LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 170 The Supreme Emperor of Pi City (please subscribe)

Amystan picked up the "Piltover-Noxus Security Treaty" with great interest and read it carefully.

Two of them are the most important:

"One, allow troops to be stationed."

"In order to contribute to the security of Piltover and the maintenance of peace and security in the Twin Cities, the Noxian Imperial Army is allowed to use facilities and areas within the city of Piltover."

"Two, common defense."

"The Contracting Parties swear that, within the territory of Piltover's administration, if either party is attacked by force, to take action against the common danger in accordance with the provisions and procedures of the Treaty."

At first glance, these two lines indicate that Piltover provides a garrison base for Noxus and shares the responsibility for defense——

It's as if both parties are equal partners.

But equality has always been based on equality of strength.

If two creatures with huge disparities in strength "cooperate equally" under the same roof for a long time, the final result will only be that one becomes the master and the other is domesticated into a dog.

It was not enough for Camille to take out the "Pi-No Security Treaty".

After this security treaty, she also came up with a "Pi-No Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation".

The treaty stipulates that the ships of the Noxus Empire army can freely enter and leave the sea and canals of Piltover in the future without even paying tolls.

At the same time, Piltover will further open its market to the Noxus Empire, allowing Noxian capital to enter a certain proportion of Piltover's economic lifeline, including the Sungate Canal and the Hexgate. key areas.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." This made even Amystan marvel.

In order to hire the imperial army as bodyguards, Camille sold off all of Piltover's national defense and economic sovereignty.

It's just as bad as directly requesting to be incorporated into the Noxus Empire.

"You are so courageous."

At that time, Piltover faced huge pressure from the expansion of the empire's power, but it had the courage to "if you dare to annex it by force, I will join the Demacia Alliance and fight you to the end", and it was difficult to maintain its superficial independence.

But now... Camille has sold all the little interests that her ancestors worked hard to protect in one go.

"I really hope the barbarians in Ionia can be as smart as you." Amystan smiled meaningfully.

But Camille was unmoved.

She knew what she was selling. But it's worth it.

Selling Leather City is also to save Leather City. She was willing to take the blame for it.

And, to be honest...their family would rather be a Noxian dog than let Zaun's muddy legs ride on their heads.

After all, the former only requires them to sell their interests and dignity, but the latter wants to dig out their roots!

"We are willing to pay these costs in order to maintain a safe business environment and protect the foundation of Piltover's progressive civilization."

"I believe history will judge us fairly."

If we can win in the end.

Camille added silently in her heart.

"Good determination." Amystan put down the two treaties: "But the problem is, the parties to these treaties should be Noxus and Piltover, not me and you."

"I can take care of the empire." Noxus has long wanted to expand its influence in Piltover, and they don't even need Amistan to mediate. Of course they will sign such a free treaty.

"But Mrs. Camille, can you represent the Piltover Council?" Amystan questioned.

"As far as I know, the council seems to be more inclined to the girl from the Myrdalda family, and the leader, right?"

"They are just a bunch of losers." Camille said disdainfully.

"Except for Myrdalda and Gila Mann, who are deeply involved with the Wind Leader, no one in the big families in Piltover is out of their mind and sincerely supports the Wind Leader Association."

"As long as the Noxian army marches into Piltover, they will naturally come to our side."

With that said, Camille directly picked up the documents and signed the two treaties on behalf of the Piltover Council.

Even though she doesn't even have the status of a member of parliament now.

But she knew that as soon as the troops of the Noxus Empire arrived in Piltover, these pieces of waste paper without any legality could immediately become Piltover's official documents with legal effect.

"Mair is no longer fit to lead Piltover Council, which needs a voice that better represents Piltover's interests."

"So, I will become a parliamentarian." Camille said calmly.

"In that case, it's no problem." Amystan smiled and shook hands: "Happy cooperation, Mrs. Camille... No, future Senator Camille."

"It's a pleasure to cooperate." Camille also greeted: "General Amystan... the future Governor of Piltover."

"Governor?" This title was very useful to Amystan.

Almost all of the newly conquered territories Noxus adopted overseas were entrusted with the control and management of the leaders of the war groups who conquered them.

Almost all the territory they conquered belongs to themselves, so the warlord leaders naturally fight tooth and nail when fighting.

This can also be regarded as an incentive measure by the empire for the leaders of the war group.

Although Pi City is not a newly conquered territory, Amystan was not won through war...

