LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 478 Cassiopeia’s Reluctance

Three months later. North Shore of Shurima, Uzerith.

Uzeris is a prosperous agricultural and commercial city-state on the northern shore of Shurima. It is also one of the most important colonial strongholds of the Noxus Empire in the southern continent.

The general who led the army to defeat the Shurima native coalition and captured this prosperous city-state for the Noxus Empire was none other than the famous Assassin Master, General Du Cacao.

Du Cecao personally developed this new colony, and for a long period of time, as the governor of the southern colony of Noxus, he led his army to be stationed in Uzeris.

Therefore, Uzeris is not only the overseas colony of the empire, but also to a certain extent, the overseas "fiefdom" of the Kecao family.

As the youngest daughter of General Du Cacao, Cassiopeia moved to Uzeris with her parents when she was a child.

Later, General Du Cacao was transferred back to the continent of Valoran by the empire, but Miss Cassiopeia still settled here with her mother, living in the colonial governor's palace in Uzeris.

For Cassiopeia, this place was like half of her hometown. This city is like her private estate.

But now, everything has changed...

"Go to hell, butcher of Noxus! Get out of Shurima! Go back to your homeland!"

Amid the angry roars of the Shurima people, the red and black flag of the Noxus Empire finally slowly lowered from the dome of the Governor's Palace.

The Noxian soldiers tried to collect the flag and take it aboard the returning ship.

But the angry crowd had already swarmed forward and snatched the flag away. They tore the military flag into pieces and threw the pieces into the sky hatefully, watching them drifting down like dead leaves, falling to the dusty ground and people's filthy faces. Under the shoes.

"..." Cassiopeia sat in a carriage and slowly drove out of the Governor's Palace amidst the chaos.

She saw this scene.

The banner of Noxus fell from here forever. Those lowly Shurima natives, filthy plantation slaves, these weaklings who could not be more inferior, all straightened their backs arrogantly and stood up with dignity.

She looked back at the Governor's Palace, her former home.

The white walls of the Governor's Palace have been covered with dirty graffiti, filled with slogans cursing the Noxian colonists.

The expensive natural crystal glasses had been smashed into pieces by the stones thrown by the mob.

The lawn was trampled into mud, and the sculptures were toppled and crushed. The portraits were also looted and burned into ashes.

The marble fountain she designed herself was trampled by the indigenous people and turned into a pool of sewage.

The back garden, where she usually enjoys tea and flowers, was now open and used by the slaves gathered here as a resting room for resting and peeing.


Cassiopeia could no longer bear to watch.

The carriage slowly drove away from this mess. She clenched her fists and closed her eyes, trying to convince herself to say goodbye to the past completely.

But: "Get down! You stinky cousin!"

An angry crowd surrounded her carriage.

Those pairs of dirty and rough hands clawed up from all directions.

"Nothing here belongs to you Noxians, not even this carriage!"

"Get off here! Give it back to us!"

Amidst the unpleasant curses, someone already reached for the car door.

Cassiopeia: "..."

"Bastard!" The moment the car door opened, she finally couldn't help but tighten her grip on the dagger at her waist.

She swore that as long as the slave's dirty hands dared to touch her gold-embroidered skirt, she would kill these untouchables.

"Cassiopeia, don't!" A hand held her down firmly.

"Caterina?!" Cassiopeia turned her head and looked angrily at her biological sister who had been away for many years.

"Let's get out of the car." Catalina said seriously.

"Why? This is my carriage!" Cassiopeia gritted her teeth with hatred.

But Katarina wasn't asking her. Because of the butterfly effect brought about by the leader, Cassiopeia is still the ordinary human noble lady today.

So Catalina just pulled her gently and easily pulled her out of the carriage.

In a blink of an eye, the two of them escaped the angry siege of the Shurima people and appeared on the roadside dozens of meters away.

"Let me go!" Cassiopeia did not thank her sister for rescuing her.

She just looked at Catalina hatefully: "You coward! Traitor! The leader's lackey!"

"Can't you see?" Cassiopeia said, pointing to the dirty and broken Noxian flag on the ground: "These damn Shurima people are trampling on the flag of the empire!"

