LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 344 The Real Lord of Shadow Stream

Jie's sincere invitation set off another uproar among the members of the Hexiong cult.

"Shen, you can't go!" Master Meimu objected firmly: "This must be a trap!"

The friendly relationship between the Navoli Brotherhood and the Shadow Stream Sect is well known to the world, and in the eyes of the Kinkou Sect, the Brotherhood is originally an enemy.

The invasion of evil spirits more than a year ago was because the Brotherhood came here to capture young men, causing conflicts and destroying the balance here.

Let Shen follow his father-killing enemy to meet the leader of another hostile organization...

Isn't this just a door-to-door delivery?

Therefore, not only Mei Mu objected fiercely, but the members of the Kyodo Congregation also worriedly expressed their doubts.

But at this time, Kenan said to Zed: "Zed, I believe you. But for safety reasons, I can't let Shen go alone."

"Huh?" These words aroused excitement among the believers.

Senior Kennan, do you believe such a ridiculous story?

"It's because this story is so ridiculous that I actually believe it." Kennan sighed: "The Zed I know may be cruel and ruthless, but it is definitely not stupid."

"Even if he wants to lie to us, he should use a more convincing explanation."

"Moreover, our hiding place has obviously been exposed, and the combined power of Shadow Stream and the Brotherhood is so much stronger than ours -"

"If Zed really wanted to harm us, then he could have led an army to attack head-on instead of risking his life to help us put out the fire with a very lame lie."

"This..." Everyone was speechless.

Kennan's words were reasonable and well-founded. They also calmed down the overly excited emotions of everyone present and allowed everyone to gradually return to rationality.

Everyone looked at Zed in silence, seemingly finally convinced.

"I'm willing to go with you and Shen to verify your statement." Kennan finally made his decision.

"Thank you, Senior Kainan." Zed sighed deeply: "I will contact Master Kushuo now to arrange a subsequent meeting."

As he spoke, he took out a jade slip imprinted with strange shadow runes from his pocket.

There was a dark and evil energy in those runes, which suddenly seemed to dye the white jade into a sickly gray color.

"This is?" Shen was still confused.

"This is a rune branded with the Shadow Stream Forbidden Technique." The well-informed senior Kenan immediately recognized this rune:

"You can think of it as a 'shadow clone' that the caster leaves on other objects in the form of runes, a kind of 'shadow clone' that can maintain its existence for a long time."

"Through this 'shadow clone', the person holding the rune can communicate remotely with the caster's body."

The principle of this thing is probably similar to Janna's blue bird clone and Swain's crow clone, but because the caster's ability is limited, the effect is definitely not as good as the goddess's and demon's clones.

The rune tattoo that Zed left on Kayn's body and used as an undercover communication tool was this "shadow clone".


The shadow clone on Kayn was left to him by Zed.

Who left this shadow clone on Jie's body?

"This is..." Kenan felt a powerful shadow power from the rune, which meant that the caster was definitely a powerful Shadow Stream master.

This suddenly gave him a bad premonition: "Jie, who is the owner of this shadow clone?"

"Senior Kainan, it's just as you thought..." Zed sighed deeply.

He also sold out the master's last secret: "It's hard to tell the master."

"You all think that I stole the Tears of Shadow in the forbidden area, but in fact, the Tears of Shadow have always been in the hands of Master Kusuo."

"Strictly speaking, he is the real master of Shadow Stream."

"What?!" These words were like dropping a bomb in the crowd.

The members of the Hong Kong Congregation, who had just finally calmed down, suddenly exploded again.

"Nonsense! Nonsense!" Master Xiangxiang said bitterly. Not only did he become the leader of the Navoli Brotherhood, he also took away the sect's forbidden items and practiced the most taboo shadow magic? !

The nature of this news is really too bad.

It not only insulted the senior leaders of the members of the Balance Church, but also trampled on the beliefs they had always adhered to and severely rubbed them under their feet.

For example:

Master Kushuo's deception operation is equivalent to the leaders following Li Wei in the middle of the struggle, and suddenly discovering that Li Wei secretly jumped to Pi City to become the speaker of the parliament, and quietly turned into the second Filipino. Just like the Ross family...

The impact that the members of the Hexiong Cult received at this moment was almost as severe.

What collapsed was their faith. And once faith collapses, people's hearts will disperse, and it will be difficult to lead the team.

The Kinkou Sect is not far away from its final collapse and disintegration.

And it is foreseeable that with the shameful death of the spiritual totem of the Balance Sect, no one in Ionia will believe in any bullshit Balance for at least dozens or hundreds of years.

"No, this is impossible!" The Kung Fu disciples were instinctively unwilling to accept it: "Master Kushuo is Kung Fu's Twilight Eye—"

"The Eye of Twilight may be sacrificed, but it is absolutely impossible to deteriorate!"

Everyone believes so.

"Jie!" Master Mei Mu asked angrily: "You villain and thief, your intentions are so sinister!"

"It's not enough for you to destroy the Kinkou Sect. Do you also want to completely destroy the way of Kinkou that has been passed down for thousands of years in Ionia?"

"No." Jie shook his head with a deep expression: "The way of balance is an objective truth, and it cannot be destroyed by anyone."

"The master of balance will do wrong things, but the way of balance will never be wrong - this is because it is the truth and an objective natural law!"

"And you -" Zed looked at everyone present with a serious expression: "As believers in Balance, are you going to give up your faith just because of the betrayal of a Master of Balance?"

"Or, in order to 'protect' your beliefs, you have to deceive yourself and others into not accepting the objective facts?"

