LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 246 Going to Wuji

At the same time, countless people prayed to the goddess Janna in their hearts and prayed to the goddess for strength.

So under the stunned eyes of the Noxians, the wind gradually became stronger.

Strong winds swept across the sky, huge waves hit the river banks, and the air flow blew back and forth amidst the whistling sounds, tightly guarding these mortals, no matter how weak they were.

Soon, someone flew up.

More and more people are flying.

They soared into the wind and flew away from the Noxian death trap.

"Wait! Don't let them run away!" Some soldiers who responded quickly had already drawn their bows and nocked arrows.

But the powerful arrows they shot missed and were blown away by the invisible air current that enveloped the sky before they flew very far. In the face of this storm, they became a powerless party.

"This..." The Noxian soldiers were stunned.

Kayn even more so.

"This, this is...the power of Goddess Janna...everyone's power?!" At this moment, he seemed to finally fully understand what the booklet was talking about.

He looked blankly at the mortals flying into the sky one by one, his expression tangled and hesitant.

Somehow, he had an inexplicable urge to join in.

But he looked at the adult soldiers standing around him, but he didn't dare to do such a crazy move.

"Janna..." Kayn looked at the magnificent scene in the sky, but ultimately made no move.

He remained in the Noxian army. But he carefully hid the book "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts" in his arms closer to his heart.


On the other side, General Lester was also shocked and speechless by this scene.

He didn't expect that the leader would suddenly come to him like this, and the scene would be so big.

"General." The adjutant asked him for instructions with concern: "Our conventional long-range weapons, bows and arrows, firearms, and artillery, seem to have no effect on these leaders."

"Do we need to dispatch the Battle Mage Legion? They may be able to stop these fleeing Ionians."

"..." General Lester was silent for a while.

He could feel that this storm was actually not powerful. Its strength is only enough to make people fly.

But this scale and scene are a bit too big.

This is not like the trick that the special agent "Orianna" I saw last time, that muscular woman who is obviously a warrior rather than a mage, can do it.

Doesn’t Goddess Janna play a role in this?

Is her old man watching from the sky now?

As soon as this question pops up, it makes people panic.

On the other hand, these civilians are not important in the first place. If they ran away, they would run away. At most, the empire would lose some face and let him, a general, receive some punishment.

"Forget it..." General Lester withdrew his gaze angrily: "This is not something our battle group can handle, just let them go!"


Riven took tens of thousands of civilians outside the city and flew out of Yipu River Port in Yufeng.

In this city of hundreds of thousands of people, after six full days of military disaster, more than half of the population survived.

"Huh..." After flying far enough to lose sight of the Noxian military camp and confirming that there were no pursuers behind her, Riven finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, she had just been able to fly out with so many people, which was already the limit of what this divine power could do. If the enemy really sends out an army of battle mages to pursue them, they may not be able to escape.

"We did it, we did it!" Feiya said excitedly.

"Yeah..." Riven looked at the tens of thousands of surviving civilians flying with her in the sky, and was excited about the feat she and everyone had accomplished together.

She was originally worried that it would be difficult for these Ionians to understand Janna's theory and that they would not be able to develop even the most superficial belief in just 3 or 4 days.

After all, Janna's philosophy emphasizes equality for all, but these Ionians generally believe in balanced order and do not regard untouchables as human beings.

Even the untouchables themselves do not regard themselves as human beings.

Riven gave the sailors two weeks of lectures on the ship, and finally managed to get them to get rid of this servile thought that was deeply rooted in their bones.

Therefore, it was difficult for her to believe that these Ionian commoners, who were usually used to being high and untouchable, could change their minds and develop beliefs so quickly.

But I didn't expect...

"Noxus 'helped' us." Riven came to her senses at this time.

The Ionians do not believe that everyone is equal, but they were unexpectedly taught a lesson by Noxus——

In front of the butcher knife held high by the empire, no matter you are rich or poor, commoner or untouchable, the outcome will be the same.

People are going to massacre the city and exterminate the clan, so they won't chop you less just because you have a "noble" status.

You said you have money to buy your life?

Sorry, the money will still belong to others after you die.

And because the wives and daughters of rich people are generally more beautiful than those of poor people, and there are many more places to hide money in their homes than those of untouchables, so they suffer even more.

Therefore, in the face of the horror of life and death, they all quickly adapted to the concept of equality for all and accepted the true meaning of the goddess Janna.

Although he is far from a leader, he is at least a light believer.

Although the divine power gathered by tens of thousands of shallow believers was not strong enough to confront a Noxian war group, they were able to successfully rescue them from that hell on earth.

"Rescued, what's next?"

Feiya and others were still just happy, but Riven already had a headache.

She was tired enough from preaching and saving people these days, but she really didn't have time to think about what she would do after escaping.

This is tens of thousands of people. How to place it?

"Eating is not a problem for now..."

Riven has been a veteran for ten years, so of course she knows the principle of sending food and supplies before the army arrives.

So while she led the crowd to escape, she also took advantage of the shock and confusion of the Noxian army to dedicate part of her strength and took away a lot of military rations from the granary of the military camp.

With these military rations, at least no one will starve to death in a short period of time.

"But where should we go?"

Riven knew that the divine power they borrowed was limited, and it was impossible to fly too far with tens of thousands of people.

And now the Noxians have launched a comprehensive sweep of the Balua Province. Every city, village and town here will not be able to escape the sweep of the empire's troops in the future.

The enemy will catch up soon. Will we have to escape again then?

Where to escape? Should he take his people across the sea and escape to the neighboring province of Navoli?

That was the center of the war, and the war situation was a hundred times worse than in the remote Baru'e province.

"Fiya, do you know which mountains near here are suitable for people to live in?"

After much deliberation, Riven decided to take her people up the mountain and establish a settlement in the deep mountains and old forests where the Noxian army was unwilling to go deep.

Balu'e Province is not large, and its terrain is more mountainous than flat. There are only a few towns on the plain, and it won't take long for them to be swept away by the imperial army.

"If we stay in the plains and towns, we will not be able to escape the pursuit of the Noxians no matter what, so we can only go into the mountains." Riven said helplessly.

"I understand..." Feiya thought seriously and said, "There are many mountain people living in the mountains of our Balu'e province. Those mountain villages should have a place for us to stay."

"For example, Wuji Village...uh, wait, this won't work."

Feiya made a slip of the tongue and quickly took it back.

"Why not?" Riwen was puzzled.

"Wuji Village is near Wuji Sword Sect. Those Wuji masters don't like outsiders to intrude."

"Master Wuji?" Riwen's eyes lit up.

Only then did she suddenly remember that there were still experts hiding among the people in Balu'e Province.

Now that the imperial army is fully invading, we can't let her, a fake leader, lead tens of thousands of civilians in the front, and let these masters stay leisurely in the mountains, right?

The sect masters in Navoli have already revolted.

Shouldn't you, the masters here in Baru'e, do a little bit more?

"What's the temperament of those Wuji masters? If an outsider breaks in, how will they usually deal with it?" Riwen asked carefully.

"It's pretty good." Feiya said: "They just don't like to come into contact with outsiders. But if outsiders break in, they will just politely chase them away and won't take any serious action."

"That's okay." Riwen was relieved: "Fiya, let's go to Wuji Village!"

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