LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 160 Is it a procedural issue or a route issue? (Please subscribe

After the execution of the death row prisoners, those awaiting Seraphine's review are the labor reform prisoners who were publicly tried and sentenced by the masses.

Most of these reform-through-labor prisoners were low-level gangsters working for the Takeda Saito Group who were captured during yesterday's movement.

They are usually only responsible for looking after venues, doing security, and collecting debts. Because their level in the group is too low, there is basically no opportunity to do serious evil, so they were lucky to save their lives after the public trial.

The judgment of these people by the masses was generally correct.

If there are mistakes, it is because the preparations for the public trial were too hasty and chaotic. The leading cadres and the people participating in the trial did not understand the situation of some of these low-level gangsters deeply enough, and their crimes were not specific enough.

As a result, there were many low-ranking villains who had still committed great crimes, and they were mixed among the gangsters. They were let go in a daze, and were only sentenced to a few years of hard labor.

And now, after Seraphine's trial...

Immediately, a dozen more reactionaries who had committed many crimes were dragged out and executed on the spot by the cadres.

Bang bang bang——

A series of gunshots rang out, and many guilty souls died.

Seraphine's expression showed no discomfort.

She took a sip of tea to moisten her throat, and then said in her naturally sweet voice:


The air was dead silent for a moment.

The prison inmates all saw that this big star from Piltover was nothing but a death diva. As long as her sweet voice sounds, most people will be pushed out and shot.

Most of these reform-through-labor prisoners have committed evil crimes, and they are not sure whether their crimes will be sentenced to death after being reviewed by Seraphine.

Therefore, they would rather not have this opportunity for a fair trial than to stay in the audience and not dare to go up.

But someone dares to come up.

Those who truly believe they have been wronged.

After hesitating, they walked onto the stage one by one.

"I...I'm really not a lackey of Takeda Saito...I just run a small blacksmith workshop and process some small parts for Takeda factory..." An uncle cried.

He claimed that he was just doing some small business, just because the store was opened in Takeda Saito's territory and had supplied goods to Takeda Saito's factory...

In the great movement that swept the world yesterday, the out-of-control masses rushed into the workshop and started an unreasonable process of beating, smashing, looting and burning.

Not only was his family property plundered, but he himself was also tied up, labeled as a "Takeda Gangster", and imprisoned here for public trial.

As a result, today, after a mass public trial, he, a small craftsman who did his job, was sentenced to several years of forced labor along with those Takeda Gang gangsters.

"Isn't this an injustice?"

"I myself am forced to pay protection fees to the Takeda gang every year. The bastards at the Takeda factory ask me to process parts, and they keep the price to the lowest, forcing me to work for them exhaustingly every day. In the end It’s barely enough to make enough money to eat.”

"I, I am also a bullied person——"

"Why did they become the 'Takeda Gang'?"

The owner of the small workshop cried.

And he was far from the only one who was wrongly accused like him.

There are those who open blacksmith workshops, tailor shops, carpenter shops, car repair shops, and daily necessities stores... They are all businessmen who do their part.

And their experiences are generally the same.

They were all doing business on the street normally, but an army of "zero-yuan purchasers" under the banner of Janna rushed into the store and robbed them and the store together.

"What they said is true." Seraphine told Levi with a frown.

The previous row of shot corpses had not earned her any sympathy. But facing these people's cries from their souls, she frowned deeply in confusion and sadness.

"What happened?!"

Levi was also a little angry.

He had already thought that in yesterday's chaotic riot, there would definitely be such a mass movement out of control.

After all, the leaders are developing too fast now, and the cadres at the grassroots level are still too weak. Without a mass movement led by a vanguard, it will inevitably get out of control.

As a result, a lot of activities were carried out and turned into a wild carnival for the "zero-yuan purchase" crowd.

Fortunately, this time, although there were still a lot of out-of-control chaos during the process, the Leader Association, at least on the whole, controlled the situation and stabilized order.

These were all within Li Wei's expectations.

