LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 153 Leader u0026 # 183; Sarah (Please subscribe

One week later, in the morning.

Sarah and her crew have been living in the Wind Leader's military camp for the past week, eating, living and training with the patrol members.

Although it was agreed that their job was to help the Wind Leader Association train sailing talents;

But in fact, these days, these pirates are receiving more training from the leader.

Housekeeping, queues, discipline, these are things that pirates have never learned and trained before.

The leader's rigid and strict rules initially made these pirates who were accustomed to being undisciplined complain endlessly.

They persisted reluctantly only because of the "Special Navigation Talent Allowance" given by the leader and the large amounts of gold hex coins.

But after a week of training, these pirates gradually became good at it.

Just like now, in this barracks playground where the morning fog has not yet cleared, these former sailors of the Sarah Pirates, now the soldiers of the "Coast Guard" of the Wind Leader Association...

They can already wear uniforms, line up neatly, and get up on time to participate in morning training.

As they ran, they sang chants loudly:

"First, follow the command in all actions. Only by working in unison can we win."

"Secondly, I don't take anything away from the masses. The masses support and like me..."

The pirates are in good shape, disciplined, and energetic. This looks really good...

"What a ghost!"

Sarah also took the lead and ran at the front of the queue, singing silly songs.

First mate Raven finally couldn't help but drag her aside and said to his beloved captain: "Captain Sarah, we are pirates!"

"If we don't even take a needle or a thread, can we still call ourselves pirates?"

Raven reminded sadly.

Sarah didn't take it seriously: "Isn't this great? Who would be willing to rob things when you are getting a salary?"

"That's the problem, silly girl!" The mature and seasoned Raven couldn't help but remind her daughter of the captain who was much younger than her.

What does a pirate group leader need to rely on to unite the majority of people? Of course it's money!

Now the Sarah Pirates have transformed into the Wind Leader's Coast Guard.

The person who distributes money to the sailors and brings everyone wealth has also unknowingly changed from Captain Sarah to the Leader Association.

The sailors had eaten Levi's food, and naturally they had to become Levi's soldiers.

Now everyone still remembers the goodness of the old captain Sarah.

But as time goes by...

"Who remembers you? Sarah!"

"Have you not noticed that you, the captain, have been unknowingly sidelined by Levi?"

Raven reminded Sarah solemnly.

Leaders are not just “buying people’s hearts” with money.

They simply uprooted everyone's hearts, packed them up, and headed back.

"Sarah, look at those Leaders Association these days."

"It was a complaint meeting, a drama performance, and Miss Seraphine's Soul Concert... Even I, a hard-hearted old pirate, made them cry several times."

"Now everyone doesn't even go to the brothels at night. They hold a copy of "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts" every day and study and discuss with the propagandists sent by the leader."

"Is this going to be okay?"

Raven had already quietly inquired: "Sarah, in just one week, three people in our pirate group have been 'brainwashed' and become official leaders!"

What does it mean to have three official leaders in a patrol company?

This means that the company branch can be established.

"Sarah, think about it!"

"When the leader really establishes a branch in our pirate group, will everyone follow the command of you, the captain, or the command of the leader's branch?"

"Sarah, you have to know that this is just the beginning!"

"There are only three leaders in the group now. What will happen next? If everyone is developed into leaders, will anyone still listen to you, the captain?"

First Mate Raven persuaded the captain earnestly.

He advised Sarah to be more vigilant and guard against the leader's infiltration and seizure of power.

But Miss Sarah just twisted her fingers around the hanging bright red wavy hair, and said delicately:

"Um...well...Raven, actually you don't have to worry."

Sarah opened her palms and gathered a small whirlwind:

"Because among the three official leaders, I am the one."


"And the branch you mentioned has actually been established in our Coast Guard Company, and I am temporarily serving as the president."


The old pirate almost fainted with anger: "Sarah, you, you were sold and you paid for it!"

"Hey, Raven...don't say it so harshly." Sarah's attitude was firm.

