LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 409 Changes at the Arc de Triomphe (two in one)

Demacia's capital, military camp on the outskirts.

As the dazzling blue magic light of Hex's Flying Gate gradually dissipated, what appeared in front of Silas and other Mage Prisoner Army soldiers was the long-lost bright sunshine of their hometown.

The sky in Demacia is very beautiful, with a primitive and innocent beauty that is not polluted by industry.

This is Zuan, which is always covered in haze, and cannot be compared with it.

"The sunshine is so good here." The comrades who were traveling with him sighed.

"Really?" Silas just smiled: "I think Zu'an is better."

"You still hate this place?" The comrade said thoughtfully.

"No." Silas shook his head.

He's not so narrow-minded now.

To be honest, the sun in Demacia is indeed very bright today.

"But..." But the mages in the Forbidden Demon Tower couldn't shine. The poor peasants working in the fields, the vendors running on the streets, and the craftsmen working in front of the forge, I am afraid they will not like such a vicious sun.

"The sunshine in Demacia is very good, but it belongs to a few people after all." Silas looked at the vaguely visible city walls of the capital in the distance and murmured.

"It will be different from now on." The comrade said, "We came back this time to change everything."

"Yeah." Silas nodded seriously.

He did not forget the mission of his trip.

In Ionia, he witnessed and practiced with his own eyes a path that could save Demacia from its roots. He saw the beautiful future that Lux had promised him, gradually taking root in another land.

So, Silas returned to the land he once hated so much.

But at this time, the country he hated was no longer Demacia. He came to take revenge on his true enemy.

"Stand still, you damn sinners!" Suddenly, a harsh curse interrupted Silas's smug thoughts.

A group of knights from the Demon Searcher Corps arrived arrogantly on their war horses amid the dust in the sky.

The mage prisoner army that Silas belongs to returned to Demacia this time with the German expeditionary force led by Jarvan and Galen.

When the team of demon-seeking knights passed by the German Expeditionary Force, they didn't even dare to move too fast. As they passed by, they all dismounted and bowed to pay tribute to Prince Jarvan, General Galen, and all the soldiers of the expeditionary force.

But in front of their group of mages, the demon seeker knight's spirit immediately perked up.

They rode their horses and stopped proudly in front of Silas and the others. They pulled the reins again, sat high on the saddles, and raised their chins haughtily at the mages.

At first glance, it looked like these dozen demon hunters were surrounding the hundreds of battlefield-tested mages in front of them.

"Haha." Silas chuckled secretly.

In the past, he might have been angry. He was so angry that he wanted to lure the Freljord barbarians in and wipe out all the Demacians.

But now, he is relieved.

What forbidden magic eucalyptus? What demon searcher?

It is nothing more than a ruling method used by human beings to deal with involution and transfer conflicts under limited resource environment.

Silas can understand those nobles now. With Demacia's domestic resources limited and its inability to expand externally, letting mages be the "sacrifice" is indeed the best way to maintain internal stability.

If he were a German nobleman, he might do the same thing.

But this approach became obsolete after the pioneers brought the wind of change to the world.

These arrogant demon seeker soldiers in front of them, as well as the masters behind them, are just...

"Nothing more than dry bones in the grave." Silas sneered secretly.

In the face of this great change that has never happened in ten thousand years, who is a demon seeker, and who is Eldred?

It's just dust.

It dispersed as soon as the wind blew.

The demon seekers have not felt the ripples of the storm at all. They still regard the mages in front of them as livestock that can be driven at will and should be enslaved.

"Sinners!" The leader of the Demon Searchers raised his whip, as if: "Listen to me! I..."

"What do you want to do?" A shout suddenly sounded next to him.

Lux walked here quickly, carrying her extremely eye-catching Hex mechanical staff, accompanied by Sona.

"La-Miss Laxana?" The demon-seeker captain raised his riding whip and froze in mid-air.

"Who allowed you to talk to my soldiers like this?" Lux raised an eyebrow.

"I..." The Demon Searcher captain looked ugly. In fact, he didn't think he said anything wrong.

