LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 433 Prophetic Order

The hero only needs to settle the grudge and resolve the contradiction he sees.

But in the eyes of the leader. Once one contradiction is overcome, another contradiction will arise. There are always contradictions at any time, anywhere and with anyone.

After listening to Nasus' words, Taliyah finally realized this deeply.

She could not save all the slaves of Shurima.

She could only save the person in front of her.

Yes, at least...she wants to save these slaves in front of her.

"Mr. Giant." Taliyah looked at Nasus: "Can you help me?"

The warlords of Vicoula are not something that the investigation team can deal with. To save these slaves, Nasus must be willing to take action.

Nasus thought for a moment in silence.

If it were before, he might have chosen to turn a blind eye.

After all, the Shurima Empire was originally a slave empire. Nasus had served the Shurima Empire for thousands of years. In his eyes, the existence of slaves and their various experiences was an ordinary thing.

The Ascended Ones of ancient Shurima never cared about the lives of slaves. (Not counting Azir, who collapsed midway before ascending successfully)

Saving slaves and liberating slaves is entirely based on the values ​​of the leader.

"I..." Looking at Taliyah's clear and determined eyes, and then looking at Sivir who picked up Chalikal without saying a word and prepared to follow Taliyah into a big fight...

Nasus realized that his attitude had quietly changed.

"I will take action." He agreed.

Nasus slowly raised the giant ax in his hand and turned to look at the slaves passing by him.

Taliyah's hands secretly stirred up a halo of magic, and Sivir also tightened her grip on her Charikal.

If nothing else happens, the warlord of Vikaula will be in trouble.

But at this moment...

"The city lord ordered! Bring all these slaves back!"

A messenger rode a horse and hurried from the inner city to the city gate.

He suddenly sent such an order, which not only brightened the eyes of the hundreds of desperate and numb slaves, but also slightly stunned Taliyah and others who were ready to go.

"What are you doing?" The warlord leader responsible for escorting the slaves asked the onlookers the question they were thinking: "We just asked us to escort the slaves out for processing, why do we have to escort them back again?"

"Why are you wasting so much talk!" The messenger shouted angrily: "The city lord said that these guys have new buyers!"

"The new buyer? Who is it?" The loud-voiced warlord leader helped the onlookers ask the question that everyone wanted to know: "Don't the wealthy elders of the city-states on the north bank buy slaves? Why do they still want to buy slaves? Are there any new buyers coming?”

"I don't know." The messenger replied casually: "I just heard that some kind of prophetic sect wants these slaves of ours."

"The Order of the Prophet? This is it?"

"I don't know..." Amid the conversation between the two, the slaves were escorted back to the city.

Taliyah and others watched silently. Seeing that the slaves were not in danger for the time being, they stopped rushing to take action.

"The Order of the Prophet..." Taliyah frowned slightly.

She had never heard of the name of this order. What will be the fate of the slaves who are bought by them?

"Mr. Giant." Taliyah looked at the knowledgeable Nasus tentatively: "Have you heard of this prophetic order?"

"No." Nasus shook his head.

He usually hides in the desert to watch the stars, and has not been in contact with human society for several years.

"Maybe it's a new sect that has emerged in recent years." As he said that, Nasus looked at Sivir inquiringly.

For these new forces emerging in the desert, Sivir, the leader of the mercenary group who travels all over the world, should know better than he does.

"I'm not sure either." Sivir shrugged.

She usually mainly operates in Mobei, but now the investigation team has arrived in Monan.

"Furthermore, several demagogic small sects pop up in the desert every now and then. Who knows what kind of prophetic sect this is, or a third-rate sect that appears from nowhere." Sivir said rudely.

Although she didn't know the situation of the Prophet Order, her experience told her that there were almost no good things in these sects in Shurima.

After all, the Ascended Gods that the Shurima people believed in have long since fallen, and their religious heritage has been distorted and severed over a long period of time.

The rest are either scammers who defraud money under the guise of Ascended believers, or followers of the evil god who have lost control of the Shurima Empire and emerged from nowhere.

As a person who only believed in money in the past and now believes in Janna, Sivir has never had a good impression of these religious orders.

"This..." Taliyah couldn't help but worry when she heard this.

She still wanted to find out the details of this prophetic sect and their motives for buying slaves.

Now that the North Shore no longer accepts slaves, if this religious order buys slaves, what will they do?

Keep it for yourself as a coolie? But there is never a shortage of people in the desert, but there is a shortage of oases that can feed people. The average tribe can barely feed its own people, so why do they need slaves?

"Let me ask for you." Sivir read Taliyah's mind.

Although she didn't know much about this prophet sect, gathering intelligence and asking for news were originally the professional skills of a mercenary.

So Sivir stood on the street and took a look. It didn't take long for her to select a suitable candidate for her to inquire about.

It was a middle-aged man who had just led his horse into the city.

His robes were dotted with Monan's unique patterns, and he was wearing an imported watch from Zaun that could only be seen on the north shore of Shurima. At first glance, he looked like the kind of merchant who traveled around the desert all year round, or a caravan guide.

Such people are the most informed.

So, Sivir stopped him without any explanation: "Friend, can I ask you something?"

