LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 379 LeBlanc’s job application

On the other side, LeBlanc and Tai Lung were intercepted by Levi falling from the sky before they could escape far.

Levi was not in a hurry to take action, but just looked at the two of them curiously.

A hooded boy holding a knife:

"Tailon?" Levi tentatively called out his name.

A black-haired girl holding a staff:

"LeBlanc?" Although this girl's appearance is not at all like the trickster enchantress in Levi's impression.

But Swain said that Katarina smells like LeBlanc. So Levi still guessed and called out her name.

"This..." Tailong's expression was solemn.

He didn't know why Levi knew his name, and he didn't know why Levi called his commander LeBlanc.

But his dangerous instinct as an assassin was already reminding him of the power of the man in front of him. Invincible and powerful.

"Sir Lanfu." Tyrone asked solemnly, "What should we do now?"

"What should I do?" LeBlanc was relieved.

She threw the staff in her hand at any time and showed a leisurely look of being at ease: "Whether it's surrendering or committing suicide to die for the country, it's up to you. Anyway, we have already lost."

"I understand." Tyrone was silent for a while.

He hesitated for a few seconds, and finally picked up the knife and was about to wipe it on his neck.

"Huh?" Levi frowned slightly.

The air pressure around Tai Long suddenly changed, and a powerful air flow fell from the sky, suppressing him heavily to the ground.

His knife was also ruthlessly swept away by the airflow, flying to the ground dozens of meters away.

"Why commit suicide?" Levi asked him.

"Those who fail the mission must die." Tai Lung said: "This is the rule of Teacher Du Kecao."

"But you've been here for a month." Li Wei asked again: "Didn't you learn anything in Zaun this month?"

"I..." Tai Lung's expression darkened: "I have indeed learned it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have hesitated for those few seconds just now."

As he spoke, he struggled against the airflow on his body and tried hard to get up. And he fought so hard just to be able to commit suicide.

"..." Levi was silent.

"You think I'm stupid, don't you?" Tyrone struggled to raise his head.

He thought he would see Levi's disdainful, mocking, fool-like look.

But what he saw was Levi's warm and peaceful eyes.

"No, on the contrary." Li Wei said: "I can understand you, Tailong. Many people in Zaun can understand you."

"We have all experienced the pain you experienced as a child. We have all eaten moldy bread, worn tattered clothes, and experienced a life without dignity and hope."

"If someone saved us from this situation like Du Cecao saved you, then we would probably be willing to give our lives for him, right? So we can understand you, Tyrone."

"This..." Tai Long had a complicated mood.

Levi actually knew his past and could really understand him.

He even felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy from the enemy in front of him. This feeling may be what the leader calls...class camaraderie?

"Don't be in a hurry to die yet." Levi didn't persuade him any more.

As a dead soldier who has been educated in loyalty since childhood, Tai Lung's thoughts are not so easy to change.

And Tyrone is not stupid. What he needs is not more preaching, but time to think and change his mindset.

So Li Wei didn't give him any lessons, but just told him: "Tailon, the daughter of your teacher Du Kecao has become a leader. Why are you in such a hurry to commit suicide and die as a hero?"

"You wait a little longer and accept reform through labor in Zu'an first. Maybe after a few more days, your teacher will also join the bandwagon."

Tyrone: "..."

The air flow that suppressed him and prevented him from moving had disappeared without realizing it.

Tai Lung looked at the knife he had left in the distance... he thought about it for a long time, but finally didn't take it.

"Mr. Levi." LeBlanc watched everything quietly from the side.

Finally, she asked with concern: "Why are you so familiar with Tai Lung, me, and the Black Rose situation?"

"Does the goddess Janna, as the incarnation of wind, have any omniscience and omnipotence?"

Levi has too many secrets.

LeBlanc had been hiding for more than 1,000 years without anyone discovering her true identity.

And she has only been in Zaun for a month now, and her name, title and even appearance have already been drawn on their game cards by the Zaun people, and included in the latest "Black Rose Expansion Pack" launched this month... .

So even the little brats in Zaun knew that there was a Black Rose in Noxus, and that there was a bad woman named LeBlanc in the Black Rose.

"How on earth did you find me?" LeBlanc wanted to know. She even suspected that the hidden demon that escaped from the Immortal Fortress was abducted by Levi. But even that demon shouldn't know so much.

"No comment." Of course Levi would not give an explanation to the enemy.

"Okay..." LeBlanc was not surprised by this result: "Since you know me so well, we can have a good talk."

