every day and serving tea and water to you and your mistress.

Also, I heard that as a patrol member, you have to practice formation, do housework, and even fold the quilt into tofu blocks.

Sister Lina helps me tie my ponytail these days! I'm too lazy to do the stupid thing of stacking tofu cubes!

So I finally decided to go with her to become a mechanical engineer in the scientific equipment department managed by Professor Victor, just like sister Lina suggested.

You can not only work and earn money, but also study with professors.

Too bad I'm a super genius. I don’t know if that guy named Victor has the ability to teach me.

By the way... Vi seemed unhappy about my decision to work with Lena.

Ha ha.

Sunday, sunny.

Oh my God! To join that scientific equipment department, you actually have to take an exam?

Do I still need to question my abilities?

Why do we still need to take the exam?

Sister Kelina said that the Scientific Equipment Department is not only the department with the highest subsidies and the best remuneration in the entire Wind Leader Association, but also has top academic experts such as Professor Victor in charge.

Many students now want to join the Scientific Equipment Department to work and study here.

However, the number of places in the ministry is limited. If you want to get the establishment, you must go through a fair, open and transparent examination.

I asked Sister Lina if she could take me directly to Professor Victor for an interview; whether I have the ability and whether I am qualified to be a mechanical engineer, he would definitely be able to determine it at first sight.

But Lina said, no.

You have to go through the procedures and you can't go through the back door.

I said this is not a back door, I already have the strength.

But Lina said that students were interviewed directly without a written test, and students were admitted privately without publishing their scores. This is taking the back door.

Leaders indeed need talents, but they must also establish a fair and just talent selection mechanism.

Unless I have reliable scientific research qualifications, or have some earth-shattering inventions that can be brought in as an expert in the industry...otherwise I have to go through the examination process.

I still can't understand it.

Only talented people can join the Scientific Equipment Department, that is to give them face. What's the point of asking for a set-up?

Sister Lina advised me not to think so.

As I was thinking this, she said, the thread of my faith had dimmed.

Because a true leader would never think like this.

I do not believe.

She cast a spell to make me look at my "thread"...well, it turned out to be real.

He almost doesn’t qualify to be a leader, damn it.

Monday, sunny.

My great inventor, Jinx, actually joined the army of test editors.

Sister Lina helped me apply for leave from the labor camp, allowing me to read in peace and prepare for the exam.

In fact, with my ability, I don’t need to review at all for an exam of this level. But I don’t want Sister Lina to worry either. Just read a book for a while and get the first place in the exam.

But here I am reading a book...

Hilko is here.


After a while.

There were only three people sitting in the living room. In other words, two people and one "wolf".

Levi did not interfere with the family's affairs, and Wei was still working in the patrol team and was not at home.

Fortunately, Wei is not here.

If only Vi were here now and saw Hilko's face. She would definitely throw out a "powerful punch" without hesitation and knock this big enemy away.

But even if Wei was not at home, the atmosphere at the scene was still very subtle.

Jinx, Silko, and Fandel, the relationship between these three people is really complicated.

Fandel almost pushed Hilko into the sewage and drowned.

Silko simply killed Fandel once.

Jinx adopted Fander as his father and Silko as his daughter.

Jinx accidentally "exploded" Fander, and now "betrayed" Silko.

So after introducing the situation to each other, the conversation became like this:

Hilko: "..."

Fandel: "..."

Jinx: "..."

In silence, Hilko thought what he should say.

What can I say? Apologize to Fander?

No, although he stabbed Fandel in the back, he never felt that he was at fault from beginning to end.

It wasn't a betrayal between friends, it was a coup. He didn't kill Fander for personal grudges, but for ideals.

To save Zu An, blood must be shed. Even if there is innocent blood in it. Hilko has this realization.

So he looked at Fander calmly, looking at the other person's wolf face that had become ferocious after being tortured.

"Fander, I don't regret what happened back then." Finally, Hilko spoke: "If you want to take revenge on me, I won't fight back."

"But I will not surrender. I will try to survive until the day I see Zaun become independent... and Jinx grows up."


A heavy breath came from the werewolf's mouth.

Then he stood up and stretched out his burly and terrifying wolf body.

"Fander!" Jinx shouted pitifully.

That's the bad thing about turning into a werewolf.

Even if Fandel yawns now, people who don't know will think that he is going crazy and eating people.

Jinx is afraid that Fandel and Hilko will fight. At that point, she didn't know where to stand.

Fortunately, Fandel is still calm for the time being.

He just looked at Hilko condescendingly and said, "I will never forgive you, Hilko."

"Milo, Craig, the deaths of so many people, and the suffering that Wei and I have suffered over the years... these will all be blamed on you!"

"I know." Hilko did not excuse himself: "I said, you can retaliate against me, but I will not fight back."

"As for what I did to you and those children, I don't regret it."

"You bastard!" Fander clenched his fists and showed his sharp teeth.

Perhaps sensing his pain and anger, the alchemy pump behind him began to operate slowly, causing his knotted muscles to expand rapidly like a balloon.

The werewolf was angry.

He raised his claws high, as if he wanted to slap Hilko's head away.

At this critical moment...seeing Jinx's pale face, the bloodthirsty desire in the werewolf's eyes quietly stopped.

"Silko." Fandel did not take action, but asked: "Why do you come here?"

"It's not your character to put yourself in danger just because of an explosive letter."

Fandel originally thought that Hilko would not come. Because the Hilko in his memory was still the cold-blooded animal who could abandon everything for his ideals and career.

But Hilko said: "Because it was Jinx who wrote the letter. She is here, so I can only come here."

Fandel: "..."

"You go." The werewolf said, "I don't want Bakuba to be sad."

Hilko was also silent for a while.

He almost died from Wolf Claw, but he still didn't want to leave.

He just looked at Jinx, as if he wanted to see her attitude in her eyes.

But Jinx looked away and hesitated to respond.

Silko looked at Fander, and Jinx who snuggled into Fander's arms again...or, in other words, Blast.

It seemed that he came at the wrong time.

"Goodbye, Jinx."

"You found your real father, I'm... happy for you."

Hilko turned and left alone, his back extremely bleak.

"No, Hilko!"

Jinx pulled him from behind.

She held Fandel in one hand and Hilko in the other, as if she wanted to hug them both at the same time:

"Dad!" Jinx shouted with tears in his eyes.

I don’t know who I am calling.

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