But what Li Wei didn't expect was: "The masses had long-standing grievances and were passionate, and in the chaos, they were mixed into it by those rogue proletarians with evil intentions. They took advantage of the movement's loopholes and committed vandalism, looting, and burning. This happened to me." That’s understandable.”

"But what about you?"

Li Wei looked at the leading cadres at the scene:

"You are leaders who understand theory, don't you know what is right and wrong?"

"The masses have caught these small vendors, shopkeepers, and workshop owners in a daze, and you just believe that they are guilty and sentence them to labor camps?"

Li Wei asked these leading officials responsible for the public trial in a serious tone.

But the cadres also said: "President Levi, we...all follow the wishes of the masses."

Yes, during the public trials before, these small shopkeepers and workshop owners did not receive any sympathy from the masses.

Not only did the masses not sympathize with them, some people even added insult to injury when they cried out for injustice, and came out to point out how closely they were connected to the Takeda gang and how evil their crimes were.

So the leading cadres based on the opinions of the masses sentenced each of these people to several years of forced labor.

"Why is this?" Levi frowned.

Since Seraphine has read everything, it proves that these small shopkeepers and workshop owners are not the heinous Takeda gangsters or baron lackeys at all.

But why are they still targeted by the masses?

"Because everyone hates them."

Seraphine listened quietly to everyone's thoughts, and then said with a complicated expression: "In the hearts of Zaun people, these people who have money to open stores in Zaun are just as annoying as...the Piltover guys."

I see.

Levi understood now.

These small shopkeepers and workshop owners are all small property owners, and they are all middle class people with a small fortune in Zaun.

Therefore, there is a natural gap between them and the Zaun people who are generally extremely poor, just like the Picheng people and the Zaun people.

The small property owners would inadvertently show contempt for the poor, and because their wealth was dependent on the existing order, even though they were also oppressed by the Alchemist Baron, they were naturally willing to stand by the Alchemist Baron.

The destitute people suffered tremendously in Zaun, and they will instinctively hate everything, including these "high and mighty" small property owners.

Some people came out to identify these small shopkeepers and workshop owners, maybe out of disgust or even personal hatred.

And other people have no idea whether these small shopkeepers and workshop owners are guilty. When they heard someone come forward to identify them, and coupled with their collective disgust for these small property owners, they followed suit and demanded severe punishment.

"But what do you believe in what the masses say? Even the most basic investigation and interrogation are not done?" Levi was very dissatisfied.

Now that the chaos has just subsided, Seraphine is in charge of this public trial, so it is understandable that the process is a bit rough.

However, these cadres blindly followed the opinions of the public and sentenced people just by labeling them. This was unacceptable to Li Wei.

If this is the case, then simply give the people a piece of pottery, let them write the names of the people they think are guilty, and vote to decide who is guilty and who is not guilty.

What else do leaders need to do?

"If you think about it with your brain, you should know that these small businessmen who run handicraft workshops and tailor shops, what kind of Takeda gang can they be?"

"With their status and ability, what bad things can they do?"

Li Wei questioned these cadres.

But the cadres still have something to say.

Some of them couldn't help but say: "President Levi, didn't you ask us to use the opportunity of overthrowing Takeda Saito to realize the complete deprivation of the means of production from the bourgeoisie in the Takeda territory?"

"Aren't these small property owners who open workshops and shops considered the bourgeoisie? I think the masses have caught them just right. This will save us work in the future..."

It turns out that’s what the cadres thought. They feel that small property owners are also property owners, and they should be defeated in one fell swoop using violent means and all their property confiscated.

Now the leader is about to establish his own base.

Many cadres believe that the Leader Association can take this opportunity to establish a complete country of Jannaism in Zaun in one fell swoop.

The existence of these small property owners is naturally non-Janaistic. They must be violently struck down, even physically erased.

"This..." Levi suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

This issue is deeper and more difficult than the issue of trial procedures.

Because everyone has a problem in their thinking and has differences in their understanding of "how".

This disagreement must be resolved.

So he asked: "I understand what you mean, but everyone can think about it realistically. At this stage..."

“Are the small business owners our enemies or our friends?”


The second one will be later_(:з ∠)_

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