LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 352 Irelia’s Despair

As the footsteps in the distance gradually approached and stopped, there were already many more figures on the rocks surrounding the valley.

They condescendingly surrounded everyone, turning the place into a desperate situation.

But Irelia no longer cares about these killers from the Brotherhood.

She just looked at Master Qingxia in pain and confusion, and asked unwillingly: "Am I... the enemy of Kouyou?"

"Yes." Master Qingxia confirmed calmly.

Irelia was suddenly at a loss.

She never thought that Senior Qingxia, whom she regarded as her mentor, would evaluate her like this.

"Bah!" Xia, who was innocently involved in the trap, did not accept this trick at all. She spat disdainfully: "Human beings are hypocritical. They are obviously just fighting for power out of their own selfish desires, but they insist on using the name of justice!"

Xia scolded her harshly.

But Master Qingxia remained unmoved.

He said: "Justice? No. I never said that what I pursue is justice."

"What I pursue is justice and balance. It is to maintain the balance of this nascent land from being destroyed and to protect the safe continuation of all souls and living bodies in Ionia."

"In the face of justice, nothing cannot be sacrificed. Including myself, including..."

Master Qingxia looked at Irelia: "You."

"I..." Irelia asked in pain and unwillingness: "What did I do wrong? Master Qingxia!"

"You are wrong because you are too naive to see the situation clearly, but you are powerful enough to influence the situation." Master Qingxia no longer concealed his views.

He thought Irelia was naive.

It is impossible for Ionia to return to the past, but Irelia still naively fantasizes that as long as she can kill the "virus" brought by Noxus, she can restore the factory settings like a computer. Return Ionia to the peaceful society it was before the war.

"But is this possible?" Master Qingxia asked: "Ionia has been able to maintain peace in the past nearly ten thousand years because the forces of all parties can stably maintain the balance of power under the constraints of the balance."

In the past, there was no country or army in Ionia. All forces peacefully guarded their own one-third of an acre of land and implemented regional autonomy managed by clans and sects.

If there is not much difference in strength between regions, they can only coexist peacefully.

And even if one or two powerful careerists occasionally appear and want to start a war and conquer all directions...

As long as the scale of the war is large and many people die, this careerist will immediately become a historical sinner for destroying the balance and become the public enemy of Ionia.

The people will curse him, his subordinates will turn their backs on him, and all forces will rush to attack him.

There are such limitations of cultural traditions, coupled with the balance of power between the various forces, and the silent sacrifices of the poor peasants and untouchables that most people do not notice, or notice and do not care about...

Peace was maintained for such a long time.

"But now, things are different."

"The Noxians changed everything."

The iron hoof of Noxus trampled on the local balance of internal balance, also trampled on the cultural tradition of national anti-war, and destroyed everyone's belief in the way of balance.

In this war that lasted for several years, some clans and sects were wiped out in the flames of war;

Some sects and sects were reborn from the ashes of the war, rose against the odds, and grew into huge overlords.

The soldiers and people who followed them were no longer extremely opposed to the war, but actively and fanatically supported it.

So, the masters suddenly discovered:

Fighting may disrupt the balance and lead to the invasion of evil spirits;

But if you don't fight, the enemy may kill you before Ionia is destroyed by evil spirits.

What's more, war can bring so many benefits, allowing them to have more land, more subjects, and more resources, and become a hero praised by others and a king worshiped by everyone.

"Do you understand?" Master Qingxia sighed: "We can't go back! Ionia has changed!"

Now that Ionia is full of warlords and wars are everywhere, it has become the second Noxus.

If you want to end the chaos and restore peace, you should learn from Noxus!

More than 900 years ago, when Noxus was founded, the situation in the Roxi Plains was even more chaotic than in Ionia today.

So how did they do it?

The emperor used the feudal system to unite a group of powerful tribes, and gradually formed a powerful imperial center during the war. Finally, he used the always-powerful imperial center to suppress local warlords, forming a stable empire with an immortal fortress as its centerpiece.

After more than 900 years, although there were occasional rebellions within the empire, it was generally able to maintain peace and stability.

The Kingdom of Demacia, which has successfully lasted for 700 years, and the Shurima Empire, which lasted for 3,000 years, almost did the same thing in history.

With these three precedents for implementing enfeoffment and successfully maintaining long-term internal stability, if Ionia doesn't learn from them, who can it learn from?

"I..." Irelia was shaken by the words.

But she still stubbornly retorted: "But the Shurima Empire was destroyed in the end, wasn't it?"

"Shurima did successfully maintain its existence for 3,000 years, but after it was the Darkin War started by the Shurima warlords, which lasted for a full 1,500 years and almost destroyed the entire world."

"But we, Ionia, have successfully maintained peace in the past nearly 10,000 years."

After such a comparison, it seems that the method passed down by our ancestors is the best.

If the systems of Shurima, Noxus, and Demacia don't work, Ionia should return to tradition.

