LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 462 The Development Dilemma of Freljord

Under Lux's gaze filled with sincere expectation, Tryndamere read this article doubtfully.

The article is not complicated either.

After all, the Leader has never conducted a detailed social survey on the Freljord before. The backward social form and harsh natural environment of the Icefield have also meant that there has never been any political entity here that can statistically investigate the Freljord. Germany's social profile data.

How many people are here? How many tribes? How much area? How many developable resources are there? ...No one knows any of this.

Therefore, Levi could only briefly analyze a few sentences in the form of random talk based on everyone's general understanding of Freljord.

Therefore, the level of this article is not very high. It looks like listening to the middle-aged boss bragging and pointing out the country in Zaun snack bar.

But the good thing is that it's simple enough.

Even a "barbarian" like Tryndamere, who is new to modernization, can understand it.

"Why can the Freljord never be unified for long?" said to Tryndamere, this subtitle is the opening lightning strike.

Ashe's ideal, the goal of the Avarosa Alliance, is to unify the entire ice sheet and bring peace to this chaotic land.

But these leaders told him right away that this couldn't be done.

The ice sheets will not be unified. Even if they are unified, they will soon fall into division.

"Why?" Tryndamere's temper grew.

He couldn't accept this argument.

Because Freljord has never been unified in history. Perhaps the Icelanders had a brief period of unity during the reign of the three sisters in ancient times, but the history of that period had long been deliberately obscured by Lissandra, and was almost forgotten by later generations.

So... unification is actually an unprecedented attempt for the ice people.

Ai Xi believes that this kind of attempt will definitely bring a bright future to the ice people.

Tryndamere also recognized his wife's ideals from the bottom of his heart.

But now, before they even try it, a bunch of greenhouse people thousands of miles away say they can’t do it! Why?

"Because productivity determines production relations." The article first gave him a sentence he couldn't understand.

And then there is the vernacular that Tryndamere can understand: "Because the land of Freljord is too barren."

"The barren land means that most ice people can only engage in primitive production activities such as hunting, gathering, and nomadic herding, unlike the temperate tropical farming people who can settle around the land on a large scale."

"Everyone can think about this question - how large a range of hunting grounds is needed to support a safari tribe of 1,000 people?"

Li Wei did not have detailed information, and it was not easy to talk nonsense in the article.

But Tryndamere is a native.

He knew at a glance that these Zuan people really didn't understand anything.

Levi believes that to support a safari tribe of 1,000 people, it may require a huge land several times the size of Zaun and Piltover.

If a county were established on the ice sheet based on population size, the area of ​​this county might be larger than the entire Kingdom of Demacia.

But Levi was wrong.

The real situation was a hundred times more serious than what he had guessed.

Levi is still talking about "hunting grounds," but the Freljordians don't actually have fixed hunting grounds at all as these southerners imagine.

Because it is not only difficult for people to survive in the snowfield, but also for animals.

If you plunder a piece of land the size of Zaun City, you might be able to catch just a few hundred snowshoe rabbits.

The ice people mainly hunt large animals, such as Enuk bulls, Juvask wild boars, and mammoth giant elephants... Their huge appetites cannot be sustained by any piece of land for a long time.

Therefore, the herds on the ice sheet are always chasing water plants and constantly migrating.

Therefore, the ice tribes must always chase the beasts and keep moving.

Only the Avarosa Alliance, which occupies the "fertile" land in the south, can plant some cold-resistant plants such as snow barley and potatoes in summer, and use these precious foods to make up for the lack of prey, settling outside a roughly fixed area. ..

Most of the other ice tribes have nothing to do with the word "settlement".

So how far do they travel on a daily basis?

This can refer to Sejuani's Claws of Winter.

In the original world line, Winter's Claw not only robbed Noxus in the east and fought against Darius; it also plundered Demacia in the west and followed Silas, the leading party, to invade the capital.

In terms of distance, this is almost equivalent to grabbing all the way from North China to Western Europe.

And even though Winter's Claw is so powerful, people in Sejuani's tribe actually starve to death.

"The annual output of a fixed piece of land is simply not enough to meet the survival needs of a large tribe."

"This means that the Freljordians cannot settle in one place and can only live in a very large hunting ground."

