LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 455 My factory is already hungry and thirsty

Demacia, Mithral City.

The city and the vast tracts of countryside surrounding it have always been the hereditary territory of the Crownguard family.

It is located on the northern edge of the Demacia Basin, on the highlands of the Freljord Icefield.

The towering northern mountains are like a natural climate wall, blocking the cold wind blowing from the northern ice fields for Mithril City, allowing this border highland city, which is only separated from the polar ice fields by a mountain, to have a relatively warm and humid climate. The fertile land and the lush greenery all over the mountains and plains.

The surging river flowing down from the mountains in the north connects Mithral City to many prosperous towns, coastal ports, and even the capital of Demacia downstream, forming the foundation of this city's prosperity.

The Crownguard family's good management for hundreds of years has allowed Mithril City to develop rapidly.

But this development, like this ancient agricultural kingdom, fell into a long stagnation after reaching its peak.

Generations of farmers have worked hard, generations of nobles have been hereditary, and generations of soldiers have gone out with the army, but the city is still the same city and the land is still the same land, no different from what it was a hundred years ago.

Everything seems to have come to a standstill here. Nothing will change except the name of the lord.

But now, with the return of the new lord Laxana Crownguard, Mithril City has suddenly ushered in changes.

And it’s an earth-shaking change.

"Ahem..." Lux rubbed her delicate nose, trying to adapt to the pungent smell of alchemical waste gas in the air,

This smell is definitely a very destructive pollution to Mithril City, which has always had beautiful scenery and good air.

But Lux found it kind.

"We succeeded, Sona." Looking at the tall factory building in front of her that was spewing alchemical smoke, Lux couldn't help but excitedly turned around and said to her comrade, best friend and assistant:

"The first alchemical fertilizer factory in Mithril City, and also the first alchemical fertilizer factory in Demacia, has been successfully put into operation!"

"In the future, even the poor and sharecroppers of Demacia will have hope of having enough to eat every day!"

"Yes." Sona also rubbed her nose and answered in a familiar manner using airflow to simulate her vocal cords.

She also complained: "It would be nice if it tasted better."

"If this continues, Mithril City will become like Zaun."

"I hope it turns into Zaun." Lux grinned.

The alchemy factory in front of her, as well as the industrial park that had just been constructed outside Mithril City, looked like a child she had raised by herself.

Although these "children" were all moved from Zaun intact through the Leader's second-line construction plan...

But these industrial assistance projects were able to take root in Mithril City thousands of miles away so quickly; Lux also contributed a lot to this process.

"Zu'an's alchemy technology has such a strong taste, there's nothing we can do about it."

"Compared with environmental issues, food issues are more important." Lux found the feeling of being a mother at a young age, and she defended her "children" as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Also, these issues are temporary."

The alchemy barons who ruled Zaun in the past didn't care at all about Zaun's environment or the lives of Zaun's people.

The main purpose of Ziben is to allocate resources according to the market. Those who master seed benzene don’t care about the environment. Without corresponding market demand, no environmental protection industry will be born, and there will be no scientific research team to study environmental protection technology.

This has led to the abnormal development of alchemy technology in the past two hundred years. Technological points have been desperately focused on increasing production and efficiency without considering the issue of pollution treatment.

"But it's different now." Lux said confidently: "President Levi has said that leaders must adhere to the path of sustainable development in the future."

"Zun's scientists are now working overtime to study technologies for treating three wastes and controlling pollution. I think this pollution problem will definitely be solved in the future."

"Yes." Sona nodded secretly.

Lux was minding her own business, thinking about the future of Mithril City and even Demacia as a whole: "With Zaun's assistance, we have successfully built a number of small steel plants, small cement plants, and small machinery factories. , small fertilizer plants, small coal iron mines, small thermal and hydroelectric power plants..."

"The next step is to fully activate production capacity to produce as much as possible the farm tools and fertilizers that Demacia farmers need most at present, so as to increase food production in the Mithril City area and even Demacia as a whole."

"Hey." Sona interrupted her best friend's beautiful thoughts: "Lux, don't forget, the production capacity of these factories is very limited."

"It's good that we can take care of the supply of farm tools and fertilizers in the Mithril City area, but how can we take care of the entire Demacia?"

