LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 330 Ionia's

The example Livy gave is not a good one.

Because many of the leaders present are native Ionians.

They have never left their hometowns for almost their whole lives, and some have even stayed in the countryside for most of their lives. They have never even been to the city a few times, let alone traveled to the sea to gain experience.

So they knew almost nothing about the specific situation in Bilgewater.

So, it's very embarrassing...

Levi wanted to use questions to inspire everyone to think, but all he got was confusion.

"I understand..." But in this silent environment, Riven, Feiya and other few people with a global vision still reacted in time: "The problem is here -"

Why doesn’t anyone know the specific situation in Piraeus? Because there are very few exchanges between Ionian people and overseas countries.

Even in Balu'e Province, where the maritime economy is prosperous and "foreign goods" are everywhere, most people have never left their hometown or come into contact with outside information.

Why is this happening?

"Because fundamentally speaking, Ionia is still an agricultural society, and the economy is generally closed, independent and self-sufficient."

"But Bilgewater has always been part of the global order of Runeterra and part of the world of industrial civilization!"

Put it in easy-to-understand terms:

You can think of the current Bilgewater as an overseas province under the rule of Zaun.

Since Zaun is a modern industrial country, Nabi Port, as its overseas province, is naturally part of the modern industrial society.

Even though the main business of Piraeus is not industry, but fishing. It is also still a modern industrial society.

"Do you understand this?" Levi asked.

"This..." Riven was slightly startled.

Levi's words made her feel a bit like Noxian PTSD: "Li, Mr. Levi, are you saying... that we want Ionia to become a part of Zaun in the future? This... .”

Doesn't this sound similar to what Noxus wants to do?

"No." Levi said: "What we are pursuing is not to make Ionia become a part of Zaun, but to make Ionia a joining country with equal status to Zaun and join the future Chosen Gods. Come to Na Alliance."

As he spoke, he explained in detail the plan he had hatched for the "God's Choice Janna Alliance" to Riven and others. (See the previous conversation with Swain for details)

"Ionia will be a franchised country with certain autonomy in the future, but its economy will be highly integrated with the entire alliance."

"So, for ease of understanding:"

"You can also regard this world-wide Janna Dominion Alliance as a country;"

"Think of Ionia as a province of this huge country."

It is true that Ionia cannot be highly industrialized and can only be dominated by agriculture.

But within a huge modern industrial country, it is normal to have an agricultural province that focuses on the primary industry, right?

Therefore, Levi positioned Ionia as the "breadbasket of the world" in the future.

After all, there are objective constraints, and there is no way to develop much industry here.

Apart from being the breadbasket of the world, Ionia cannot have any other position.

"This..." Riwen still vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Because in the era of industrialization, it is not necessarily a good thing for a place to have the title of "granary".

"If Ionia is still dominated by agriculture in the future, then the people here..." Riven couldn't help but asked Li Wei: "They will be very poor in the future, right?"

Riven has been reading a lot of books these days.

She was acutely aware of the scissor gap.

The added value of agricultural products is naturally lower than that of industrial products. Therefore, when industrial and agricultural products are exchanged, the price of industrial products is naturally higher than that of agricultural products.

In order to feed a large number of people in the secondary and tertiary industries who are separated from the land, a huge modern industrial country will never want the price of agricultural products to rise too high.

This results in no money being made from farming, and farmers’ working hours are worthless.

Levi gave an example in his previous article:

A Noxian farmer needs to work sleeplessly for 10 years to earn a Hex radio that Zaun workers spend 100 man-hours making.

And this story is the best embodiment of the effect of scissors.

Therefore, it is foreseeable that if Ionia is allowed to be the breadbasket of the world in the future and the free market is allowed to function without interference, it will probably take decades...

Ionia will become the poorest and most backward place in the world. (Except for Freljord and other places with harsher natural conditions)

The Ionians will also become what residents of other participating countries call "stinky people."

