LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 296 Defeat magic with magic

One day later, Zu An.

The warrior expeditionary force led by Jarvan and Garen, as well as the mage prisoner army led by Lux, both left Demacia through the Hexgate and traveled thousands of miles to Zaun.

They will complete the rendezvous with Zaun's friendly forces here, and then go to the battlefield of Ionia together after a brief training.

The Wind Leader is now an ally with Demacia, and the visitor is a heavyweight like Prince Jarvan, so the Wind Leader naturally shows the highest level of diplomatic etiquette to entertain them.

As the leader of Zaun, Levi not only came to greet him personally with his first girlfriend Seraphine, but also warmly shook hands with Prince Jarvan and communicated cordially at the meeting ceremony. By the way, he made some remarks on the stage in front of the soldiers of the two armies. A formulaic declaration of friendly alliance.

The specific content is probably:

"His Majesty Jarvan is an outstanding leader of the people of Demacia, an outstanding leader, and a great friend of the leader. He has devoted his life to resisting the invasion and expansion of the Noxian Empire, and working to achieve regional peace and German peace in Valoran. We have made an indelible contribution to the stability and prosperity of Marcia... We are willing to work with Germany..."


After attending the meeting ceremony and returning to the prisoner army's barracks, Silas immediately couldn't hold it in any longer.

He grumbled in front of the mages: "Great friend of the Wind Leader?"

"Listen, 'Your Majesty Jarvan', 'Great Friend'! Ridiculous... A leader should be a leader for the oppressed, how can he be friends with the king?!"

"What on earth is that guy Levi thinking?"

Silas vented his dissatisfaction without any scruples here.

"This..." Miss Sona frowned upon hearing this.

She couldn't help but remind: "Mr. Silas, you should respect President Levi."

"Don't forget, if you really regard yourself as the leader, then President Levi will also be your leader!"

"Ha." Silas didn't care: "So what if he is the president? I don't think what he did is right!"

"He spends all day calling the king brothers, chatting and laughing with the prince... And look at the pink-haired girl following him. She is dressed in rich clothes, with delicate skin and tender flesh. At first glance, she looks like a noble lady soaked in a honey pot! "

"Confusing class enemies into friends, brothers, and even wives... Hehe, can such a person still be considered a leader?"

"You?!" Sona's chest heaved with anger.

Even if Silas scolded Levi, he even scolded her idol Seraphine.

She wanted to point at Silas's nose and tell him that the people Seraphine had helped in practice along the way and the contributions she had made to Janna's cause were things he would never be able to catch up with in his lifetime.

And if Li Wei really did what he said and thoughtlessly yelled and killed the nobles when he saw them, then the Wind Leader Association might have been killed by the bullets of Piltover law enforcement officials from the very beginning.

Sona wanted to scold her like this.


"Alas..." Sona finally held back.

The practice of propaganda work in the past few days, especially the ideological work against Silas, has turned her, a mute who could not speak, into a salted fish who does not want to speak.

Because reasoning with someone like Silas is almost useless. He has his own special experiences and formed his own unique character. It is difficult for others to convince him with words alone.

What's even more troublesome is...

Among these mages, there are many people who have the same experience and personality as Silas.

The discrimination and rejection, abuse and torture they have endured since childhood, as well as years of imprisonment...the pain brought to them by the nobles has made it impossible for them to get out of the whirlpool of hatred.

Therefore, when Silas made disrespectful remarks against President Levi, and even publicly accused the current leadership team of "compromise" and "weakness", many mages present agreed with it.

"You all still think that as long as they are nobles, rich people, or enemies of the class, they all deserve to be killed, right?" Sona stopped talking about the truth and just asked in a helpless tone.

"Of course!" Silas nodded without hesitation.

This was what he thought before watching "Janna".

After watching "Jana", he thought so even more.

After all, the goddess Janna said in the book that nobles are the enemies of the Wind Leader. And it's not just an ordinary enemy, it's a class enemy.

The enemy must be destroyed. Class enemies, of course this class will also be eliminated.

It’s just that what Li Wei, Sona and most leaders understand by “eliminating class enemies” is to gradually eliminate the soil on which this class depends on by promoting the development of productivity and production relations.

Physical elimination is only a necessary means in the process, not the end.

But what Silas understood by "eliminating class enemies" was complete annihilation in a physical sense, leaving no trace of residue.

"Nobles are like shadow wolves. There may be shadow wolves that are close to people and can be domesticated. But wolves are still wolves in the final analysis. No matter how small a wolf is, it grows up by eating the meat of other animals."

