LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 242 Young Kayn

The next day was the fourth day that the Noxian army entered the city.

Because of General Leicester's quiet change of attitude, the atmosphere in the city became increasingly...unfriendly.

On one side were the Noxian soldiers who were gradually becoming more and more selfless during the carnival that lasted for several days, and the intensity of their atrocities continued to escalate.

On the other side, the temporary propagandists of the leader are also running around the city brazenly, working hard to spread the true meaning of the goddess Janna.

At this time, the whole city showed far more enthusiasm than the postgraduate entrance examination. In this war-torn chaos, they raced against time to study "political textbooks" on their own.

After Riven and Feiya quietly realized that the Noxians had extremely lax control over the Wind Leader for unknown reasons, they gradually became bolder.

Now they not only distribute Walkmans and tapes everywhere, but also act like rangers and draw swords to help when there is injustice, openly clashing with Noxian soldiers and preventing the atrocities they have witnessed with their own eyes.

After several conflicts, the Noxians were defeated each time, and General Lester didn't even send anyone to hold them accountable.

The only problem is...

There are too many atrocities happening in this city, and they are increasing as time goes by, and they can't stop them at all.

"Orianna, there's another situation ahead..."

After taking only a few steps, Feiya stopped again with a haggard expression.

Her cat ears are too sensitive, which may not be a good thing now. She hadn't had a good night's sleep in the past few days.

"Go and have a look." Riwen was quite energetic.

Don't know why. She had never done this before, such as hoeing the strong, supporting the weak, and acting chivalrously, and she even scorned it. Now, the more I do, the more motivated I become and I don’t feel tired at all.

So the two took steps and soon followed the sound to the once bustling center of the town, a neighborhood that was already dilapidated.

As soon as they got closer, they saw this scene in the distance:

There was a row of civilians kneeling on the ground, crying and pleading, and a few Noxian soldiers wearing armor and ferocious faces, standing arrogantly in front of them.

They had seen this scene a lot recently, and they didn't even think it was strange.

But what is strange is that this time, there are not only tall adult soldiers standing in front of the civilians with swords, but also...


Feiya stopped far away, her face full of astonishment.

Among those Noxians, there were many short, thin children who looked like they had not yet grown up.

They didn't even have the standard armor of a serious Noxian soldier. They only wore simple red and black coarse cloth uniforms and held crudely made weapons. They looked completely different from the majestic adult soldiers beside them.

Obviously, these people are...

"Scouts from Noxus?" Feiya thought of what Riven had mentioned, this very anti-human thing.

"What did they bring these children here for?" She was puzzled.

At this time, an adult soldier who looked like an officer was seen, and he shouted to the teenagers in a cold voice: "Kill them, boys."

"Not everyone has such a good opportunity to have a living person who can't fight back to train you. It's time for you to see blood."

"This..." Riwen shrank.

This scene was familiar to her. Or rather, almost every Noxian veteran is familiar with it.

"They are... training new recruits." Riven lowered her head and explained to Feiya in a low voice.

"Training?" Feiya's eyes widened: "Take a living person? Give it to these children?"

Riven responded with silence.

"I understand..." Feiya quietly clenched her fists.

Over the past few days, she had gradually learned how to communicate with the Noxians.

Before Riven could make the first move, Freya used her vastayan blood to give her a flexible body, and darted forward like a nimble and agile cat.

"Kill them!" the officer was still yelling at the teenagers.

And the young man who was forced to step forward finally raised the weapon in his hand - it was an ordinary sickle.

As a scout who was almost the same as a slave, this boy was not even worthy of possessing Noxus' standard weapons. All he had was a cheap peasant's sickle.

But now, he wants to use this knife to harvest lives for Noxus.

Under the gaze of the officers and adult soldiers, the boy raised his sickle high, and then...

"Stop!" Feiya flashed past.

She used the flexible soft sword in her hand to push the sickle away from the young man's hand.

The young man was caught off guard and stumbled back.

Feiya, on the other hand, turned her back to him, invisibly protecting the Noxian child and the Ionian civilians behind her.

She only glared at the adult soldiers: "You bastards, stop it!"

"Oops." The adult soldiers seemed to be caught off guard by this sudden turn of events.

But Riven's heart sank instead.

"Fiya! Watch your back!" she shouted.

"Huh?" Feiya was slightly startled.

What's behind her? Aren't they just a few civilians and a child?

"Alas..." Riven sighed in her heart.

Feiya is still too naive.

When she entered the city, she saw piles of corpses of teenagers abandoned by the Noxians, and she assumed that these teenagers were as perfect victims as the Ionians.

Yes, these teenagers are also victims. They are scouts who were forcibly recruited by the empire.

But don't think that the scouts who were forcibly recruited are not Noxian soldiers.

The Noxian military camp is a furnace and forge, and whoever comes in will be quickly assimilated and transformed into a war machine.

Don't look at the young age of these teenagers.

The younger you are, the easier it is to be infected by the atmosphere of the Imperial military camp and become a more radical and fanatical supporter of the Empire than anyone else.

Riven was barely an adult when she first joined the army, and she had to hesitate for a long time before killing someone. But those young men with no hair at all, even though they had never seen blood, only needed an order from their superiors to dare to kill with a knife.

The young soldiers in Feia's imagination were a group of frightened and pitiful innocent children who were forced to die on the battlefield by the Noxians at bayonets.

But in most cases, the young soldiers are actually a group of crazy bloodthirsty, enthusiastic and excited war lunatics who dare to charge into battle with swords at the command of their superiors.

Most of these people have become cannon fodder.

But most of them don't realize this until they die. Or, he will be dead before he realizes it.


"Ah——" Feiya was still stunned when a strange roar came from behind her.

The immature boy, who was much shorter than her, actually raised the rusty cheap sickle with a gloomy look and slashed at her from behind.

"That's enough!" Riven shouted.

She stabbed forward with flashes of light, and slashed with invisible sword energy.

The sword energy came through the air and cut the sickle in the young man's hand into two pieces in an instant.

"I told you, stop it!" Riven stunned these Noxian soldiers with just one blow.

They all know how much they weigh. A strong person like Riwen who can slash out invisible sword energy at will is definitely not something that small fish and shrimps like them can deal with.

"Are you crazy?" But the Noxian's pride was still there: "You are attacking imperial soldiers!"

"I am attacking you, Noxus. If you can, go back and ask for reinforcements - tell your commander, just say it was Orianna of the Wind Leader who did it!" Riven cursed bitterly.

"You, you..." Being provoked like this in the Noxian-occupied territory, how could any of the soldiers have ever experienced such humiliation?

They were all furious and immediately turned around and ran away.

Before running away, he did not forget to shout to the young soldiers: "You stay and hold these two women, we will come back immediately to support them!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the adult soldiers disappeared in a flash.

There were only a few civilians kneeling on the ground in a daze, and a group of young soldiers who were caught off guard and stood dazed.

"It's okay." Riven helped the civilians up one by one: "You go first, it's not safe here."

As she spoke, she stuffed each of these civilians with a Walkman and a tape, and told them to leave quickly and find a safe place to hide before they could learn the true meaning of Janna.

The civilians were filled with gratitude and prepared to stay away from this place.

But at this moment, when no one dares to stop Riwen...

The frail young man who was defeated by Riven's sword actually stood up again holding the broken scythe. He was like a machine without consciousness, his tone was mechanical and cold:

"None of you are allowed to leave—"

"My mission is not completed yet!"

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