LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 179 Noxus is coming, and Piltover will be at peace! (Please subscribe

Crete and the young men in the village later followed Riven back to the military camp.

After entering the Noxus Empire's military camp, they discovered that the meat and wine that they usually couldn't eat a few times a year were available here every day. Food that can only be harvested by sweating can be eaten here just by opening one's mouth.

When the oil and water melted between the lips and teeth, and the large piece of fat slid down the throat and fell into the stomach, filling everyone's stomach warmly, everyone was moved to tears.

Crete ate like this for two days in the military camp, and for nearly a month on the troop transport to Piltover.

After this month-long voyage spanning thousands of kilometers, these imperial recruits who were born from humble peasant backgrounds finally saw the land they were about to conquer on the sea——

City of civilization and progress, Piltover!

The port with thousands of sails and ships, the majestic breakwater, and the magnificent Sun Gate!

All these glorious, majestic, luxurious and incredible things now belong to Noxus and belong to them!

"For Noxus!"

"For Noxus!"

The sailing ship was about to enter the harbor. Crete and his fellow villagers stood on the bow of the ship and shouted excitedly.

"Haha." On the other ship, Marit smiled and said to Riven: "Riven, look at your compatriots."

"I'm afraid no one can imagine it, right? These people were country farmers who were about to run away after seeing this armor a month ago."

But now, they were wearing the red and black military uniforms of Noxus, standing under the fluttering imperial flag, singing loudly praises for Noxus' great conquest.

"This is the greatness of the empire." Marit said: "We can prevent the strong from being buried, and we can turn cowards into brave men."

"Yeah..." Riven also nodded.

But she always felt something was strange, but she couldn't place it.

Forget it, don't think about it anymore...

The ship was about to arrive at the port, and Riven braced herself, groomed herself, and prepared to go ashore to be inspected by General Amystan.

Finally, the fleet docked.

Riven, as the elite force of the Chapter and the leader of the Rune Swordsmen Legion, was the first to lead the team onto the dock.

After getting off the ship, she discovered that this was not only a review ceremony for General Amystan, but also a grand and unprecedented welcome ceremony - the welcome ceremony of the people of Piltover to Noxus.

I saw crowds of people on the pier, flags fluttering, and the people of Piltover lined up early, hoisted a banner of "Pi-No Goodwill" and shouted the slogan "Welcome the Noxian Sky Soldiers".

It was as warm as if you were welcoming your own relatives, or more accurately, like you were welcoming your dad who came home from get off work.

"This..." This made Riven very uncomfortable.

She has been to many places with the imperial army, let alone stationed in foreign countries, she has never seen such a scene even in Noxus itself.

Are the people of Piltover mentally ill?

Being kicked in by foreign troops, you actually enjoyed it so much?

Riven was just lost in the lake, carrying her broad and eye-catching black stone rune sword, and walked onto the red carpet laid out for her by Piltover.

Reporters and photographers were standing on both sides of the red carpet. As soon as Riven appeared, the flashlight kept flashing at her.

At the end of the red carpet stood Amystan, as well as the members of Piltover's Parliament.

"You are the warrior who was personally commended by His Majesty the Emperor, the master of the Blackstone Rune Sword, and the commander of the Riven Legion, right?"

"I'm the MP for Piltover, Camille."

Camille came forward with a calm expression but a friendly tone.

Ever since the news of the Noxus Empire confirming its garrison in Piltover spread, the direction of Piltover has quickly changed.

It took almost no effort for Camille to be carried into the parliament by the representatives of the big family and became an official permanent member.

"Welcome, General Riven."

"What the hell...I'm not even a general." Riven was a little flattered.

She looked at the grand scene of the welcome ceremony and said, "I'm just an officer. This, this is too exaggerated..."

"No, you deserve such a welcome," Camille said.

From the moment Riven stepped onto the soil of Pi City, the capital market, which had been sluggish for more than a month, soared crazily like a shot of chicken blood.

Everyone in Pi City was waving their tickets and cheering:

Now that Noxus is coming, there will be peace in Piltover!

"It's your arrival that has put Piltover back on its feet."