"They are destroying our home!"

"Cassiopeia." Catalina took a deep breath and sighed helplessly: "This is not our home."

"This was originally the place of the Shuriman people. Now they just stepped on a flag, smashed a few windows, robbed a carriage, and cursed you a few times, and you are so angry."

"Then have you ever thought about how many people we killed here and how many things we robbed? What reason do they have not to be angry?"

"Shut up!" Cassiopeia couldn't stand her sister's "gossip".

"Alas..." Catalina stopped trying to persuade her.

She knew that her sister could not accept this reality yet.

Also... Cassiopeia was a traditional Noxian noble lady who was raised in a privileged life.

Her mission in life is to serve the interests of her family. And she has been working hard for this.

Later, she suddenly learned that her father, Duke Kao, the pillar of the family, had surrendered and rebelled.

The Black Rose, the underground aristocratic association she and her mother were loyal to, was also eradicated by Swain.

And her sister not only joined the Leader, but also found a boyfriend from Demacia.

All of this is too difficult to accept.

And now, under the instructions of her father, General Du Cacao, Catalina took the initiative to hand over the ill-gotten gains her family had collected from the Shurima colony to the Wind Leader Association, taking the Wind Leader and The Shurima people ransacked their homes.

"Cassiopeia, I know you will hate me and my father."

"But..." Catalina didn't want to talk about the leader's principles. She knew that Cassiopeia would not listen now.

So, she simply said in the most understandable words for Noxians: "But you have to accept the reality."

"The reality is that Noxus has lost. Commander Swain has officially announced that he has given up the Shurima colony. Uzeris no longer belongs to Noxus, nor does it belong to you."

"As you always say, the weak eat the strong. Now, the Shuriman who are armed with Janna's mind (physics) are the strong ones."

"And you..." Catalina said mercilessly: "You are just a weakling."

Cassiopeia was speechless.

In fact, she understands this.

She knew that she could now leave her home safely as an ordinary person, instead of being caught by the leader as a reactionary model like other evil-doing colonial estate owners, dragged to the square and shot...

That's all thanks to her father and sister who took the plunge early, and thanks to her father, the former colonial governor, who made enough contributions to the peaceful liberation of the northern shore of Shurima.

If not, she wouldn't even have the chance to hand over her family property and actively cooperate with the reform.

It's good to be alive, but what kind of carriage do you need?

The truth is this, but...

"..." Cassiopeia looked at the "fallen" Governor's Palace, her mood still unable to calm down for a long time.

It wasn't just this mansion that she lost.

On the north shore of Shurima, Leader has implemented a "relocation and poverty alleviation" policy similar to Mithril City's.

Every day, a large number of desert tribesmen, under the policy call of the leader, leave the desolate and barren desert and settle down on the north shore of Shurima, which is rich in water and grass.

The food these desert immigrants came here to eat, drink water, live in, and wear clothes were all "kindly provided" by the original Noxian colonists and plantation slave owners.

As the richest people in Uzeris, the Du Cacao family naturally made a huge contribution.

The family businesses that Cassiopeia had worked so hard to manage in the past, including the shops, businesses, warehouses, shipping companies, camel teams, shipping companies, plantations... all the white money was taken away by the leader and scattered. For those Shurima bastards.

Everything she had in the past was in vain.

"Doesn't it feel good to be robbed of your family property?" At this time, her sister was talking about those ugly "rumours" again: "But don't forget, when we robbed the Shurima people, we used very sophisticated methods. It’s a hundred times crueler than this.”

Cassiopeia made no further objections.

But he clenched his fists until veins popped out.

Catalina noticed her actions and stopped trying to persuade her.

She only said: "Cassiopeia, father has already settled in Zaun. Mother also promised to put aside everything in the past and go to Zaun to reunite with her father."

"And I have also submitted an application to the organization and will be transferred to Demacia to work in the future."

"You no longer have a home in Uzeris. So, we all hope that you..."

"Leave me alone!" Cassiopeia frowned with great resistance: "I will not move to Zaun, let alone reunite with that traitor!"