"Since we want to eliminate this species, how can we be merciful to them and raise their wolf cubs?"

Silas said angrily. And his words resonated with some mages.

"..." So Sona stopped trying to persuade her.

She just remained eerily silent.

Then, she looked up at the door of the barracks with a "surprised" look on her face.

"Huh?!" Silas was also suddenly startled.

Because he has the ability to sense magic power in a wide range, it was only then that he suddenly realized that a powerful magic source suddenly appeared almost a few feet away from him without any warning.

This feeling is like the head teacher suddenly appearing behind you during evening self-study...

Silas was so horrified that he subconsciously had goosebumps.

"who is it?!"

How did he hide it from his own perception and suddenly appear here? !

Silas instinctively tensed his muscles and looked at the door with extreme vigilance.

Finally, the uninvited guest appeared.

"La-Laxana?!" Silas and the mages were shocked.

The person who came was none other than Lux.

Behind her was a black, round and round creature that looked like a demon pet... a humanoid demon swamp frog? ?

"You..." Silas instinctively ignored the "Magic Swamp Frog" and focused on Lux: " came?"

"Me?" Lux held the mechanical staff in her arms and smiled: "I've been here for a while."

"??!" The mages were even more horrified and their scalps were numb.

This woman was able to appear beside them silently, and she had been "here for a while." Doesn't that mean... what they just said, and their long-standing conspiracy, have been known to the other party?

The air suddenly became extremely tense.

Silas subconsciously used his magic power to attack, and then the next second, he suddenly realized:

He is still wearing an explosive collar around his neck!

And the remote control key Sona promised has not been obtained for everyone yet.

"Oops!" The mages suddenly fell into a panic.

Lux has become aware of their riot plans. The explosive collars around their necks have not yet been removed.

What to do? !

A layer of cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of the mages, but Lux had already taken out the remote control device for controlling the collar in front of them.

Now as long as she presses a button, their heads will explode immediately.

"It's over!" The atmosphere was filled with despair.

Finally, Silas couldn't hold it any longer.

Delaying it any longer would mean death. Without wasting a second, he took out the remote control device that the Demon Seeker Commander had given him and which he had carefully hidden in his arms for the past few days.

He pressed the button hard...


There was a crisp sound of machine collision, and the collars around everyone's necks were all untied.

"Huh?!" But Silas was stunned on the spot.

Because he didn't even have time to press and twist, the person who untied everyone's collars was not him at all, but...

"It's me." Lux waved the remote control device in her hand and threw it nonchalantly on the table beside her.

"Wha, what"? ! "The mages' eyes widened in astonishment.

At this time, Lux slowly walked to Sona and said, "Yes, I am also the leader of the wind."

"This plan to rescue the mage from Demacia was made by me."

"It's just that I have been in Demacia before. As the leader of the criminal army, I have received too much attention from all parties and it is not convenient for my identity to be exposed, so I have never told everyone."

As soon as these words came out, the mages fell silent.

Some of them were shocked, some of them couldn't believe it, and some of them gradually came to their senses in a daze.

"I-I see..." A mage thought about it and said, "No wonder Miss Sona has been advising everyone not to use extreme methods to treat nobles. It turns out..."

It turns out that they were able to be rescued this time because of the joint planning of the noble lady Lux, the Crown Guard family behind her, and the Wind Leader Association from the beginning.

", it's impossible!"

Silas's face turned red.

A few minutes ago, he criticized Leader's cooperation with Demacia in front of everyone, and criticized Levi and others' compromising attitude towards class enemies.

It's better now. It turns out that he can stand here and speak now, thanks to the help of the Wind Leader and the progressive nobles of Demacia.

"Just, even if this is the case..."

Silas almost stuttered.

But he still stubbornly insisted: "Even if you nobles do good things, it can't be out of good intentions. There can't be a real leader among you..."

"Alas..." Lux sighed.

She had also heard Sona talk about Silas's situation.

So she wasn't ready to talk big.

"Mr. Silas, before we talk about anything else, I have to ask you—"

In front of everyone present, Lux cast her murderous gaze on Silas's hand:

"Neither Sona nor I have given you the remote control yet."

"Who gave you this remote control device in your hand?"

"Huh?" Everyone was shocked when they heard this. They also suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Besides me, the legion commander, only the Demon Seeker Corps escorting you is qualified to possess this remote control device."

Only magic can defeat magic. Since Silas is crazy about talking about his origin and checking his composition, then:

"Go ahead, Mr. Silas—"

"Who ordered you to come?"

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