"...." Tryndamere gradually understood something.

A piece of land cannot support too many people, so the ice people are destined to be unable to settle in one place on a large scale.

And there are no large-scale settlements...

"If we cannot establish a mature administrative system and a centralized power structure, we can only form a nominal unified alliance of countless tribes, but cannot form a substantive unity."

"This kind of rule is destined to be loose and short-lasting."

As the saying goes, the sky is high and the emperor is far away.

Ice tribes moved around at every turn. Let alone implement effective rule, it is difficult for Wang Ting to contact them.

If you can bring benefits to everyone, then everyone will give you face and call you big brother from afar.

If there is anything that needs help, brothers can come from afar to help out.

But if you can't bring benefits to me, then don't blame your brother for being rude.

This ice sheet is so big anyway. I ran away, can you still catch me?

"This..." Tryndamere broke into a cold sweat as he watched.

He knew that this was the actual situation on the ice sheet.

But the former Avarosa Alliance has been growing and prospering. Everyone benefited from Ai Xi's protection, so each one became more loyal than the other.

So unknowingly, Tryndamere ignored the hidden dangers.

He believes that as long as Avarosa continues to grow, the Icelanders will only become more unified.

But now...

"Let him get it right!" Tryndamere put down the chicken bone in his left hand and swallowed the meat in his mouth.

Demacia only opened its doors slightly, and the unbreakable Avarosa Alliance was immediately in danger of collapse and disintegration.

With the delicious alchemical roasted chicken to eat, who would follow Ai Xi to drink the northwest wind in the snowfield?


The Icelanders were never united!

The unity and unity that Ashe pursues will only be this superficial unity and unity.

Since this unity and unity are only superficial, how can Ashe guarantee that the unified Freljord will be able to get rid of this long-term chaos?

Can she control those tribes from far and wide so that they don't plunder and kill each other like they do now?


"No..." Tryndamere became more and more frightened as he thought about it.

But he still tried hard to warn himself not to waver: "Ashe's ideal is by no means a joke. Even superficial unity is better than no unity... With Avarosa's leadership, the Icefield will always become more beautiful." Okay, isn’t it?”

Tryndamere was thinking so.

He saw it written in the article: "The Freljord that has been unified will soon usher in an even greater chaos."

"Because as the leader of this huge tribal alliance, the ice king who may appear in the future must answer a question - how should he feed his subjects?"

The ice tribes are killing each other like wild beasts. In the final analysis, it is because the land is barren and there is not enough food to eat.

And even if Ashe unifies the Freljord, the land will not become warm and fertile out of thin air, and food will not become abundant out of thin air.

In the past, the ice people optimized their "excess population" by constantly killing each other.

But now, Ai Xi is not willing to let her compatriots kill each other, but she also has no way to feed them, so what should she do?

"There is only one way, go south and plunder!"

"Once a unified political power appears on the ice sheet, the war between Freljord and the southern countries will inevitably be ignited."

"And the scale of this war will be unprecedentedly powerful, and the battle situation will be unprecedentedly tragic. Because this will be a war between millions of organized Icelanders and tens of millions of Valorans."

The ice people are not afraid of war.

If Ashe said that he would lead everyone into the customs, they would only follow him excitedly.

But the problem is...

"Can they win?" Tryndamere's heart sank.

The south of Freljord is not some weak and bullied southern world.

There are only the extremely powerful Noxus Empire, the iron-walled Kingdom of Demacia, and the various vassal states and allies that follow these two.

Still entering customs? Can you beat it?

Unless the Freljordians can summon gods like Volibear, they will definitely be killed and defeated as long as they dare to invade the southern territory.

"The so-called King of Ice is actually the leader of a large-scale robbery gang. This is not a derogation, but an unavoidable fact."

"Only a leader who can lead everyone to grab trophies is a good leader. But once you are unable to grab resources from the outside world to fill everyone's stomachs, the result can only be betrayal and separation."

The more Tryndamere looked at it, the more he broke into a cold sweat.

He seemed to have seen that day, saw Ashe go through all kinds of difficulties and dangers to unify the ice field, but in the end he was helplessly forced to go to the battlefield and enter a war with no chance of winning.

