Demacia, on the outskirts of the capital city.

After the destruction of the Forbidden Demon Faction nobles headed by Eldred, only the Royal Faction nobles remained in Demacia.

Then the royal family and nobles naturally split into two factions.

One faction is the progressive faction that openly advocates maintaining the status quo and stability, and secretly assists the leaders in peaceful transition;

One faction is the reactionary faction that insists on fighting the leaders to the end and resolutely opposes rent and interest reductions and the emancipation of serfs.

The power of the goddess Janna is now well known to the world.

At this time, I was still thinking about the people who were enemies of the leader. They were either die-hards who were determined to maintain the privileges of the nobility, or they were sinners who had too many sins on their hands and had to resist to the end because they were afraid of liquidation.

In short, they are the most conservative, reactionary, and filthy and evil group of people among the nobility.

This group of people had been shouting about "the rise and fall of the kingdom in one fell swoop", advocating "laughing away grudges" with the old enemy Noxus, and advocating uniting all the nobles in the world to fight to the death with the leader.

The Kingdom of Demacia will peacefully hand over power to the leader in the future. These people are the biggest obstacles to this smooth transition plan.

In the past, Prince Jarvan and the Crownguard family spent a lot of effort to barely suppress these opposing voices and maintain Demacia's internal stability.

it's good now...

The good news is that these reactionary nobles have collectively gone to see Mordekaiser, and they can no longer threaten the peace of Demacia.

The bad news is, Demacia is almost gone.

"Damn it, these damn insects!" Looking at the army of undead all over the wilderness, the two brothers Prince Jiawen and Galen couldn't help but cursed angrily.

They all wanted to kill Mitna Rachen, and torture those reactionary nobles who were so mad that they led Mordekaiser and betrayed all their fellow humans.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Although Prince Jiawen and others received advance warning of the attack, due to the lack of time and limited information, the suicide attack by the Underworld Leading Party was ultimately successful.

The leading party opened a road to the underworld for their master at the cost of their own lives, each in the Xiongdu in the center of the kingdom and Mithril City in the north of the kingdom.

On the other side of Mithril City, the German mage army led by Lux, the knights of the Crown Guard family, the workers' armed militia, and the Freljord people supported by Frostport were responsible for the resistance.

Compared with the Mi Silver City battlefield, the war pressure in Xiongdu seems to be much smaller on paper.

After all, Demacia's national artifact Galio is now in the capital;

The main force of the powerful army of the Kingdom of Demacia, the Eastern Expeditionary Force directly under Prince Jarvan, the German Forbidden Army commanded by Xin Zhao, and the Fearless Vanguard Army commanded by the Crownguard family are now gathered in Wangji.

Plus Prince Jarvan's dragon girlfriend...

It was really a good general with thousands of soldiers, millions of armors, strong soldiers and horses, and invincible. When Noxus saw it, they would say invincible.


"Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow!"

Prince Jiawen shouted such an order with all his strength for an unknown number of times, and even his voice seemed a little hoarse.

Demacia's most elite archers worked hard to unstring their bows and set their arrows. They gritted their teeth and stabilized their trembling shoulders and arms despite the exhausted sweat that they had no time to wipe off, and finally fired a few more rounds. Rain of arrows.

The bows and arrows fired by the elite German soldiers were more terrifying than the large-caliber bullets fired by the Hex rifles.

The rune steel arrowheads cast from the Forbidden Demon Stone are even more deadly to the undead who have lost their physical bodies and can only maintain their physical existence with magic power.

I saw the pure white forbidden magic arrows whizzing through the air, and falling to the ground like a sudden rain.

The dead body fell in pieces like wheat, and then collapsed and disappeared under the penetration, tearing and absorption of the forbidden demon arrow.

But it makes no sense.

The number of undead is endless and it is impossible to kill them all.

The raging torrent of death was just a pause, and spread in all directions like an unstoppable prairie fire.

"How many forbidden magic arrows have we lost?" Prince Jiawen asked eagerly to those around him.

"It's almost used up." Galen replied solemnly: "It can support up to eight rounds of volleys."

"And not only are the Forbidden Demon Arrows missing, our Forbidden Demon Stones are almost running out."

Just like the people of the Twin Cities opened their minds under the shadow of war and discovered that cheap alchemical fuel was a powerful weapon against the undead army, the Demacians also opened their minds under the huge defense pressure and discovered the best weapon to restrain the undead— —

That is the forbidden magic stone.

