LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 375 LeBlanc’s insurance measures

Galen and Catalina walked out of the cinema and wandered down the street again.

The two stood side by side, holding hands on the road in that subtle and charming atmosphere, just like an ordinary urban couple.

But Katarina looked a little distracted.

"Kana, what are you thinking about?" Galen asked with concern.

"I... was thinking about the movie just now." Catalina hesitated for a moment, and finally revealed her feelings with relief.

She asked Galen: "General Galen, if you were that General Swain, what would you do when you found that your country was sick to the bone?"

"..." Galen was silent for a while.

He didn't seem to expect that Kana would see such a profound question in the movie, and he seemed to be thinking about something secretly.

Finally, he replied with a subtle look: "If Demacia is controlled by a cabal like the Black Rose like Noxus, then of course I, as the heir to the Crownguard family and a knight appointed by the king, will do it for me. We must be loyal to our country and fight to the end against these conspirators to usurp power.”

Galen's words sounded righteous.

But Catalina could tell that this guy was avoiding the problem.

Galen also studied the theory of the leader, and studied it in depth. But in his answer, he was still only willing to show his sword to the Black Rose and other "cabals", rather than directly address the essence of the problem.

This is really...

So much like her.

Catalina looked at Galen's helpless eyes and felt that she was in the same boat.

Galen is a German noble, and she is an imperial noble. If they want to pursue change, they must first reform themselves and everything they believed in in the past.

Fortunately... what she believed in in the past has been almost shattered by the movie just now.

"But, Mr. Galen." Katarina took a deep breath, as if asking herself: "Noxus was created by the Black Rose from the beginning. This organization has been firmly in control for nearly 1,000 years. This empire.”

"That is to say..."

The Black Rose is not an underground cabal at all, not a so-called small group of rebels.

They are Noxus itself, the Emperor of Noxus, and the true masters of this great empire.

"Opposing the Black Rose, in the final analysis, means opposing the current Noxus Empire."

No matter how you use slogans such as "honor the emperor and punish traitors" or "clear the emperor's side" to cover up your behavior, in essence, what you do is...

"It's a rebellion." Catalina stopped escaping.

"Mr. Galen." She asked again: "If a similar situation occurs in Demacia, are you really determined to hold high the flag of justice and wave your sword to the king you once swore allegiance to?"

Galen was speechless for a moment, as if he didn't dare to face this sharp question.

After a long time, he answered with difficulty: "I...should be able to."

"But I'm not betraying Demacia. I'm just trying to make it great again. I..."

As he spoke, Galen himself felt guilty and stopped talking.

Because the core idea of ​​what he just said is, to put it bluntly, to "feng Tian Jingnan" - that is, to rebel.

Regardless of whether he is doing it for Demacia or something, regardless of whether his motives are pure or not, the essence of this behavior is rebellion.

So, here comes the question...

"Mr. Galen, since you are determined to rebel in order to make Demacia better." Katarina asked Galen, and also asked herself: "Then why don't you be more thorough and let the leader Who will lead Demacia?"

Galen blushed when he heard this.

He suddenly found that he was surrounded by Catalina——

Swain's story resonated with him. Following the excuse of opposing the Black Rose, he put himself into Swain's perspective and unknowingly let go of his foolish loyalty to the royal power.

And that's scary enough.

Because the theoretical core that maintains Demacia's feudal monarchy system is the absolute loyalty of knights to the king and vassals to the monarch.

But he just got too deep into the drama and even dared to say the words "Qingjunzi".

How does this look like a knight?

And just like Catalina said, since he dared to rebel, since he could put aside his loyalty to the royal power, what reason did he have to maintain the old world?

For the family's privileges and interests?

Galen didn't care about that. He has never been greedy for money and has no interest in money.

Or is it for the sake of friendship with Prince Jarvan?

But Prince Jiawen had already surrendered. The "big fool" sold all his family property as soon as he came up, and encouraged him to rebel against his own family every day.

Or for your parents?

But his mother was already hedging her bets with Lux, waiting to flexibly adjust her stance to follow the wind.

"I, I..." Galen was flustered for a while.

