LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 335 Jie: I don’t want to take the blame anymore

To the northeast of Balua Island and across the sea is the southern end of Shangzan Province.

The air here is filled with rich primitive magic. Mysterious power flows through the land, rushing through the colorful woods, helping them reach high into the sky, stretching out leaves of magenta and indigo, azure and bright yellow.

This scene is not unusual for Master Yi.

The forests of Ionia have always been so colorful and beautiful, and the scenery of his hometown Wuji Village is no less beautiful than here.

Yi was more concerned about the purpose of his trip, the person they came here to find.

"Jie, are you sure the Kinkou Sect will help us?" Yi used the new skills he learned after becoming the leader of the wind to fly in the clouds.

He and Zed flew all the way from Baru'o in order to find the Kinkou and persuade them to come out to fight against Noxus.

But now that both of them were close to their destination, Yi was still worried about the plan.

There is no other reason.

The Shadow Stream Sect's calamity, and convincing the Kinkou Sect to fight alongside him... This thing sounds very unreliable.

After all, the hatred between the Kinkou Sect and the Shadow Stream Sect has long been serious and will never end. Even Master Yi, who has only been exposed to outside news for more than a month, knows that Balance is the mortal enemy of Shadow Stream.

First of all, the Kinkou Sect still believes that it was the master of Kushuo who was killed.

"I know you didn't do this, but..." Zed revealed many secrets he knew after joining the Wind Leader. Master Yi knew that Zed was not a villain who killed his master.

But the problem is...

Even if we put aside the charge of killing the master on Zed, and not counting Master Kushuo who faked his own death, there is still an incalculable blood debt between him and the Kinkou Sect.

And all of this must be attributed to the mysterious operations of Master Jie and Kushuo.

At that time, facing the invasion of the Noxus Empire, the Kinkou sect was actually divided into two factions - one faction stubbornly adhered to the tradition, while the other radically wanted to break the tradition and go out to kill the enemy.

Although there was tit-for-tat confrontation between the two factions, there was no fighting between them.

If this continues, the most likely outcome of the Balance Sect will be a natural internal disintegration and a relatively peaceful split into two forces.

But at this time, Master Jie and Master Kushuo teamed up to stage a drama of "killing the master and escaping".

This is just great...

It is said that the master successfully faked his death and escaped, and secretly carried out the war of resistance;

But everyone in the Kinkou sect doesn’t know that. All they knew was that Master Kushuo was killed by robbery.

Jie is the representative of the radical faction within the sect. Although Master Kushuo is a radical at heart, he is the soul of a conservative on the surface.

Killed the master of Kushuo——

From the perspective of the conservatives within the church, this was a sign that the radicals had gone completely crazy and began to physically cleanse the conservatives.

And even if they put aside their factional stance, in view of Jie's evil act of murdering his master, as disciples of Master Kushuo, they must cut off Jie's head to avenge their master.

In this way, the conservatives want to kill Zed, and the radicals who follow Zed want to protect Zed...

As soon as the news of the "kidnapping and killing of the master of torture" came out, a bloody civil war immediately broke out within the Kinkou Sect.

This civil war was completely beyond the expectations and control of Master Zed and Kushuo, and caused a lot of casualties among both factions.

For example, Akali's father died in this war.

Originally, it was thought that Master Kushu was just faking his death, but unexpectedly, it actually led to the death of many Kinkou believers.

As a result, the blood feud between Jie and the Kinkou Sect became a blood feud in the true sense.

"There are so many people in the Kinkou Sect who have grudges against you. Will they really help us?" After Master Yi learned about this situation, he was very worried about Jie's plan.

He didn't understand why Zed had to seek help from the Kinkou Sect, which had a grudge against him.

It's fine if people don't fight for you when you meet them. How can they come to help you?

"I..." Jie's stern expression was full of complexity.

He also obviously knew there was a problem with his plan.

But he still insisted on coming: "I must have a serious talk with the Kinkou Sect and Shen."

"Because the person I am now is no longer the person I used to be."

In the past, he was a good disciple of Master Kushuo and a close friend of Shen.

As a disciple, Zed will not betray his master's secrets;

As a good friend, Zed was not willing to let Shen know the absurd facts behind this cruel truth.

Let Shen think of him as the enemy who killed his father, and let the Kinkou regard him as a bad guy. For the cause he pursues, Zed is willing to bear these infamy.

But now, things are different.

"Now I am the leader." From the perspective of the leader, Jie is very clear:

"The Wind Leader Association cannot be associated with an evil sect like the Shadow Stream Sect; a member of the Wind Leader cannot be a sinner who has committed the evil act of killing a master."

The reputation of Zed and the Shadow Stream Sect under his command in Ionia, especially in the eyes of the Ionian gentry and sect warriors, is actually no better than that of Noxus.