Also, if her attitude is not firm, she will not be able to become an official leader.

"I'm serious," Sarah said.

She has participated in many grievance meetings and publicity meetings this week, listened to Seraphine singing, and listened to Levi explaining theories to her.

As she studied, she found that this theory seemed to suit her very well.

"I have always wanted to defeat Gangplank and bring order to Bilgewater."

"But what kind of order can I bring to Bilgewater? Can I really be a better king than Gangplank, whom I hate?"

Sarah actually felt guilty.

Because she has the same problem as most young dragon slayers——

That is, they only know how to slay the dragon, but they don't know how to rebuild order after slaying the dragon, and moreover, establish a better order.

It was the leader who gave her the answer.

"I want to make Bilgewater a city where everyone is equal."

Of course, this equality is not absolute equality, but equality in personality, so that the strong can no longer persecute the rules and bully the weak.

"It would be a wonderful world, a world where dedicated craftsmen like my mother could live a stable life;"

"A world where bullies like Gangplank can be punished."

Plank killed Sarah's parents because...he bought a gun and didn't want to pay for it.

He doesn't want to give money, of course not because he has no money.

Just because he doesn't want to.

And he has the ability not to give money.

Just because of a spur-of-the-moment "zero dollar purchase", Plank killed Sarah's parents and destroyed her life.

The weak are like ants and toys in front of the strong. As long as the strong man is willing, it doesn't matter how many he kills.

This is the old society, the order of Runeterra for thousands of years.

"But it's always been like this, right?"

After coming into contact with the Wind Leader, Sarah finally awakened:

"I'm going to kill Gangplank—"

"Not only must we get rid of him, we must also completely destroy the old world that gave birth to countless Plancks!"

"..." Raven heard a moment of silence.

"Okay." The first mate sighed deeply: "As long as you are willing, Captain Sarah, no matter where you are going, I will go with you."

Not only did he not persuade the captain to wake up, but he also persuaded himself to go in.

"Haha, that's right!" Sarah smiled lively.

She also held up the wind ball in her hand and said coquettishly: "And this leader is not in vain."

"Look - even I have become a 'mage'!"

The Wind Leader is indeed blessed by the true God. If you believe in it, you will receive divine feedback immediately. This is also an important reason why Sarah will join the Wind Leader.

Even if you don't talk about the lofty ideals, this is still an extremely strong thigh.

As long as you hug her tightly, you won't have to worry about not being able to take revenge in the future.

Sarah's personal statement finally succeeded in convincing Raven.

Of course he knew in his heart that revenge would always be Sarah's biggest obsession. She would do anything to kill Gangplank. Even if it is annexed by the leader and loses the autonomy of the captain.

So Raven stopped trying to persuade her and just followed Sarah to participate in the training.

And just then...

"Captain Sarah!"

Someone came over.

No...saying "people" is a bit inaccurate.

What came to Sarah and Raven was a huge green "slime".

His name is Zach, and he is one of the first batch of "sailing seedlings" arranged by the Wind Leader Association to receive sailing training.

Although Sarah didn't understand how this big lump of jelly could be regarded as a seafaring seedling.

But Zach, the "rubber devil", is indeed very powerful. Being a "pirate" is more than enough.

So Sarah also liked this student very much.

"Zach, what's wrong?"

Sarah looked up at Zach, who was wearing a straw hat—well, this straw hat was specially given to him by Levi.

"Captain Sarah, there are orders from above." Zach came to convey the orders of the Wind Leader Association: "We are going back to Zaun."

"Return to Zu'an?" Sarah's eyes lit up.

The "Invincible Fleet" that Li Wei promised her is still parked in the Alchemy Baron's shipyard in Zaun.

It's just that the alchemy barons won't give it away for free, the leader has to get it himself.

"Is there going to be a war?" she asked.

"Yeah!" Zach nodded naively: "Mr. Levi said, I can go beat up that bastard Takeda Saito now -"

"The Wind Leader Association's first base in Zaun will start from him."

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