"Talk?" Li Wei asked with a smile: "Do you think that from our standpoint, there is still time to talk?"

"Of course." LeBlanc looked very relaxed: "I think you should know what my purpose was when I founded the Black Rose and Noxus in the first place, right?"

Hearing this, Levi quietly put away his smile: "In order to maximize the accumulation of strength to fight against Mordekaiser who may be resurrected in the future?"

"You really know." LeBlanc's expression also became serious.

Mordekaiser, formerly known as Thane Uzul, was an ancient warlord active in the previous era.

Of course, calling him a warlord obviously lowers this man's style.

With Mordekaiser's power, he was almost the greatest emperor, the most powerful warrior, and the terrifying being closest to a god in the world at that time.

But he is not a true god after all. This almost divine power did not bring him the eternal life he longed for most.

As time passed, Mordekaiser died.

However, death is not the end of his life's journey, but the beginning of a new round of terrifying journey.

The emperor who went to the underworld after death actually retained his consciousness by virtue of his strong will, found a way to return to the material realm from the underworld, and fought back from the underworld.

"You must also know, Mr. Levi." LeBlanc observed Levi's expression: "The last time Mordekaiser was resurrected, he almost emptied the entire continent of Valoran."

"He is a complete tyrant, no..."

To describe him as a tyrant is to beautify him. Mordekaiser is a humanoid natural disaster, an anti-human murderer.

Because Mordekaiser is no longer a human being, but the emperor of the underworld and the monarch of the undead.

The purpose of his last resurrection was to kill as many humans as possible and create more undead, thereby expanding his underworld army and strengthening his own power.

In other words...the more people die in Valoran, the stronger Mordekaiser will become.

In the eyes of Mordekaiser, humans are just a group of prey.

And this is doomed, Wind Leader and Mordekaiser, no, it should be said that humans and Mordekaiser, can never coexist peacefully.

"As long as Mordekaiser is resurrected again, Runeterra is destined to usher in a catastrophe."

"I have worked hard over the past 1,000 years to help the Noxus Empire grow step by step, just to concentrate human power as much as possible to deal with this inevitable disaster."

"This is not only for my own safety and interests, but also for the survival of all mankind." LeBlanc acted like a selfless human hero at this time.

"I don't deny this." Levi commented unceremoniously: "From the perspective of all mankind, the black rose has made a contribution."

"But the species conflict between humans and Mordekaiser's undead army cannot be used as an excuse to cover up the class conflicts within humans."

"Now that Mordekaiser has not yet come to the mortal world, the main contradiction we face is the contradiction between the people of Runeland's desire for a better life and the cruel exploitation of the world by the Noxian Empire."

In other words, this battle must continue.

A black rose cannot be whitewashed into a human hero. As a major part of the Noxian privileged class, they need to be completely liquidated.

"I understand." LeBlanc was honest.

She had no intention of whitewashing herself, and even changed her identity to become a leader.

She just wanted to express: "Even if we are enemies, we can cooperate in the future, Mr. Levi."

"You..." Levi frowned slightly: "Are you going to surrender?"

"Surrender? No..." LeBlanc said with a smile: "If you have already invaded the Immortal Fortress, then this can be regarded as my surrender."

"But now, I am just stating a fact. As your leaders said: things are in motion, contradictions develop, and the main contradictions in society are not static..."

Now that Mordekaiser has not been resurrected, the main conflict is still the class conflict within mankind, and LeBlanc and Levi are still enemies.

But Mordekaiser will be resurrected sooner or later, and both of them know this.

"So, we will definitely be comrades in arms in the future." LeBlanc said very confidently: "Even if you eventually destroy the Black Rose, you will not kill me."

"Are you so confident?" Levi asked her.

"Of course." LeBlanc smiled: "Because I am the person who knows Mordekaiser best, and you need me... In the words of your leader, I have united front value."

"So?" Levi frowned deeply: "What do you want?"

"A promise." LeBlanc smiled slyly: "If it is the Wind Leader who defeats the Black Rose in the end, I hope you can pardon my past crimes and hire me as your personal consultant."

"Private consultant?" Levi understood immediately.

This woman wanted to leave a way out for herself and let him and the goddess Janna protect her after the Black Rose was destroyed.

After all, LeBlanc betrayed Mordekaiser and sealed him back to the underworld with her own hands.

Although this was originally part of Mordekaiser's plan, the cruel and ruthless emperor of the underworld would obviously not tolerate any betrayal against him.

