LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 172 The leader’s new equipment (please subscribe)

In order to let Amystan see the strength of the Wind Leader Association, Levi simply arranged a temporary military parade for her.

The military parade venue was chosen at the coastal military base of the leader.

The first to enter were Wei and Caitlin, as well as the patrol infantry phalanx they led.

These soldiers wear uniform urban camouflage uniforms and are equipped with various weapons such as rifles, machine guns, grenades, and individual rocket launchers.

"The queue is going well."

Amystan just commented like this.

She was very surprised by the leader's military appearance and discipline.

After all, Noxus has hundreds of war groups, and the combat capabilities and training conditions of these war groups are at different levels.

Some are elites who have experienced hundreds of battles, while others are simply cannon fodder made up of serfs, orphans, and homeless people.

Therefore, a team like the Wind Leader Association, which can order and prohibit, react on the fly, assemble completely in a short period of time, and walk out of such a neat formation, is considered a rare good soldier in the Noxus Empire.

"But a good formation does not mean a strong combat effectiveness. I think your army can only dominate the Twin Cities."

Amystan's tone was harsh, but she was telling the truth.

Look at what kind of weapons these soldiers are holding.

Rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers?

Can this shoot as far as the bows of the Noxian warriors, or as powerful as the axes they throw?

How could it be possible that these firearms, which were only used by the weak, could compare to the bow and horse riding and archery left behind by our ancestors?

"Take another look." Levi said calmly, "Next is the actual combat drill."

As he spoke, he gave orders to Vi and Caitlin through the "Blue Bird Radio".

Under their command, the soldiers quickly changed their formations, lined up on the coast, set up rocket launchers and loaded ammunition, and finally fired at an uninhabited island at sea as a target.

"Isn't this just a rocket launcher?" Amystan was still nonchalant.

To the elite Noxian warriors who were "Captains of the Empire" per capita, this thing was just a loud firecracker.

So under her disdainful gaze, the soldiers' rocket launchers were launched.

Dozens of rockets roared out in the blooming orange fire, dragging white smoke and red flames, and blasted towards the uninhabited island not too far from the coast.



Small mushroom clouds exploded, and the blazing fire covered the entire uninhabited island in just a few seconds.

The vegetation on the island was ignited by flames almost instantly, and the terrifying high temperature burned every inch of land on the island, turning it into a lifeless inferno.

"This..." Amystan's expression finally changed.

This scene is almost comparable to the fire element magic used by a senior imperial battle mage with all his strength.

But isn't this just an ordinary individual rocket launcher?

It was just dozens of rockets, how could the power of the explosion be so terrifying?

"This is our latest development of individual cloud explosive bombs." Levi explained.

Cloud bombs can explode twice above the target. The first explosion explodes the fuel-air explosive. The second explosion ignited the high-energy fuel in the air, turning the bombing area into a sea of ​​​​fire.

Its principle is actually not difficult to understand.

The only difficulty is the research and development of high-energy fuel in cloud explosive bombs.

But the problem of high-energy fuel is not difficult at all for Zaun, the world's number one in alchemy technology.

So Levi just casually told Victor and Singid about the principle of cloud bombs. While helping to research car alchemy fuel, Xingid also researched the high-energy fuel of cloud bombs.

"This cloud burst rocket launcher..." Amy Stan realized something: "Each of your soldiers has one in hand?"

"Yes." Levi replied with a kind face: "This is our individual equipment."

Amystan: "..."

The physical strength of the Windleader soldiers is indeed completely incomparable to that of the Noxian warriors. Their health, mana, armor, magic resistance, movement speed and other attributes are all outstretched.

But with this individual cloud bomb, their firepower, or "attack power"... is already more violent than most Noxian troops.

If this were to be met head-on on the battlefield, the opponent would only need one salvo to hit, and the Noxian soldiers would probably be half disabled.

"But it's okay...they just have empty firepower."

"The empire still has many ways to deal with these 'glass cannons'."

The range of this rocket launcher seems to be only 1~2km, which is already within the range of the imperial archers.

In addition to long-range archers, Amystan's battle group also includes battle mages. She also has no shortage of long-range cannons that can fire gas bombs and incendiary bombs.

Even when facing Todoroki head-on, Amystan doesn't have to be afraid of any leader.

Not to mention that these Wind Leader soldiers are just a bunch of "squishy ADCs", but she has powerful rune swordsmen like Riven under her command.

Therefore, as long as one tiger general is sent into the enemy's position under artillery fire, he will be able to easily decapitate the enemy general among a million troops, turning these Zaun people into a group of panicked headless flies.