After paying countless blood and sacrifices, she could only watch her ideals shattered and witness countless betrayals and spurns.

Even if Ashe can defeat the southern countries, it will not change the outcome.

Because the robbery business is very risky and the returns are not stable. I succeeded this time, but what about next time?

Once the southern countries can withstand the invasion for a long time, the ice regime will inevitably fall into civil strife.

Therefore, there are only two possibilities for an ice sheet regime:

First, unite to rob, and when the robbery fails, there will be civil strife. Then it loops infinitely.

Second, wipe out the southern countries in one fell swoop, establish a political power in the pass, and completely get rid of the ice sheet, and get rid of the identity of the ice sheet people.

Considering the strength of Germany and Noxus, as well as the rise of the Windleader...the latter will almost never be realized.

Therefore, Freljord can never be unified for a long time.

"..." Tryndamere's hands were shaking slightly. Seeing this, he almost clutched the booklet out of shape.

He had never considered anything mentioned in the article before.

And now, following a little more deduction along the lines of this article, he turned out that Ashe's ideal was impossible to realize from the beginning.

She was simply heading towards an inevitable, great and tragic failure.

"Is there really nothing we can do?" he asked himself.


Tryndamere immediately thought of a way to break the situation.

"Industrialization! Industrialization can save the ice sheet!" he thought.

At this time, Tryndamere already knew that technology could increase steel production and increase food income.

Now that the ice sheet has been unified, the biggest problem is food.

So as long as they learn from Mithral City to industrialize and use technology to increase land production and income, wouldn't they be able to support themselves without going south to plunder?

Just as Tryndamere was thinking this, he saw the second part of the article: "Why is it difficult for Freljord to industrialize on its own?"

"..." Tryndamere was not in a hurry to stack the anger bar this time.

He held back his temper and read on patiently.

I saw the article said: "For the same reason, Freljord is too poor."

“Any industrialization cannot avoid the original accumulation of seed benzene, so how to complete the original accumulation of seed benzene.”

"There are only three ways:"

"First, like Noxus and the early Twin Cities, they relied on external colonial plunder to complete primitive accumulation of industrialization."

To put it bluntly, it's robbery. But as discussed above, Freljord does not have that strength.

"Second, the vassal regions of Noxus rely on the transfer of part of their national sovereignty and the foreign investment from the host country to complete primitive accumulation of industrialization."

Tryndamere didn't want to accept it either.

Ashe is the queen of the Freljord, not a dog of the South.

“Third, extract surplus from agriculture, service industry or resources and environment.”

To put it simply, it means doing everything possible to make money from one's own people and save money to develop industry.

So can Freljord take this road?

"No." Just as Tryndamere was looking forward to it, the article gave a cold conclusion.

Agriculture, services, and natural resources are all three ways of making money that Freljord cannot do.

First is agriculture:

You are engaged in agriculture in a hellish place where it is freezing cold, and you still want to extract surplus from agriculture to support industry?

joke. Only a part of the southern part of the Freljord has the conditions to carry out cold zone agriculture, and the food they grow is not even enough to feed their own people, and they have to rely on grazing and hunting to supplement their food sources.

The people of the Ice Plains don’t even have any surplus grain, so where can you get the agricultural surplus for you to extract?

Even if someone acts as a good person and supports agricultural machinery and fertilizers for free, and helps them use industry to feed agriculture for free, this problem may not be solved.

Because the effect of science and technology on increasing food income has its limits.

It's not like Levi could grow corn in the cold Freljord just by slapping his forehead and pumping farm machinery and chemical fertilizers.

Leaders are very efficient organizations, but they are also prone to making this mistake.

Fortunately, Janna's faith test ensures purity, ensures that grassroots cadres dare to give feedback when they find problems, and ensures that there will be no such thing as deceiving the subordinates and concealing the superiors for the sake of political performance, and falsely reporting output, so that good governance turns into bad governance. On the contrary, it is a waste of money and people...

“Agriculture doesn’t work, and the next best thing is the service industry.”

This is even more unreliable. The service industry has to rely on strong primary and secondary industries to achieve scale.

If we hope to develop the service industry first, and then let the castle-like service industry in turn nurture the industry, the result will only be a drop in the bucket.

