LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 278 Demacia doesn’t need a goddess

Soon after, the German delegation stayed at the hotel.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Lux struggled desperately in an unladylike manner, baring her teeth and claws like an angry little lion.

But in Mrs. Ogesha's distressed and serious eyes, she was easily picked up by the two sword-wielding maids beside her mother, and thrown into the window-connected room like a disobedient kitten in a cage. There are hotel rooms guarded outside.

"Damn it!" Lux's legs were fluttering feebly in mid-air, and there were two lines of tears stained with muddy water on her gray face. She looked very pitiful.

But the maids did not dare to show any tenderness to the young lady at this moment. They just said: "Miss Lux, you are sick and need a good rest. Please don't leave this room for the next few days, which will embarrass everyone."

"Am I sick?" Lux stood up angrily after being thrown on the sofa: "I'm not sick! It's you who are sick, it's Demacia!"

"That's enough!" Mrs. Ogesha frowned.

She frightened her daughter with a cold shout that was different from her usual loving motherly image, and then turned around and sent the maids away.

When the door was closed and only the mother and daughter were left in the room, Ogesha glared at Lux with a look that hated steel and said:

"You're not sick, you still say you're not sick?"

"Laxana, I haven't seen you for an entire afternoon, look what you did?"

Ogtha waved a copy of "A Brief Account of Janna's Thoughts" in annoyance. She took it out of her daughter's arms.

This is only one afternoon. Her rebellious daughter fell in love with banned books and even said that she wanted to divide the family's land!

"Why do you have such terrible thoughts? Do you know how many sacrifices and blood the Crownguard family has made for generations to build up the family fortune you have today?"

"Laxana, you are betraying the Crownguard family and the blood of your ancestors, do you know?!" Mrs. Ogesha scolded.

"But isn't the Crownguard family born to protect Demacia?" Lux said confidently, "Mother, I am practicing our family motto and trying to find ways to make Demacia better!"

Ogesha: "..."

She regretted raising her child so innocently.

The Demacia that the Crownguard family swore to protect is not exactly the same as the Demacia that this silly girl was talking about.

It’s okay if Lux doesn’t understand this yet.

But as a noble, if she wants to take her own life, she is not only naive, but crazy.

"Lux, you have simply been brainwashed by the Wind Leader's evil magic!"

"Evil magic? Brainwashing?" Lux said angrily: "Mother, you clearly know what the Wind Leader's beliefs are, why do you still slander them like this?"

"You taught me kindness and sympathy for the weak - but why are you so afraid of the Wind Leader and the selfless goddess Janna?"

Lux didn't understand. The goddess Janna can be said to be the kindest and most selfless god in Runeterra.

Why would her kind mother, who was enthusiastic and philanthropic, be so resistant to a good god and her teachings?

"Alas..." Ogesha sighed deeply. She knew she had to let Lux grow up as soon as possible.

So she said: "Lux, you don't understand - the more selfless a god is, the more terrifying she is."

"Huh?" Lux looked confused.

Not only did her mother not explain directly, but she told her a story without thinking: "Lux, have you heard the story of the 'Fire of Justice'?"

"'Fire of Justice'?" Of course Lux had heard of it.

Many Demacians have heard this story, especially those who have come into contact with the Order of the Illuminator.

Because it is the story of the winged patron saint of Demacia, the goddess whom the Order of the Illuminator used to believe in, and the angel of justice, Kyle.

The Angel of Justice Kyle is not only the patron saint of Demacia, but also the founder of the Kingdom of Demacia. Without the help of this selfless goddess, the German ancestors would not have been able to gain a foothold in the chaotic world of endless wars.

Therefore, the status of the angel Kyle in the hearts of the Demacia people is not much different from the current status of the goddess Janna in the hearts of the Zaun people.

"Angel Kyle's motto is law and justice. She is a God who will never tolerate any illegal behavior and is absolutely impartial and selfless."

Ogesha briefly told some of the story:

"Legend has it that a long time ago, in a place now swallowed up by time and decay, a cruel king led his people into an age of abject poverty."

"During a great famine, the king summoned everyone in the kingdom to the castle walls. In order to end the era of poverty and poverty, he announced on the spot that he would exercise the power of king and abolish the old law."

"He threw the golden code on the ground and named himself the law. As long as it is an order issued by him, it is a golden and iron law that cannot be questioned."