Amystan was thinking so.

But Levi told her calmly: "This is just a demonstration of infantry equipment. Next, please appreciate our artillery equipment."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an engine roar in the distance.

A dozen temporarily modified steam trucks came slowly and lined up on the shore to stop.

The trucks' bodies had been removed and replaced with a row of metal launch racks that looked like pipe organ bodies.

The launcher was neatly loaded with a row of ferocious giant rockets.

"Is this...a cannon that fires rockets?"

Amystan has never seen such a novel style of artillery.

"You can understand it that way." Levi replied.

"Its name is, Jinx Rocket Launcher."

This name was chosen mainly to remember Jinx's outstanding contribution in the development of this rocket launcher.

Before she joined the Leader, she had been spontaneously engaged in the development and improvement of large rockets out of personal hobbies.

After joining the Leader, these research results were naturally handed over to the organization.

Therefore, the large rocket missile loaded on this "Jinx Rocket Launcher" is actually a modified version of the "Super Ultimate Death Missile."

It's just that the explosive charge in this missile is not an artificial Hex gem, but a high-energy cloud explosion fuel that is slightly less powerful but cheaper and more cost-effective.

"It can load 16 ultimate death missiles and launch them within 10 seconds."

Throwing 16 Jinx ultimate moves in 10 seconds is certainly terrifying.

Compared with individual soldier cloud explosive bombs, it has more charges, greater lethality, faster launch, and higher firepower density.

"Moreover, it only takes 5 minutes to reload, and the range is as high as 10km." Levi emphasized.

Amystan was speechless by default.

With Wind Leader having this thing in hand, she wouldn't have to think about facing Todoroki with them again.

For 10km, no one could be seen, and large rockets fell like rain.

"But... at such a long distance, can it hit accurately?" Amystan asked with concern.

"This question..." Levi did not answer directly, but just said: "I hope you can get the answer when you visit our air force equipment."

"Air force?" Amystan was a little confused.

Noxus does have air combat units, such as flying mages, war eagles, etc.

Demacia's flying dragon bird knights are even more famous in Runeterra.

However, neither Noxus nor Demacia classified the flying combat troops as a separate army and called them "Air Force".

"What equipment does your air force have?" Amystan asked curiously, "Hex flying armor?"

The Wind Leader has an Iron Man special force formed by Victor and uniformly equipped with Hex flying armor. This is not considered confidential information now.

But Amy Stan also knew very well that the cost of this kind of Hex equipment was very high, and it could only be used on a small scale as special warfare equipment, and it was difficult to install it on a large scale.

So even if the leader has such a weapon, the threat to her is not great.

"No, it's not a flying armor." Levi told her: "It's a drone."

Amystan frowned slightly: "Drone, what is that? An airplane?"

There are planes in Runeterra.

The warlike Noxians have long tried to use this new technology in warfare.

They installed cannons and bombs on the aircraft, but found during actual combat tests:

This thing flies high, the bombs can't be dropped accurately, and the cannon can't sweep it;

If it flies low, the enemy can shoot this crispy thing from the sky with bows and arrows.

The Freljordians can even collect a snowball on the ground and fight several enemies from the sky.

Moreover, if they encounter the enemy's flying mages or Demacia's Dragon Knights in the air, these bulky and slow fighter jets will become a bunch of toys that can only be played with, only to be beaten.

Instead of spending a lot of money to build aircraft and train pilots, it would be better to use the money to train a few more mages.

So this kind of flashy thing was quickly eliminated from the order of battle by the imperial army.

"You are still using it?" Amystan laughed secretly.

She didn't think airplanes would play any role in combat.

But Levi told her: "The current aircraft is indeed not of much use."

"But what if we stripped the plane of all the redundant weapons and filled the fuselage with high explosives - turning it into a suicide throwaway aircraft?"

"This..." Amy Stan's eyes lit up after hearing this.

This idea is too Noxian.

By using the aircraft as a disposable "giant artillery shell", there is no need to consider the issue of survivability.

And with the pilot's control, it can also ensure that this "giant cannonball" hits accurately, ensuring maximum damage to the enemy.

"But, isn't this a waste of money?" Amystan questioned.

Although the life of cannon fodder itself is not valuable, it doesn't matter how many people die.

But training pilots is expensive.

"You misunderstood." Levi explained promptly: "We are drones and do not need a pilot."

"Without a pilot, who would fly the plane?" Amystan questioned.

Li Wei pointed to the blue bird on his shoulder and replied seriously:


"Her doppelganger helps the plane navigate."


The second one will be later_(:з ∠)_...

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