LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 147 If we don’t have a ship, the enemy will build one for us (please subscribe)

Hilko's mood at this time can be said to be filled with emotion.

He used to only think about achieving Zaun's independence, as if as long as Zu'an achieved independence, everything would be fine.

But Li Wei pointed out many problems to him. And not only pointed out the problem, but also gave a solution.

Zaun's independence and post-independence development path were clearly presented step by step in this way.

This feeling...

Just like Liu Bei met Zhuge Liang and listened to Mr. Wolong's explanation of "Longzhong Dui" - the chaotic and unclear general trend of the world suddenly seemed to become enlightened!

"No wonder Goddess Janna chose him as the Chosen One to lead the struggle."

In Hilko's eyes, Levi seemed to be a genius strategist.

So he continued to humbly ask Li Wei for advice: "Zu'an really needs a navy."

"But building a navy from scratch must be a navy that can rival the Noxus Empire... I'm afraid it's not that easy, right?"

As the saying goes, "It takes ten years to build an army and a hundred years to build a navy." Can a navy be built just by talking?

Zaun's shipbuilding industry is indeed developed. It is backed by mountains and mineral deposits, and there is no shortage of shipbuilding technology and raw materials.

But even if you don't take into account the huge cost of building ships, and don't take into account the training of naval professionals, if Zaun's production capacity is full, it will start building ships like dumplings...

It would take at least ten years to catch up with the strength of the Noxian Empire's navy.

Ten years later, if Wind Leader and Zuan were not finished, Goddess Nagana would have had followers all over the world and her power would be unrivaled in the world.

At this time, "nuclear bombs" are enough. What do we need warships for?

Thinking about it this way, isn't building a navy a pure waste of money?

"Your concerns are justified. If the navy takes too long to build and cannot be used at critical moments, then its strategic significance will be almost non-existent."

"But..." Levi paused slightly and then said with a smile: "Who said we can't build a fleet that can compete with the Noxus Navy in a short period of time?"

"Since it's too late to build the ship ourselves, we can completely change our thinking and let the enemy help us build the ship!"

"You mean...rob?" Hilko was confused.

Whose ship is Levi trying to seize in order to seize an invincible fleet that can rival Noxus?

"Let me ask, which other fleet in Rune Land can compete with the powerful navy of Noxus."

As he spoke, Levi slowly opened a large map of Runeterra.

He first pointed to the Noxus Empire to the north: "The world's largest navy now is Noxus."

"Then who is the second navy in the world?"

The answer may be unexpected.

The world's second largest navy does not belong to any one country, but...

"The Pirate King of Bilgewater, the Gangplank Fleet."

Yes, the second most powerful maritime fleet in Runeterra is a group of pirates.

Gangplank's pirate group has been roaming the sea for many years and has always been unbeatable.

Not only was he not afraid of the Noxian Imperial Navy, he even took the initiative to cause trouble for the Noxian Navy.

As a result, the Imperial Navy not only failed to defeat these pirates, but also allowed Gangplank to snatch the "Leviathan" from their hands - it was the flagship of the Imperial Commander Swain and the Noxian Imperial Navy. pride.

The flagship of a country's navy was snatched away by pirates.

And Noxus actually had no way to deal with Gangplank afterwards, not even revenge.

This is enough to prove how powerful the Bilgewater pirates are.

"But is it really because Gangplank is too strong?"

"No, this is actually because the Noxus Empire's navy is too weak."

The Noxus Empire's navy ranks first in the world, not because of how strong they are.

But because in the field of navy, they have no competitors at all in Runeterra.

Just look at the four main enemies of Noxus today -

The Freljord in the north, a group of shirtless tribal primitives with a shitty navy.

Ionia to the east is not even a country, so it certainly doesn't have a navy.

The Kingdom of Demacia to the west, a standard agricultural land power country, has little motivation to build a navy.

As for the Shurima natives in the south...

The last time the continent of Shurima had a navy was probably 3,000 years ago, before the demise of the Shurima Empire.

So Noxus has no enemies at sea.

Without enemies, there would naturally be no funding.

Without funding, the Noxian Navy would naturally be the "second class" in the Imperial military system.

Army men have countless funds to squander every year. One day they will expand a legion of rune swordsmen, and tomorrow they will expand a company of battle mages. Over time, they will naturally gain weight.

However, the Navy can only save their pitiful funds and build a few new ships every year.

So when the Gangplank Pirates attacked the Imperial Navy and successfully stole the flagship, the horrifying news spread back to Noxus, back to the Immortal Fortress...

The first reaction of Emperor Darkwill and the high-ranking nobles was:

"Did you deliberately lose the battle and come back to defraud the funds?"

The naval admirals cried and said no, saying that the Plancks were so numerous and arrogant that they had to send an invincible fleet to destroy them.

Then the noble men counted on their fingers:

First, count the losses caused to the empire by the Gangplank Pirates’ annual robbery;

In addition to the naval funds needed to capture Bilgewater Port and eliminate the pirates...

After careful calculation, the huge amount of money needed to expand the navy is enough for Planck to rob it for decades.

Instead of spending a lot of money to suppress the bandits, it would be better to ignore Gangplank like a fly.

"Precisely because the Noxus Empire has no enemies at sea, the Noxus Navy's army-building strategy has always been - just enough."

"So, Hilko, in fact, we don't need to overestimate our opponents." Levi smiled: "We need to pay attention to them tactically. But strategically, we can completely despise them."

"The strength of the Noxian navy is not that strong."

"As long as we can successfully integrate Gangplank's pirate group, we have every chance of catching up with Noxus in a short time."

Levi's tone was very optimistic.

But these words sounded like fantasy to Silko: "Indeed, as long as we can incorporate the large pirate fleet controlled by Gangplank, we will have the strength to compete with the Noxus Empire in a short period of time."

"But the question is... Planck, will he let us take him in?"

The Noxus Empire has nothing to do with the Pirate King of Bilgewater, so the Wind Leader can just recruit him if he wants to?

"Yes." Levi said, "Because I successfully found the expert who dealt with Planck."

"Besides, I have already sent someone to invite her over."


Piltover, Off Sea.

A huge battleship named the Siren is slowly sailing into Peart Sound.

"This place is really prosperous." The dark-skinned first mate was standing on the bow of the ship, joking with his captain: "Every time I come to Piltover, I want to grab a big one."

"Hey." The captain is a beauty.

She frowned slightly and reminded with dignity: "Let everyone behave, Raven."

"We are here to do business this time, not to 'do business'."

"Don't be careless, something went wrong here."

Her voice is very soft, just like her appearance, which makes people feel happy when they see it.

The bright red hair could not even be covered by the wide-brimmed tricorn hat. It hung down like a waterfall over her fair and delicate cheeks, and spread over her generously exposed smooth collarbone.

Such beautiful girls usually don't appear on pirate ships.

If she appeared, she would definitely be teased and harassed by rough guys, and she would even attract countless greedy and evil looks.

But this girl is the captain of this pirate ship.

No one dares to disrespect her.

She just casually ordered everyone to behave, and these wild sailors stopped joking.

Because she is the famous big pirate in Bilgewater, [Bounty Hunter Miss Fortune], she is also known as:

"Captain Sarah!"

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