"Well..." Lux quickly calmed down.

After her lofty ideals, she was able to see clearly what the reality was.

The reality is that Demacia is far from truly industrialized.

Although Demacia's political power has been secretly controlled by the Leader, the Leader, who lacks grassroots strength, is not yet able to fully intervene in the situation in Demacia.

The radical social transformation experience that she and Sona learned in Ionia could not be copied to Demacia.

The land resources of this kingdom were still firmly in the hands of the feudal land aristocracy in a highly concentrated situation.

More than 95% of Demacia's population are still poor farmers, sharecroppers and even serfs, firmly bound to the manors of nobles and to the land of the small peasant economy.

Land resources were concentrated in the hands of the nobles, and human resources were concentrated in the hands of the nobles.

The nobles controlled most of the kingdom's social and economic resources, but they were immersed in the stable profits from land annexation and financial lending, and had no intention of moving forward.

Let alone the Janna Lord, it is difficult for even the Ziben Lord to develop here.

Lux hasn't actually accomplished anything big yet.

She just took advantage of the Crownguard family's absolute control over Mithril City to launch some "self-entertainment" industrial projects on her own territory.

This can't be said to be a revolution, it can only be regarded as "initiating Westernization and saving the country through industry."

But it's not meaningless.

Because whether it is one year or two years, the leader will eventually come to Demacia in the future.

By then, a mithril city that takes the lead in industrialization can become the spark that accelerates Demacia's industrialization process.

What Lux has to do now is to water this "seedling" as much as possible to make it stronger.

"Sona." Thinking of this, Lux couldn't help but tentatively said to Sona: "How about you write another report for me and ask Zaun to support a few more factories?"

"Demacia has a huge demand for agricultural tools and fertilizers. With our current production capacity, what can we do?"

"Forget it." Sona curled her lips helplessly: "President Levi is almost annoying you."

"Zun's capabilities are already limited. Just supporting Ionia is difficult enough. Now suddenly there is a Shurima Empire to help."

"Even if Zaun can get so much machinery and equipment, they can't produce that many engineers and industrial workers!"

In the second-line construction, the focus of support is not only machinery and equipment, but also professional talents.

Although Demacia has no shortage of people at all, it has a severe shortage of qualified industrial human resources.

For example, qualified workers in a machinery factory must at least be able to read vernier calipers, understand mechanical drawings, and have certain process knowledge, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve large-scale industrialization.

But most Demacians don't even know the words, and even daily information exchanges are severely limited.

It will take a lot of time to train them into qualified modern industrial workers.

Therefore, the series of factories built by Lux in Mithril City are still completely operated by the backbone of technical experts and workers supported by Zaun.

Without the step-by-step guidance of these Zaun experts, these seemingly prosperous factories may shut down immediately.

"There are only so many skilled workers in Zaun, and even fewer can be designated to participate in the second-line construction plan. Now Ionia and Shurima are looking for people, Lux, just wait."

The grassroots power of leaders has indeed been used to the limit, whether they are political cadres or technical talents.

The second batch of aid that Lux is counting on will definitely not appear again in a short time.

"President Levi has approved it before. Let us first make some local measures based on the situation in Demacia and do what we can do well."

"For example..." Sona recalled Levi's development suggestions: "Unlike Shurima and Ionia, which have relatively backward civilization levels, although Demacia is also a feudal agricultural country, its folk handicrafts are A certain foundation has been developed.”

"Manufacturing industries such as bamboo, wood, iron, clay, and stone, as well as local textiles, local weaving, garments, oil mills, mills, paper mills and other handicraft industries are all found in our Miyin City."

"We can't build big factories now, so we have to find ways to integrate these small handicraft industries and set up some handicraft cooperatives."

"Yeah." Lux also fell into deep thought after hearing this.

She thought about it carefully. The means of production cannot be mentioned for the time being, so let’s start with the means of management and operation.

The integrated handicraft cooperatives, coupled with the management of leading cadres, will definitely achieve higher production efficiency than before.

"As you mentioned before, the chemical fertilizers and agricultural tools that Demacia needs most now -" Sona added at this time: "They cannot produce chemical fertilizers."