"Then where are you going?" Katarina asked with concern: "Uzeris no longer belongs to you. Are you going back to Noxus?"

Although for unknown reasons, Swain did not liquidate the Kecao family that had surrendered to the leader. Their family's privileges and properties in the empire are still intact.

But no matter what, Noxus is still an empire in name only. As the daughter of a traitor to the empire, it was certainly not convenient for Cassiopeia to return to Noxus.

She can't go back.

If she didn't go to Zaun and start a new life under the new order led by the Wind Leader, she would become a homeless orphan.

"..." Cassiopeia gritted her teeth and said, "It's none of your business!"

"Okay." Katerina took a deep breath.

She knew that her sister was not the kind of delicate young lady who couldn't take care of herself, but a well-trained aristocratic elite.

Let Cassiopeia stay alone in Uzeris, and she can take care of herself.

What's more, the Wind Leader Association was very considerate and left a small fortune to the Kecao family who took the initiative to hand over their property. With this money, Cassiopeia could never starve to death anywhere.

Since she still hates her and her father so much, and hates Zu An and the Wind Leader, then...

"Just stay here alone and think about it. I have to rush to the Demacia branch to report, so I won't be with you much longer." Katarina left a helpless look and turned around to leave. .

Cassiopeia looked at her retreating back coldly without saying a word.

Finally, Caterina stopped and turned back to her: "Cassiopeia, remember..."

"What?" She frowned, looking impatient.

"No matter how much you hate us, never do anything stupid." Catalina said: "Leader has shown enough kindness to our family."

"Change has arrived. If you continue to overestimate your capabilities and stand on the opposite side of the people, you will only be ruthlessly crushed by the wheels of history."

"I..." Cassiopeia clenched her fists but was unable to loosen them: "I know."

Seeing her unwilling but helpless expression, Catalina finally turned around and left with relief.

Cassiopeia stood alone in the noisy street, looking at the governor's mansion in the distance that no longer belonged to her, feeling lost.

She stood there for a long time, and finally, carrying her only property, a small suitcase, like a lost dog, she turned around and staggered toward the hotel.

And just then...

A man stopped her: "Lord Cassiopeia!"

"Sir?" Cassiopeia did not expect that she could still hear such a call.

She turned around and saw that the person coming was an acquaintance of hers, a large manor owner from Noxus.

Well...the former owner of a large estate.

"Is it you?" Cassiopeia was no longer able to maintain the social etiquette of a noble lady. She sneered and asked, "You weren't hanged?"

"Yes, I ran away before the leader came." The manor owner was not angry either.

He paused slightly and said emphatically: "Someone saved me."

"Oh?" Cassiopeia was really curious: "Who dares to save people from the hands of the leader?"

"The leader is not invincible." The manor owner replied mysteriously: "We are not afraid of them."

"You?" Cassiopeia frowned: "Who are you?"

The manor owner shook his head cautiously: "I can't tell you until you go to our place."

"I can only tell you now. We are all the same as you, victims of the damn leader who shamelessly took over the family property and are eager to take back everything that originally belonged to us."

"That is...a group of homeless dogs?" Cassiopeia interrupted angrily.

She didn't want to continue playing charades anymore. So she simply asked: "Then what do you want from me? I am as embarrassed as you are now, how can I help you?"

"No, no, no, Lord Cassiopeia, you are not a lost dog." The owner of the manor said, "I know that you have been operating in Uzeris for a long time and you have many back-ups."

"You mean, the private soldiers I raised in the desert?" Cassiopeia smiled.

indeed. As a former member of the Black Rose and a precocious conspirator, she would have reservations even about her own father.

Except for the family business apparently run by her. She also cultivated her own secret force outside of Uzeris, a group of dead soldiers who were absolutely loyal to her and did her dirty work.


"What's the use of this?" Cassiopeia instantly stopped smiling.

Private soldiers cost money to maintain. Her family's property has been confiscated, so how can she get the money to continue to maintain the loyalty of these dead soldiers?

Just relying on her small hidden treasury, I am afraid that within a few months, these so-called dead warriors will ruthlessly abandon her as the master.