As she spoke, Camille shook hands with Riven in front of the camera, allowing the photographer to take full photos of Riven's famous black stone rune sword;

On the other hand, she told reporters on the scene in public:

"Taking this good opportunity today, on behalf of the Piltover Council, I would like to announce something important to you:"

“Considering the Windleader Association’s shameless violation of Zaun’s human rights, its wanton destruction of the Twin Cities’ democratic system, and its serious threat to the free world——”

"The Piltover Council has identified the Windleader Association as an illegal terrorist organization, and has decided to confiscate and destroy all promotional materials and related books of the Windleader Association in Piltover starting today, and completely expel the Windleader Association and its expelled The current staff of the Wind Players Association..."

"The people of Piltover should unite and join forces to resist the evil infiltration of the Wind Leader Association. So starting from today, Pi City citizens who privately hold and collect Janna's ideological and theoretical books and assist members of the Wind Leader Association will be... .”

"What did you say?!" A voice interrupted her.

It's Miss Mel.

She also attended the welcome ceremony along with other MPs.

Hearing that Camille actually made anti-Leader remarks in front of the media, and even announced specific anti-Leader regulations, Mel couldn't help but stand up: "Member Camille!"

"These things you mentioned have not been discussed at all in the Parliament!"

"No, we have discussed it." Camille said lukewarmly: "It's Senator Mel, you have a bad memory and forgot."

"You?!" Mel wanted to say something else, but held back.

Because she knew that Camille was relying on the support of the Noxian war group to start taking countermeasures against the Wind Leader.

If you want to refute Camille, relying on your words is useless. Unless the leader's army dares to cross the canal now.

But of course they dare not and cannot.

So Camille also showed her cards and stopped pretending: "Next, we will not only ban the propaganda and infiltration of the Leader, expel the staff of the Leader, but also seal the factories, stores, and stores of the Leader Association in Pi City. Hotels, apartments, frozen assets of leaders..."

"..." Mel frowned, but remained silent.

Although Piltover has always had the theory of the sanctity of private property, it emphasizes the free market and is committed to protecting anyone's legitimate assets.

But at this point, no free market theory works.

Absolute camp opposition is the real status quo.

Not even Mel or the prestige of their Myrdalda family could stop Camille's crazy counterattack.

"Fortunately, Levi had expected this..."

Mel knew that Levi had been relocating Wind Leader's factories, organizations, and personnel in Pi City to Zaun ever since he seized Takeda Saito's territory.

Everyone who could be moved was moved. Many fixed assets that could not be moved were sold off at a discount by him.

Therefore, in the face of Camille's counterattack, the leader's losses were not huge.

But... no matter how small the loss of the party being beaten is, it is still being beaten.

"Congressman Mel." Camille finally felt proud this time: "Because your surname is Midarda, you will still be our congressman in the future. But I hope that you can be a good congressman in the future and stop making any inappropriate remarks. Dangerous speech.”

"I understand." Mel replied coldly.

She glanced at Camille for the last time, as well as Riven who was looking confused on the side, Amystan who was watching leisurely, and the endless Noxian troop transport fleet further away, then silently turned and left.

The real battle is about to begin.

This time, for now, Camille wins.

Piltover wins!

All of a sudden, the congressmen and businessmen gathered behind Camille were delighted.

With the support of Noxus, Piltover finally stood up!

"Okay." At this time, Amystan, who was watching the show silently, finally yawned lazily: "We've finished showing off our prestige, and it's time to entertain our young man."

"Of course! Of course!" A bald Mediterranean MP came over flatteringly.

"We have set aside a middle-class community for Noxian officers. The apartments and furniture are ready-made and everyone can move in with their bags."

"If you are a mid- to high-level officer, there will also be an additional garden villa..."

"Not bad." Amystan nodded with satisfaction.

"What about the labor camp? I heard that since the Leader launched a one-stop policy of liberating prostitutes, providing vocational training, and promoting re-employment, there are not enough prostitutes in Piltover recently."

Although the leader has not yet captured Pi City.

But because the Wind Leader has publicly promised to protect them, it can be said that an incredible number of prostitutes have escaped from various brothels in Piltover and joined the Wind Leader in the past month.

"Are there any prostitutes in the city now?" Amystan asked: "Our great young men in Noxus can't live without girls to take care of them..."

"Don't worry, Lord Amystan, we have arranged this."

"I heard that the Noxian heavenly army has arrived, and all the girls in Piltover have volunteered to work for the army."

"Voluntary?" Amystan couldn't help but laugh.

She didn't believe that a Piltover girl would do this. They are probably war slaves they bought from Shurima or Ionia, right?

"Of course!" The councilman still pretended to be ignorant and said proudly: "It is our honor to be a woman who can be a Noxian soldier!"

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