Of course they will be much better off than they were before the leader arrived. But is this enough?

"Of course not!" Levi said seriously.

"Although objective conditions limit us, we cannot allow Ionia to get rich quickly through high-level industrialization. But this does not mean that we must keep it poor and backward forever."

The free market cannot solve the problem of poverty in farming.

Then let the visible hand take care of it.

And this aspect. There is much more that can be said:

For example, limited green industrialization can be carried out in Ionia:

Leaders can use administrative means to move high value-added and low-pollution high-tech industries such as Hex Industry to Ionia to make up for Ionia's economic shortcomings as the world's breadbasket.

For example, tourism and service industries can be developed according to local conditions.

As a nascent land infiltrated by magic, Ionia has a rich and unique history and culture, and the beauty of its natural environment, making it the unparalleled land of runes.

Various cultural relics and natural wonders that are rarely seen in other places can be found almost everywhere here.

Isn't this a natural tourist attraction?

With convenient means of transportation such as airplanes and Hexgates, Ionia can fully concentrate on the tourism and service industries in the future, and achieve success in the tertiary industry.

Another example:

High-end agriculture can also be developed here and brand cultivation can be focused on.

Agricultural products have no technological added value, but they can have brand added value.

The melons grown in Ionia are soaked in magic and labeled with a brand, and are sold ten times more expensive than melons from other places. It’s quite reasonable, isn’t it?

Coffee, tea, red wine, white wine, hairy crabs...there are so many agricultural products that can make a fuss about the brand.

As long as the brand is established, those selling liquor may make more money than those engaged in Hex Technology.

Thanks to this magic-soaked land, the quality of Ionia's agricultural products is significantly higher than that of products from other places.

Therefore, it is foreseeable that Ionia will not only be the world's granary in the future, but also the home of the world's high-end agricultural products.

"Also, we can promote the comprehensive and high-quality development of agricultural mechanization and improve agricultural production efficiency..."

"We can increase investment in agricultural scientific research, improve the level of agricultural science and technology, produce good products with good seeds, good methods, good fields, and good conditions, and promote agricultural efficiency and farmers' income..."

Li Wei talked about many ways in succession, which made merchant girls like Feiya nod their heads.

There are so many routines that one can devote a whole issue of "The Book of Getting Rich" to them.

"In short..." Finally, Levi concluded: "We cannot let Ionia be a 'breadbasket' and contribute to the world, while also suffering poverty for the whole world forever."

The leader needs to help Ionia become as wealthy as possible through various administrative means while ensuring balance.

Education, medical care, and various infrastructures can also be supplemented through transfer payments within the alliance.

"Ionians may not be able to engage in high-paying industrial jobs at their doorstep, but I guarantee that they will have first-class universities, hospitals and transportation networks at their doorstep, and enjoy all the conveniences of modern society."

"This is the best option we, the Wind Leaders, can choose under the premise that Ionia needs to maintain the balance of all things."

Levi's words were inspiring, making Riven, Feiya, and the leader feel excited.

Especially Riven and Faia, who had been to Piltover, they were both thinking:

Ionia in the future will be a perfect symbiosis of industrial civilization and the natural environment, with beautiful modern cities like Piltover everywhere, as well as picturesque countryside and beautiful scenery.

"So, how do we realize it?" Levi's question brought everyone back from fantasy to reality.

Don’t forget, current Ionia is still far from modern industrial civilization.

Green industry, ecological agriculture, and sustainable development are all the subsequent renovations of the "house" in Ionia.


"The foundation of this house is rotten and outdated." Levi said with a smile: "Before we renovate the house, we have to renovate it from the root."

Since the way to change Ionia is modernization, what are the prefix tasks to achieve modernization?

The first step is to seize power. It’s a no-brainer.

What about the second step?

"The second step is -" Li Wei looked at everyone and said in a quietly serious tone: "Land reform!"

“It’s time for the owners of this land in Ionia to be replaced by Ionians.”

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