LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 164 Double Member (please subscribe)

The next day, Piltover Parliament House, top floor parliament hall.

When Mel walked into the parliament hall with her elegant steps, she could clearly feel that this regular meeting was different from the past.

In the past, as the legitimate daughter of the Myrdalda family, she could always gain respect, favor, and even flattery from everyone when she appeared.

Except for Professor Heimerdinger and Mrs. Giramann, who greeted her politely, the other members of Congress who had arrived were staring at her with subtle and complicated looks.

In particular, they noticed that next to her bun decorated with gorgeous gold ornaments, there was a blue bird standing quietly on her shoulder.

Protected by the blue bird and blessed by Janna, this has always been the symbol of Levi, the chosen one.

And now, Mel actually appears in such a public manner?

The atmosphere became increasingly subtle.

In addition to everyone's attitude, an even bigger difference is that this time, not only the seven permanent members of the highest council were present at the regular meeting, but also many representatives of major business families who were not non-permanent members.

There were 20 of them in total.

Among them was Mel's old acquaintance, Piltover's most dazzling scientific star, Jess Tallis.

He was standing next to Heimerdinger, chatting with his teacher.

Seeing Mel entering the parliament hall, everyone kept a distance from her with subtle expressions. Only Jess was enthusiastic when he saw her and waved to her cheerfully:

"Congressman Mel, you are here."

"Jace." Mel also walked towards him with a smile: "How many times have I told you, you can just call me Mel."

She shook hands with Jace as usual, and then asked casually: "I thought, Jace, you were not interested in politics. Why did you suddenly become interested and come to the parliament to observe?"

"Oh, I didn't come here on my own." Jess replied without hesitation: "It was Mrs. Camille of the Philos family who sent me an invitation to attend this regular meeting."

"Sure enough." Mel knew it.

As expected, these representatives of the big Piltover families were all invited by Camille.

After all, the Supreme Council only has 7 seats in total. Among the seven permanent members, she, Heimerdinger, and Gila Mann are all sympathizers, collaborators, and even one of the Leader's own people.

Three of the seven votes were from the natural pro-Jana faction, so there was almost no suspense about the outcome of the vote.

So Camille invited 20 of Piltover's most important family representatives to dilute the votes of the leader.

This is actually illegal.

After all, these representatives of large families are not permanent members. In theory, they are only qualified to observe and have no voting rights.

But as Heimerdinger learned, titles never give people power; people give them meaning.

Piltover is the Piltover of plutocrats,.

Without the unanimous approval of more than 20 representatives of the big families, including the permanent members, even if Mel pushed the Piltover Council to make a decision, the decision would not be implemented at all. It's just a piece of waste paper.

"Well, Jess." Mel looked worriedly at Jess's thick eyebrows, big eyes, honest face, which was very different from other family representatives: "You know the reason why Mrs. Camille invited you here this time is... Discussing something?"

"Well, this..." Jace really didn't understand anything: "It seems like we are going to discuss the Leader of the Wind inciting riots and trampling on human rights in Zaun a few days ago, right?"

Mel raised an eyebrow: "Trampling on human rights? Jess, do you really believe this?"

"That's what the Piltover Daily said. I also know the author of the article. He is a knowledgeable and moral writer, and he is also a freelance writer with a very attitude." Jace is quite cool. Confuse:

"How could such a highly respected public intellectual still tell lies?"

Mel was silent for a while, just staring at Jace.

"What's wrong?" Jace felt that she looked at him a little strangely.

"It's nothing." Mel smiled happily: "You are so cute, Jess."

Jess: "???"

Somehow, he felt as if Mel was trying to push him.

But Mel really didn't.

To be able to make a fortune all the way to sit in this parliament hall, and still maintain such a simple mind, in her opinion, Jace is really a very cute baby.

"So, Jace." Mel asked again: "What do you think of the Wind Leader?"

It’s hard for Jess to answer this question.

He was very repelled by the Wind Leader at first, because his friend Victor changed from normal after joining the Wind Leader and became a "dangerous element" obsessed with weaponizing Hex technology.

This was completely contrary to his and Heimerdinger's ideas, so Jace gradually distanced himself from Victor and the Wind Leader.

But later, Jace noticed the amazing changes that had taken place in the Zaun community, and began to unknowingly develop a fondness for the leader.

But later, now...

"The Windleader Association committed such cruel atrocities in Zaun, ignored the rules of business, plundered our Lady Piltover's important investment in Zaun without any spirit of contract, violated our sacred private property, and refused to Not returned..."

"There is no doubt that they are not much different from Silko. They are both thug organizations that may undermine the social stability of the Twin Cities..."

"Wait a minute." Mel frowned slightly: "Jace, did you also invest in Takeda Saito?"

"No." Of course Jace had nothing to do with that scumbag, and he didn't know about the dirty underground dealings between Takeda and Pi City.

"Then you still say that?" This person was really crying out in pain because a cow had been taken away. Why are you complaining too?

"That's what everyone told me." Jace pointed to the family representatives next to him.

"..." Mel stroked his forehead helplessly.