Since the undead are also considered magical creatures, they can no longer maintain their spiritual existence without their magic power.

Then they simply use the Forbidden Demon Stone to build a wall around the dimensional passage, and use this artificial Forbidden Demon Barrier to trap the undead in the middle. Will they be able to block this dimensional passage once and for all?

The idea is beautiful, but the actual results are very limited.

The Forbidden Demon Stone can indeed absorb the power of the undead, destroy the enemy's spirit body, and block the advance of this wave of death.

But Demacians have never realized in the past that the Forbidden Magic Stone is actually a rechargeable "magic battery", and as long as it is a battery, it can always be recharged...

Ordinary mages are unable to fully charge the battery, but the number and magic power of the undead are so huge that it is despairing.

"The reserves of forbidden magic stones in Xiongdu's treasury have now been exhausted."

"The people in the rear are already thinking of ways to demolish the palace wall, but I'm afraid they have no time to send those forbidden magic stone bricks to the front line before the barrier is breached."

"After all..." Galen looked solemnly at the battlefield ahead.

That high white wall, winding like the Great Wall, tightly trapping the undead army in the middle, was the leader and the German soldiers who used their lives to stop the spread of the undead army and bought time for everyone...

It was finally created with the concerted efforts of thousands of German soldiers, and even countless nearby people who came to help voluntarily under the organization of the leader, and built a high wall on the ground between life and death. A miracle for mankind.

But now, this magic-forbidden barrier is rapidly failing.

The undead flooded the white wall like waves constantly crashing on a dike.

They used this suicidal charge to hit the stone barrier made of the Forbidden Demon Stone again and again, dispersing a large amount of souls into infinite magic power, and continuously injecting it into the Forbidden Demon Stone.

As a result, section after section of the magic-forbidden stone barrier was filled with magic power and lost its effectiveness, like a sponge full of water, which could no longer stop the impact of the undead wave.

The soldiers could only work tirelessly to replace the failed walls with more forbidden magic stones, while doing their best to fire bows, crossbows and artillery stones to stop the impact of the undead army.

But manpower is limited and the undead are endless. As time goes by, this barrier will eventually be broken.

"Our Forbidden Magic Stone is no longer enough. Even Galio..."

If the ordinary forbidden magic stone is a "magic battery", then Galio is a "magic Gundam".

Not only can he absorb magic power, but he can also output energy. With an army of undead constantly charging him, in theory he is a perpetual motion machine that cannot be killed or tired.


"War Gangfeng!"

"Colossus Strike!"

"Justice Punch!"

"..." I saw Galio running rampant on that battlefield, just like bathing in water, killing with great pleasure.

With his towering body like a mountain, every time he punches and flaps his wings, he can destroy countless undead souls.

"Duran Shield!" Galio's charged shield magic, as well as the special taunting effect it comes with, is a surefire way to stop the enemy's offensive.

For a time, countless undead were restrained by his taunting magic, stopped attacking, and gathered towards him.

But this still doesn't stop the enemy. No matter how powerful Galio is, he only has one person, but the undead are endless.

These undead just flooded up one after another, slashing with knives, slashing with axes, and tearing apart with hands. Such weak physical attacks were like ants eating, gradually breaking through Galio's defense.

What's more, there are also many elite death knights among the undead. They all regarded Galio as their number one enemy, and they roared toward the giant like a swarm of locusts devouring the world.

"Hiss—" Then Galio felt pain that he had never felt before.

Only then did he realize that the stone man could also be injured.

The white jade body carefully carved by Master Durang has been eaten by the undead and is pitted and broken, as if it has been corroded by alchemical acid.

Galio finally couldn't hold on any longer and fluttered his wings in weakness and flew into the sky.

But the arrows shot by the undead missed, and some necromancers who knew how to fly still clung to him tightly.

The loss of Galio's large-scale taunting magic has allowed countless undead to get rid of this biggest restraint, causing the pressure on the German soldiers to suddenly double.

"The barrier defense line will soon be unable to hold up." Galen sighed.

Jiawen also secretly clenched his fist and accepted this terrible fact.

Tens of ammunition and arrows were lost, and the Forbidden Demon Stone was exhausted. Even Galio, the sacred weapon of the country, was unable to continue fighting.

Then what else can they rely on to guard this barrier?

