LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 214 Who Can Save Noxus? (superior)

Reading this short article sent chills down Riven's spine.

Even Marit, who was extremely repulsed by the leader, looked so ugly that she couldn't say a word of rebuttal.

Because Li Wei's article is too objective.

He completely abandoned the binary concepts of good and evil, good and bad, and the subjective emotions of individual human beings.

He only proceeded from the perspective of the will of the nation, and used a scientific paper-style rational analysis method to explain the pros and cons of Noxus' past policies one by one, and analyzed the current dilemma faced by the empire.

From this macro point of view, Li Wei not only did not criticize Noxus, but even praised Noxus' unlimited expansion policy, which is actually a good method that is "realistic and effective" and "adapts to the times".

It almost unified the continent of Valoran, which had been chaotic for thousands of years, and successfully created the most powerful and magnificent mortal empire in human history for three thousand years after the Shurima Empire.

Judging from the era when this national policy was born, it was undoubtedly the most suitable choice for Noxus, which was in the troubled times of the Warring States Period.

However, more than 900 years have passed, and now times have changed.

Li Wei put the facts and reasoned, told Riven and Marit, and also told all the Noxians that they were facing a major change that the empire had not seen in a thousand years.

Middle- and lower-level officers like Riven are no longer members of the ruling group, but only an unstable factor that makes the ruler vigilant and uneasy.

"This..." Riven swallowed with difficulty.

"Riven." Marit recovered. She hastily comforted her: "Don't believe these. This article was written by the enemy, and he must have no good intentions when he wrote these."

"Our empire is still thriving, how could..."

As she talked, she couldn't make it up by herself.

Because she knew Levi was right.

Although the empire still looks prosperous and full of martial virtues, some changes have subtly appeared.

As front-line officers, she and Riwen are the prophets of spring river plumbing ducks in some things.

The most direct example is Riven.

Riven joined the army for ten years and killed countless enemies, made great contributions to the empire, and was famous for her bravery, and was even personally received by Emperor Darkwill.

With her credit and reputation, if this was done more than 100 years ago, no matter what, she would have been given a low-level title and sealed a small territory. Riven should have been Ser Riven, Lord Riven long ago.

But the emperor only rewarded Riven with a great sword with black stone runes, encouraging her to keep working hard.

And, like a boss "rewarding" an employee with a high-end office computer...

In theory, this sword is not her personal, but the state property of Noxus. If Riven doesn't want to fight for the empire in the future, the empire will definitely take back this sword.

This is not His Majesty the Emperor being stingy.

It's just that as the expansion of the Noxus Empire slowed down, the old land was gradually divided up, and the newly acquired land was getting less and less, and it gradually became insufficient.

Therefore, the empire can only raise the threshold of nobility again and again, tightening the channels for grassroots transcendents to join the noble group.

They can't go up, let alone come down, and their strength is extraordinary, it's impossible for them to be content with mediocrity.

It would be impolite to live any longer.

Or die.

"..." Riven's mood was extremely complicated: "Is this what I'm fighting for?"

"No, don't listen to him!" Marit said. "The Empire...the Empire is still fighting. As long as we can win this war, everything will be fine."

This is actually true.

But the premise is to win.

If they can grab new land and resources, these surviving mid-level officers are not cannon fodder, but upstarts.

But what is the current level of Noxus?

A year ago, Swain led the main force of the empire to a clean defeat at Presidium. At the price of an arm, he "personally" broke the myth that Noxus was invincible.

The empire later tried its best to expand its war and increase its troops, but in the end, even the "civilian regiment training" temporarily organized by Ionia couldn't solve it.

Not only did it fail to solve it, but it was even pushed back step by step by the grassroots team.

Ionia, which is in a mess, can't beat it. If this continues, Demacia will lose. Demacia will lose to Freljord after losing, then Shurima, and then no one will lose.

"Oh." Riven sighed softly.

She had no relatives since she was a child, and it was the military camp that gave her food and clothing, education, and the opportunity to succeed. Of course, it was also given to a group of good sisters who shared life and death with her.

So she has always regarded the empire as her parents, and the military camp as her home.

But now she found that this family will soon be finished.

Because Li Wei's article has stated that the war in Noxus will never stop-until a new victory, or internal reshuffle, or, all "unstable factors" are consumed through war.

And no matter which possibility it is...Marit, Arelle, Teneff, these sisters Jinlan she values, including herself, will be "consumables" pushed to the forefront by the general trend and sent to death.

Riven suddenly fell into a daze, not knowing where she should go.

at this time:

"There is another article later?" Riven flipped through a page in a daze, only to see that after the "Why Noxus Fights", there is another article called:

"Who can save Noxus?"

The title really caught the eyes of Riven and Marit.

Obviously, the previous article is about the past and present of Noxus, and the latter article is about looking forward to the future.

What will the future of Noxus look like?

"The author predicted in the previous article that in the future, or even in the near future, Noxus will definitely have a complete liquidation of the old land nobles by the new military nobles."

"So, can this military coup d'état save Noxus?"

Li Wei first raised this question at the beginning.

Riven couldn't help thinking too.

Yes, now the war has been protracted for a long time, the society is in turmoil, the sergeants have no way to advance, and the people have no way to survive... It's not all because those noble families who control the government have put the entire Noxus Empire Pushed into the abyss step by step?

Now that the aristocrats of the aristocratic family have become national thieves, why don't the Noxian men adapt to the times and rise up for the country?

The sea waves of Valoran were turbulent, and the Immortal Fortress was flying in chaos. The rich but know how to boast and accumulate wealth, how can they think about the country!

And look at the clouds in the nine sky, and listen to the uproar of the waves from all over the world. The opportunity for innovation has come, and the storm is sweeping Roxy!

On the side of the Qing emperor, punish the country's thieves!

Respect the emperor and punish traitors, get rid of the old and restore the new!

Thinking about it, Riven couldn't help but feel excited about it.

As long as those aristocratic families who have harmed the country and the people are eliminated, Noxus should be able to enjoy peace and prosperity, right?

But when she looked down, Li Wei asked a question in the article, and then said in that extremely indifferent tone:

"Unfortunately, this method can only be regarded as a painkiller for Noxus. It is completely treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, and treating emergencies rather than lives."

"I can say with certainty that even if the coup d'état by the new military aristocrats against the old land aristocrats succeeds, Noxus will definitely go back to the old path of unlimited aggression and expansion and transfer of conflicts to the outside world."

"The war will temporarily stop because of the coup, but sooner or later it will start again."

"And this 'sooner or later' may be sooner than everyone imagined—"

"Those grassroots transcendents who think they can rise to power as long as they get rid of the old aristocrats are very likely to become 'lucky' in their own lives and become a burden that both the old and the new rulers want to get rid of."

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