But as an important matchmaker between the Empire and Piltover, after everything is settled, she will naturally be indispensable for the position of Governor of Piltover.

It is conceivable that Amystan will be the Supreme Emperor of Pi City from now on.

Piltover's territory is her territory, and Piltover's interests will be her interests.

"You are trying to tie me to the chariot in Piltover, Mrs. Camille." Amystan also realized Camille's true intention.

After enjoying the rights of the Supreme Emperor of Pi City, she must also bear the obligations of the Supreme Emperor of Pi City. From now on, safeguarding Pi City's interests means safeguarding her own interests.

And Piltover's interests are completely inseparable from Zaun.

If something changes in Zaun, Piltover's interests will be severely damaged.

Now the Wind Leader Association has made it clear that it will develop deeply in Zaun, swallow up the entire Zaun one bite at a time, and finally achieve the complete independence of Zaun.

At that time, what choice should Amystan, the Supreme Emperor of Pi City, make?

It is to allow his own interests to be damaged and allow Zuan to become independent.

Or should we attack decisively and restrict the development of the Leader Association?

Or even... taking advantage of the fact that the Leader Association is still weak, how about eradicating the hidden dangers while they are still weak?

Yes, now, now!

Amystan couldn't help but think this way.

And when she thought about it, she immediately realized that she had unknowingly fallen into Camille's conspiracy and was on the same side as Camille.

"Camille, you really want more than just garrison protection."

"What you want is for me to charge into the battle for you and completely wipe out the Wind Leader Association."

"Yes." Camille did not hide it: "But you are not charging into battle for me, but for yourself and Noxus."

"After all, from today on, Piltover is your Piltover too."

"What's more, who knows if they will further covet Leather City after completely occupying Zaun?"

"Don't forget, the Wind Leader Association originally started in Piltover. Their foundation in Piltover is also not shallow."

"General Amystan, you don't want to see the great situation we have worked so hard to build in the Twin Cities be ruined at the hands of a group of dirty gutter rats, right?"

"Ha." Amy Stan said with a clear mind: "They are not ditch rats, they are believers of the true God."

With Janna's support, how can it be said that they can be wiped out by annihilation?

But Camille said: "It is said that Freljord has three gods, Demacia has the Winged Sisters, and Ionia also has the so-called 'Soul of Ionia'."

"The imperial army probably had many encounters with believers of these gods on the front lines of Freljord, Demacia and Ionia."

"But how have the gods ever ended up in person?"

Believers of the true God only have trump cards, and they are not "God's life is precious", so they cannot even be provoked.

Otherwise, if the Demacians go out under the guise of the Winged Sisters, wouldn't they just get an invincible buff?

But in fact, the Noxians chopped off the heads of Jarvan II, the previous king of Demacia, on the battlefield, and no angels came down to punish them.

Gods are proud. They will not come to the mortal world easily.

"Even according to the Wind Leader Association's own statement...the Wind Leader's movement should be a movement of the general public, and Goddess Janna will only help when 'necessary'."

"Then what is a 'necessary' time?" Camille asked meaningfully: "Is it 'necessary' for the goddess to come to the mortal world just to suppress the Wind Leader Association and restrict their rapid expansion?"

What Camille means is that even if the leader is not eliminated, he can still try to suppress and restrict the leader.

The true God may not necessarily end up personally because of such a trivial matter.

In the final analysis, she was persuading Amystan to take bold action and wildly test the bottom line of Goddess Janna.

"Why don't you go yourself?"

Amystan was actually a little moved, but she still asked sarcastically.

Camille replied: "I no longer have the strength."

Leaders are developing too fast. Camille just hesitated and waited for 2 or 3 months, and the regular combat power they showed was suddenly vaguely better than Piltover.

It can't even compete with conventional military strength, and there is a "nuclear bomb" hidden in someone's home. Why fight this war?

But Amystan is different.

Amystan's Chapter's military strength should be able to crush the Wind Leader, and it also has the "nuclear bomb" of Noxus behind it.

She could just let go and try to teach the Wind Leader Association a lesson.

"Otherwise, if we continue to let them go like this, sooner or later they will engulf the entire Twin Cities like wildly growing vines." Camille said worriedly.

Amystan also agreed.

But although she was cruel and bellicose, she was never reckless.

She never fights unprepared.

"I can agree to the garrison now, but not a war..."

"I have to talk to the Leader Association first to confirm their strength before making a decision."


The second one will be later_(:з ∠)_

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