After all, just think about it:

In this world of ice and snow, and the road is so long and dangerous, who would go out on this vast ice field to create service industry consumption if they have nothing to do?

There weren't even any tourists, so Ashe couldn't organize a group of strong tribesmen to sell themselves in Noxian bars to make money, right?

Even if she can really make money, how can she ensure that everyone can send the money back to their hometowns instead of emigrating and running away?

“Agriculture and service industries are not working, so what about selling natural resources?”

"Is it okay to sell resources such as forests, ores, and animal skins?"

This seems okay at first glance.

The Freljord has no shortage of forests and no shortage of minerals. Otherwise, a developed hand-forging industry would not have been born here.

These resources are valuable and needed by the outside world.

"But what about the cost of transportation?" Just as Tryndamere saw a little hope, he was hit again.

Logistics costs are also costs. The resources you have are not used yet, you have to be able to transport them out in a time-saving and labor-saving manner.

The terrain conditions of the Freljord Icefield are so bad that they are hopelessly bad.

If you open your God's perspective, you will find that this ice sheet spanning thousands of miles is actually a huge basin.

There is a large ice field in the middle, with mountains to the north, mountains to the south, mountains to the east, and mountains to the west.

It was as if Prince Jiawen had made a big move and sat down on this land, allowing the continuous bulging mountains to surround the entire continent.

The ice people mainly live in the huge basin between these mountains.

Only Ningshuang Port in the far west, a small coastal area, has convenient transportation and can also engage in side businesses such as piracy.

"It is inherently difficult for caravans to walk on perennially frozen soil."

"Coupled with the obstacles of the vast mountains... No matter how good the bulk cargo is in Freljord, how can it be transported out?"

The distance from the capital city of Demacia to Ashe's capital city of Raxtak would take dozens of hours by train.

What’s more, there are no trains yet. There are only despairing mountains and ice fields.

"This..." Tryndamere was speechless.


The Avarosan Alliance often does business with the Demacians, and he knows very well how difficult this trade route is.

Caravans carrying heavy goods often have to travel through the ice fields for ten months before they can reach the mountains on the border.

Crossing the mountains is also not an easy task. Throughout the ages, countless merchants and pack horses have died on the cliffs of the snow-capped mountains.

The extremely poor traffic conditions destined that what Avarosa sold to the Germans could not be bulk commodities such as woods and ores, but only easy-to-carry gadgets such as animal skins, gems, and iron products. Son.

"Agriculture doesn't work, the service industry doesn't work, and there are many obstacles to even selling natural resources."

"It is doomed that Freljord will not be able to complete industrialization through its own strength..."

"It must rely on external forces to enter modern civilization."

There are three methods of primitive accumulation: one is to plunder others, the other is to squeeze oneself, and the third is to squeeze oneself while recognizing a good father.

The first two have been proven to be impossible.

In this case...

Thinking of this, Tryndamere was completely desperate.

He found that he could not find a way to realize Ai Xi's ideals without betraying Ai Xi.

"So..." Tryndamere looked at Lux with mixed emotions: "Is this so-called Wind Leader the new master you recommended for the Freljord?"

"Um..." Lacus had a strange expression: "What you said is a bit unpleasant, but... the principle is almost the same."

Tryndamere was silent.

Should we choose Ashe or the better life in Freljord?

"No! Freljordians will never be slaves!" Tryndamere chose the former in anger.

Because: "I don't believe there is a free lunch."

Well, except for the immigrant canteen that he ate to pieces.

"Those Zaun people will not help us in vain, they will only try their best to squeeze more profits from us!"

"Well said!" He thought Lux would be angry when he said this, but Lux was actually very happy.

"Your suspicion is correct." Lux made an encouraging affirmation.

"But..." She smiled confidently: "We are different from others. We will only sincerely help you."

"Why?" Tryndamere still didn't believe that someone would travel thousands of miles to help a group of strangers.

"With this." Lux spread her hand, showing a bright line.

"What is this?" Tryndamere asked.

"Faith." Lux's blue eyes seemed to be burning with the flame of ideals.

Tryndamere had only seen similar light in Ashe's eyes.

But he was still confused.

And Lux ​​only told him: "Look on, Tryndamere——"

"You'll understand it all."

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