Of course, the most important thing is:

"You don't even have your own army, and you still want me to help you do things for you..." Cassiopeia felt that her IQ had been insulted:

"Then where do you get the confidence to clamor to be an enemy of the leader?"

The leader is backed by a goddess.

With this little strength, how dare you show up.

If she didn't really hate the leader, she would have wanted to report these idiots to the leader and strive for meritorious service.

"Go away!" She waved her hand angrily: "You want to die yourself, don't drag me into the water!"

"No, Lord Cassiopeia." The manor owner still looked serious: "We are also old acquaintances."

"Do you think I'm such a stupid person who doesn't know what I'm capable of?"

"This..." Cassiopeia looked stunned.

She looked over seriously this time, looking at this ordinary little Noxian noble who was weaker than herself. dare this guy?

"What cards do you have?" Cassiopeia asked straight to the point.

"We have the blessing of the Lord." I saw a flash of fanaticism in the eyes of the little noble: "The great Lord will eventually come to Runeterra, kill the false gods who have stolen this place, and regain our lost home for us!"

"Stop, stop..." Cassiopeia interrupted again angrily.

She said helplessly: "Idiot, you didn't believe the Prophet's Order from Monan, did you? The leader's newspapers have already exposed it. This Prophet's Order is simply the vest of the Void Force!"

No matter how much she hated the Wind Leader, she would never seek refuge in the void.

And take back their homeland... It would be nice if the void didn't annihilate them with their bones, but how could it help them take back their homeland?

"No, no, no." The owner of the manor quickly explained: "We are not the Prophet's Order. Our Lord is not Void either."

"Our Church, our Lord... comes from Noxus, from our homeland."

"Ha, I don't care who your master is." Cassiopeia sneered: "If she is really capable, she will deal with Janna herself!"

"This is exactly what she will do." The manor owner was not discouraged: "It's just that we still need to make some preparations before she comes."

"It won't be long before the light of the Lord shines on this land. The fog of eternal life will envelope the entire Runeterra, for us..."

"That's enough!" Cassiopeia didn't want to listen anymore.

This is probably some unknown evil god secretly recruiting followers under the guise of helping to fight against the Wind Leader.

Reason told her that this kind of evil god of unknown origin should be kept as far away as possible.

So she turned around and left.

"But are you really willing?" The owner of the manor stopped her with one sentence: "Are you really willing to lose everything, are you willing to be reduced from a noble to a commoner, are you willing to let those lowly Shurima slaves become the masters, see you You have to put a smile on your face and call them 'comrade'?"

Cassiopeia's steps faltered.

Of course she wasn't willing to give in. How could she be willing to do so!

"This is your only chance, my lord." The owner of the manor said earnestly: "Go to our church and have a look."

He looked at the leader warrior patrolling not far away with some caution and said, "Only when I get there can I explain everything to you with confidence."

Cassiopeia was silent for a while.

Finally, she asked, "How many people are there in your church?"

"I don't know for sure. It is said that there are already tens of thousands of people."

"Ten thousand people?" Cassiopeia immediately questioned: "If all the surviving noble lords on the north shore of Shurima were tied together, I'm afraid there wouldn't be tens of thousands of people, right?"

"Because our base camp is in Noxus. The church in Shurima Colony is just a new branch we established overseas."

"You have branches like this all over the world?"

"Yes. The fog of immortality will envelope the entire Rune Land. And this requires many people to pay for it."

Cassiopeia pondered again. Then she asked, "Where are you taking me?"

"Not far away, just inside Uzeris City." The manor owner said.

"Under the leader's nose? Haha, you are so brave..." Cassiopeia's eyes were filled with emotion.

Nowadays, the streets are full of people who are leading the way, which gives people a sense of security. Although her skills are far inferior to Katarina, she is not weak.

So she took one last look at the Governor's Palace where she once lived.

The leader's blue bird flag has been hoisted on the Governor's Palace. The slaves stood below and cheered excitedly.

Cassiopeia was silent for a moment, and finally nodded slowly: "Let's go, take me to get to know your Lord."

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