"Jarvan." Garen slowly raised his storm sword.

No need for many words. The look in his eyes that looked at death said it all.

Without guns, cannons, and the protection of gods, they can only rely on their flesh and blood to block this last line of defense.

They must persist until more Forbidden Demon Stones are brought to the front line, and until Janna wins victory for them.

"This..." Prince Jiawen hesitated.

It's not that he's afraid of death.

Mainly the oracle of the goddess Janna, in addition to telling everyone to "hold firm", also emphasized that they should try not to die.

If a leader dies, the goddess Janna will lose some power.

And if the leaders all engage in hand-to-hand combat, the bloody melee combat like a meat grinder will definitely cause massive casualties.

But even so, Prince Jiawen's hesitation only lasted for a moment.

Because he has no choice.

"Demacia..." Prince Jarvan muttered the name of his motherland silently and looked back at the endless wilderness.

This vast and fertile land was the foundation on which the Kingdom of Demacia was able to establish itself in troubled times.

The Imperial City of Xiongdu is located in the center of this huge plain, a fertile and fertile land with the most developed economy and the most densely populated area.

And this means...

The population density here is extremely high, and countless civilians cannot evacuate in time.

There is still a vast plain here, and there is no danger to defend.

So it's different from Zaun and Piltover. The twin cities are surrounded by uninhabited seas and mountains, and the only thing that needs to be defended is the city.

But what the Demacians need to defend is this entire vast land.

They must not let the undead break through the forbidden magic barrier. Otherwise, no matter which direction the enemies surge in, from east to west, from north to south, in all directions, countless creatures will be exterminated.

These undead are like the forest fire that has started a prairie fire. Once it breaks through the isolation zone that was finally established, it will no longer be controlled by the firefighters.

Therefore, firefighters can only face the fire.

The leader of the wind can only regard death as home and block the sea of ​​the dead with his flesh and blood.

"The whole army obeys the order -" Prince Jiawen held the military flag in his hand and shouted loudly.

He took a decisive step forward and walked in front of everyone.

"Leader, come out!"

Prince Jiawen directly called out the name of the leader.

Anyway, the various troops stationed in Xiongdu have long been infiltrated into the activity center of Demacia's leader. Not to mention the per capita leader, but also the per capita investor.

And the nobles of the anti-Janna war faction have all killed themselves in order to lead the way for Mordekaiser.

Therefore, Prince Jiawen simply stopped acting.

"It's from the leader, follow me first!"

He and Galen stepped forward side by side, seeing that they were about to embark on the battlefield of life and death. And when:

"Wait!" An old general in full armor came hurriedly on horseback accompanied by the guards of the Forbidden Army.

Prince Jiawen looked up and realized that this was not the old general present, but:

"Father?" The person coming was none other than King Jiawen.

After the "Magic Dragon Change", the old king left all the affairs of the country to his son, became the de facto emperor, and lived a life of early retirement.

This time the undead invaded, it was Prince Jiawen who took charge of the overall situation.

Although the old king also put on a military uniform and rushed to the scene with the Imperial Guards led by Xin Zhao, he only acted as a humanoid war totem who gave the soldiers the "Conquest" buff and cheered them up. .

"Father, what can you do?" Prince Jiawen asked in confusion.

The old king didn't hesitate at all and said directly: "Let me go first, child."

"You?" Prince Jiawen shrank.

"Yes, let me lead the guards first." The old king said seriously.

Although his face is old, his muscles are no longer full and strong. But there was still a firm fighting spirit in his eyes, as if he was still the heroic king galloping on the battlefield.

"Goddess Janna needs you. You, the leader of the wind, cannot die yet."

"If someone must die, then let me, the King of Demacia..." As he said that, the old king looked at General Xin Zhao, who was loyally waiting beside him, and the resolute-looking Imperial Guard soldiers:

"Let us Demacia warriors fight this first battle!"

"Father..." Prince Jiawen looked complicated.

But he still decisively refused: "No, let us go first. We are the leader, and the leader should rush in front."

"That's enough!" the old king interrupted angrily.

He pulled out the sword he had not used for many years and shouted: "The leader of the wind is not afraid of death, are the Demacians afraid of death?"

"Selfless dedication and heroic sacrifice are not the exclusive preserve of your leaders!"

"When I led my warriors to fight the Noxians to the death, your President Levi might not even have been born yet!"