"He announced the first order under the guise of protecting the people. Because there were too many mouths that needed to be fed, the king said that the elderly had no right to eat. They would be put to death and there was no other way."


Then there is no more.

Justice Kyle descended from the sky, wielding a celestial sword burning with sacred fire, and burned the king who had trampled the law to ashes.

In the words of the goddess: "No king is above the laws and regulations."

So the king was gone, slain by God himself.

"Lux." Ogesha quickly finished telling the story she had told her daughter when she was a child, and then asked: "Do you think Kyle, the Angel of Justice, did a good job?"

"Huh?" Lux was slightly startled.

Do you still need to ask this question? Of course!

"Fire of Justice" has always been positioned in Demacia as a beautiful story with positive themes and positive energy. It is an important cultural product used to promote Demacia's noble spirit of rule of law since ancient times.

In this story, Kyle, the angel of justice, is of course the positive character without a doubt. How could it be wrong if she killed the king who trampled the law and slaughtered the people?

"But her teaching is that no king can be above the law." Ogesha suddenly asked: "Lux, if you were the king, you would hope that there is such a person above you. Is the selfless goddess watching me all the time?"

"This..." Lux was speechless.

She seems to understand a little bit.

"A selfless goddess is indeed good -"

"But it's tiring to follow such a selfless goddess."

Ogesha sighed quietly.

Demacians, to be more precise, the kings and nobles of Demacia, are they grateful to Kyle, the Archangel of Justice? Of course grateful.

Without the help of the angel Kyle, Demacia might have been destroyed hundreds of years ago, and how could the country continue to be passed down to this day?

But do they want Angel Kyle to come back?


Because Angel Kyle is so selfless.

Her sword has two sides, one facing Demacian enemies and the other facing Demacians themselves.

Kyle believes that law is a concrete form of justice, and law is a fair ruling in black and white. No one can destroy it - "no one" here, of course, including the king and nobles of Demacia.

"When the angel Kyle was still in Demacia, the nobles were grateful for the unparalleled sense of security that the goddess brought them, but on the other hand they were suffocated by the patron saint's dogma."

Before becoming a noble, we had no ability to break the law; after becoming a noble, we still cannot break the law.

Then didn’t we, the nobles, get it for nothing?

Even though this law was originally formulated by the nobles themselves, there are already many provisions in it that favor the interests of the nobles.

But if they are asked to set an example and fully abide by the rules and regulations of the law, they still feel very uncomfortable.

Just like Piltover's law stipulates that murder must be punished with life, and there is a complete jury system and defense rights protection, but if you really get into trouble, the secret agents of the Philos family will not give you the opportunity to hire a lawyer.

Even in this civilized and progressive city with the best rule of law, the powerful are still only willing to selectively abide by the laws they have set.

"Look at the Wind Leader's booklet, it's very straightforward." Ogesha borrowed Janna's theory at this time:

"Law is the embodiment of the will of the ruling class and the tool of rule of the country."

Who is the ruling class of Demacia? Kings and nobles, of course. Well now, your angel Kyle is here, and even the kings and nobles are firmly ruled by this set of ruling tools.

"Then the king is still a king, and the nobles are still nobles?" Ogesha asked solemnly.

When Angel Kyle was around, the nobles were not like the nobles in the current public perception at all. They were just shareholders and high-level workers of the "Demacia Reclamation Company".

"And the Angel of Justice at that time had another title - the Angel of Judgment Kyle."

Judgment Angel, this name sounds murderous.

Who is she trying to judge? She will judge anyone who breaks the law.

If a noble gentleman privately does some small business in sea trade, makes loan sharks to annex some land, or even just forcibly talks about life with an ordinary civilian girl, he may be dropped from the sky by a giant god from the heaven at any time and burned to ashes with a sword. .

There are not only gods but also divine swords that can kill you at any time.

Isn't this scary?

Anyway, the current generation of Demacian nobles had had enough.

But while Kyle was here, they could only endure it.

Fortunately, Kyle had a serious conflict of ideas with his sister Morgana. After a theoretical and physical debate, he was so confused that he flew back to Mount Targon and never came back for hundreds of years.

The rare time I came back was as mentioned in the story "Fire of Justice", where I killed a law-breaking king of a small country with one sword.

To be honest, this frightened the Demacia nobles who had gradually let themselves go after Kyle left.

"Fortunately, the angel Kyle left hundreds of years ago." Ogesha said something that completely overturned Lux's three views:

"We miss her, but it would be best if she never came back."

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