Even if these mages become soldiers of the prisoner army, they are also prisoners and sinners. Sinners infected with demons are not qualified to be treated as humans. This is Demacia's law.

Therefore, even if these mages are now soldiers of the Crown Guard family, they should be discriminated against.

But Lux didn't accept this trick: "Get off here!"

She raised her staff and released a scorching light with ease.

The demon-seekers' horses were so irritated by the light that they suddenly struggled and jumped uncontrollably. Many knights were caught off guard and fell off their horses on the spot.

The demon searcher captain at the head was very skilled and did not panic and fall off his horse.

But he looked at Lux's stern little face, but he still turned over sensibly and "fell" from the horse in an awkward manner.

"This, this is magic?" There was a young demon hunter behind him who was ignorant and shouted out after falling off his horse.

"Shut up!" The Demon Searcher captain glanced at the Crownguard crest on Lux's armor, turned around and glared at the young man: "This is Hex Technology...what do you know!"

In fact, whether it is Hex or magic, everyone is a little confused.

But since General Eldred hasn't spoken yet, and the superiors haven't made a decision yet, then it must be Hextech, not magic.

As for whether it will be Hex or magic, it will have to wait for the high-level meeting of the Demon Seeker Corps to study and decide.

"..." The demon searcher soldiers didn't understand so much.

In short, their superiority in front of the mage was completely defeated.

"Let me tell you -" At this time, Lux said something that was even more difficult for the demon hunters to accept: "These mages are not sinners, they are war heroes who fought bloody battles on the Ionian front with me!"

"They probably defeated more Noxians on the battlefield than you will ever see in your life."

"You should bow to these returning heroes just like you did the expeditionary force!"

"What?!" The Demon Searcher Captain was furious when he heard this.

This was already a problem that even the powerful Crown Guard family could not make him bow down to.

This is a matter of principle and a political issue. As a member of the Demon Seeker Corps, he would never give in.

If he bows here today, his job may not be guaranteed when he goes back.

"Bow." Lux said coldly with a straight face, "Otherwise you won't be able to leave."

"Miss Laxana, your request is too much!" the Demon Searcher Captain said with a cold face: "If you insist on making us bow to these sinners, then I will have no choice but to go back and report to Commander Eldred. ,let..."

"Heh." Lux was unmoved at all.

After all, she came back this time to provoke a conflict between the Royalists and the Demon Searchers.

It's best to let Eldred know this. If she doesn't know, then her play will be in vain.

So Lux's face darkened, her brows raised, and she used her childish and cute face like a porcelain doll to put on the domineering look of a noble and evil lady:

"Do you know what my last name is? He is worthy of holding Eldred over me!"

"This..." The demon searcher captain's expression turned extremely ugly.

"Bow." Lux urged coldly.

"This is impossible!" The Demon Searcher captain gritted his teeth and refused to obey: "The Demon Searchers will never bow to these devil-stricken bugs."

"You are insulting me and the Demon Seeker Corps, Miss Laxana!"

Judging from his determined expression, he really has an aura that is ready to dedicate his heart to the Demon Seeker Corps.

"Sona?" Lux looked at her friend a little uneasily.

It was also the first time for her to play the role of such an arrogant young lady, and she was really afraid of accidentally driving someone to death.

However, Sona only held the Guohua Guqin in her arms, looked at the demon hunters with concentration, and shook her head:

"You're all timid, don't be afraid."

Lux was relieved now.

She raised her staff unceremoniously. The Hex RGB light set inlaid on the staff shines brilliantly, and then:


A laser beam shot out, narrowly passing in front of the demon hunters.

The next second, a line was drawn on the ground beneath their feet, a deep ditch flowing with molten magma.

Just one inch, just one inch, and their bodies would melt in the blazing heat.

"?!" The demon hunters suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"Don't ask me to repeat myself again," Lux said.

There was a delicate silence.

Then, the demon seekers looked at their captain in horror.