"But farm tools, hoes, sickles, shovels, plows... these things can be made in a blacksmith shop."

"Now that our steel plant has been put into operation, steel production has increased hundreds of times. Even after excluding the production consumption of the small machinery factory and the needs for infrastructure construction, there is still a lot of remaining production capacity."

Steel is the foundation of industry and can be used everywhere. Therefore, the steel plant assisted by Zaun has reserved a large amount of excess production capacity for Debon's future industrial development.

"Although these high-quality steels are hard currency in Demacia, you can still make money by selling them directly. But..."

Sona thought about it carefully and then made a suggestion:

"I think we can first gather the blacksmiths from all over the Silver City to set up a large-scale handmade farm tools factory to help us absorb excess steel production capacity and provide more cheap and high-quality iron farm tools to the farmers of Demacia. "

“This is the way that will best benefit the most people.”

Lux frowned slightly after hearing this: "This is a good suggestion."

"But the problem is... Mithril City doesn't have that many blacksmiths."

The blacksmiths in Mithril City were prepared for the agricultural society of the past. A city with dozens of blacksmiths is almost enough.

Now you want these dozens of people to use manual production to absorb the excess production capacity of a modern steel plant?

"I can only say that it may have some effect..." Lux muttered.

The output of dozens of people is also output. If you can build one more cheap iron farm tools that farmers can afford, you will have made an extra contribution.

"No, Lux." Sona reminded her, "We don't just have a few dozen blacksmiths."

"Have you forgotten? There must be hundreds of Freljordians who have crossed the mountains and ridges to join us these days."

"There are at least a hundred people inside who are qualified blacksmiths, technical talents that we can use!"

"Oh?" Lux's eyes lit up.

"You mean...those furnace households?"

Because of the craftsmanship passed down by Ornn, although Freljord's civilization is backward, its metallurgical casting technology is unexpectedly superb.

Therefore, almost every relatively weak mortal from Freljord is a qualified blacksmith.

Yes, almost everyone is.

Because unlike the Iceborn who are naturally not afraid of wind and snow, ordinary people in Freljord are born without the ability to make a living independently. They can only be attached to those powerful warriors as followers or even slaves.

Metallurgical casting is one of the livelihood skills that they must master in order to survive. It can make the strong feel that they are useful and willing to leave more "a mouth to eat".

Moreover, a furnace household tribe in the ice field cannot be like a human village in the south, where there are only a few full-time blacksmiths for generations.

Because people on the ice sheet can die at any time, and tribes can be wiped out at any time.

Mortals must ensure that they are alone and out of the tribe, and have the skills to make a living that are respectable to others, in order to survive one difficult winter after another.

If there are only a few people in a tribe who know how to forge iron, then it won't be long before this skill is lost on the ice sheet.

Therefore, almost every mortal who cannot become a powerful warrior must hone various livelihood skills including metallurgy and forging, gathering, hunting, farming, nomadic herding, etc.

Each of them is a qualified blacksmith and can play the role of handicraft service provider for the strong men in the tribe at any time.

"Wonderful!" Lux praised Sona's suggestion.

She originally simply resettled those Icelanders who had surrendered, but she did not expect that there would be a very high proportion of "technical talents" among them.

The mines and steel plants built with the help of the Leader have provided Mithril City with a large amount of cheap, high-quality steel.

Now there is a shortage of a large number of blacksmiths to cast these steels into high-quality and low-priced iron farm tools.

And this kind of iron farm tools, which are made of solid materials and are ridiculously cheap, is simply a dimensionality-reducing blow to Demacia farmers who have never seen the power of industrial production in the past, and an iron pot is used as a family heirloom.

Looking across the vast countryside of Demacia, the demand for such cheap and durable iron farm tools can be said to be almost unlimited.

So no matter how many furnace owners come to the Freljord and how high the agricultural tool production capacity is increased, Demacia's market can absorb it.

There is enough raw material management, enough market management, and the equipment and site requirements are not high.

Then the only thing missing is talent.

"But..." Lux suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "The Freljord is so big, and those ice tribes generally live a wandering life without a fixed settlement."

“Where are we going to recruit so many people?”

"You can't, just wait here for them to come to your door, right?"

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