LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 367 Catalina’s “Big Discovery”

In order to win the favor of her target, Catalina had to agree.

"Great." Galen smiled expectantly. He couldn't wait to say: "Then I will arrange for you to go to Zu'an tomorrow."

"Huh?" Catalina was slightly startled.

She was stunned for a while: "Zu An?"

Do I have to go to Zaun for my next class?

"No, this is not just for class." Galen explained: "Mainly because, Miss Kana, according to the regulations of the coalition, you are going to Zaun."

Because Wuji Village is too close to the front line and may be affected by the war at any time, in order to ensure the safety of non-combatants, prisoners of war and refugees need to be transferred to Zaun, the rear of the Wind Leader, through the Hex Flying Gate after a short period of repair. .

Katarina, LeBlanc, and Talon are no exception.

"This..." Catalina was embarrassed for a while.

Zu'an is thousands of miles away from here. If she went to Zaun, how could she come back to seduce Galen?

"Lord Galen." She could only say bravely: "Can we not go? I am not afraid of danger, I just want to be closer to you."

"Don't worry." Galen explained with a smile: "Zu'an is not far from here at all."

If you take a boat, it will take nearly 2 months to go back and forth from Zaun to Ionia. but...

"Did you see that?" Galen pointed out the window. The three giant Hex flying gate arrays stood among the mountains and forests, constantly emitting dazzling magical light in the afterglow of the setting sun.

"That's the Wind Leader's ultra-long-range Hex Flying Gate. It can directly connect Zaun and Wuji Village across space, making the two places thousands of miles apart become instantly accessible."

"Our logistics materials are transmitted from Zaun to Ionia through it, and the wounded, prisoners of war, and logistics personnel can also return to Zaun instantly through it."

"Due to the frequent demand for personnel and material exchanges, there is now one Hex teleportation flight from Wuji Village to Zaun every 10 minutes."

The leader almost used the Hex Flying Gate as an "intercontinental bus", completely connecting Wuji Village and Zaun, which were thousands of miles apart.

That's why Galen said that the two places are not far away at all.

After all, there is a Hex flight every 10 minutes. Taking the "intercontinental bus" from Zaun to Wuji Village may even be more convenient and faster than driving from Zaun to Piltover.

Wuji Village has almost become an urban area of ​​Zaun.

In order to relieve the stress of the war and relieve the tension of the frontline soldiers, the Wind Leader Association even had the luxury of allowing them to return to Zaun in batches for rest.

The soldiers usually spend the first week drinking tea and watching movies in Zaun, the second week playing with drones in Wuji Village, the third week playing football in Zuan for a sports meeting, and the fourth week continuing to return to Wuji Village to throw drones and bomb from the air. Noxian Japs....

This battle was more pleasant than a leisurely vacation.

"So even if you go to Zaun, I can visit you at any time, Miss Kana." Galen said sincerely: "When I have a holiday in a few days, we can also...ahem...that's fine too. Let’s go shopping in Zaun together.”

Galen expressed his affection in a subtle way, but Caterina had no time to care.

She patronized and was shocked.

She never imagined that while the empire's hundred thousand troops were guarding the foot of the mountain in pain, wiping away tears and writing suicide notes to their families thousands of miles away, the leader on the mountain could actually live such a luxurious life.

Are you still able to take turns and take vacations, go home to visit your relatives, and even ask a girl to go shopping in Zaun? Is this still a war?

"I also heard some words from the businessmen in the city about the Hex Flying Gate."

As an island province rich in maritime trade, Balua has relatively closer trade exchanges with the continent of Valoran than other parts of Ionia. So even a "country girl" like her has reasonable access to a lot of news coming back from overseas.

So, Catalina pretended to be curious and inquired quietly: "The businessman said that the Hex Flying Gate in Piltover is almost made of gold, and it will cost a lot of money to activate it once."

But the leader used this thing as a bus and the main logistics transportation force of a large army.

"General Galen, why is the leader so rich?"

"Well..." Galen thought for a while, but it was hard to explain.

There are many reasons for this.

On the one hand, Wuji Village was heavily besieged by a hundred thousand enemy troops, so supplies could only be transported in this way;

On the one hand, the leader has mastered the entire industry chain from energy production to application, and the cost is not as high as expected.

Of course, the most important thing is:

"Our leader is indeed rich." Miss Lux on the side couldn't help but said proudly.

And her pride is not based on the leader's wealth, but on her contempt for the enemy.

"We have money, but most of it is given by Noxians." She said with a proud smile.

"Given by the Noxians?" Katarina's heart moved.

The Empire is now at war with the Wind Leader in Ionia, and it's just short of a full-scale war. Why is it sending money to the Wind Leader?