And the Demon Searcher captain didn't hesitate for a second, and tremblingly bowed to the mages: "Happy, welcome the hero back home..."

"Louder, you can't hear me!" Lux snorted.

"Welcome the heroes back home!"

"Louder! I said I can't hear you, I just can't hear you!"

"Welcome the heroes back home!!!" the demon hunters shouted sadly.

"Hahaha..." The mages couldn't help laughing.

Even Silas, who had always looked bitter and resentful for more than ten years, couldn't help laughing.

Although he has given up his narrow hatred and chosen to embrace more ambitious ideals. But I have to say, it feels quite refreshing to see these demon seekers who usually treat mages like dogs, bowing here at this time...

"Okay, okay." Lux humiliated the team of demon hunters and stopped in a hurry.

After all, she was no longer a noble, and she was not used to being so oppressive.

So after achieving the goal of giving the Demon Seeker Corps a show of strength, Lux got to the point in time:

"You just came here, what are you going to tell us?"

"Well..." The Demon Searcher Captain wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said hesitantly, "It was General Eldred who asked me to deliver the order."

"He asked me to remind you of these crimes under your command... these warriors, when they return to the capital of Demacia later, they cannot use the Arc de Triomphe and must enter the city through the side entrance."

"Oh?" Lux thought thoughtfully.

The Arc de Triomphe is actually the eastern gate of the capital of Demacia.

This tall and magnificent city gate originally had no name.

It's just that in the past hundreds of years, Demacian soldiers returning from victory have always entered the capital through this city gate, and accepted the review of the king and nobles, as well as the people of the capital on the wide white stone paved street at the city gate. The aisle welcomes...

So over time, this city gate became known as the Arc de Triomphe by the Demacians.

"This time, there is also a welcome ceremony prepared at the Arc de Triomphe?" Lux asked knowingly.

"Of course." The demon searcher captain replied: "This time Prince Jarvan won the expedition and won the victory. Not only His Majesty the King and all the adults were present in person, but even the citizens of Xiongdu spontaneously gathered here to see the expeditionary force. Outside the Arc de Triomphe.”

The scene was really noisy with gongs and drums, firecrackers blasting, red flags waving, and huge crowds of people...

Demacia may not have seen such excitement in the past few decades.

"Then why aren't we allowed to go?" Lux raised her thin eyebrows: "We are also part of the expeditionary force!"

"This..." The demon searcher captain was immediately confused.

Are you crazy?

He really wanted to ask.

Forbidden magic is the iron law of Demacia. The Master is a sinner recognized by all.

It was a huge mercy for them to be allowed to wear explosive collars and leave the Demon Forbidden Tower to serve their country.

Even if these sinners have made meritorious service on the front line, they can only quietly return to the capital through the side door that no one notices, from the dark corner that belongs to them.

But now, Lux actually wants to lead a group of demon-stricken sinners and walk in openly from the Arc de Triomphe in front of His Majesty the King, the nobles of the court, and countless citizens of the capital?

What a shame!

The impact is really too bad.

This is to destroy the rituals and music of Demacia and destroy the country!

"Miss Laxana, please be sure..."

"Shut up." Lux raised the staff in her hand: "How much do you earn in a month? Why are you playing with your life?"

"..." The Demon Searcher Captain was silent for a moment.

In fact, he earns quite a lot. With salary, bonuses and all kinds of gray income, the life is no worse than that of a small noble.


The Demon Searcher Captain looked at the slightly lit RGB light bar on Lux's staff.

Sure enough, life is more valuable.

"As you please." He led his men and silently stepped aside.

Lux proudly mounted her horse, turned around and said to the mages: "Comrades...comrades!"

"Let's go, let's enter the Arc de Triomphe this time!"


Xiongdu, Arc de Triomphe.

King Jarvan III is currently leading the nobles of the Royal Capital of Demacia, standing at the gate of this magnificent city gate, happily waiting for the triumphant return of the German expeditionary force.

In addition to the king, nobles and the king's guards in formation, waiting crowded on both sides of the road, were countless citizens who came after hearing the news.