Neither of these options belongs to a true believer in equilibrium.

A true believer will not avoid mistakes along the way, nor will he become discouraged and give up the truth just because of one mistake.

This is the quality of the Wind Leader Church Zed.

"This..." Shen, Kenan, Meimu, Akali and others were silent.

Everyone suddenly discovered that Zed's understanding and insistence on balance seemed to be deeper than theirs.

Could it be that... Zed really didn't betray the equilibrium?

Is he just using his own way to silently protect the way of balance?

Such absurd yet true thoughts appeared in everyone's minds unconsciously.

At this time, Jie finally presented his evidence: "Everyone, please calm down. I will use this shadow rune to contact Master Kushuo now and arrange a subsequent meeting. Of course... you can listen to his voice .”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere became more solemn.

Everyone's mood was extremely complicated.

Shen even held his breath nervously. He didn't know if he should expect a living father.

Finally, as the shadow runes on the jade slip flashed, a miniature shadow clone quietly emerged from the light...

And the figure shown by the outline of this shadow clone is the master of Kushuo who has been dead for two years!

"Master Kushuo." Jie greeted the shadow clone respectfully.

"Jie, what's the matter?" A deep male voice sounded slowly.

That voice was very familiar to everyone present.

"Father..." Shen no longer dared to face it.

"Master Kushuo." Mei Mu muttered to himself.

They all tried their best to tell themselves that this was a cover-up and a conspiracy by Jie. Reminiscent of Kennan's previous analysis of the logic of Zed's behavior, they really couldn't deceive themselves.

At this time, the conversation between Jie and Master Kushuo continued: "Master Kushuo, I have something that I need to meet with you to discuss in detail. I hope you can tell me whether you are still at the Navoli Brotherhood headquarters."

"Oh?" Master Kushuo's voice remains the same, but the temperament in his words is completely different.

In the past, his voice was gentle and gentle, like a humble gentleman; now he is sharp and suspicious, like a traitor of a generation.

Master Kushuo also refused to reveal his specific location directly, but asked instead: "Jie, why do you have to come back to see me?"

"As I told you before -" Jie explained: "The messenger of the Leader heard that the Shadow Stream Sect has close ties with the Brotherhood, and wanted to ask me to help introduce them and bring them to meet with you to discuss cooperation."

"Leader?" Master Kushuo's voice sank, as if he was a little displeased: "Jie, I should have told you that the Brotherhood and the Leader have nothing to cooperate with."

Yes, although Jie tried his best to fight for it, Master Kushuo had actually expressed his rejection of the leader's request for help.

But Zed still wanted to keep fighting.

Because Jie believed that this was his last chance to bring back the true heart of Master Kushuo and make him return to the right path.

If he failed this time, he would have no choice but to make a complete break with the past and part ways with his master forever.

So Zed tried his best to persuade: "Master, no matter what, we and the Wind Leader are now comrades in the resistance against Noxus..."

"Comrade?" Master Kushuo didn't even wait for him to finish, and interrupted him dismissively: "It's ridiculous."

"The leader is playing the role of savior in Balu'e Province to win people's hearts. Why should our brotherhood bear the consequences with them?"

"I think the purpose of these so-called 'Baru'e saviors' is just to get their hands on the land and power of Ionia - they will only be our future competitors, not our friends."

"This..." The air became very subtle.

To be honest, as the leader of the Navoli Brotherhood, Master Kushuo’s analysis is not wrong.

But the problem is, he is a master of bitter talk!

Talking about power and interests, is this still the master of balance?

Shen's face could no longer be shown.

He prayed in his heart that this was all Zed's illusion.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to face reality and his father whose temperament has changed drastically.

"Master Kushuo." At this moment, the hearts of the members of the Hexiong Cult were already shattered.

What made them collapse even more was that in front of Master Kushuo, Jie acted as the good guy.

Seeing that Master Kushuo did not listen to the advice, he changed his perspective: "Master Kushuo, no matter what, this is an opportunity."

"Now the main force of the Noxus Empire is gathered in the province of Barua. If we can cooperate with the leader to achieve an unprecedented victory there, then this will have a huge encouragement effect on the entire war in Ionia... .”

"Yes." Master Kushuo nodded.

But what he said was: "The main forces of the Noxus Empire are now gathered in the Baru'e Province——"

"The main force has been attracted by the leader. Isn't this a good opportunity for our brotherhood to expand our territory and expand our power in Navoli Province?"

"The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit. Jie, a wise man should know how to be a fisherman, not a clam for mermaid meat."

Shen, Kainan, Meimu: "......."

They all couldn't believe that such shameless words could be said by Master Kusuo.

"Okay!" At this time, Master Ku said coldly: "Jie, if you want to come back to see me, that's fine."

"It just so happens that the Brotherhood has recently launched a very important military operation and needs your help."

"Now that the main force of Noxus is gathering in Baru'o, the troops on the Navoli front are empty, and the war is gradually ending. For the Brotherhood, this is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..."

"Huh..." Shen, Kenan and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, no matter how power-hungry Guru Kusho has become, at least...

At least at least...

He was still fighting the Noxians and fighting to protect Ionia.

That's what everyone is thinking.

But only Master Kushuo added: "The Presidenian Resistance Army has occupied too much territory in Navoli, and the fame of that little girl Irelia has blocked our limelight, which is not good for the Brotherhood. Development is not conducive to the future of Ionia."

"So, while the Noxians are in no position to interfere—"

"Zed, I want you to help me assassinate Irelia and help the Brotherhood annex her tribe in one fell swoop!"

Jie: "..."

Shen: "..."

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