"Huh?" The middle-aged man was slightly startled.

Sivir knew that every news in the desert was valuable.

So she followed the rules of the desert and boldly took out a silver coin: "I want to ask you something - do you know that there is a new sect called the Prophet's Order in Monan?"

"The Prophet's Order?" The middle-aged man glanced at the silver coin in Sivir's hand and took it naturally: "I have indeed heard about it."

"Oh?" Taliyah also came over curiously: "Sir, do you know this sect?"

"I know." The man nodded: "The new sect that has emerged in the past two years has some influence in Monan."

"This sect is not actually called the 'Prophet's sect'. They do not have a formal name. It is only called the Prophet's sect because the leader of their sect is called the 'Prophet'."

"Legends say that this prophet's magic can easily tear the earth apart, and that the powerful earthquakes he summoned tore apart Shurima's bedrock, forming faults that stretched for miles... But these are just legends, and no one has witnessed it with their own eyes. Pass."

"There are also legends that 'dream-like creatures' appeared in the ground torn open by the prophet. Sinners who dared to disobey him were thrown into the large holes opened by the earthquake, and were swallowed up by those who poured out of the ground. Eaten alive by monsters.”

The middle-aged man told this chilling story.

But he quickly added: "But this is just a legend. The so-called underground monsters may just be ordinary sand-lurking beasts under the desert."

Obviously, the middle-aged man himself did not believe too much in such a ridiculous and terrifying legend.

"They are probably a bunch of liars." Sivir curled his lips.

The leader has the magic to destroy the world and summon monsters/demons to punish sinners who disobey the priesthood... This setting is no longer new in many sects in Shurima.

Everyone is using the same rhetoric to scare believers. Who knows how true or false that legend is.

"But..." Nasus frowned with concern: "A creature like a dream demon emerging from the ground?"

This is a sect that arose in Monan.

And further south from Monan, over the hills and mountains, is Ekasia.

Could it be that...

Nasus didn't know what he was worried about, but he just asked with concern: "Friend, besides this, do you have any more information about this sect that you can share?"

"This..." The middle-aged man carefully glanced at Nasus' three-meter tall figure.

Then he recalled carefully: "I have heard people talk about some of the teachings of this prophetic sect."

"It also has teachings?" Taliyah was very curious.

Because the gods of Runeterra are real, and most gods prefer to use their power to show their greatness, and disdain to use theoretical inventions to convince their believers.

Therefore, the vast majority of sects in this world do not have perfect doctrines.

Anyway, God is real, believe it or not.

"Yes. This is also the special place of this prophet sect." Just listen to the middle-aged man say.

"They don't worship any gods, they just believe in one thing - that the world will eventually be destroyed and the end will come."

"Before the end of the world comes, only by following the footsteps of the prophet and throwing yourself into the great nothingness can you obtain true salvation."

"The great nothingness?" Nasus' tone became more serious.

"Yes." The middle-aged man nodded: "That's what they call their 'god'. Although strictly speaking, this is not a god..."

"In short, these prophets believe that everything in this world will eventually be swallowed up by the 'Great Nothingness' - and then be integrated into the embrace of the 'Great Nothingness'."

"So for the Prophets, death is not the end, but a precious opportunity to become part of the Great Nothingness."

"And they will completely get rid of the pain of being human beings and become existences more sacred than gods - after all, they are part of the great nothingness, and the great nothingness is 'them'."

"This..." Taliyah and Sivir were stunned for a moment.

None of them expected that the teachings of this prophetic sect could be so profound and so strange.

But the vigilance in Nasus' eyes gradually disappeared.

The so-called "great void" that this prophetic sect believed in seemed to be completely different from the void creatures he was worried about.

Void is pure nothingness. The purpose of the void creatures coming is to annihilate reality, and to annihilate everything in the material realm.

But how can this "great nothingness" still absorb humans as a part of itself?

This is completely different from void.

So... is this a random story made up by the prophet, or is some evil god using this profound theory to trick believers into sacrificing themselves for it?

Nasus was puzzled.

But no matter which possibility it was, the situation was much better than the void invasion he was worried about.

So Nasus felt relieved a little.

Taliyah and Sivir were less important than he thought. Their attention was still focused on the slaves in front of them.

"This Prophet's Order sounds a bit evil."

If slaves are bought by such a religious sect with strange doctrines, what will be their fate next?

Taliyah and Sivir were still thinking.

The middle-aged man looked at them thoughtfully, and then asked curiously: "Excuse me for my words. Excuse me, why are you asking about this Prophet's Order?"

"Just out of curiosity." Sivir replied perfunctorily: "I heard that this prophet sect is very popular in Monan recently, so I just asked."

"I see." The middle-aged man nodded: "This kind of sect is most likely an evil sect. You'd better not get too close to it."

"If you have difficulties and need to ask God for help or a miracle, then..."

As he spoke, like a dedicated insurance salesman, he suddenly took out a book "A Brief Introduction to Janna's Thoughts" from his bag:

"You can take a look at this."

"This spirit."

Taliyah and Sivir: "???"

"I just came back from Piltover as a guide with the caravan." The middle-aged man added with a smile: "I brought these back to show to my daughter."

"If you need it, I can give you a copy."

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