They held all kinds of flowers in their hands and had excited and cheerful smiles on their faces. Although the scene was so crowded that there was no place to stay, the enthusiasm of the citizens remained undiminished.

These people really weren't chosen, but came of their own free will.

Because the German expeditionary force led by Prince Jiawen did achieve a lot of results in Ionia this time.

"Have you heard? Prince Jarvan defeated one hundred thousand Noxian elites in the battle of Baru'a. Even the former Hand of Noxus, Theon, who once killed His Majesty, died this time. Out of his hands!"


"I also heard that even President Li Wei of the Wind Leader said that without the help of Prince Jarvan and the German Expeditionary Force this time, the Wind Leader would not be able to win this war..."


Hearing the praises of his son from the citizens from a distance, King Jarvan's old face burst into laughter.

It's stable, it's stable now.

His son is capable, but his biggest shortcoming is that he is young, has no military exploits, and has no prestige.

And King Jarvan is old, and the situation in Demacia is so delicate.

If he suddenly leaves one day, Prince Jiawen will have no fame and no reputation in the army. It will be difficult for the young man to take the throne and convince the public.

Well now, Prince Jiawen has fully achieved his military achievements and prestige in one battle in Ionia.

First, he brought back Sion's body this time.

Sion was a former general of Noxus and the murderer of the previous king, Jarvan I.

On the battlefield, in front of countless Demacia soldiers, he crushed the king's head with one hand.

This humiliating defeat was still a national humiliation that Demacians could not let go of more than 50 years later. It was a blood feud that the two generations of King Jarvan could not forget.

But this time, Prince Jarvan personally washed away this shame for his great-grandfather, the Jarvan royal family, and Demacia!

Sion's immortal body transformed by blood magic is now hanging on the wall of Demacia's capital like a trophy, staring at the people in Demacia's capital who are cheering loudly for Demacia.

Based on this alone, Prince Jarvan is enough to become a great hero in Demacia.

And his achievements don't stop there.

"It was he who led the coalition to victory!"

"It was he who defeated the 100,000 Noxian army in one battle, defeated the Black Rose and the famous general Du Cecao, and frightened the Noxians to begin to fully shrink their front lines, instantly reducing the war pressure faced by Demacia. Empty..."

If calculated based on this record, Prince Jarvan is simply a general among generals, a symbol of invincibility, the nemesis of Noxus, the savior of Ionia and Demacia, and a young hero who even Du Cecao admired. , the most outstanding marshal among all the outstanding generals in Runeterra...

"Ahem." King Jarvan himself felt a little embarrassed when he heard the increasingly outrageous compliments from the crowd.

He knew that saying this would overstate the existence of the main friendly force of the Wind Leader, and seriously highlight the role of Prince Jarvan and the German Expeditionary Force.

Even if we were to be modest and say that the 100,000 troops of Noxus were defeated by the German Expeditionary Force and the Wind Leader, that would sound like "the Star-Forging Dragon King and I are considered the strongest duo in the world."


This statement did not originate from King Jarvan and the German officials at first, but from the leader himself.

It was President Levi of the Leader Association who publicly published an article in the newspaper, promoting Prince Jarvan as a key figure in the Battle of Baru'a, and the Demacian Expeditionary Force led by him as the absolute main force.

In Levi’s version of the battle report:

Sion was killed by Jiawen, Yin Lisi was killed by Lux, and Du Kecao was captured by Galen.

Even Vladimir, whose strength was close to that of a god, was hacked to death by the three of them together with Levi.

In short, in the leader's propaganda, Jarvan, Garen, and Lux ​​are all legendary heroes that are rare in Demacia for a century. As the prince and leader, Jiawen has the most roles and the most halo.

Although I don’t know why the leader praises his son so much, is it to show favor to the German royal family, or has some other deeper purpose...

But since the friendly forces had helped to brag like this, the old king readily accepted it.

Anyway, he just needs this kind of publicity.

Looking at the citizens of Xiongdu who were chanting Jarvan's name and enthusiastically looking forward to the expeditionary force's triumph, King Jarvan felt more and more comfortable.