Once he is resurrected, LeBlanc's death will come.

"It's not impossible if you want me to save your life." Levi seemed to be thinking seriously: "You do have united front value, but if you want to realize the united front value, you need to fight for it in time."

You should vote for Janna as early as possible.

To cast one's support early is to provide help in times of need, to abandon darkness and cast one's support into the light;

Late investment is the icing on the cake and is deliberate speculation.

The former can have a seat at the meeting, but the latter can only go to the labor camp.

"If you really want to be my personal advisor, you'd better do it now." Levi said.

"Now?" LeBlanc seemed to have heard some fantasy.

She smiled: "With all due respect, President Levi. Although the leader has great potential, he has not yet shown the strength to win."

At this time, the Noxus Empire still had the upper hand.

Black Rose's trump card hidden in the Immortal Fortress is no weaker than the goddess Janna behind the Wind Leader.

Even if LeBlanc is really crazy about gain and loss and is willing to lead everyone to submit, those nobles will not listen to her.

The nobles would just think that the "emperor" was crazy, and then kill the emperor and replace him with another one.

Of course, she, the "emperor", could go behind the backs of the nobles and quietly seek refuge with Janna. Just like Prince Jarvan.


"In the past 1,000 years, the only one who has the ability to make me surrender is Mordekaiser." Leblanc narrowed her eyes and refused to give in: "President Levi..."

"If you want to be my master, you have to show more power."

"Okay." Levi didn't care much: "You missed an opportunity, LeBlanc."

"I'm just not that stupid," LeBlanc said tit-for-tat.

She asked in turn: "So, President Levi, do you agree to give me this promise?"

This is obviously a waste of money. I want to negotiate a good salary with the leader in advance and see the direction of the wind before deciding whether to change jobs.

Standard opportunist.

As the leader of the organization, although Levi hates them, he will not treat this type of people emotionally.

He just asked curiously: "Can I ask you a question? How strong is Mordekaiser? Can he be killed?"

Li Wei really didn't know how to kill a god of the underworld.

Can it be destroyed directly with violence, or does it require some special sealing technique?

"I don't know how strong he is now." LeBlanc did not hesitate to share some information that she thought was innocuous:

"I only know that when Mordekaiser was sealed by my design 1,000 years ago, his strength was no less than any demigod in Runeterra."

"As for whether Mordekaiser can be killed..."

"Of course it can."

It was only because of her lack of strength that she could only use trickery to seal him. This does not mean that Mordekaiser cannot be killed, only sealed.

"The undead are just another form of life."

“When a man is killed, he dies—as long as you are stronger than him.”

It sounds simple, but it is not so easy to do.

Mordekaiser had surpassed the power of the goddess Janna 1,000 years ago, and later secretly accumulated his soul in the underworld for 1,000 years, and accumulated 1,000 years of magical power...

Is there anyone in this world who can defeat him? Even demigods can't do it.

Invite the giant gods of the heavens and wandering gods of the astral world to come over and take a look, maybe they can even beat them.

"It is almost impossible for us to defeat Mordekaiser head-on. The only way to stop this madman is to seal him again."

"And the only way to seal him is me..."

LeBlanc was trying to elaborate on his united front value.

Unexpectedly, Levi interrupted her directly: "Okay, since Mordekaiser can be killed, then we have a way to deal with him."

"Miss LeBlanc, your united front value...may not be as great as you think."

"You?!" LeBlanc was shocked: "Do you think that the goddess Janna alone can defeat Mordekaiser?"

"Impossible! Even the goddess Janna in her heyday 3,000 years ago would not be able to do it!"

"You have underestimated the goddess Janna." Levi's eyes were calm: "You have also underestimated the power of these billions of mortals."

"Anyway, let me give you a pleasant word - will you surrender or not?"

LeBlanc responded with silence.

Finally, she replied: "I said, if you want me to kneel down and call you master, you must first show me that you are strong enough."

"When you defeat the empire on the battlefield of Baru'e and sit on the throne of the Immortal Fortress, come and say this to me."

"Okay, let's see you on the battlefield." Levi said, "Next time we meet, I won't be so polite to you."

A wind blade flashed and chopped off LeBlanc's head.


Meanwhile, the Immortal Fortress.

LeBlanc suddenly frowned.

"What, is there a situation?" The voice of her old partner, Vladimir, rang in her ears.

"It's nothing." LeBlanc quickly regained his composure: "I just lost a clone."

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