The old king is still not the leader.

But as he said, the spirit of sacrifice is not an exclusive invention of leaders.

Demacia has never lacked warriors to defend its homeland, nor has it lacked soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for their country. This ancient kingdom can continue to this day, relying on them.

"You are not the only leaders who are qualified to be heroes." The old king looked at Prince Jarvan firmly: "We in Demacia have never been short of heroes!"


"Let me go first, kid."

"I am the king of Demacia, and I swore to protect this land."

"Also." His eyes quietly softened: "Don't forget..."

"I'm still a dad."

Prince Jiawen: "..."

Looking at his father's vicissitudes of life, he, who was usually honest and reckless, felt his eyes wet with emotion.

"Xin Zhao." The old king passed his son and stood at the front.

"Here!" Xin Zhao followed silently. And standing far behind him were thousands of Imperial Guard soldiers who were waiting in full formation.

They were about to head off to the battlefield before their eyes, rushing towards the torrent of undead.

"Wait!" This time, it was Prince Jiawen who stopped them.

The old king came back to his senses with a complex expression, and saw Prince Jiawen looking at him firmly: "Father, let us, the leader, go first."

"Shut up!" The old king refused arrogantly: "I told you, this is Demacia!"

"Demacia has no shortage of heroes! We don't need your leaders here!"

"Father," Prince Jarvan said unmoved, "Demacia has no shortage of heroes, but there has never been a hero who could accomplish great things alone without being separated from the people."

"You say you are the hero of Demacia, but can you go to the battlefield alone?"

"No...these Guards soldiers behind you. They also have their own thoughts and beliefs."

"You think the Demacians should go first and let the Wind Leader hide behind, but what about them?"

"Of course they followed me voluntarily!" the old king said angrily.

"There are no cowards among my soldiers. Behind them now is the motherland, their home and relatives. Thousands of creatures need to be saved, how can Demacia's warriors back down?"

"No, father." Prince Jiawen shook his head: "I am not saying that your soldiers are timid."

"I mean, they don't necessarily agree with your decision to keep the leader in the back."

"Aren't you still questioning their fear of death and their daring to climb first?" the old king said tit for tat.

"No, I mean..." Prince Jarvan said: "The reason why they won't support your idea of ​​letting the Wind Leader hide behind is:"

"They themselves are the leaders!"

With that said, Prince Jiawen summoned his own thread of faith.

The soldiers of the Imperial Guard also showed their faith and summoned countless sparkling threads.

"Father, you see." Prince Jiawen said solemnly: "Most of them are leaders."

The old king's argument of letting the Germans advance first, allowing the leader to die less, and contributing more strength to Janna, is simply not true.

Unless he can go to the battlefield alone and be a general without soldiers.

Otherwise, both sides are leaders, no matter who is the leader.

"..." The old king was silent.

As a retired old man who is indifferent to worldly affairs, he really didn't notice that the proportion of leaders in the Guards Corps was already so high.

Prince Jarvan was right, there was no need for him to go, and his sacrifice would not reduce the casualties of the Wind Leader.

Even if he becomes this hero, he is also the hero supported by the leaders with their lives.

"But is this a matter of not being a hero?!" Looking at his silly son with an honest face, the old king was very annoyed.

Did he come out just to be a hero and to be remembered in history?

No. He just knew that if he didn't go up, his stupid son would definitely be the first to go up.

"Bastard!" As he said, the old king couldn't help but cursed: "Those guards soldiers are willing to die with me, why do you have to point it out——"

"Wouldn't it be better for me to die as a hero and let you continue to live as the child of a human hero instead of the last prince of a corrupt royal family?"

Prince Jarvan's answer was concise yet powerful: "Because I am the leader."

"Leader of the Wind! Leader of the Wind! You are so obsessed with chanting sutras and demons that you even give up your humanity for the sake of faith!" The old king became more and more impatient.

But Prince Jiawen said: "I am not only the leader."

"Father, don't forget..."

"I'm still a son."

Old King: "..."

There was a brief silence.

The forbidden magic stones used to repair the barrier are finally exhausted, and the undead army is finally about to break through this crumbling high barrier.

"Father, see you after victory." Prince Jiawen left a tall figure behind his father.

Then, under the gaze of all the leaders and German soldiers, he jumped towards the sea of ​​the dead:

"For Janna—"

"For the family!"

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