LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 273 Seraphine’s Leader Training Course

"Cough cough cough..." Seraphine reacted a little awkwardly.

She is still turning on consciousness sharing.

Even if someone is really stupid, they can't just say it in their heart.

Sona, Lux: "..."

Hey hey, they are still listening.

"I know you are listening." Seraphine broke the pot and didn't hide it this time.

She made no secret of her negative assessment of the childish thinking of these two girls.

She just looked at the "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts" held in Lux's hand, and returned to the topic in a serious tone: "You must have read this booklet, right?"

"Yes." Lux nodded seriously and asked excitedly: "We have read the article "Why Demacia Forbids Demons"."

"Miss Seraphine, you should know the answer to the question at the end of this article, right?"

"I know." Seraphine replied: "Every leader, or in other words, everyone who understands this booklet, should actually know."

"And you..."

The two little girls turned over "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts" and still couldn't think of the answer to that question.

"This shows that you don't understand at all." Seraphine said rudely.

Lux and Sona were silent after hearing this.

Don't they understand? But they feel like they understand.

"Then what is the answer?" Lux asked unconvinced.

Seraphine didn't answer.

Not only did she not answer, but she also used magic to unilaterally block her thoughts and deliberately hid the answer.

Then she asked Lux ​​and Sona a question that seemed to have nothing to do with the ban on magic: "Demacia is an agricultural country, so have you... ever farmed?"

"Huh?" The two girls were slightly startled.

How could they have ever farmed the land? That's not what a lady should do.

Not to mention ladies, even the lowest knights would not work in the fields by themselves.

This kind of behavior that demeans one's status will cause social death in the aristocratic circle if word spreads, and will be ridiculed by decent gentlemen for the rest of their lives.

"Have you ever seen farmers farming?" Seraphine asked again.

"Of course I have seen it!" Lux grew up on her family's land when she was a child. How could she not have seen her family's fields?

But Seraphine had already read the specific picture in her mind of "seeing farmers farming".

"Just riding by and seeing farmers kneeling in the fields calling you Miss Laxana is not considered seeing you."

“I mean, you have to spend at least an hour on the edge of a field to see firsthand how farmers work during this time to really see it.”

"Uh..." Lux was speechless.

She suddenly realized that although she had grown up on her family's property in the countryside, she had never spent more than an hour on the edge of a field.

Just passing by every time.

After all, the sun is blazing and hot, and the fields always have the disgusting smell of excrement, urine, and soup. Where is this the place a lady should stay?

Speaking of which, Lux was not sensible when she was a child, but she once thought about going to the fields to chat with her tenant farmers.

But the grandma who taught etiquette at that time taught her a lesson very rudely.

The farmer who chatted with her without respect was also scolded severely by the housekeeper.

Later, Lux gradually grew up and became sensible, and she no longer thought about going to the fields to talk to the humble tenant farmers. When she later went to the capital of Demacia, only decent gentlemen and nobles remained in her social circle.

"It seems that none of you have seen how the ground is cultivated." Seraphine sighed.

"No, I've seen it!" Sona said.

"Oh?" Seraphine looked expectantly.

I saw this scene emerging in Sona's mind:

"When I was in Ionia, I saw the monks and uncles of Sirana Monastery farming."

"They walked to the edge of the field, used spells to communicate with the spiritual realm, called the spirits of nature, and used magic to infuse the land, and then the food sprang out of the ground on its own."

Seraphine: "..."

She saw her past self in Sona and Lux.

But after more than half a year of hard work, seeing countless suffering people, and reading countless painful memories, she is no longer the literary otaku who forced herself to express her sorrow for writing new words.

She also understood why Levi said she was stupid.

As a laborer whose feet are deeply rooted in the mud, Levi must not be able to stand the naive young lady like her who has lived in a greenhouse since she was a child and her whole body is suspended high in the sky.

But now, these two noble ladies are even more out of touch than the original Miss Seraphine.

"You can't find the real answer like this." Seraphine sighed: "Even if I tell you the answer, you won't be able to understand it."

"Then what should we do?" Sona and Lux ​​were indeed a little confused.

So what exactly is the answer? Is it so mysterious that you can’t even understand it even if you say it?

"You have to find the answer for yourself." Seraphine seemed to have made a decision: "I can give you the opportunity to understand the answer for yourself."

"Oh, how do you realize it?" The girls were very curious.

"Come with me." Seraphine waved her hand to summon a ray of breeze.

The breeze quietly held up the bodies of Lux and Sona, carrying them slowly flying off the ground.

Seraphine pushed open the window again with the breeze, her feet were off the ground, her skirt was flying in the wind, and her long hair was fluttering behind her. She flew out of the window lightly like a fairy flying to the moon, and flew up to the high place. Sky.

"Wow!" Both girls couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration of the magic.

Suddenly, they were completely intoxicated with the joy of flying in the wind, and almost forgot what their subject was.

Finally, Seraphine took them out of the headquarters of the Wind Leader Association, flew over half of Zaun, and flew to a lively demolition site in the coastal area.

"Is this?" Lux still didn't understand why Seraphine brought her here.

And just then...

On the demolition site below, among a group of plainly dressed construction workers, there was a young mage who was showing off his power over the old buildings to be demolished:

"Strongly penetrate the laser!"

"Strongly penetrate the laser!"

"Strongly penetrate the laser!"

One after another, huge beams of bright light blasted towards those old buildings like siege cannons.

The cement cracked in the flash, the steel bars melted in the light, and the houses were like building blocks that were knocked down carelessly, shattering and collapsing in the blazing pillar of light.

"Wow...she's amazing!"

Not only was she powerful, Lux also felt that the girl's abilities were somewhat similar to her own.

She can also fire lasers, but unfortunately she can't fire such a powerful and thick light cannon like the girl with green hair and twin tails.

"She is Zeli, the mage of our leader." Seraphine explained: "She is using her magic to assist the construction team in completing the demolition work."

"Huh? Is she working?"

At first, Lux thought it was Master Mage practicing here.

But that mage named Zeli is actually working with the most ordinary construction workers?

"That's it...I understand!" Lux shouted excitedly.

She felt that she had understood Seraphine's intention and realized the answer: "Miss Seraphine, you want to tell us-"

"Magic can not only be used to cause destruction, but it can also be used to help humans build their homes."

"So as long as we use magic carefully and use magic power in the construction work of benefiting the people of Macia, we can be recognized by ordinary people, so that everyone will no longer be afraid, and thus recognize mages and magic."

"In this way, there is hope that the ban on magic policy will be changed, right?"

Lux asked thoughtfully, her innocent eyes widening.

"Um..." Seraphine's expression was subtle.

She looked at the gleaming white skin of Lux and Sona, as well as the slender hands that had probably never done heavy work in their lives, and then pointed to the demolition work below and said:

"No, I'll bring you here..."

"I asked you to move the bricks."

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