Feng Chuge and Di Juechen finally embarked on their return journey.

This time I stayed on Longevity Island for nearly ten days. Although it was not long, I had experienced too much.

When I went back, the ship had been exchanged, and there was no problem.

The West Sea, without Xuanwu lurking, did not seem so calm. The boat was ups and downs on the waves along the way, until finally, after a whole day and night, it finally reached the coast.

When they arrived at the coast, the two realized that this coast was no longer as lively as when they came here before, and the surrounding area was lifeless.

At this time, it was noon.

When Feng Chuge and Di Juechen came here before, they rented a carriage and left it at the boat rental place not far away.

The boat rental place is still there, but there is no business.

"Brother, why is the business here so bleak?" Feng Chuge stepped forward, looked at the man renting a boat, and asked.

After the man heard the voice, he raised his eyes to look at Feng Chuge, extremely surprised. "girl……"

With that said, he turned his head to look at Di Juechen who was on the side. "It's really you, you are back?"

"What's wrong?" Feng Chuge asked in surprise.

"One night ten days ago, a monster appeared on the west sea. Don't you know? After that day, almost all the boats turned back, and you were the only ones who didn't come back. I thought, something happened to you. .”

Listening to the man's words, Feng Chuge frowned slightly.

Ten days ago, it was the night when Xuanwu appeared.

She smiled. "Well, we're fine. But why is the West Sea so gloomy now?"

"Hey, it's just that a monster appeared ten days ago. I heard that someone died. Many people are afraid to come here. My business has also plummeted."

Feng Chuge nodded clearly.

Also, if something happened to Xihai, who else would dare to come?

However, her Xuanwu is really not a monster!

Feng Chuge took the carriage, she and Di Juechen exchanged glances, and then jumped into the carriage one after another!

Right now, they are going to Yuntian Academy, and then go to Tiandi Mansion to find Biluo and save Biluo!

And that cloud...

From this moment on, all wars have officially begun! !


The return of Feng Chuge caused quite a stir in Yuntian Academy.

After disappearing for half a month, no one knew where she had gone. They only knew that after her wedding, she had never been seen in Sky Academy again.

Ever since Feng Chuge killed Feng Yuanhang on the day of the wedding, Feng Chuge has become a bit more majestic in the hearts of everyone, and no one dares to provoke Feng Chuge. On the other hand, everyone wants to take a closer look at this woman, this legend.

After returning to Yuntian College, Di Jinglian went to Feng Chuge's yard almost immediately. "Brother, sister-in-law, you are all back, you are almost dying of anxiety."

For more than ten days, Di Jinglian couldn't eat well, and couldn't sleep well.

What happened in the West Sea that day had already caused a sensation in the entire Yuntian Continent.

Others may not know the whereabouts of Feng Chuge and Di Juechen, but she knows it clearly.

Di Jinglian knew very well that the night when the accident happened in Xihai was the night when Feng Chuge and Di Juechen went out to sea! These days, because of worrying about Feng Chuge and Di Juechen's comfort, Di Jinglian has lost a lot of weight!

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