Could it be that she accidentally uncovered a major corruption scandal involving enemies within the empire?

"What does this mean?" Catalina asked subconsciously.

But LeBlanc gave her a secret look, as if to signal her not to mind her own business.

But it was already too late.

Lux had already started talking and revealed to her:

"It's not like Noxus gave money to the Wind Leader for free, but they are still doing business with Zaun overtly and covertly."

"Even though we killed the Noxian general Urgot two months ago and started fighting with them in Baru'a, in the past two months, the trade volume between Noxus and Zaun has increased. It’s still climbing.”

"The business between Noxus and Zaun has never stopped, and their money is naturally like running water, flowing continuously into the pockets of the leader, turning into explosives and drones, and turning into sea The Gems of Kox turned into seemingly free cannonballs that landed on the heads of the Noxian soldiers."

The mocking smile on Lux's lips made Katarina realize something instantly.

yes! Why doesn't Noxus impose trade sanctions and blockade Zaun?

Zaun's largest trading partner is Noxus, and its largest source of income is also the foreign trade business with Noxus.

Although the Windleaders are now also looking for trade cooperation with other countries such as Demacia, trying to reduce their economic dependence on the Noxian Empire.

But the ship was turned around due to the disaster, and a trade structure adjustment of this scale cannot be adjusted in a day or two.

At this moment, although the Wind Leader has temporarily solved the most critical food security problem through cooperation with Demacia.

But Zaun still relies heavily on the market and raw materials provided by the Noxus Empire. At least six out of ten dollars of their money are earned from Noxus.

And the Bluebird drones that blew up Katarina's father were made and manufactured by Zaun using the money he earned from Noxus and the raw materials he bought from Noxus. Transported.

"Why are Noxians so stupid?" Katarina couldn't understand.

Although Zaun's economic size is not small, it is not enough when compared with the behemoth Noxus.

The Noxus Empire is fully capable of completely cutting off trade with Zaun and completely blocking Zaun.

For Noxus, who has a large body and high defense, this will be a pain at most.

At most, the nobles will buy less yachts, the wealthy businessmen will buy less cars, the middle-class citizens will buy less radios, the landlords and farmers will buy less alchemical fertilizers, and more worthless serfs will starve to death in the coming year.

The empire can completely afford this price.

But for Zu An, this can be said to be a disaster.

Without the raw materials and market orders provided by Noxus, most of Zaun's factories would quickly fall into bankruptcy and shutdown in a short period of time. At least hundreds of thousands of people will be unemployed as a result, and the bankruptcy storm and unemployment wave will quickly drain the funds of the leader, leaving the leader no longer able to support a costly war.

Even if they do this, they will certainly not be able to defeat the Leader Association, which is united by faith.

But it can only make the leader less arrogant and extravagant, so extravagant that he can use drones transported by Hex Flying Gate to perform carpet bombing, so that the empire's 100,000-strong army cannot even attack a mountain.

So, here comes the question:

Since a trade blockade has so many benefits, and Noxus has the ability to implement it, why doesn't the Empire do it?

"Well..." Lux smiled: "According to Noxus' official statement, this is because Zaun and Noxus have not officially started a war, so the empire should not sanction Zaun yet."

"..." Katerina was speechless.

Indeed, theoretically speaking, it is the Ionian Wind Leader who is now at war with the Noxus Empire, not the Zaun Wind Leader.

The Wind Leader has also been using this excuse to maintain an ambiguous peace with Swain of Piltover.

But unless your eyesight is worse than Lee Sin's, you can figure it out personally: This is just a covert excuse that Zaun made to avoid an all-out war with Noxus and to cut off trade between the two countries.

But how could this Zaunian excuse be used by Noxian gentlemen?

Zaun’s Hex Flying Gate is clearly visible here. You believe them when they say they didn’t participate in the war?

"Of course they have to believe it." Lux smiled: "Because every penny Zaan earns from Noxus has a share in it for the imperial nobles."

More than just one serving.

As far as the business environment in Noxus is concerned, profit sharing is at least 30-70.

70% of it belongs to the noble man, and the most Zu An can earn is 30%.

And just a small part of this 30% profit is enough for Zaun to use the Hex Flying Gate as an intercontinental bus, transport hundreds of suicide drones regardless of the cost, and blow up Noxus. One hundred thousand troops were trapped for ten months, unable to advance even an inch.

"Miss Kanna, do you understand now?" Lux smiled and said something that refreshed Katarina's worldview: "The Noxus Empire is indeed capable of sealing off Zaun."

"But the Noxian nobles are not capable of sealing themselves off."

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