He was waiting for his son to return with his army and take him to show off in front of the people of Xiongdu and the German soldiers.


"No, Your Majesty the King!"

A messenger hurried over and brought him an unexpected message: "Your Majesty, General Laxana made a request..."

"Lux?" King Jarvan thought of Lux's innocent and innocent face.

She...what other bad requests could she make.

"She refused to allow the army of mage criminals to enter the city through the side entrance. She asked us to treat those demon-stricken sinners as part of the expeditionary force and usher in the Arc de Triomphe together!"

"What?!" The old king looked stunned.

The surrounding nobles were in an uproar.

Although the messenger has lowered his voice, there are almost no useless people who can be nobles in this world.

The nobles present were all extraordinary warriors with keen hearing, and they all heard the incredible news.

"That girl Laxana, wants to bring a sinner infected with demons into the Arc de Triomphe?!"

The nobles looked at Peter Crownguard and Ogesha Crownguard, Lux's parents, in shock.

They all want to know what the Crownguard family is trying to do now.

But the Pitts also looked shocked. They didn't know whether it was an act or if they really didn't know about it.

"Your Majesty!" Eldred couldn't sit still.

He slowly glanced at the members of the Crownguard family present, and then walked quickly to King Jarvan: "Sinners infected with evil must not enter the capital through the Arc de Triomphe -"

"I also request you to order to reject General Laxana's unreasonable request."

Eldred used strong words. It can be seen that beneath his calm appearance, there is definitely anger that cannot be suppressed.

"That's right, Your Majesty!" Upon seeing this, the nobles of the Forbidden Demon Sect also agreed: "Please give an order to reject General Laxana's unreasonable request!"

Almost everyone spoke for Eldred.

This was the scene that displeased King Jarvan the most.

But this time, the old king understood.

Because Lux’s request is really outrageous——

Which door to enter through may seem like a common question.

But in fact, it is a critical issue that involves the very foundation of the country of Demacia, and the "Grand Ceremony Conference" has been held for several years without any results.

Lux simply wanted to publicly slap the Demon Searcher Corps in the face in front of all of Demacia.

What's even worse is that she did such a thing, and the Crownguard family made such a big move, without even telling him, the king, in advance.

"Peter." King Jarvan frowned and looked at his old friend: "What is your daughter doing?"

"I don't know either." General Pitt shook his head.

"...." The old king was silent.

He felt that his old friend was playing dumb.

Although after the complete break between the Crown Guard family and the Demon Seeker Corps, the Crown Guard family is once again a political ally that he can absolutely trust.

He is indeed looking forward to the battle between the Crownguard family and the Demon Seeker Corps, hoping that this can stabilize the increasingly unbalanced situation in the country.

But that's not now.

Now that the leader is so developed, how can he have the heart to engage in internal fighting?

The Crownguard family engaged in such an operation that was seriously detrimental to unity without telling him, the king, in advance...

What do they want to do? !

King Jarvan frowned deeper and deeper, and finally gave the order: "Send the order to Laxana Crownguard and ask her to lead the mage prisoner army into the city through the side entrance."

"If that girl continues to be willful, then..." he said. The old king rarely emphasized his tone: "Let her stay outside the city with her men. There is no need to come in again!"

He issued the order in the satisfied eyes of the nobles, but...

"Your Majesty." The messenger said hesitantly at this time: "Actually, General Laxana is not the only one who made the request..."

"Who else?" The old king's face darkened: "Galen?"

He was really angry now.

With the prestige of returning to court after victory, he openly threatened the king.

What, you want to rebel?

"Say! Who else is there? Who is messing around with that girl!" King Jarvan asked in a deep voice.

"Also..." The messenger swallowed nervously: "And His Royal Highness Prince Jiawen."

"He said... He said those mages were also part of the expeditionary force, German heroes who fought with him through life and death and fought bloody battles."

"If those mages are not allowed to enter the Arc de Triomphe, then he will not come in."

King Jarvan: "......"

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