"Return to tradition?" Master Qingxia only asked her: "How do you plan to return?"

"As long as everyone works together to defeat those warlords and careerists who are unwilling to return to tradition..." Irelia said.

"Childish!" Master Qingxia interrupted her coldly.

Irelia's idea is correct, but this is another "putting the elephant in the refrigerator" correct approach that has no practical possibility.

Because she has to face a problem first:

"Work together?" Master Qingxia asked: "How do you get everyone to work together and make everyone give up the benefits they have gained and follow you to fight for your ideals?"

"Ask Master Ravi, ask them -"

Qingxia ignored Master Ravi's ugly expression and used him as an example:

"Are they willing to work together with you?"

"..." Irelia was silent for a moment.

She finally realized that she had overlooked something.

She fantasizes that the masters can help her eradicate those warlord careerists who destroy tradition.

But the senior masters around her were themselves warlord careerists who destroyed tradition.

In these years of fighting, the masters have become rich and powerful, and they don't want to go back to the past.

She wants to return to tradition because she wants to revolutionize the lives of these masters and seniors!

"Why, why is this happening..." Irelia, who has a strong nature, couldn't help but let tears soak her eyes at this time.

These are not tears of vulnerability, but of regret.

She looked at Master Ravi and the six seniors with guilty faces in confusion.

These people in front of her are all heroes of Ionia, her once respected masters and trusted comrades-in-arms, but now, they have all betrayed their past ideals.

"Master Ravi, why?" Irelia wanted an answer: "In order to protect your compatriots and Navoli, you were seriously injured four times, nearly died twice, and lost three sons and one daughter... "

"Did you pay such a high price just for land and power?"

Master Ravi was a little embarrassed at first.

But soon, he retorted angrily: "Yes, I paid such a high price for Ionia——"

"That's why I deserve enough reward, isn't it?"

Tam said he had fallen, and Irelia thought he had changed.

But Master Ravi feels that he deserves all this:

"Our Sharma family lost so many descendants in this war and made such great sacrifices. Why can't we get more land and power as compensation for our Sharma family?"

"How come Noxians can earn privileges by working hard, but we can only get worthless honors by working hard?"

“We have been fighting for so many years, what’s wrong with enjoying ourselves?”

Irelia: "..."

She looked at Master Ravi, whose temperament had changed drastically, and then at Qingxia, who had a firm attitude, as well as the masters who were also opposed to him.

Suddenly, she asked: "Besides the seven of you, are there any other undercover agents in the resistance?"

"No." Master Qingxia told her frankly.

"But does it matter?"

"Except for these three young men from the Swift Wind Sword Sect..." Qingxia glanced at Yi, Yasuo and Yongen with regret: "The remaining 24 masters are no longer your comrades."

"Even if they don't betray you, they won't be able to accompany you any longer."

"..." Irelia was desperate.

But she was not desperate because she was surrounded.

But she finally realized that her ideal was just a joke and a fantasy that was impossible to realize.

Even if she survives today and walks out from here, she cannot let Ionia return to its previous appearance.

Times have changed.

The heart is not with her.

"The new era requires a new balance."

"And Irelia, you are just a remnant of the old era."

At this time, a deep voice sounded in the air.

Everyone looked around and saw two men appearing in front of them one after another, surrounded by a group of brotherhood killers.

One of them everyone knows, it is the notorious traitor of Balance in Ionia, the Lord of Shadow Stream, Zed.

The other person, whom Jie Du followed respectfully, was a mysterious old man wearing a mask.

"Master." Qingxia nodded to him.

"Master!" So did Ravi and others.

"He is..." Irelia speculated in her mind: "The leader of the Brotherhood?"

She also has some understanding of the situation of the Navoli Brotherhood.

The founder of the Navoli Brotherhood voluntarily abdicated two years ago and gave up the position of leader to a mysterious strong man who wears a mask all day long.

No one knows the true identity of this new leader. Everyone only knows that he is powerful and has excellent methods, which has allowed the Navoli Brotherhood to develop rapidly in the past two years.

Irelia has always been curious about who this sudden master is.

And now it seems...

"Master Qingxia, Master Ravi..." Irelia observed their expressions with concern: "You all know him?"

"Yes." Master Ravi sighed softly: "If I hadn't known the true identity of this master, I probably wouldn't have been able to make the decision I made now."

They all knew this mysterious leader and were very familiar with him before.

"Since everyone here is my own, there is no need for me to hide my identity anymore." At this time, the masked old man spoke: "Irelia——"

"Let's see who wants you to die."

With that said, the old man took off his mask.

Irelia's eyes widened in disbelief, and she instantly fell into the abyss of despair.

Because the old man in front of me...

If even he calls Irelia the "enemy of balance," then Irelia herself will think that she is the enemy of balance that should be eliminated.

Because he is the one who holds the highest interpretation power of the Way of Balance, the leader of the Balance Sect, and takes office as the Eye of Twilight——

"Master Kushuo?!"

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