Jess's social activities these past few years have really been in vain. Apart from drinking tea and chatting with her and developing personal friendships, the rest of the time was spent being surrounded by smart people from major families and spinning around like a spinning top.

"Since you think the Wind Leader Association is a thug, how are you going to deal with them?" Mel asked in a subtle tone: "Are you going to start a war?"

Jace was speechless for a moment.

He was just disgusted with the leader and never thought about starting a war.

Not to mention that the war itself was cruel, and he hated it. Even for Victor, he couldn't tell this answer.

Naturally, what Mel wanted was not the opinion of this great scientist with an IQ of 100 and a political level of 20, and an ability that was seriously partial to science.

She turned her head and slowly scanned the entire audience with a disdainful gaze:

"What do you think?"

Mel didn't deliberately lower her voice when she spoke to Jace just now.

She knew that she was the central character in this meeting, and everyone was quietly paying attention to the conversation between her and Jess.

She also knew that the opinions Jace had just expressed were the opinions instilled in him by these people. They were the opinions of the Piltover plutocrats.

So Mel went straight to the point and asked these people: "What are you going to do?"

"To fight or not to fight?"

Everyone was shocked by her firm attitude that was different from the past.

Coupled with the power of the Midarda family and the inherent hesitation in their hearts, for a while, no one dared to come forward to answer this question.

But at this moment, there was a crisp and regular sound of footsteps at the door of the parliament hall.

That was no ordinary footsteps, but the sound of the crisp collision of steel and marble.

Ta, da, da, da...

Finally, that person appeared.

The chief spy of the Feros family, Qinggang Shadow Camille, stepped into the parliament hall under the spotlight.

Her youthful face that has remained unchanged for decades, her cold eyes glowing with blue magical light, and her elegant figure transformed by Hex machinery are all clearly presented to everyone.

"Congressman Mel." Camille's voice was calm and calm, like an absolutely precise machine.

"My opinion is - war." She answered Mel's question.

"Yes, yes." With Gray Lady taking the lead, the representatives of the big families who had long been dissatisfied with the leader became agitated:

"We kindly tolerated the development of the Windleader Association, but they quietly killed our partners in Zaun, and even swallowed up our assets in Zaun."

"If we can even tolerate this, then if they get involved with the Zaun people in the future, they will be in trouble?"

"Mrs. Camille is right, we must teach them a lesson this time!"

The crowd was excited.

Jess looked at Mel for a while, and then at his group of distinguished friends. For a moment, his head was extremely big, and he was caught in a dilemma.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Mrs. Gila Mann finally couldn't help but speak to cool down the atmosphere:

"I think everyone should calm down..."

Someone interrupted her without shame: "Mrs. Gila Mann, your daughter Caitlin is now a senior executive of Leader, and your family is doing business in partnership with Leader, making a lot of money. You Of course you can calm down!”

"But what about us?"

Camille never spoke again, but just standing here made the main war faction become arrogant.

Mrs. Gillamann couldn't resist, so she turned to Heimerdinger for help:

Your student is also a leader, why don’t you say a few words?

"Um, um..." Heimerdinger had no intention of politics, but for Victor's sake, he had no choice but to come out and talk to him: "The war will affect the stability of the twin cities and our scientific research environment."

"I don't think it's necessary to go to war now."

"Everyone can take a step back, let us reduce our demands a little, and let the leader return some assets. Wouldn't it be good for everyone to put aside disputes and coexist peacefully as in the past?"

This suggestion was actually recognized by many people present.

First of all, not everyone here has investment dealings with Takeda Saito, and they are not the ones losing this time.

Secondly, everyone knows that the leader has a deep cooperative relationship with the Myrdalda family, and they don't want to offend Mel too much.

Third, everyone is afraid of the legendary Janna. This is also the most important reason for their hesitation.

Therefore, as long as the Leader Association is willing to make concessions, they are willing to continue to be an ostrich and turn a blind eye to the increasingly dangerous behaviors of the Leader.

However, Mel looked at everyone present with a stern look and said firmly:

"I'm afraid that won't work."

"Your business with Takeda Saito is your business - we have no obligation to inherit this unequal contract!"

"Whether we fight this war or not, and how long we want to fight it, does not depend on us, but on everyone here."

"Huh?" Everyone was shocked.

They were shocked not only by the leader's sudden change in style but also by the tone of Representative Meyer's words.

They had always believed that Midarda and Leader were in a cooperative relationship, and that Mel was just an investor in Levi.

And now...

"Congressman Mel, are you also a leader?!" Even Camille couldn't help but frown.

"That's right." Since everyone knew that she was from the leader's side, Mel simply stopped pretending.

Not only is she now a permanent member of the Piltover Council.

And after she officially became a Leader, she was elected as a permanent director of the Leader Association by the representative committee due to her outstanding abilities, superhuman charm, firm and reliable beliefs, and her huge contribution to the cause of the Leader.

Because the Leader Association is really short of such senior management talents with high-level vision and practical experience, what Mel once asked for was finally obtained by herself.

She now holds a high position in the Leader Association.

"Today - I am here to negotiate terms with you on behalf of the Leader Association!"


The second one will be later_(:з ∠)_

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