Catalina was simply like the best political cadre of the Leader. In just a few words, she managed to break Galen's guard, who had been struggling for months and refused to change his stance.

At this time, she suddenly sighed with relief: "Thank you, Mr. Galen."

"Thank you for what?" Galen was puzzled.

"Thank you for letting me find the answer." Catalina's expression was complicated, but her eyes were firm.

And at this moment, just in time, the clock rang at 12 noon.

This is Zaun’s daily time to clean up the city’s smog.

Catalina has lived here for a month and knows what's coming.

Representatives of the leaders of each city in Zaun will fly up into the sky with the sound of the bell, flying under the thick haze that blocks the sky and the sun, as if it is unshakable.

On the ground, students, workers, citizens... almost everyone in Zaun will look up at the sky at this moment and stop to watch.

The wind leaders among them will use their faith to summon the wisps of divine power of the goddess, and contribute their own strength to the representatives of the wind leaders who are responsible for guiding work in the sky.

Each of these strengths is very weak, but if brought together, the power is enough to change the world.

"Miss Kana, you..." Galen's eyes widened in surprise.

I saw the air around Catalina surging and the breeze blowing endlessly.

She controlled this air flow young and earnestly, and raised her hands high to contribute this divine power to the sky.

Countless groups of such breezes gathered together, setting off an unstoppable wind of change over Zaun.

In an instant, the wind and clouds dispersed, Yuyu clarified, and the sun illuminated this city that had not been touched by the sun for more than 200 years.

Catalina bathed in the warm sunshine.

Feeling the divine power surging in her body and looking at the thread of faith summoned by herself, she finally confirmed and recognized her identity: "Yes, Mr. Galen——"

"Now I am already the leader."

" great." Galen was happy for her.

Then Catalina seemed to have finally made a major decision. She walked up to him seriously and confessed to him: "Mr. Galen, I have one more thing that I must tell you."


Catalina was about to confess everything, but her voice stopped abruptly.

Only then did she realize with horror that she seemed to have lost control of her body.

She couldn't speak, couldn't make a sound, and couldn't move any part of her body, not even a finger.

But her body was moving again - like a puppet, acting according to the consciousness of a mysterious person.

"Who is it? Damn...Lanfu, it's you, right?! Bastard...what did you do to my brain?!" Katarina shouted angrily in her heart.

"You can guess it's me, you still have some brains." A familiar voice, LeBlanc's voice, appeared out of thin air in her mind.

"You ask what I did to you? Ha... I just took some necessary insurance measures."

"And it turns out that it is necessary to do this-" LeBlanc's voice turned cold: "You have indeed rebelled, Katarina."

"You?!" Catalina wanted to curse Zaan a few more words.

"However, this is good." LeBlanc said: "Miss Kana will be more useful than Katarina as the leader, isn't it?"

"What do you want to do?" Katerina was a little nervous.

"Don't worry, I can't do anything." LeBlanc has the ability to confuse people and control consciousness, but she cannot completely control a leader.

In other words, she can control all the actions of a wind leader, but she cannot control the wind leader to use magic, summon the thread of faith, and deceive the wind leader's faith measurement.

Not only LeBlanc can’t do this, but no one in the world can do it.

Not even when God comes.

Because the premise for the power of faith to maintain existence is that the person's soul is not controlled by magic and has independent consciousness.

After all, if a person does not even have an independent sense of freedom, how can his soul give birth to true faith?

This is a "game mechanics" issue.

No matter how powerful a player is, it is impossible to change the game mechanism based on his operations in the game.

"What I can control is your body." LeBlanc said in an ambiguous tone: "And the only value of your body to me is..."

"B-bastard!" Catalina shuddered: "What are you going to do with my body?"

LeBlanc did not explain, but gave her an order coldly:

"Do you see the man in front of you?"

"Kiss him, Katarina."

"You?!" Catalina wanted to scold again.

But LeBlanc said: "Don't forget, now I can use your body. What you don't want to do, I can personally help you do it."

"So...are you going to do it alone, or are we going to do it together?"

Catalina: "..."

She imagined the scene for a moment, thinking of herself watching Katarina "piloted" by LeBlanc, and Galen...

"I'll do it myself." She surrendered.

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