After all, Ionia's tradition is all about respecting teachers, and a villain like Jie who kills teachers is naturally a negative example that is despised by everyone.

If a leader is associated with such a "bad guy", it will inevitably lead to criticism and misunderstanding.

So Zed figured it out.

He was not going to continue to take the blame for Master Kushuo's betrayal. He also did not intend to continue to work as a black glove for Master Kushuo, doing dirty and dirty work for the Navoli Brotherhood.

Zed is ready to gradually reveal the truth and start his own "whitewashing" journey.

And if he wants to "wash his name", he should first obtain the forgiveness of the Kinkou sect as the victim.

This is one of the considerations.

"The most important thing is that we need the Balance Sect." Zed said seriously: "Not only because of the upcoming war, but also because..."

"In the future journey to transform Ionia, the leader cannot do without the guidance of the Kinkou Sect."

What the Leader Plan promotes in Ionia is industrialization and modernization based on maintaining balance.

So here comes the question: How do you judge that the modernization promoted by the leader is always under equilibrium conditions?

How to plan the construction well so as to ensure that the balance of all things in Ionia is not affected?

This depends on the Kinkou Sect.

The successive leaders of the Balance Sect are known as the "Twilight Eyes" because their duty is to "stargave", that is, to observe the balance between the spiritual and material realms of Ionia.

Only he and they have the ability to accurately observe the two worlds and grasp the balance.

To use an inappropriate analogy...

The Kinkou Sect is like the most professional environmental expert in Ionia, the most influential environmental NGO, and it is the only one in Ionia that has no other semicolon.

In the future, leaders must follow their advice on whether to build factories in a region, what factories to build, and how many factories to build. Moreover, only they can give accurate and reliable advice.

If the future leader wants to carry out construction in Ionia, he will definitely need the help of the Balance Sect, and Twilight Eye Shen, the future "Minister of Environmental Protection" will be indispensable.

"I see..." Yi finally understood Jie's good intentions.

"Okay then -" He no longer felt that this mission was difficult and difficult, but he mustered up the courage and said confidently: "Let us go to the Kinkou Temple together and resolve all your past grudges! Then... .”

Yi hasn't finished shouting this passionate slogan yet.

Zed corrected him in a strange tone: "No, we are not going to the Kinkou Temple now."

"Huh?" Yi Wei was startled: "Aren't we looking for the Kinkou Sect? The Kinkou Sect is not at the Koujiang Temple, where else can it be?"

Kōng Kōng Temple is the gate of the Kōng Kōng Sect, and its history is even longer than that of the Wuji Sword Sect.

Even though Yi was a mountain boy who had never left the mountains in his life, he had heard about the existence of the Kinkou Temple, a landmark and ancient temple in Ionia, from his master.

"Kingpin Temple is indeed the thousand-year-old gate of the Kinkou Sect, but..."

Speaking of this, Zed's tone couldn't help but become awkward.

He said cryptically: "The Temple of Balance is in the province of Navoli."

"Huh?" Master Yi was stunned for a moment: "Then what are we doing in Shangzan Province now?"

Jie: "Because..."

Because when he led his followers to establish the Shadow Style Sect two years ago, the Kinkou Temple was occupied by them who had won the civil war.

The current Kyouji Temple has become the territory of the Shadow Style Sect.

The remnants of the Kinkou sect fled all the way from Navoli to lost dogs.


There was silence in the air.

He suddenly felt that this mission was very unreliable.

Let him follow Zed, a villain who has a blood feud with the Kinkou Sect and has driven him all the way from Navoli to this remote rural area, to come and convince him to join him as a friend and form a team...

Does the other party really not think that they are chasing after them to seek revenge?

Still cooperate? How to talk about this?

"That's why I need you." Jie sighed: "Yi."

"You are the master of the Wuji Sword Sect, and you come from a well-known and upright sect in Ionia."

Although the Wuji Sword Sect is not in the Jianghu, the legend of the Wuji Sword Sect has always been circulated in the Jianghu.

It's different from the notorious tribulation. Yi only needs to show off his unique Wuji swordsmanship and talk about his sect's background, and he can immediately win the favor of the members of the balanced sect who are also members of the prestigious sect.

"But..." Master Yi still hesitated.

No matter how good Master Wuji's reputation is, he can't bring you, the notorious Lord of Shadow Stream, with him, right?

"So, I didn't plan to appear in front of them right away." Yi Zheng was confused, but only heard Jie say preparedly: "I plan to tell Shen the truth, but not now."

"I brought you here just so you can stand up for me."

"What?" Master Yi was stunned: "You...are you planning to let me convince them alone?"

"Yes." Jie nodded slightly and confirmed: "My rash appearance will only lead to a fight between the two sides. If you go to see the Balance Sect alone, your success rate will be higher."

"We can 'cheat' the Balance Sect first, and wait until they know something about the Leader... then tell them about my existence."

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