Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei

Chapter 379: Wuyuan Pavilion

Qianqing Palace.

Li Xiu stood before the table, his eyes fixed on a sketch on the table for a long time.

Above the sketch, a few lines of small characters are also clearly visible.

The Ministry of War, the Commander's Mansion of the Five Armies, and the Wuyuan Pavilion.

The Ministry of War and the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies are naturally fixed institutions.

The Ministry of War is in charge of military deployment, logistics, food and weapons, and promotion and selection of generals...

The Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies is in charge of commanding the army, in charge of army drills, and the management of military households in the garrison.

The functions of the two are very clear, and they are a mutually restraining and complementary existence.

Although at the end of Ming Dynasty, the power of the two was completely out of balance.

But at the beginning, the two were completely balanced. If it weren't for the magical operation of Zhu Hemen, an international student, even if the Ming Dynasty emphasized literature over martial arts, it would never have been reduced to the point of being noble and military.

This situation did not slowly change until Li Xiu took charge of the Beijing Army. Until now, the power of the Ministry of War has been occupied.

The power to deploy troops was gone, the logistical power was gone, and the personnel power was gone, all of which were firmly in Li Xiu's hands.

But now, after so many wars led by martial arts, military reforms that have been initially completed, and even the most important change of dynasties, at least in the north, the inertial thinking of the noble and the military has been reversed a lot.

Although it is a good thing to have power over oneself, it is obviously not a long-term solution for a country.

He, Li Xiu, was not the Duke of Qin who only had to take care of his own land, but the king who ruled the world.

A perfect system is the foundation of longevity.

With the rise of military merit and relying on the army, Li Xiu naturally understands the army as a violent machine.

It is precisely because of this thoroughness that Li Xiu can take a longer-term view, and also has the appearance of the third party, the Wuyuan Pavilion, in addition to the Ministry of War and the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies and the Ministry of War, one has the power to control the military and the other has the power to adjust the military. As long as the two are in parallel, it will undoubtedly ensure the balance of civil and military affairs and the stability of the army.

In this way, there are checks and balances, and there is stability. What Li Xiu considers is the professionalism of the army and the maintenance of combat effectiveness.

The commander-in-chief of the five armies, although they did not have the right to deploy troops, is undoubtedly under the command of their individual will, and a chief general is the heaven of that army.

Knowing only the generals, but not the emperor of the imperial court, is an extremely common thing in this era.

Moreover, it is undoubtedly a risky thing to decide the success or failure of an army based on the wiseness of one person.

One general is incompetent, and the three armies are exhausted. This kind of thing has been common throughout the ages.

No matter how rigorous the promotion evaluation system is, it cannot ensure that every general is a peerless general. Even if the Beijing army he created with one hand, most of them can only be said to be barely usable.

After all, the phenomenon of bad money driving out good money is not uncommon in the military. There are always many people who rely on seniority and hard work to get promoted. Over time, these mediocre talents will always climb to the top. , He can't stop this kind of thing, he can only try his best to keep mediocre talents in the five army governor's mansion.

In this way, the scene where the generals are incompetent and exhausted to the death of the three armies will undoubtedly appear due to a little carelessness.

Even if luck is good and there is no war, under the leadership of this mediocrity, the combat effectiveness of the army can naturally be imagined.

Moreover, the most important thing is that today's army is already in a special stage of converting from cold weapons to hot weapons.

With the regularization and gradual advancement of weapons such as guns and artillery, the literacy of soldiers and generals is also much higher than before.

The form of war is also much more complicated!

Under such circumstances, Li Xiu is more inclined to work together and brainstorm ideas than the commander-in-chief's decision represented by personal will!

Three cobblers are Zhuge Liang, even if they are mediocre, the decision made by a few mediocre talents is much better than the decision made by individual will.

To be precise, he wanted to integrate the military advisers and staff members who had been in the military for thousands of years into a formal institution that was independent of the five military governors and the Ministry of War.

Wuyuan Pavilion is equivalent to the staff system of later generations!

The general staff is formed by the imperial court, and then the lower-level staff is formed in each department, up to the grassroots level.

It is equivalent to the staff and strategists who originally had to be hired by individual generals out of their own pockets.

The Ministry of Armed Forces dispatches troops, ordnance logistics, food distribution, officer selection and award, the commander-in-chief of the five armies, and the daily army management.

The General Staff Department is responsible for organizing daily drills and drills, making war plans and combat preparations, and during wartime is responsible for combat plans, and controls the overall situation of the war.

In this way, the General Staff Department is equivalent to the brain center of the violent machine of the army, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies is equivalent to the trunk, hands and feet responsible for implementation.

And the Ministry of War is to tie the reins of this killing giant.

The Five Armies Commander's Office and the Ministry of War already have a complete and strict system, and they only need to be slowly cleaned up and adjusted.

Only the General Staff can not be perfected overnight.

In order for the General Staff to play the role of the army's brain, naturally it is not something that can be done by posing in Wuyuan Pavilion, but through this military reform, the staff system must be implemented into all the army.

Moreover, it also requires a complete and rigorous talent training system, and a long period of institutional adaptation and adjustment.

Moreover, even if all of these are completed, in a short period of time, the General Staff will not be able to break the inertia of the commander-in-chief's decision-making for thousands of years and become the center of the army's mind.

This is by no means his one military order, one will to accomplish.

What he can do is to improve the staff system, plant this seed in the army, and then water it frequently. In the end, whether it can grow up and become the center of the army's brain depends on the staff system itself.

Just like the previous cabinet.

After all, rights...are earned.

Now, what he has given Wuyuan Pavilion is the right to consult military affairs, to be precise, the right to handle political affairs as an assistant to the cabinet at the beginning, and to give opinions.

Staff military, and then give solutions.

Only with facts to prove that the staff system and the opinions given are usable and can be of great use.

Only with the fact that it has been proven time and time again, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can slowly let the staff system gain a firm foothold in the military, instead of being mere formality and superficiality.

With all kinds of thoughts flowing, Li Xiu slowly picked up the stack of memorials on the side of the desk. The books on it were all battle plans submitted by the Wuyuan Pavilion staff.

It was also his first war proposition for Wuyuan Pavilion.

If the Mongolian Houjin unite and kowtow to Daheng, how should Daheng react?

It has to be said that, at least, the group of Wuyuan Pavilion staff members he has selected are all talents with real materials.

These staff officers were all middle and upper-level generals of various ministries, and naturally knew the troops of each ministry very well. Coupled with the training of the martial arts academy, its military literacy has been enhanced, and the existence of highly professional students in the martial arts engineering department.

This war plan alone has proved that Wuyuan Pavilion is now a fairly professional and regular military think tank.

Li Xiu is quite looking forward to whether it can be transformed from a simple think tank into a staff agency that can influence decision-making.

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